The Power of a Princess (A KH...

By FrozenKHFan97

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(Book 7) Hikari goes with Sora, Donald and Goofy to embark on a new journey to unlock her true power of the P... More

Real Organization XIII's origin/New Missions
Clash of the Titans on Olympus/Xigbar confronts Luxord
Broken Weapon in the Dark/The First Gummi Phone
Reunion with the Twilight trio/Kairi and Haya's friendship with Lea
You've Got a Friend in Me/Hikari's parents ALIVE?
The pure light of Rapunzel
Monsters Inc/Vanitas' return
Aqua VS Xehanort's Heartless/Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood III
A Pirate's Life for Sora and Kairi
Keyblade Hero 3 Plus 3
Sora, Riku and Mickey VS Anti-Aqua/Unexpected reunion with Terra
Ienzo and ATW's tearful reunion/Aqua and Terra VS Vanitas
Gathering of the Seven Guardians
Darkness Prevails and Light Expires/Hikari meets Chirithy
Hikari VS The Lich/Master Yen Sid and Ichiro to the rescue
VS Larxene, Marluxia and Luxord/VS Xigbar and Dark Riku
A return of a father/Xemnas captures Hikari
Seven Guardians of Light VS Xehanort/The χ-blade is complete!
Welcome to Scala ad Caelum/Hikari and co. VS Master Xehanort
Returning to the Final World/The Time-Traveling Princess
Past Battles #1 & 2/Riku and Mickey meets Demyx
Past Battle #3/The heart of Hikari's father
Past Battle #4/Wait for my signal
Past Battle #5/Missing crystal pieces
Welcome back to Scala ad Caelum
Nobu, Haya and Guardians VS armored figures/Hiromi's return
The unexpected angst/Sora's nightmare and Naminé's first Keyblade
Riku and Mickey's Resolve/Fairy Godmother's Determination
Hikari VS Yozora/Hiromi's revelation

Two Sisters of a Frozen World/Kairi and Haya's new clothing

552 9 205
By FrozenKHFan97

Sora, Hikari, Riku, King Mickey, Donald and Goofy had entered a snowy world called Arendelle. They split up to fight the Heartless.

After the battle, Sora began to shiver as he feels the wind. "It's cold!"

"I know!" Hikari shivered as she looks at Donald. "D-D-Donald, give us some coats!"

"The magic doesn't work that way," Donald said sternly.

Goofy smiled. "Guess they're too used to the beach!"

Sora frowned. "Hey, islanders, what can we say?"

"Yeah," Hikari nodded as she looked over at the fjord. "Look! Even the sea's turning" She looked over at Donald. "Donald, this isn't your magic, is it?"

Donald shook his head. "Uh-uh."

"Do ya think it's the Heartless?" Goofy asked.

"Might be. Let's go," Sora said as he, Hikari, Donald and Goofy ran over to the fjord to look and saw a platinum blonde woman, Elsa, running towards Riku and King Mickey in the distance. "She's heading for Riku and the King!"

On the other side, Riku and King Mickey watched as Elsa ran past them.

"What was that all about?" Riku asked.

King Mickey shrugged as he watched Elsa disappear. "Not sure. But that woman... She looked so scared."

Riku stands up. "I wonder who she is. Is she one of the New Seven Hearts?"

"Maybe," King Mickey said as he starts to walk with Riku. "We better go talk to her."

"Right," Riku nodded.

Soon after arriving at the Gorge of the North Mountain, King Mickey managed to catch up to Elsa with Riku. "Wait up, pal!"

Elsa turned around to see King Mickey and Riku. "Why are you here? Where did you come from?"

Riku smiled a bit. "Hey. I'm Riku and—" He noticed that King Mickey is clearing his throat and looks back at Elsa. "Uh...I'm from...let's just say someplace...a little warmer."

King Mickey nods at Riku and looks at Elsa. "And I'm Mickey. Mickey Mouse."

"Are you visiting Arendelle? For the coronation?" Elsa asked Riku and King Mickey.

Riku exchanges looks with King Mickey and turns to Elsa, laughing nervously. "You got us! So, who are you?"

Elsa stiffened a little. "Elsa... Queen Elsa of Arendelle."

