
By beynikaoutsold

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Duality refers to two parts, often completely opposite. Onika and Beyoncé go to a prestigious college-they b... More



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By beynikaoutsold

Onika Tanya Maraj

Onika walked into the coffee shop a little nervously and immediately seemed out the person she was looking for.

"Oni!" She heard and she turned around toward one of the booths and saw Kelly and Michelle waving at her.

Onika smiled and made her way towards them sliding in the booth, "You good Onika?" Michelle asked and she hated how quick they realized how nervous she was.

"I—Its—nothing." Onika mumbled and Kelly and Michelle looked at each other.

"I doubt that. Cmon' we're friends. Talk to us. Or me, I give the better advice." Kelly said grinning and Michelle crossed her arms.

"That's a whole ass lie." Michelle said and she directed her attention back to Onika.

"Did Beyoncé hurt your feelings again? I can slap her real hard for ya—or call Mama Tina on her ass." Michelle said.

"Or was it Robyn? She just be talking and talking and not realizing she needs to shut the fuck up at times." Kelly said and Onika smiled at how much they seemed to care.

"I—well..there's this—guy.." Onika started and was cut off by the other two.

"Ooooh." They said in sync.

"Is he hot?" Michelle asked immediately and Kelly dismissed her.

"That doesn't matter—is he nice to you? Cares about your interest?" Kelly asked taking Onikas hand.

"That's cool—but is he hot? And willing to buy you dinner? Or expensive gifts?" Michelle asked and Kelly groaned.

"See why I said I give better advice?" Kelly mumbled and Michelle scoffed.

"W-Why would—any of that matter?" Onika asked and Michelle scrunched her face up.

"I mean a nigga gotta peak my interest for me to wanna give him head." Michelle said and Kelly groaned loudly, proceeding to slap Michelle's neck.

"Oh my god please ignore her Onika." Kelly mumbled shaking her head and Onikas eyes were stuck wide.

She immediately starting shaking her head and hands. "No! N-No I—I've never even—I've n-never.." Onika stuttered and eventually just looked down.

Kelly and Michelle looked at each other before looking at Onika. Kelly leaned in, "Michelle can be really blunt and explicit—along with annoying." Kelly mumbled and Michelle rolled her eyes.

"I—I've never even..done..that." Onika mumbled.

Kelly's eyes widened, "I wouldn't recommend it—head ain't even all that, especially when the nigga think he can just let it out in your mouth—" Kelly cut Michelle off.

"Michelle please shut up for the love of God." Kelly said putting her head in her hands.

She sighed and looked back up at Onika, "Onika—you've never had..?" Kelly asked without trying to ask and Onika shook her head profoundly.

"Oh—" Kelly slapped Michelle again. "Ow! I ain't even say shit yet nigga." Michelle said rubbing her neck.

Kelly looked back at Onika, "Nothings wrong with that. Right Michelle?" Kelly gritted out and Michelle nodded.

"On a serious note—nothings wrong with it. I shouldn't had assumed you liked the guy." Michelle said rubbing her sore neck.

"You can like someone without thinking of sex. Do you like this guy?" Kelly asked and Onika wasn't sure.

"I—I didn't even think of him that way before you guys said that. I—I agreed on going out with him this Saturday without really knowing if I wanted to go out with him..I just assumed it was as..."

"Friends?" Kelly asked and Onika nodded.

"I—I don't think he'd like me." Onika mumbled and Kelly and Michelle scoffed.

"Why wouldn't he?" Michelle asked before going on, "I mean no college guy walks up to a girl and asks if she wants to go out the weekend as friends." Michelle said.

"That's not true. But It's not common. But why wouldn't he like you? You're cute." Kelly said.

"You're pretty smart too." Michelle added.

"And you're super into art—that's cool as hell." Kelly said.

Onika smiled a bit, "T-Thanks yall it's just—I—I.." Onika didn't know how to say it. She looked up at a curious Kelly and Michelle.  She wanted to tell them she had autism but she had the same fear of their reactions as she did with Safarees.

She was scared they wouldn't like her anymore.

"You can tell us, we're cool. We also know how to keep a secret." Michelle said sliding into the same side as her and nudging Onika.

She was nervous and she just shook her head, and kept it down. Michelle looked over to a nervous Kelly.

"Is it like..serious?" Michelle asked and Onika nodded, "Well I just crossed pregnant off the list." Michelle mumbled and Kelly wouldve smacked her again if she could.

