Tranquility beyond

Autorstwa Tangotkt

8.1K 751 62

A long time ago when the cold blooded King and the shape shifter King had made peace with each other having h... Więcej

Tranquility Beyond
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 17

181 20 0
Autorstwa Tangotkt

Shane's POV

My mate feels nervous, I can feel it and I can see it. Her heart is hammering inside her chest. She stood there stunned the moment she entered the dining room with the girls, she was analysing the situation because she definitely wasn't ready. I know I put her in the worst position because she had just woken up a few hours ago but time is against us. I want to take things easy with her but already half of the pack is nervous because we have 3 hunters living in the castle.

She looks so beautiful with her hair held up, her beautiful curls have been tied into an updo and her whole outfit is tight enough to show her tiny waist and curvy body. What always catches my eye is her eyes and her cute frackles. I'm very well aware she doesn't like them but I do.

I walk up to her and take her hand, she doesn't seem to know what to do so I guide her. I can feel the tension with the Carters giving my mate a stink eye.

I will kill them if they start anything.

My wolf says to me and we are on the same page. During our introductions they made it very clear to her that they are not happy about her being here. My wolf was already coming forth to put an end to the man who talking nonsense to me. They have no respect for their King.

They should be punished!

My wolf doesn't have any patience but I do, these are Christian's parents. He knows how they are and that's why he doesn't say anything. They also pissed him off by calling his mate names just because she is not a wolf. He let it slide because it's his parents, I know I can't.

My mate caught me off guard by turning my head to her direction when she sensed my anger. The moment my eyes were laid on her all the fire that was burning inside of me was washed away. All that anger left. All I could feel was the warmth in my chest that made me feel at peace. She is my peace. She is tranquility itself.

My anger luckily faded albeit slower than it came. I wasn't talking much tonight and neither was my mate as everyone feasted. She can feel the energy, as much as it looks like everyone has forgotten. The Carters seem to be looking at my mate with hatred and I am not liking it in every single way and neither does my wolf.

I can see the Beta female getting more and more agitated by my mate not paying attention to her.

Just as I was starting to actually enjoy the peace and quiet. The Beta female decided to open her annoying mouth.

"Are we going to pretend that this witch is a danger to our kind? The Lycans will intervene!" She raises.

My head was quick to snap at her direction, I could feel my eyes growing black all over. My wolf is trying to breakthrough. He wants to kill her for the venomous words directed at our mate.

"Mind your tongue Beta." My mother says in a calm voice. She told me she doesn't like how the Carters reacted to Zhavi being a hunter. She was already mad but now she knows that I'm already pissed so she wouldn't intervene. No one will.

"Mom no." Christian sends his own warning, as my Beta he can feel the quick shift of energy cause by my dominance trying to overpower everyone in the room.

"Don't speak to your mother like that boy!" Rendall defends his wife. "We are not pretending like this, this... thing won't turn against us!" He says giving my mate a repulsive look.

Before I could think I am already off my seat and I have the old man by the neck against the wall.

"You dare disrespect your Queen?" The voice that came out of my mouth was mine but wasn't mine at the same time. It was my wolf.

The old man has the audacity to show no fear, this means he challenges me. Very well.

I start punching him and I throw him across the room. This is a way to show him mercy for his disrespect, again. I was about to let him go until I noticed he still locks eyes with me even though he is on the floor. He really is challenging me. I have given him two chances now I'm done. It's time I stop playing nice Alpha.

I wouldn't lay a hand on a female unless they try to kill me so I won't touch his wife, but him? He will die!

I pick him up from the floor and throw him on the table, at this point I don't care who does what or says what. I'm already covered with rage.

"He's going to kill him." I hear a voice that sounded like Lydia's but my eyes are now clouded. My focus is on removing the threat.

I beat him up for not only disrespecting me, my mate and my title. I'm beating him up for his wife's disrespect too. My wolf enjoys me banging his huge stubborn head on the table. I love that he isn't a bleeder, meaning I can make less of a mess.

"He refused to submit to his Alpha. He could've prevented it." My mother says calmly. Her voice sounding like she doesn't have any worry in the world. I love her words.

"Christian don't." I hear Raven in the background.

Christian wants to intervene but he knows he can't. He knows it's the rule to never stop an Alpha from punishing his subjects.

This goes on for a while. My claws now extended as I cut through the man's shirt. My wolf is ready for a kill and I am about to give him full control. And that's when I heard a voice of an angel.

"Shane that's enough." As if on command my wolf stops and directs his attention to our mate.

I get confused when my eyes meet hers. Normally when someone calls me disturbing me from my punishment, they endure the same punishment. I hate being questioned but when it's my mate my hands are tied, I could never hurt her.

"Forgive him, he is your friend's father. He is a member of our family and you are hurting more than him." She says her voice demanding and strong.

I am both furious and stunned. She didn't say your family, she said our family. She cares for him and me, her actions are of a true Luna. She has the patience than I was never blessed with. I am more than proud of my mate at this moment.

I fight back my wolf so that I can gain full control again. He hasn't had enough of seeing his blood. As soon as I feel I am in control I order my guards to take the two former Betas to their respective rooms. I want them to be separated to punish them but I don't think Christian will be happy about that.

I told everyone else to leave because the dinner wasn't exactly all jolly now.

"Don't do nasty things, we eat on the table Shane." My mother says before taking her leave. She and my aunt have always given me nightmares from the birds and the bees as a kid. It made me want to run from girls. I almost did until I had a crush on Lydia.