King Mickey was amazed. "Wow! You're a queen!?" He and Riku stands straight.

Elsa nods. "You shouldn't be out here. Please go back to the village."

King Mickey saw Elsa walking away and frowned. "But why?"

"Hey, your Majesty, you look like you could use a friend," Riku said to Elsa, "Don't you want to talk?"

Elsa looked sternly at Riku and King Mickey. "Please leave. I need to be alone. I don't want to hurt anyone."

Riku felt sorry for Elsa as he remembered the bad things he did a long time ago. "I know that feeling. You must've been through a lot."

"Aw, she reminds me of you. We know what that's like, don't we?" King Mickey smiled at Riku. "After all, adventuring's lots of fun, but it definitely has its ups and downs. When the going gets tough, us friends have to stick together!"

Riku nods. "Exactly! Although, Donald does lose his temper a lot, so...we can relate to wanting some alone time."

King Mickey chuckled. "Welp, Donald doesn't really do that."

Elsa was annoyed and conjures up ice spikes. "Enough!"

Riku jumped back with King Mickey and looked at Elsa after seeing the ice spikes. "Elsa... Did you..."

Elsa said nothing as she saw reindeer-like Heartless behind her.

King Mickey summoned his Star Cluster Keyblade. "Heartless!"

Riku summoned his Braveheart Keyblade, ran up to the Heartless with King Mickey and looks at Elsa. "Don't worry. We got 'em. Take cover!"

Elsa nods as she lets Riku and King Mickey deal with the Heartless.

As Riku and the King battled the Heartless, Pete was watching with Maleficent and Larxene, shivering. "It's freezin' out here!"

"Be quiet and quit your shivering, you fool!" Maleficent shouted quietly. "Because the King and Riku are here, keeping a close watch on one of the New Seven Hearts."

"Not just one," Larxene said to Maleficent. "There's another one here which is her sister. And we'll have to make sure that the King and Riku and also Sora and Princess Hikari doesn't stand in our way. Now you and your tubby kitty should go do your job and find that last crystal piece for the old geezer."

"Very well," Maleficent nodded. "Perhaps you'll have no trouble of dealing with Riku and King Mickey yourself."

"That I won't," Larxene smirked as she watched Maleficent disappear with Pete.

Soon after battling the Heartless with Riku, King Mickey saw Elsa coming out of hiding. "Are you okay, Elsa?"

Elsa smiled a bit as she looks at King Mickey and Riku. "I...I'm sorry I was so upset. Thank you for your help."

King Mickey sees a reindeer-like Heartless behind Riku. "Riku!"

Riku turned around and saw a Heartless leaping towards him. "Oh no!"

"Look out!" Elsa cried as she shoots her ice magic at a Heartless that tried to attack Riku.

Riku looked over at Elsa. "T-That's amazing. You can control ice."

Elsa looked a little nervous. "Control it? No, all I ever hurt people."

King Mickey smiled. "It's okay. Those were just the Heartless."

Elsa looked at King Mickey. "You said that word before." Then she looked at Riku. "What are they?"

"Monsters that are after people's hearts," Riku explained. "Wherever they go, there's trouble."

"They're after people's hearts?" Elsa looked confused.

King Mickey nods. "That's right, and they're dangerous!"

"You should head home before it gets any worse," Riku said to Elsa.

Elsa turns away and looks at her hand. "This is my home now. I can't go back. I don't want to hurt anyone."

King Mickey exchanges looks with Riku and turns to Elsa. "Whaddaya mean?"

Elsa looked at Riku and King Mickey before walking away. "Arendelle is safer with me staying up here."

Riku tried to go after Elsa. "Not safer for you!" He stopped to see an ice wall blocking his path.

Elsa looked at the ice wall that appeared between her and Riku and ran off. "Please, go away!"

Riku placed his hands against the ice wall. "Elsa..."

King Mickey walked up to Riku. "Aw, don't worry, Elsa will be just fine. Gosh, she seems pretty strong just like you. We should let her go for now. She really wants to be alone."

Riku sighed as he clenched his fist. "Yeah, I hear you...but I just wanted to know why she was so sad."