"It's—nothing. I'm just—scared maybe he wants to like talk—to me about—stuff I know nothing about."Onika said. She wasn't lying but it wasn't the thing she wanted to tell them.

"Well.. are you at-least interested in him? He may be interested in you if he's offering to take you out somewhere. Conversation are no biggie. Infact I kinda just say words to form sentences and hope I don't say anything stupid." Michelle said proudly and kelly groaned.

"I—I don't know. Am I supposed to be interested in him?"Onika asked concerned and Kelly shook her head.

"No! Of course not. He could be another..Abel! Abel's our guy friend and he's chill. Maybe he just wants to genuinely be friends. Hang out with him, he sounds sweet. Where did he invite you out to?" Kelly asked.

"A—a cafe with artist. They apparently preform on certain nights.." She said and Kelly and Michelle made sure to "Oooh" again in sync.

"Go out with him! That sounds right up your alley." Michelle said nudging her and Onika smiled a bit as her nerves calmed.

"Yeah I—I'll go with him." Onika decided and she saw the excitement on Michelle and Kelly's faces.

"Oooh! Okay we aren't going to force you to give us details—" Kelly started off and Michelle cut her off.

"Who's we? I want all the details." Michelle cut in and Kelly rolled her eyes, "Ignore her. But as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted—you should totally tell us who this guy is when you're ready." Kelly said and Onika nodded.

"I—I will.." Onika said nervously and Michelle hooked their arms together.

"Okay, is it a cafe or a bar? Or a cafe that serves liquor? If so don't take no drink that's not directly from a waiter." Michelle said and Onika nodded listening to her.

"I—I can't even drink yet." Onika mumbled.

Michelle shrugged, "Rule still applies." She said.

"Finally you give some good, useful—advice." Kelly said groaning and Onika was getting more nervous and nervous thinking about this Saturday.

"Do you need something to wear?" Kelly asked and Onika wasn't even thinking of that.

"D-Do I need to wear something nice? Oh God.." She mumbled putting her hands over her face.

"Hey—we could do this movie style." Michelle said and Onika was a little confused.

"We could—follow you on your date? Just watch him—make sure he doesn't try anything funny—I think it's comforting knowing your friends are n the vicinity." Michelle said looking at Kelly.

"That is a terrible movie trope—but Im definitely on board of course." Kelly said grinning and Onika laughed a bit.

"I—I wouldn't mind? I would—actually appreciate it.." Onika mumbled and Michelle and Kelly tried to contain their excitement.

"Yay! Full house style!" Michelle said happily.

"Did they do this on Full house? I think it was Zach and Cody instead." Kelly said and Michelle shook her head.

"See her? She's always ruining my damn mojo. We should ditch her." Michelle said playfully in Onika ear and she felt more relaxed as she talked to them.

"T-Thanks guys.." She mumbled and they smiled. "No problem Onika." Kelly said; "Yeah don't sweat it. Speaking of that—wear deodorant—you'd be surprised how sweaty you can get when your—"

"Michelle puh—lease. Shut up." Kelly groaned and Michelle rolled her eyes.

"What? It's genuine advice! Let me live!" Onik watched them bicker playfully and she just sighed, her tenseness was gone.

She felt calm.

She was still scared shitless for saturday.

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles

Beyoncé was in pain for awhile—she didn't even want to get out of bed.

Speaking of actually getting up out of bed, she heard a knock on her door and groaned. Her cheeks were swollen, she was tired, and irritated by default.

She pulled open her door, she couldn't even do her irritated greeting with so much gauze in her mouth.

Her eyes widened slightly at Onika, she had a few bags in her hand and Beyoncé stepped aside.

"My aunt had to eat ice cream for 2 weeks after her removal a-and I didn't know what kind of ice cream y-you liked—or if you could even eat it—are you lactose and tolerant?" Onika asked in worry looking down at her two bags full of ice cream.

"I-Well unless you d-don't even want ice cream or anything I'm sorry for


She stated and Onika looked up at her, "H-Huh?"

"My favorite flavor is Vanilla. If we're talking about Ice cream that is." Beyoncé said sitting at her kitchen island.

"You can—unpack. I wanna see the flavors." Beyoncé said and Onika smiled, she set down the bags and Beyoncé smiled.

"Vanilla? Chocolate Brownie Core? Strawberry shortcake topped? Damn!" Beyoncé said getting excited.

"Thanks I've been in pain like all week.." Beyoncé groaned. Because she was loopy for 4 days after her surgery she got excused for the whole week.

