~hamilton smut~

By taviola

20.5K 201 271

what the title says <3 request in dms if you please <3 don't like it? don't read <3 More

jamilton ~ no inkling of respect (apparently)
jamilton ~ aww, generic comfort sex <3
lams ~ fwb but it's cute
pheacker ~ pool sex
jamilton ~ "look at yourself."
thaurens ~ vanilla praises.
lams ~ "i love you."
jamilton ~ no hard feelings.
jamilton ~ holiday sex.
jamilton ~ filthy praise.
lams ~ jealousy.
jamilton ~ merry christmas. <3
jamilton ~ last time.
lams ~ gentle and simple.
lams ~ valentine's day plans.
mirror sex ~ thaurens
overprotective friends ~ lams
lams ~ dry humping.
lams ~ chair sex.
lams ~ "i've already caught feelings."
lams ~ hate fucking.
hamiltonxjefferson ~ take a break.
forbidden worlds ~ hamiltonxlaurensxjefferson
first time ~ hamiltonxlaurens

lams ~ shower sex.

685 5 4
By taviola

alex giggled as john practically carried him to the elevator of his dorm room. john knew for a fact that alexander would not have made it up the stairs. alex yawned, then cut himself off by hiccuping. he broke into another fit of giggles, making john smile at the lovely, giddy sound. john cursed when alex tripped, more giggles falling from his lips.

"c'mon, alex." john sighed, grunting when alex went deadweight. "we gotta get you to bed."

"mr. laurens?"

john's head snapped around at the source of the voice. he smiled wearily.

"professor washington, good evening."

"everything alright?"

"just a little too much to drink, that's all."

"mr. hamilton is underaged."

john's face paled. he hoisted alex up since he was trying to embody a beached whale, eventually settling on just holding him in bridal carry. it dawned on him that he and lafayette were the only one that could legally buy alcohol. alex had awful tolerance, exhibit a.

"you're not going to report us, are you?"

"you know my motto: don't let me hear, see, or smell it and you'll be fine. i'll let you off this time. pretend i was never here."

washington looked at the two boys up and down. it was very puzzling to see alex piss drunk. he was usually put together, always bright eyed and bushy tailed. at least washington knew what he got up to in his free time when he was not reading or writing.

john bid washington goodbye, then scurried into the elevator. he managed to press the button for their floor and keep holding up alex. he sighed as they traveled up, just ready to put alex to bed. he looked down at him, then brushed his hair out of his face. a small smile came to him when alex looked up at him with dazed, glazed over eyes.

"do you love me?" alex asked.

john laughed gently. he kissed alex's sweat kissed forehead, then sighed. his skin was cool to the touch.

"i love you."

alex seemed content with this answer, because he nuzzled his head into john's chest. he then closed his eyes, a yawn working its way past his lips. the ding of the elevator signaled it opening, meaning they had reached their stop.

john carried his lover to his room, then used his foot to bang on the door. alex was not coherent enough to find his key, and john did not want to touch and feel around in his pockets to find it. he waited a few moments, then heard no response from the inside.

"laf! c'mon, i'm here to drop off alex."

john grumbled to himself, then kicked the door again. he stumbled, nearly dropping alex. the drunken boy simply yelped then giggled, his head lolling back to stare at the ground.

"lafayette!" john grumbled, kicking the door once more.

"can you shut up?" a voice to john's left shouted, clearly in a different room.

"i'm trying to return something!" john growled, realizing how stupid that sounded soon after.

john whined, then almost sat alex down on the floor. he had half a mind not to do so, instead standing him up. alex skipped away, then fell on his ass two seconds later. so much for not wanting him on the dirty ground.

with john's hands free, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. he quickly went to his messages to pull up lafayette's contact, itching to get him to retrieve alex. the phone didn't even ring, it went straight to voicemail. john nearly sobbed in frustration. he banged on the door with his fist, shouting out his friend's name. he pressed his ear to the door, trying to listen to what was happening.

"he's not going to go away." an awful whisper could be heard.

"damn right, i'm not! open the goddamn door!"

john jumped as his wish was granted. he sighed in relief, refraining from slapping lafayette across the face when he saw him. he scowled but ended up softening his expression when alex appeared next to him. he ushered him inside, only realizing he was being tugged along when alexander grabbed his wrist.

john rolled his eyes when he saw hercules slipping on a shirt. he was very clearly sweaty and his breathing was heavy.