Larxene walked up to Riku and King Mickey. "And how is it any of your business? Read the room, Mr. not-the-replica."

Riku turned around with King Mickey and saw Larxene behind them. "Who are you? Wait... That coat... You're another one of those Organization members!"

Larxene smirked at Riku. "Oh, am I? Oh yeah! You must be Sora's friend, Riku. Allow me to introduce myself. The name's Larxene. If you see Sora and that annoying Princess Hikari, tell them to remember. And we'll take care of Elsa, so don't you worry."

King Mickey looks at Riku and whispered. "If she knows Sora and Hikari, I'm guessing that she knows us, so maybe we should play along."

Riku nodded. "Not unless her name's "Terra.""

"Excuse me! I'm right here?" Larxene called to Riku and King Mickey.

Riku turned back to Larxene with King Mickey. "Why are you after Elsa?"

Larxene glared at Riku. "No one's gonna hurt her. But we're not about to put up with your meddling. Stay here and behave yourselves." She uses her lightning magic on the ice wall to create a labyrinth to trap him and the King.

"No..." Riku gasped. "The ice!"

"It's going to wall us in!" King Mickey cried.

Larxene smirked at Riku and King Mickey. "Ice is so not my style."

"Larxene!" Riku cried as he tried to go after her but a giant chunk of ice blocked his way.

Once the Labyrinth of Ice was completely built, King Mickey looked at Riku. "There's no way outta here, Riku!"

Riku sighs. "Well, we can't stay in here."

"I know," King Mickey nodded. "Elsa's in grave danger now."

"Yeah," Riku said. "Larxene promised not to hurt her, but I trust those guys as far as I can throw 'em."

King Mickey looked at Riku. "They've gotta be up to no good!"

"Clearly!" Riku said. "Let's go. Once we get out of here, we'll catch up to Elsa before the Organization does."

King Mickey nodded as he and Riku worked together by fighting Heartless and Nobodies and spinning pillars which are in the Lower and Middle Tier. Soon after the pillars have been spun, they found themselves in the Upper Tier.

"Well, Mickey, that seemed to lock everything into place," Riku said.

King Mickey nodded. "That better be the end of it." He saw a portal up ahead. "This must be the exit."

"About time," Riku said as he and King Mickey went into the portal back to the North Mountain. He looked around to see where Elsa ran off to. "See her?"

King Mickey points further up the mountain. "I think she mighta gone up in that direction."

"Okay, c'mon!" Riku nodded as he and King Mickey climbed up the North Mountain. Once they reached the Mountain Ridge, the song "Let it Go" was played.

Elsa: The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried.

King Mickey heard someone singing and turns to Riku. "Ya hear that, Riku?"

Elsa: Don't let them in. Don't let them see.

Riku recognized that singing and turns to King Mickey. "That's Elsa's voice!"

Elsa: Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don't feel. Don't let them know. Well, now they know.

Elsa took her glove off and makes snowflakes appear.

Elsa: Let it go! Let it go!

She created a snowman, Olaf, with her magic and makes more snowflakes appear.

Elsa: Can't hold it back anymore. Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door. I don't care what they're going to say. Let the storm rage on.

Elsa took her cape off and let it fly past Riku and King Mickey.

Elsa: The cold never bothered me anyway.

Riku ran after Elsa with King Mickey. "This way!"

Elsa: It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small. And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all.

Elsa created ice stairs with her magic.

Elsa: It's time to see what I can do, to test the limits and break through. No right, no wrong, no rules for me. I'm free!

She ran up the ice stairs, making it as smooth as glass.

Elsa: Let it go! Let it go! I am one with the wind and sky.

Riku stopped with King Mickey and was amazed to see the ice stairs Elsa created. "Look at that!"

Elsa: Let it go! Let it go! You'll never see me cry.

Elsa stomps her foot to create a snowflake platform.

Elsa: Here I stand and here I'll stay. Let the storm rage on.

Riku and King Mickey watched as Elsa creates her ice palace.

Elsa: My power flurries through the air into the ground. My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around. And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast.

Elsa took off her crown and threw it away.

Elsa: I'm never going back. The past is in the past.

She untied her hair and lets her braid trail down  her shoulder. Then her coronation dress was turned into a light blue snow queen dress with a sparkly cape.