"I—I'll put the rest in your freezer." Onika said and Beyoncé nodded as she got a spoon and started digging in.

Beyoncé watched in interested as she watched Onika take her backpack off her back and open it. "Kelly said she wanted me to get your work for you—so I—I got it." Onika said and Beyoncé stared at the folder of work.

"Shit.." She mumbled putting her spoon back in the tub of ice cream. She watched Onika take out her laptop and show her what looked like a presentation.

"W—We have a presentation for our public speaking class and I started ours for us." Onika said and Beyoncé stared with wide eyes.

"I-It got assigned like 2 weeks ago and I knew we wouldn't be able to do it totally together since your surgery.." She mumbled.

"I—I can help. I mean my mouth hurts but I can still see and think. You don't gotta do all the work." Beyoncé insisted.

"A-Are you sure?" Onika asked and Beyoncé nodded, "Yeah, let me see." Beyoncé mumbled taking the laptop. "What's the assignment again? Do something on a famous artist?" Beyoncé asked and Onika nodded.

"I got a really nice template I—I just need the information. I know a few artist but I didn't want to—do it without your permission." Onika mumbled.

Beyoncé nodded thinking, "M-Maybe one of the most famous ones? Picasso? De Vinci? I—I'm not sure if you'd know the others I was thinking of—"

"Jean-Michel Basquiat." Beyoncé said snapping her fingers and Onikas eyes widened.

"Sorry I was just thinking but—what about him? I'm sure you've heard of him." Beyoncé said and Onika nodded in familiarity.

"Y-You know him?" Onika asked and Beyoncé nodded, "Who doesn't? My mom loves him—Great artist.." She mumbled looking more into him as Onika watched.

Beyonces hair was a little messy, and she looked like she hadn't slept in days—but Onika still thought she looked real pretty.

Beyoncé looked up at her, and then back at the computer. "Damn sorry I kinda just stole your laptop. I can finish this in like 30 minutes." Beyoncé said and Onikas eyes widened.

"Really?" She asked and Beyoncé nodded.

"Yeah it's no big deal—I'll do this then  get caught up on the work I missed." Beyoncé mumbled. and Onika watched her quickly type away. She looked like she was in the zone and Onika didn't want to interrupt.

"You can watch Tv—I think Judge Judy is on or something." Beyoncé said distracted and Onika looked over to her couch.

"Make sure to take your shoes off." She mumbled and Onika did just that. Lining them up near the door.

She sat on the couch and watched whatever was on, she found herself peeking at Beyoncé more than the Tv though.

She was working fast, and was managing to eat her ice cream at the same time.

Onika watched her in awe, she'd never seen her work so diligently. She didn't know what about it had her in a trance.Beyoncé looked up at her and Onika looked down embarrassed.

"We're done, you can give it a once over if you want—I did the bibliography as well." Beyoncé said showing Onika her computer again.

Onika got up to look it over, "This looks amazing.." She said and Beyoncé was frowning.

"Damn I ate all that icecream already?" Beyoncé mumbled. "B-Beyoncé—this looks really good." Onika said and Beyoncé looked up in surprise.

"Deadass?" She asked and Onika nodded vigorously. "Y-Yes!" She said.

"I can present it as well. I know you aren't the best at crowds and shit." Beyoncé said shrugging and Onika appreciates it beyond words.

"T-Thank you so much." Onika said happily and Beyoncé marveled at her joy—she found herself smiling do.

"It's—not a big deal. It's what uh friends do." Beyoncé said shrugging a bit looking away, she wasn't used to her face feeling a little warm than usual.

"I really appreciate you getting my work for me and basically taking care of my ass. It's really nice of you." Beyoncé said and Onika nodded.

"It's uh—it's no problem—that's what..friends do right?" She asked looking up with a small smile and Beyoncé grinned.

"Yeah. That's what—friends do." She said looking at Onika. The two shared eye contact for only a few seconds before they both looked away. Onika perked up looking at the clock in Beyonces apartment.

"I—I should get going. I've got my uh—shift at the store today." She said getting up and Beyoncé watched her scramble to put her sneakers on.

"Oh alright, see you.." Beyoncé trailed off watching her front door shut with Onika leaving behind it.

"Later.." The blonde sighed. She looked at her counter top.

"She forgot her laptop.." She mumbled and she watched the laptop go dark on their presentation and she made sure to save it.

The application closed and she smiled warmly at Onikas computer wallpaper—it was her and her cat. She looked way younger, a kid maybe? And she was grinning with braces.

"Cute." She said to herself before closing the laptop.