"they were fuuuucking- -" alex began to jeer before lafayette cut him off.

"shut up." he spat.

"baby-girl, go to bed." john stated, exasperation laced throughout his entire body.

"you heard your man. be a good bitch- -" hercules smirked, clearly joking.

alexander gasped, taking the bait. he nearly charged at hercules but he didn't get a chance because john slammed his door shut from the outside and put his back against it to keep it closed.

"must you antagonize my boyfriend so late at night?" john cried, his body slumping with tiredness.

"yes, we must." lafayette smiled, pointing towards the couch.

john raised an eyebrow but caught on when a blanket was being handed to him. a deep breath made him settle down.

"wait, where is hercules going to sleep?"

"my bed." laf smirked.

"then why can't i sleep with alex- -"

"because we don't want to hear alexander getting his guts rearranged." hercules stated blankly.

"he's drunk off his ass! why would we even—?"

"he has a point."

"i do not care. goodnight john!"

laurens frowned when lafayette and hercules retreated to go sleep. he got comfortable on the couch, his body begging him to relax. john was nearly asleep when he felt a weight on his thighs, the warmth of another person. shrouded in darkness, alex was lifting up the blanket john was covered in and placing it over both of their bodies.


"can i sleep with you?"

"you don't want your bed?" john whispered.

alex shook his head as he climbed on top of john. he curled in on himself to get comfortable. the blanket was barely covering the both of them, but they were both content.

john had woken up with a knot in his neck and a sharp pain in his back. he sucked in a deep breath as he moved the wrong way, the pain being amplified. alexander was fast asleep, tucked into john's side. his back was pressed against the back of the couch, his legs were curled around john's. john's moving seemed to wake up alex, as he whimpered to himself then opened his eyes.

"why are you up?"

"why are you not up? you're usually up at seven every morning."

alex huffed a laugh, a yawn following short after.

"take me to your apartment?"

"you wouldn't rather stay here?"

alex shook his head. his hand trailed up john's arm and stopped at his chest. he leaned forward to press his forehead against john's, their lips brushing together for a moment. alex pulled away without actually connecting with john.

"i want to sleep in a bed."

john nodded, sitting up from the rather uncomfortable couch. a twinge in his lower back was present, making him wince. he grabbed alex's hand to help him up, then led him to the door. alex did not bother getting any clothes, as he already had some still at john's apartment.

alexander had fallen asleep on the way there, his deep breaths almost making john want to park the car at the side of the road and fall asleep with him. instead, he powered through and arrived at his apartment in minimal time. john gently woke alex up, meaning he was not too entertained with getting up, but he did nonetheless.

they walked up to john's room, unlocked the door, and immediately fell back asleep.

when the couple awoke, they were spooning. john took in a deep inhale when alex pressed back onto him, his face flushing red. alex squirmed against john until arms came to lace around his waist. alex's lips parted to let out a short puff of a breath, making john realize he was awake. alexander pressed himself back against john, a smile upturning his lips. morning wood.

"good dream?" alex teased, a laugh coming out unbidden.

john's face heated up in embarrassment. he gently kissed the back of alex's neck, then sucked a halfhearted mark on his bare shoulder. alex purposely pressed his ass against john's erection, making him inhale sharply.

"i'm going to go shower."

john mumbled to himself as he was about to get up, but alex stopped him. he cupped his face, bringing him in for a kiss. he hummed into it, feeling john's hands go to his waist. he was pulled forward, so he took the opportunity to straddle his boyfriend's waist. john quickly adjusted himself in his boxers as alex kissed him feverently.

laurens picked hamilton up, holding him with one arm with ease. alexander was carried to the bathroom, then put down quickly. alex's boxers and shirt disappeared almost all at once. he suddenly felt extremely exposed and self conscious, john's eyes were roaming every part of him. john recognized the shift, then ran his hands up and down the curves of alex's waist.