Elsa: Let it go! Let it go! And I'll rise like the break of dawn. Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone. Here I stand in the light of day.

Finally, she walked out to the balcony and raises her arms.

Elsa: Let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway.

When the song was over, Elsa walked back to her ice castle with the doors slammed behind her.

Riku was still amazed as he and King Mickey looked at Elsa's Ice Palace. "Wow. Mickey, I don't know what we just saw That...was Elsa?"

"Yep," King Mickey nodded. "She looked different."

"And... beautiful, too," Riku smiled. "Let's go inside to see her.

As Riku and King Mickey head for the ice castle, Maleficent appeared with Larxene and Pete. "Ah, if it isn't the King and that wretched Keyblade Master Riku."

Larxene smirked at the duo. "Please don't tell us that you're spying on her now."

Riku gasped as he saw Larxene. "Larxene!"

King Mickey noticed that Maleficent and Pete are there. "Pete? Maleficent?" He turned to Larxene. "They're after Elsa too?"

Larxene shook her head as she points to Maleficent and Pete. "No, those two are here with me because they're doing the old geezer a favor by finding the last piece of the special crystal. Now... back to what we are discussing about, I wanted to admit Elsa is a person of interest to us. Maybe she's one of the seven pure lights we need—the New Seven Hearts."

King Mickey gasped. "Elsa's one of the seven princesses too?"

Larxene nodded. "That's right. Gotta make sure though. Fortunately, we're in the best position to tell. Can't pick out that "special glimmer"...unless you're standing in the shadows."

Pete chortled. "And maybe...this Elsa lady doesn't have it."

Maleficent smirked at Riku while looking at Elsa's Ice Palace. "Ah yes. You and the King must see how icy her palace is—made of magic she forced herself to keep hidden until now. I wonder if it's dark magic."

Riku glared at Maleficent. "Elsa would never rely on the darkness!"

"Silence!" Maleficent shouted as she pointed her staff at Riku and King Mickey. "It is still early to find out. Depending on how she sees it."

Larxene walked up to Riku and the King. "What Maleficent is trying to say is that if Elsa believes her magic is darkness, that's what it will become. Accepting her power, whatever it is, is the only way she can set her heart free. So what will Elsa accept? Light or darkness? I know I wanna know!"

King Mickey glared at Larxene. "Welp, you may try to find out but we won't let her fall to darkness on our watch!"

Larxene smirked at King Mickey. "It's her choice to make, not yours." She turned to Riku. "You know, since the King mentioned that Elsa's just like you, I'm starting to understand why she gave you the cold shoulder." Then she created a blast of wind to blow the duo away.

Riku struggled through the blast with King Mickey. "Larxene! Maleficent!"

Larxene smirked. "And I see that you are much tougher than the replica. Now then... you wanna help her, Riku? Then stop trying to be her hero! Let her figure things out her own way!"

Failing to warn Elsa about Larxene, Riku and King Mickey were blown off the Mountain Ridge.

Meanwhile, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy are searching for Riku and King Mickey high on the mountain.

"I'm sure Riku and the King couldn't have gotten this far," Sora said.

"Well, where could they be?" Donald asked.

Goofy sees Riku laying on the ground and King Mickey buried under the snow. "Hey! I think I see 'em!"

Hikari ran over to Riku and the King with Sora, Donald and Goofy. "Mickey! Riku!"

"Are you okay?" Sora asked as he and Hikari helped Riku up.

"All good!" King Mickey muffled under the snow as Donald and Goofy pulled him out.

A little later, Riku and King Mickey explained about Maleficent, Pete and Larxene to Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy.

"Maleficent's here with the Organization?" Sora gasped.

"That's right," King Mickey nodded. "Just like Marluxia, one of the Organization members is after the New Seven Hearts too."

Riku sighs as he looks at King Mickey. "I think we should probably go check on Elsa."

King Mickey agreed. "Right. And make sure Larxene and Maleficent are wrong about her magic."

Riku nodded. "Yeah. But we can't tell her what Maleficent and Larxene said."

"Why not?" Sora asked.

"Well, to keep the order," Goofy replied.

Donald agreed. "Yeah. Order."

