By mihrisahsultana

42.6K 1.9K 291

"I was always overshadowed by the success of my sisters who were favouritised by the whole family, especially... More



1.2K 74 15
By mihrisahsultana

"Sultanim, are you sure your plan is going to work?" Fehime asked me as I was just about to get ready to make whatever is needed to make sure to free Osman out of dungeon and do whatever is needed for him not to be punished. I was ready to risk whatever it would take me just to make him free.

"I will try it first on nice way towards Suleiman, if that won't be enough then I will do the plan B," I said while I was checking if everything is ready.

Fehime didn't seem to be happy because of my plan but she had nothing else to do than to listen to me. She took from a box a ring which had poison in it and gave it to me as I placed it on my finger.

"You shouldn't do this, Sultana. I think nothing is ready of that risk," Fehime said as she was really worried because of my plan but she knew I am stubborn and that no one would be able to stop me in doing what I want to do, and that was the reason my family didn't love me and didn't approve my actions.

"I don't care, I have nothing to do anymore but to risk. If something doesn't go according to my plan, then I hope you will stay with my children and take care of them," I said to her and I saw tears were in her eyes. She was with me since I was 12 years old and practically we spent so much time together.

"I will, Sultana. But I know you will be successful in this, nothing can stand on your way. I will pray for you and Osman Pasha," she said and gave me the slight smile before I've left my chambers.

I went downstairs from the Harem where all the maids stood in a line and bowed to me. I knew there were a lot of gossips around me in Harem and everyone know for Osman Pasha but things they talked about me meant nothing. Gulcemal nodded me as she had something to say to me, I dismissed the maids and walked to the corner with her making sure no one will be able to hear us.

"Sultanim, yesterday I saw something really important and I have to say that to you because this could save Osman Pasha's life," Gulcemal said to me and in that moment I gained at least some feeling something will be good and that I won't have to take the worst action.

"What is it?" I asked her as I couldn't wait to find out what is it about.

"When I went to visit Sultan, I saw Ibrahim Pasha talking with nurse Aylin and threatening her of her brother's life. Later I didn't go to Sultan but rather I followed her and she is hiding in Harem in one of Kalfa's rooms. You should go there and find the real truth because if she can tell the real truth then you will save Osman Pasha from the lies Ibrahim made," Gulcemal said and I couldn't believe what I have heard with my ears. I ordered her to go and be with Fehime where she will be more secure than here in Harem because if someone knew she knows about it then she also might be in the trouble.

I went to search the rooms in which Kalfas lived. I wasn't here for a long time so I had no idea who lived in which chamber and it was very confusing to me. There were 10 doors and each of them was chamber of two kalfas which shared it together. I opened the first one and saw no one is there. I went to the second one and I heard someone is talking inside.

I didn't want to open the doors loud as they might hear me so I did it very quietly. From how much I opened the doors I saw Nigar Kalfa sitting and one boy was in front of her.

"Why am I still here? When will you get me to my sister?" Little boy who was barely 10 years old asked Nigar Kalfa which was sitting on her bed while talking with him.

"Very soon, Ibrahim Pasha promised to return you to Aylin when she does what she has," Nigar said and smiled to boy who didn't seem to be happy to be here.

"You said that few days ago, I don't want that anymore I want Aylin," he said as he punched the floor with his legs like when little children were protesting.

I opened the doors then as I knew I should do what had to be done as soon as possible. Nigar seemed to be shocked when she saw me and boy was happy to see someone.

"What is your name little boy?" I asked him as I came closer to him and crouched to be the same height as he was.

"Celal," he said looking at me and then at Nigar. He seemed to be very afraid in this moment.

"I will take you now to your sister and you two will be together," I said and he placed his hand in mine. Poor child who had no one else beside his sister who played in dirty games.

"Sultanim... Ibrahim Pasha ordered him to stay here," Nigar said as she barely could get up from bed from her belly which I was sure that was pregnancy belly.

"Ibrahim Pasha should care only about what punishment he will get for doing this and you should go to your husband because you look like you will give birth every moment," I said to her and took Celal with me.

Just few chambers away we came inside and saw Aylin who was laying down on her bed while she was crying. When she saw us she was shocked what I am doing here. She bowed to me and couldn't wait more to go and hug her brother.

"Sultanim, thank you for saving my brother from those evil people," Aylin said as she was very thankful to me but I knew she was also ashamed to be in front of me as she carried the child of Namik.

"Your brother will be again with you when you tell Sultan the real truth who ordered you to do this, otherwise he won't," I said and she looked me very surprised.