"you are so beautiful, alex," john paused to kiss alex's neck. "i love seeing you like this, you know. it reminds me that they're so much behind you."

alex's face flushed a bright red at the compliments. he watched closely as john stripped and turned on the shower. hot water came out in seconds, making the mirror fog up. john tugged his boyfriend in, then trapped him in a kiss.

alex kissed john slowly, his cheeks hot. his hand streaked down between them to grab at john's cock and stroke lightly. john groaned into alex's mouth, letting his arm lace around his waist to tug him closer. alexander broke the kiss to mouth at john's neck. his lips traveled to suck a tiny mark on john's shoulder. john tugged alex's hair tie out from his ponytail, letting his hair splay over his shoulders. alex removed his hand from john and began to squirm when he was swiftly turned around. john got to his knees, then slapped alex's ass. alexander yelped, his arms folding to rest on the shower wall. his forehead rested on it as he breathed heavy.

alexander gasped when a tongue came to lick at his twitching hole, making him squirm. he bit his lip when john stuck a finger in his ass without warning, then found his prostate without even trying. alex cried out and had to bite his wrist to shut himself up. that finger left quickly, replacing with a tongue. john expertly and quickly ate alex out, relishing the way he gasped and moaned his name. the heat of the shower mixed with the heat of john's mouth was all too much for him, his senses completely  and very much aware. he cursed when john swirled his tongue around him while squeezing at his ass. alex eventually writhed away, making john stand up. he rubbed at his knees, trying to ignore the ache in them from kneeling on the hard bathtub flooring.

"turn around for me?" john requested.

alex slowly did so, his arms going to lace around john's neck. he jumped up to wrap his legs around his lover's waist, little noises going to john's mouth when his thighs were gripped. he smiled against him, grinding against john's stomach as he did so.

"god, i love you." john groaned, his hands groping and kneading at alex's body.

alex whined in response, then coughed up a moan when john ran his thumb over the head of his cock. alex looked around in confusion when john turned him around once more, pushing him against the shower wall. an arm laced around alex's neck, pulling him back just enough to whisper and moan into his ear. alexander bit down on his lip as john lined himself up, then began to push into him slowly. john bottomed out rather quickly, pushing alex to his limits by not giving much preamble. an annoyed noise fell from alex's lips when john pulled out slowly and pumped back in at an agonizing pace. alex was shaking as this process continued, his prostate being brushed each time john thrusted forward.

"you're so gorgeous, alexander."

"shut up." alex growled, his face flushing red ad he screwed his eyes shut.

his head rested on the coolness of the wet shower wall as john continued teasing him. a hand came to squeeze at his ass, making him whimper softly. john's arm was still around alex's neck, mainly there because he knew how much alex adored that simple motion. alex's bottom lip was jutting out in a pout, his eyes still closed.

"j-jack, please hurry the fuck up." alex nearabout begged.

john hummed thoughtfully, then tightened the arm around alex's neck. his hips thrusted forward in a sharp motion, making alex squirm. john gradually sped up, making alex fall apart. a sob escaped his lips as he was finally being fucked in the way he desperately wanted. taunts were being whispered into his ear, making his entire body heat up. his ear was being tickled by john's hot breath, his lips merely brushing it. alexander cried out when his prostate was struck, his chest filling up with an explainable warmth.

"oh, i know, baby-girl, i know. relax." john reassured alex in his ear.

alexander shook as john grunted each time his hips slapped against his ass. alex pressed his lips together into a thin line, then felt a hand snake around to his cock.

"don't you dare~" alex gasped, grabbing john's wrist and moving his hand down to clasp their fingers together.

john had to keep himself from laughing. warmth suddenly spread throughout his abdomen, making his cock twitch. his heart sped up as the feeling of john moving in and out of him was coaxing him to his release. john groaned as alex quivered and writhed against the wall of the shower. words fell from his mouth and tripped over themselves as he vocalized what he was feeling. alex blushed when that warmth became unbearable. john cursed when alex tightened around him, his cock being squeezed. the arm around alex's neck tightened within that second.

"j-john, can i- -"

"you don't have to ask. go on, lex."

alex came without another word. he pulsed around john, making his release come out within that moment. alex cried out john's name, his hand curling into a fist as bursts of pleasure ran through him. that pleasure turned to pain soon after. john pulled out quickly to avoid any discomfort on alex's end. alex let his knees give out underneath him, making him sit down on the shower floor.

"you're okay?" john asked, turning alex around to cup his face and make him meet his eyes.

alexander nodded, his entire face red. he clung to john, the water spraying their bodies. alex shook with tiredness when john grabbed his loofah already lathered up with soap.

alex's eyes slipped shut and his head fell to rest on john's chest. he was out like a light.

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