"Okay then," Hikari said to Riku and King Mickey. "Lead the way."

As King Mickey began to lead the team, he stopped to hear a rumbling sound. "Not so fast, gang! Do ya hear that?"

Riku heard it as well and saw an avalanche in the distance. "Over there!" He gasped as he looked at the others.

"Avalaaaaaanche!" Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy cried.

Goofy summoned his shield and turns to Sora and Donald. "Quick, climb aboard!"

"Right!" Sora nodded as he and Donald climbs onto Goofy's shield.

Hikari dons her armor and summoned her Keyblade Glider while looking at Riku and King Mickey. "Get in quick! And hang on tight!"

"Here we go!" Goofy pushed the shield and gets on as he starts to sled down the mountain with Sora and Donald while Hikari flew her Keyblade Glider with Riku and King Mickey on board away from the avalanche that has the flying Heartless in it. They all dodged the Heartless's laser attack until they flew away.

King Mickey looks at Hikari. "I think we lost 'em!"

Hikari nodded. "We did. But we gotta catch up to Sora and the others."

Soon after catching up to Sora, Donald and Goofy at the Snowfield, Riku got off the Keyblade glider with King Mickey and Hikari and saw the same flying Heartless emerge out of the snow. "Look who's back!"

The six all summoned their weapons and battled the flying Heartless.

After the battle, King Mickey saw the two Heartless creating another avalanche. "Not again!"

"Run!" Hikari cried as she, Sora, Riku, King Mickey, Donald and Goofy starts running from the avalanche but they all get swept off the edge.

Later at the Valley of Ice, Olaf, the snowman that was brought to life by Elsa, found Donald, Goofy, Sora, Riku and Hikari laying on the ground. "Wow! Look at all the pretty colors. There's blue, green, red, silver and orange—ooh, I love orange just like my carrot nose!" Then he saw King Mickey and tripped over his arm. "And look, black. Just like my buttons. Hmm?"

King Mickey woke up to see Olaf's foot and grabbed it. "What's this?"

Olaf hopped over to King Mickey. "Silly talking mouse. Give me back my foot." He retrieved his foot  and waddled away.

Hikari stands up to see Olaf waddling away and turns to King Mickey. "Mickey, was that...a snowman?"

King Mickey nodded. "It is." He turned to see Sora, Riku, Donald and Goofy waking up. "Is everyone alright?"

"Uh...did you boys see that snowman?" Hikari asked.

Goofy was confused. "Snowman?"

"Where?" Sora asked.

"He was here a minute ago," Hikari said. "And here's the funny thing: he was walking and talking."

Donald exchanges looks with Sora, Riku and Goofy and turns to Hikari. "Everybody knows snowmen can't walk, Hikari."

"Aw, it's alright," King Mickey assured. "We must've imagined it."

Hikari frowned. "Huh... I thought he was real."

"Well, maybe we'll see him again," Riku said to Hikari and King Mickey. "But if we don't get going, we'll never reach Elsa's palace."

King Mickey just remembered the priority. "Oh, right! I almost forgot! C'mon, gang!" He began leading the team once again, but they all stopped to let a princess of Arendelle, Anna, a mountain man, Kristoff and a reindeer, Sven pass by with Olaf.

"I can't wait to meet Elsa," Olaf giggled. "I bet she's the nicest, warmest, best person ever."

King Mickey was amazed when he and the others saw Olaf. "Oh, wow!"

"A walking, talking snowman!?" Sora gasped.

"See? I told you!" Hikari smiled.

"Well, what do you know?" Riku chuckled. "You were right, Hikari!"

"I wanna look!" Hikari said as she and the others ran over to Olaf. "Wow! You really are alive and so cute!

"Say... What's makin' ya walk?" King Mickey asked Olaf.

"Um, well, I feet," Olaf replied.

Anna saw King Mickey and co. and walked over to them with Kristoff and Sven. "Hello. Olaf, are these your friends?"

Olaf looks at Anna. "Nope! Never met 'em." He looked over at Donald, Goofy, Riku, King Mickey, Hikari and Sora. "Don't know anyone blue, green, silver, black, orange or who's oddly spiky."

