By mihrisahsultana

42.2K 1.9K 291

"I was always overshadowed by the success of my sisters who were favouritised by the whole family, especially... More



1.2K 75 13
By mihrisahsultana

"Fahriye, why didn't I know about this earlier? I could have stopped Suleiman from killing Namik, he is your husband and it's a shame on Dynasty," Valide yelled on me as she barely could catch any breath. She still couldn't understand that I was the one who wanted this to happen the most.

"Valide, you never wanted to listen to me so now you can see what your behaviour led you to shock. I wanted to divorce Namik who is a traitor and I would never allow you to stop Suleiman of punishing him," I yelled on her while Mahidevran, Hurrem, Hatice and Gulfem looked at me in really weird way. Everyone was terrified except of Beyhan who knew this will happen.

"Valide, Fahriye is right. If you only known what he has done, you would be the one who would want to kill him with his own hands," Beyhan said and everyone was excited to hear the whole story, but I wouldn't allow Beyhan to tell this all to them. They weren't with me while it was the hardest so they didn't need to know what happens.

"Sultanim, I know you have your right to divorce, at the end he cheated on you with nurse Aylin, but there are many gossips that you cheated on him too," Mahidevran said just trying to provoke me in front of everyone. I didn't care if people would tell Namik cheated on me, but I won't accept her telling lies about me cheating.

"You will never ever put those lies about me outside of your mouth, I have never cheated," I said as I walked closer to her and slapped her face so hard. I needed so much to put my anger on someone and she provoked me in the right moment.

Hatice stood by Mahidevran's side and together with Gulfem they were shocked by my behaviour how I slapped her, but Hurrem proudly smiled because no one has ever done this to Mahidevran before.

"You cheated on him with Osman Pasha, everyone knows it," Mahidevran said as one slap wasn't enough for her and obviously she wanted to get the second one. Beyhan stood closer to me hoping she would separate me from Mahidevran.

"I didn't cheat with Osman. I guess you are so bored in Harem because you never get Sultan's attention so you have nothing else to do than to make lies about me. That's the reason he doesn't love you anymore nor he will ever again," I said and saw so much hurt in her eyes, but after what she told to me her hurtness was the least important thing to me.

"Fahriye, you can't act like this. Mahidevran is mother of Ottoman heir to the throne and future Sultan of our country. Show her some respect," Hatice hissed at me.

"Hatice you shouldn't mix into those things and you should learn how to behave because there is not only one prince but three of them. Why don't you maybe think if Selim someday ascends the throne?" I said and everyone around me was pissed on me expect for Hurrem because her son is mentioned.

"STOP IT! From now on Fahriye you will return to Topkapi and live there until we find suitable husband for you," Valide yelled stopping everyone at that moment as we all turned to her. This was rare moment when she was yelling.

"You already once chosen who I will marry, and look who you chosed, do you think I would listen to your option again?" I said and raised my eyebrows which annoyed her even more.

"And I won't come to Topkapi. I will continue to live in my Palace with my children," I said and left the Tower of Justice making everyone speechless after everything I have said and done to them.

I was just leaving the Palace when I saw Hurrem walked towards me to catch me so I knew she has something very important to say.

"Sultanim, you know your Valide will want to marry you, and if you will need any help I could talk with Suleiman about your marriage with Osman Pasha," Hurrem said and I was surprised about her words but obviously now everyone knew something about it, but not because they saw us but because of Mahidevran's lies of cheating.

"Thank you Hurrem, but I can't do anything until 40 days pass. I know neither Suleiman nor Valide would allow me to do that," I said with a slight smile.

"Osman Pasha, we must have very important talk," Suleiman said after he returned to his chambers and called Osman Pasha to go with himself. Osman knew he might be in trouble because of everything Namik has said before death, and obviously Suleiman could believe in someone's last words which were obvious lies.

"Everyone around, everyone, is talking about you being lover with Fahriye. You will stop those talks because that is inappropriate. It will be huge shame on dynasty if those gossips spread," Suleiman said angrily. He didn't even want to look at Osman.

"Your Majesty, I swear to you that I was never lover of Sultana. I only did what duty you assigned me and investigated about Namik Pasha. There was nothing else," Osman said and he seemed like this time he isn't even afraid of what will happen with his life, because he was glad that Fahriye got rid of traitor next to her.

"Why did Namik before he died tell those things?" Suleiman yelled like he didn't care about any word Osman has said to him before.

"Namik Pasha knew I was the one in charge for the investigation of him. He hated me ever since he arrived, because he knew who I was before. Because my family served to him always. He couldn't stand me investigating him because he knew I would find the truth," Osman said.

"But what about Malkocoglu and Mahidevran said to me you were close with Fahriye? How will you defend that?" Suleiman asked once again and his anger on Osman was huge. He didn't know if he did right if he killed Namik, or this everything was Fahriye and Osman's game as Namik said before he died.

