Angelic Voice

By Peppermintpinkcheeks

72.7K 1.7K 183

You have an angelic voice This is the first time I've ever heard it In which Remus accidentally bumps into a... More

Ch.1 1st Year
Ch.2 Fifth Year
Ch.3 I'm Deaf Remus
Ch.5 Library
Ch.6 Every Weekend
Ch.7 How Dare You
Ch.8 A Tired Boy
Ch.9 Back Home For Christmas
Ch.10 Book Date
Ch.11 A New Years Kiss
Ch.12 Hormonal Teenagers
Ch.13 Back At School
Ch.14 Thoughts
Ch.15 Scars
Ch.16 Hogsmeade Date
17. Feelings
Ch.18 Birthday
Ch.19 Shoe
Ch.20 Professor
Ch.21 Friends
Ch.22 Love
I'm alive
Ch.23 Not the same anymore

Ch. 4 Regulus

4K 80 18
By Peppermintpinkcheeks


Third Person P.O.V

Delphina searched through the chained and dusty books looking for the title written on the little piece of paper she was given. After her transfiguration class Professor, McGonagall kept Delphina asking if she could retrieve a book for her since she was busy. The brunette happily agreed she had always had lovingness for her teacher maybe since she was the one who told the deaf girl she would be able to attend Hogwarts and that she always kept a motherly watch on her even now when she's almost 16

She spotted the book she was looking for unlocking it from the bookshelf, she swiped off the excessive amount of dust showing that it probably hadn't been picked up since it was put there. She walked back to the exit wanting to leave the eerie area but fell to the floor banging into someone

"Is this going to be a frequent thing now?" She thought, looking up to see the beautiful eyes and black curly hair looking down at her. He quickly crouched down and grabbed her book and hand lifting her effortlessly off the floor

"Are you alright?" Delphina was momentarily shocked that Regulus Black from one of the purest of pure-blood families knows sign language and is communicating to someone so below him and his family's expectations

"Yeah... You know sign language?" She asked as he watched her fingers create the words

"Yes, I do I was bored this summer but I'm a bit rusty I must admit" He waited to see if they translated, and it was true this summer was one of the worst he's experienced to date. Sirius had started to rebel more against his parents and the young brother couldn't stand the yelling

It got to the point where he requested Kreacher to get him a pair of noise-cancelling headphones for when it got really bad. One night after dinner the yelling had started, and Reg knew it wasn't going to be a short argument. He started to wonder to himself about the people who could never hear he walked into his bathroom and the 14-year old talked to his house-elf about it. And the loyal servant gave him a book about sign language and all summer when he shut himself in his room and learnt

"Let me say you are very educated" She complimented causing a light blush to form on his cheeks as he signed a small thank you

"I have to go but keep making the good choices you are Regulus" She watched as tears flooded into his eyes, she pulled him into a hug, and he clutched onto the girl letting his tears fall freely

Delphina felt so bad she had seen many people in the great hall gossiping about him and Sirius and she watched him occasionally. And he always looked miserable, tired, depressed and most of all scared, she could practically hear his wretched sobs. She only gently rubbed his back as she felt his body sniff every so often, she pulled away and Regulus quickly wiped his tears away looking to see if anyone saw. Delphina didn't know why they were in the restricted section where only a limited number of people could come in

"If you ever and I mean ever need anything Regulus please don't hesitate to come to me, no matter if it's home or girl problems" She smiled as she watched him laugh

"Thank you, Delphina, thank you" And he did something she didn't expect he kissed her temple and quickly left smiling at her one last time before leaving the dull area. She knew it wasn't something he was used to, but it was nice to see him try


A few days later Delphina was peacefully reading in front of the black lake opposite the castle where no one came. She sat on her picnic blanket with the sun starting to set glowing on the vine of blueberries the wind gently pushed the tree. Delphina thought it was perfect

She had yet to realise that the young black had spotted her from the castle and made his way to her laying down on the fabric waiting for her to see him. When Delphina finally notices someone  the book she was holding lands inches from the black lake water

He laughed and crawled over to grab the book landing back on the quilt smiling innocently at her. He notices the blueberries and took a hand full of them dropping them into his mouth as Delphina watched with a shake of her head

"It's not nice to scare your friends Regulus" She shook her head still recovering from the sudden scare

"I'm sorry Delphina" His face changed he looked more comfortable than she had ever seen him maybe it was the mention of them being friends

"I was wondering if you had any good book suggestions? I ran out and don't know what to do now" He frowned like a child, the brunette placed the bookmark in her pages setting it down to give him her full attention

"We'll have you ever read Sci-Fi?" Once she asked her hands rested on her lap, he looked up to motion he thinking before shaking his head. Delphina smiled and turned to her cotton tote bag she's had forever and fished around for the book

Once it was found she threw it over to the boy as his quick reflexes caught it, he intently examined the cover and blurb looking up at the girl and motioning to the book

"Dune?" He rolled his eyes as he flicked through the pages, she reasoned with him to not judge a book by its cover and that he will love its complex plot, character development and immersive world. He seemed sceptical at first but agreed that he would at least read one chapter before giving an opinion

"I like this blanket did you make" He traced the dye delicately waiting for her answer

"Yeah, I and my mum made it before Hogwarts I take it to have a piece of her with me... I miss her" She dropped her hands as tears started to run down Regulus quickly pulled her in as she cried

Delphina wasn't afraid to admit she missed her mum. A lot. She thought that it would get easier as she grew older, but it hadn't and there were times when she just wanted to run to McGonagall and ask to go home. But she wanted to stay strong and not be completely dependent on her mother

She couldn't wait for Christmas break 

Word Count: 1115

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