Sora knew what Olaf was talking about. ""Spiky"? My hair?" Then he frowned. "Wait, why don't I get a color too? My name is Sora."

Hikari giggled as she looks at Olaf. "I'm Hikari."

"Riku," Riku nodded.

"Donald Duck!" Donald quacked.

"Goofy!" Goofy introduced.

"And I'm Mickey Mouse!" King Mickey said, looking at Anna and Kristoff. "So who might you be?"

"I'm Anna," Anna replied. Then she looked at Kristoff. "And I know they're strangers, but...they seem pretty nice to me."

Kristoff nods as he looked at King Mickey and co. and places his hand on Sven's back. "I'm Kristoff, and this is Sven."

"Nice to meet ya," Goofy smiled.

"So, where are you guys all headed?" Hikari asked.

"We're going to try and put an end to this crazy winter," Kristoff replied.

"And to do that, we need to find my sister, Elsa," Anna finished.

Riku exchanges looks with King Mickey and turns to Anna. "Elsa's...your sister?"

King Mickey smiled. "What a coincidence. Riku and I are going to see her too."

Anna was surprised as she looked at Riku and King Mickey. "You know Elsa?"

Riku nodded. "Yeah, Mickey and I ran into her up the mountain."

Hikari interrupted. "Um... Do you mind telling us what's going on around here?"

"We're worried," Sora interrupted as well.

Riku silenced Sora and Hikari for a moment and turns to Anna. "We think your sister might be in some trouble."

Anna frowned as she looked at Riku, Sora and Hikari. "Trouble? Are you sure?" Then she smiled. "All right. I know we just met, but...Sora, Hikari and Riku, was it? I get the feeling that you three are the people to trust."

Kristoff smiled at Anna. "I'm right there with ya."

Anna looks at Sora, Riku and co. "I just hope you like long stories."

"Sure," Sora nodded with Riku.

"Ya know, I should go find some moss for Sven," Kristoff said, looking at Sven. "He's looking a little hungry. C'mon, Sven."

Olaf stopped Kristoff and Sven for a moment. "Hey, w-w-w-wait, what's going on? Tell me. Is something happening?"

Kristoff grabbed Olaf. "C'mon, Olaf. You're with me."

Olaf smiled. "Sure, Sven. Reindeer Sven too?"

"The reindeer is Sven," Kristoff sighed as he carries Olaf, leaving with Sven.

"Oh, how fun!" Olaf said.

Anna walked over to a rock with Sora, Hikari and Riku. "When we were little, my sister and I used to be really close."

A long time ago at Arendelle Castle when Anna was a little girl, she was sad when she watched as little Elsa closes the door.

"But then, one day, for some reason, Elsa just shut me out," Anna narrated.

The song "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" played as little Anna watched the snowfall and ran over to little Elsa's door.

Young Anna: Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on, let's go and play. I never see you anymore. Come out the door. It's like you've gone away. We used to be best buddies and now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.  Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman.

"Go away, Anna," Young Elsa groaned behind the door.

Young Anna: Okay, bye...

"Years passed and we barely ever saw each other," Anna explained her and Elsa's backstory. "Then, finally, it was time for her coronation. Let's just say I was more than a little excited. I thought we'd finally have a chance to talk. But at the party, I did something that made her mad. We got into an argument, and I lost my temper. I was just so frustrated! And then, well...that's when she used her magic to push me away. It was all my fault."

Soon, after the flashback ended, Anna sang sadly. "Please, I know you're in there. People are asking where you've been. They say, "have courage" and I'm trying to. I'm right out here for you. Just let me in. We only have each other. It's just you and me. What are we gonna do? Do you wanna build a snowman?" Then she continued speaking to Sora, Hikari and Riku. "I shouldn't have upset her the way I did. Elsa ran away because she was frightened. I have to bring her home."

Hikari sniffled after hearing Anna's backstory and singing. "Anna... We're so sorry. We had no idea what you and your sister are going through."

Sora placed her hand on Hikari's shoulder and smiled at Anna. "I'm sure she knows how much you love her."

Riku began contemplating his first encounter with Elsa at the Gorge. "And I think...maybe that's why she looked so sad. It's just like when I disappeared. I thought I had to push Sora and the others away, to protect them. Mickey was right. Elsa's me. And Anna's just like Sora." He turned to Anna. "If anyone can help her, it's you."