I think she is a bad parent and I'm a bad brother because I did the same with Grayson.

Right now it's just me and Zhavi in the room. Everyone has left and I needed to be alone with her.

"That was... something." Is the first that came out of her mouth. It was something, I feel bad for ruining this dinner. It was supposed to be special for a special person.

"I'm really sorry, it's supposed to be a happy day. One of the happiest and special days spent with you." I reply sitting down on a chair that was once Raven's.

My mate followed me to Luca's chair and sat beside me. "It wasn't your fault Shane, you are the King after all. Believe me those comments had me boiling but I felt it was best to let you handle the situation since I guess I want to be on their good side." She says holding my hand in her cute, tiny, deadly hands.

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion,

"Well, I was raised by a hunter and I do have his blood in me," I cut her off before she could finish.

"That doesn't mean you have to be treated the way they treated you, your heart was tainted and you tried to fix your wrongs. Even so you, have the right to defend yourself no matter who it is offending you. I'll make sure they pay if they laid their hands on you."

"I get that Shane but you're not always going to be present, I have to stand up for myself even when you're gone." She says.

I hold her delicate soft face between my rough hands. Those beautiful brown eyes staring right back at me. They have me standing in place that I almost lost my words. A memory of those eyes is nothing compared to staring at them, but it doesn't hurt to keep it with me always.

"You won't have to pecas, you're forever mine and they will have to accept it." I say to her and then pecked her lips. Her cute grin made something in either my stomach or chest flip but something flipped. Or is it my brain...

"I've never had anyone to fight my battles mate. I'm stronger than you think." I didn't expect those words from her, I was lost for words but she helped by smashing those thick, soft lips against mine.

It's 10 pm and I'm sitting here with my mate lying between my legs, she's reading a novel on her laptop. I can't read novels on electronics, it feels better when it's the actual heavy paper and ink. I hardly have any time to read novels at all.

"What are you reading pecas?" I ask as I brush her beautiful brown hair with my hands.

"A novel." My hand stops at her answer. Naughty mate.

"I know that." She shifts her eyes off her laptop to look up to mine. She Iles for a minute before replying.

"Then why did you ask-" She smiles making me want to smile too. "-mate?" she continues.

"I like that." I say leaning forward to kiss her upside down forehead. She's adorable.

"My face or my book?"

"I like what you like."

"So my book then?" My wolf is suddenly alert at her words. What?

"What does that mean?"

"Well it can't be my face can it?" She says. My whole mood changes from that. She's my mate, there is not a single imperfections she has, she cannot feel that way.

"I don't want you to ever say that again Zhavi, I don't want you to feel that way with me, or anyone for that matter."

My mate removes the laptop and sets it on the table by the bed. She turns to me smiling, her eyes shining with an emotion I can't quite decipher.

"I'm joking, of course I know you meant me. You can't live without me." She leaves kisses on my cheeks and forehead after that.

I couldn't help but smile at her, it's better when she says that. Her cockiness is cute.

"And one more thing, stop calling me cute." She pouts and I couldn't help but laugh. She really is cute. Did she read my mind?

"But you are though,"

"I'm not, I'm sexc. With a c." She says emphasizing the "c".

"Would you mind showing me?"

Her left eyebrow lifts at that and she chuckles a little before she went to the bathroom. She never replied.

"So.. no sexiness?"

"No, maybe next time." She says closing the bathroom door. I can't wait then.

I have so much I want to do with my mate, like exploring that beautiful body of hers, finding out how that beautiful head works and what to do to keep that smile everyday. Most importantly, I want to show her off, I want everyone to know the woman that holds my heart.

My only problem, my biggest problem is Zaralena. The reason why that venom didn't turn her was because of her Fae side. I know the venom is out of her system as the doctor said but it bothers me that if we remove her powers, we are giving it a chance to kill her inside out. I'm not ready to lose my mate, the frustrating part is that there are so low chances of her survival.

Giving her powers to Zaralena will be like giving the villain exactly what she wants, she could be more powerful than she already is if we do that. I'll never trust her, she's too sneaky. Not removing her powers will turn her evil and someone has to do the unthinkable, the worst part is that it looks like it will have to be me. Only I have the power to rid of her without touching her and if it were anybody else... I'd kill them after and everything around them, it's better if I blame myself and kill myself then Greyson can take care of everything. The problem with the last part is that I don't want her to die, she doesn't deserve it. And lastly, my theory which is lower in chances but is still probable, the venom might still live in her system and the moment we remove her powers without helping Zaralena, she dies.....

I shake my head from those thoughts, nothing says my mate will live and it's frustrating, I can't have her gone.

"Hello?" My eyes snap to the hand waving by my face. I didn't hear her coming.


"Are you alright?" Zhavi asks looking concerned.

"Of course."

Her face shows that she doesn't believe me at all but she doesn't pry.

"Well I wanted to tell you about my book, if you're interested?" She says coming to sit next to me on the bed.

"If I have to look at your face."

She thinks for a moment..

"You know what? I'll tell you tomorrow." She says putting the book back. At first I was confused, then she started sitting on my lap and straddling me and kissing me with so much passion..


Hey lovies! Long time, sorry school very stressful:-[ but we are back, here's a chapter to maku up for it.

Hope you enjoyed, feel free to ask questions. Xoxo^_^

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