Onika Tanya Maraj

"O-Okay so—you blend the colors like this.." Onika said teaching the kids. She was at the crafts store once again, helping the kids out with their painting.

She was showing them how to paint a horizon, she noticed a particular kid keeping to himself. He wasn't even trying to socialize.

He seemed so closed off; he was looking down. He managed to get in fetal position on a stool.

She felt a little bad, she decided to set her own paints down and crouch next to him.

"H-Hey buddy—you alright?" Onika asked and he looked up at her in surprise.

"I—I'm okay. I think." He muttered and she scrunched her face up, "Are you sure?" She asked.

"No. I mean—maybe? I'm n-not sure." He mumbled and Onika looked around at all the other kids socializing.

She started thinking, was this how her teachers felt? Trying to get her to socialize?

She decided to take a different route.

"Do you—want to take my hand?" Onika asked and he looked up at her in surprise. The boy had hazel eyes, brown skin and curly twist in his hair. He nodded taking her hand and she led him outside.

"You don't like socializing?" Onika asked and the boy shook his head. "N-Not really. My mom said I should—I think—I think that's why she signed me up to this place." He said and Onika nodded in understanding.

She sat on the curb with him, she dug in her apron and got out a lollipop. "My mom said I shouldn't take candy from strangers." He stated.

Her eyes widened. "Oh—I-I get that." She said unwrapping its and before she was about to put it in her mouth suddenly it was gone—and she looked to see the boy had took it.

She wasn't offended or mad—just confused. "Why'd you take it?" She asked.

She watched him chuck it across the parking lot,her eyes widened.

"It was red. And red is usually my stop color." He explained and Onika looked at him confused before it clicked.

"Do you have autism?" She asked and he shrugged. "I think I do. I'm not sure. My names Austin—so I call myself Austin with Autism! I think it's a cool name." He said happily and Onika smiled looking at him.

"I-I have autism too." She confessed and his eyes widened. "R-Really?" He asked and she nodded.

"Y-Yeah. Really. Red used to be my stop color as a kid. I used to think that meant every time I see red I should stop doing what I'm doing." She said and he nodded.

"I—I'm sorry I'm not very—err—social. My mom said I should be. I just—don't want them thinking I'm odd—or off. Many kids do." He said looking down.

Onika frowned, she felt the same way as a kid. "Nothing is wrong with having autism."She immediately said.

"B-But it feels like it is." He mumbled and she shook her head vigorously. "Nothing is! It's normal—anyone who makes fun of you—is just—they're just bullies." She insisted.

"Are you sure?" He asked hesitantly. He really did seem worried and she nodded.

"I used to be..picked on alot for it. I even tried my best to act what I thought as normal. But I already was normal." Onika said looking up at the sun that was beginning to set itself.

"Atleast to me I was. Being "normal" is pretty—um—subjective. I think everyone has their different kind of normal. But—having something you simply can't control?" She asked rhetorically..

"It's not something that should be—shamed." She said finally looking back at the little kid who had his eyes fixed on her.

"You—you're really cool." He said looking up at her blinking and Onika smiled. She was happy she could relate to him.

"Thank you! I think—I think you're cool too Austin." She said and he smiled, "You can call me Aussie, that's what my family calls me." He said and Onika nodded.

"Well then you can call me Nika, Aussie." She said putting a thumbs up and he did the same action.

They pressed their thumbs and fist together and he couldn't help but smile.

"If anyone bothers you in there—and I mean ever—tell me okay? I won't force you to socialize but—having friends is pretty fun." She said smiling.

She thought of her own friends, they made her happier.

"I know I'm just—scared." He mumbled and Onika mumbled.

"Someone told me that nothings wrong with being scared of something." She said looking down at him.

"It's okay to be scared. But—d-don't let that fear get to you okay?" She asked. And he nodded confidently. He stood up and balled his hands into fist.

"I—I'm gonna go there! And I'm gonna make friends. And I'm gonna paint the sun!" He said with his first time the sky and Onika grinned. She felt like she made a small little impact on the kid.

"Thank you Miss. Nika." He said kissing her cheek and then running back inside, "Woo!" He yelled as he ran through the store.

She still sat on the curb for a little longer; she looked down at a puddle near her feet.

"You should probably take your own advice huh?Onika mumbled sadly looking at her reflection in the puddle.

"I'm so weak." She said looking down at her sneakers.

"Onika! We need you! A kid threw up!" Abel yelled and Onika immediately got up and sighed, she hated throw up.

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