"I am afraid of Ibrahim Pasha, he would kill me if I say something about that," Aylin said and hugged Celal strongly like she tried to protect him from me but she didn't obviously know I would never do anything bad to Celal.

"He won't because after you tell the truth you and Celal will go away from Istanbul. Namik Pasha left me many estates and as you carry his child I will give you one of them in Bosnia where you will be safe and far away from Ibrahim," I said to her and she started to think about that idea. This was her only way to save herself and she couldn't do nothing than accept my offer.

I was saved to hear this information in the last moment because if I would have done the plan I had in my mind would be way worse for all of us.

Aylin and Celal followed me to Suleiman's chambers. I had luck Ibrahim wasn't anywhere around because he would surely stop this from happening. But as he wasn't outside, when we entered Suleiman's chambers seeing him being inside.

"Fahriye, what are you doing with this woman and who is this boy?" Suleiman asked me as we came inside when he really didn't expect us to see. Celal hold my hand and I could see he hides behind my skirt after he saw Ibrahim. Ibrahim's face became red from embarrassment and shock after he saw this as he knew there is no way to get out of this trouble.

"This is Celal, Aylin's brother of who she was threated of if she doesn't tell that someone higher than her orders," I said and looked at Ibrahim who acted like he has no idea what is happening.

"Did you lie in your confession?" Suleiman angrily asked Aylin who just nodded with her head and I could see she is shaking from fear while she was next to Ibrahim.

"Aylin don't be afraid of him," I said and looked at Ibrahim and Suleiman was totally confused what is happening here.

"Your Majesty, I beg for your forgiveness. I lied because they threated me with life of my brother. They ordered me to put a fire on Fahriye Sultana's home and later to blame Osman Pasha because they wanted to get rid of him," Aylin said as she couldn't stop crying and shaking from fear.

"Who would order something like this from you? Why do you change your confession so quickly?" Ibrahim raised his tone and asked Aylin as he probably thought she had no courage to tell him in the face in front of Sultan the truth.

"You did it Pasha, you ordered me to do this! You took Celal from me and hid it until I told what you want!" Aylin yelled on him and Suleiman got up at that moment. He couldn't believe what she has said in front of him.

"Hatun, do you know you are blaming Grand Vizier of Ottoman Empire for ordering you to kill Ottoman Sultana and blame another man to do it?" Suleiman yelled on her and he couldn't accept the fact that Ibrahim would do something like that.

"I swear to God he did it and ordered me to do. You can kill me now if you want but that is the only truth. If Fahriye Sultana hadn't found Celal by accident I would still have to lie to you and maybe innocent Osman Pasha would be dead because of those lies," Aylin said as she couldn't stop crying. Suleiman looked at her for few seconds, and then came closer to me while Celal was hiding. The poor child was almost shaking from fear.

"Who you are afraid of boy?" Suleiman asked him and Celal still hid behind my dress. He looked at Suleiman but his look would go at Ibrahim each few seconds.

"Of that man. He ordered me to live with his wife and they locked me in a room, they didn't let me see Aylin," he said and pointed with a hand on Ibrahim. But I couldn't believe when he said his wife.

"Hatice Sultana has been with you?" Suleiman asked as he couldn't believe if Hatice would be involved in something like this.

"No, Nigar, the one who waits for baby," Celal said and at that moment everything has made sense for me. Nigar was pregnant and if Ibrahim came to her quite often it meant this was his child, but there was no proof to find it out.

"She is not my wife," Ibrahim said as he looked at Celal and then Suleiman as he had to make the situation clear.

"You kissed her in front of me and touched her belly saying you can't wait to see your child," Celal said and I couldn't believe what I have heard with my ears. The children were innocent and they didn't know how to lie, same as Celal didn't. I couldn't believe Ibrahim would do something like this to Hatice.

"Everyone get out!" Suleiman yelled on everyone angrily as he was really shocked about everything he has heard, but I was too.

"He is guilty and you will let him walk around free and not put him in dungeon?" I asked Suleiman as he wasn't fair in those situations. I knew he would be even more angry on me for telling this, but someone had to.

At that moment Malkcooglu came inside with two guards who took Ibrahim each by one hand. They took him and lead him to the dungeon.

"You won't tell this to Hatice, she won't be able to know that fact, don't hurt her," Suleiman said to me before I was leaving his chambers.

"And about my feelings you never cared?" I asked him before I left. It was important for him now not to hurt Hatice's emotions, but he always hurted mine.

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