"Hunkarim, I swear to you that I have never done anything wrong related to Fahriye Sultana. You wanted me to be there and take care of her. I saved her when Namik Pasha punched her. I had to be the one to bring her all the bad news and all the letters people gathered of Namik which told so many bad things about her. If my mistake is for doing the duty you assigned me for, then I might be wrong," Osman said knowing he has nothing more to lose now.

"Do you have any emotions towards Fahriye Sultana?" Suleiman asked him as he came closer and looked at him seriously. Osman had no idea should he tell him the real truth or to hide everything. If he said the truth he might risk his life and Fahriye's life but who knew if Suleiman would accept it well and allow them two to marry.

"I do. I love Sultana with my whole heart. And if this is my sin, let it be my sin," Osman said and looked Suleiman directly which surprised him.

Suleiman looked at him for few seconds and didn't even want to say a word. Then he turned his back to him once again and started walking around the chambers.

"You are forbidden to see Fahriye Sultana ever again. You won't be able to come to her Palace any more time not near it. You won't exchange any letters with her. You will be in Topkapi and won't be able to see her," Suleiman said before he escorted Osman from his chambers.

Exactly at the moment I was going to sit on my carriage Nigar Kalfa stopped me.

"Sultanim, Sultan Suleiman wants to meet you immediately," Nigar said and I just left the carriage and followed her.

"Nigar, what happened to you?" I asked her as she seemed to have bigger belly than she used to before. She dressed much bigger bells and she looked like she is pregnant.

"Nothing Sultanim, I just gained more weight," Nigar said to me embarrassed but I knew it wasn't something like that. I had no time to investigate about this as I knew in those next days I will have much more time to do it, so I just headed to Suleiman's chambers.

In front of them I saw Osman who was escorted by the guards and I had no idea what is happening but I only prayed Suleiman wouldn't do anything bad to him.

"Hunkarim," I said being confused why has se called for me now. He turned to me and he didn't seem like he is happy today.

"I want to find out the truth from you Fahriye, but the real truth," Suleiman said looking at me very seriously. I haven't seen him like this in a very long time and I knew that he felt wrong after killing Namik now. But that is because he never believed me and almost didn't even let me divorce from him.

"What truth do you want? I told you everything," I said seriously back to him.

"About your relationship with Osman Pasha," Suleiman said angrily and I couldn't believe those things that Mahidevran has been lying around the Harem got all the way to Suleiman.

"So you believe Mahidevran now about those lies and not your sister," I said and looked at the another side disappointedly. He always believed someone else rather than me.

"It is now what only Mahidevran said, but also Malkocoglu and Namik Pasha," Suleiman said angrily and I couldn't help myself but to laugh at his words who he believed rather than believed me.

"So you believe Mahidevran who makes up lies because she has nothing else to do when she's not gotten enough attention in your Harem? Malkocoglu who basically yesterday arrived from Serbia and already thinks he knows about everything? And Namik who beated me and cheated on me with so many women? And you don't believe me?" I said and once again lost hope in my brother. When he decided to behead Namik I thought he would finally realise in what position I was for years and try to understand me but obviously he couldn't.

"Osman Pasha confessed his love for you, isn't that enough?" Suleiman yelled on me.

"You are Sultan of the whole world and only you can when you see someone already be with that person. You have Mahidevran, Hurrem, now Gulcemal. Whichever you liked you took in your bed the same moment and you can be with them whenever you want, you have your Harem. You obviously don't know what love is for us another person who don't live the same way. You can love someone even if you don't touch that person Suleiman," I said seriously.

"Osman didn't ever touched me but I gained for him more emotions because whenever I was sad he was only around to talk with while my husband was cheating on me with another women. I could confess what was bothering me only to him and to no one else and now you are blaming us because of that," I continued and this time I was even more and more disappointed of him. He didn't think about anyone else beside himself.

"So you want to say you love him to?" Suleiman yelled on me like he couldn't even understand what love is. He seemed like a person who never loved anyone when I talked this way to him not that he has so many women he loves.

"Yes Suleiman, I love him," I yelled on him back which surprised him.

"That love is forbidden to you and you can forget about it," he said this time more peaceful but still had anger on me in his eyes.

"Why it would be forbidden to me? I just want you to explain to me why would it be forbidden, nothing else," I said.

"I won't explain to you things, if I say it's forbidden then it is," he yelled once again on me and not that I was angry on him, just disappointed.

"But when Hatice fell in love you married her to Ibrahim who at that time wasn't even vizier but your hasodabasa. You named him Grand Vizier just to marry him for Hatice. So not everything is forbidden, you decide what is forbidden, and to who is and to who isn't," I said and in his eyes there was once again a surprise. But like he couldn't already see his behaviour because whatever Hatice wished was hers but when I wished something it was forbidden.

"We will never again talk on this subject, you are forbidden even from seeing or talking to Osman Pasha. If I find out you met with him you will write his death sentence," Suleiman yelled on me.

"You are not my brother anymore, you are just stranger to who I will bow, but not brother," I said looking at him with disgust before I left his chambers.

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