Anna looked at Riku and smiled. "Thanks."

Just then, Kristoff arrived, holding Olaf's stick arm. "Hey, guys! I need some help!"

Sora ran over to Kristoff with Riku, Hikari, King Mickey, Donald and Goofy. "What's the problem?"

Kristoff shows Hikari and co. Olaf's arm. "This."

Donald seemed confused. "A stick problem?"

"It's not a stick," Kristoff said. "Well, it is a stick, but it— It's Olaf's arm. He's fallen apart again."

"Fallen apart?!" King Mickey, Donald and Goofy cried.

"Uh, how come you're not upset?" Hikari asked.

Anna smiled. "Oh, it's no big deal. He's a snowman. We'll just...put him back together."

Sora frowned. "Really?!"

"You can do that?" Riku asked.

Goofy looked at King Mickey. "I gotta see this!"

"The pieces can't be too far from here," Kristoff said to the six. "Could you guys help us look for 'em?"

King Mickey nodded. "'Course!" Then he turned to Sora and the others. "Let's go, team! We have a snowman to find!"

Soon... Olaf's voice was heard. "Heeey! I'm over this way!"

"Is that...?" Hikari heard Olaf's voice.

"I heard it too," Donald quacked.

"Yep, that's Olaf's voice," Goofy nodded.

"Samantha?" Olaf said while inside the big snowball. Then he began laughing. "I don't even know a Samantha!"

"His voice is getting louder," King Mickey said as he hops on the snowball and rolls it until it hits the rock.

Olaf's head emerges out of the snowball. "Hi, Sora, Hikari, Riku!"

Sora chuckled. "Hey, Olaf. There you are!"

"We've been looking all over for you," Hikari smiled.

"I was starting to think nobody'd ever come along and find me," Olaf smiled back.

"Well, I'm glad we did," Riku picked up Olaf's head.

Goofy sees Olaf's legs skating on the pond and turns to Donald. "I think I mighta seen Olaf's legs leggin' it."

"Look! Legs!" Donald quacked as he saw Olaf's legs.

Hikari ran over to Olaf's legs and grabbed them. "I caught them!"

"Alright!" Sora cheered.

"Nice, Hikari," Riku nodded.

"Just one more thing," King Mickey said. "Which is the body. Everyone split up and find it."

As the group search high and low, Riku saw a funny-shaped snowball with a coal on it. "This...MIGHT be Olaf? I could probably take this to Anna."

After Riku brought the snowball to Anna, Olaf was pieced together but started to sway back and forth. "Wait, why does everybody look all wobbly?"

"It's not us, Olaf," Anna said. "You're about to tip over!"

"Huh? Wha— Oh no," Olaf cried as his head fell off the funny-shaped snowball.

Riku looked at Anna. "Yeah, I kinda figured that was wrong. I'm gonna go see if Sora and Hikari has any luck."

Soon, Sora turned around to see Riku arriving and points to the giant snowball with a black coal on it. "Is this him?"

"Well, it's the right shape..." Riku nodded.

"But one tiny detail," Hikari said. "It's huge!"

After the three of them brought it to Anna, Olaf looked as big as a giant. "Anna, question... When did you get so small and tiny?"

Anna smiled nervously. "Um, actually, Olaf, it's more that you're really big now."

Olaf smiled. "You're right! What a great view!"

"Hmm... I think we did it wrong," Hikari smiled sheepishly.

Olaf frowned. "Aw, but I like being tall."

Sora sighed. "Keep looking..."

"Never mind," Riku said. "I bet Mickey, Donald and Goofy found Olaf's body by now."

King Mickey arrived with Donald and Goofy, holding up a brown snowball with a coal on it. "We're back! And gosh... Olaf needs a bath."

Goofy looked at King Mickey and Donald. "Maybe he rolled himself through a puddle of mud."

"Maybe..." Donald said.

After King Mickey, Donald and Goofy gave the brown body to Anna, Olaf was enjoying his brown body while lying on a rock. "Look how golden brown I am! I've always wanted to get a summer tan!"

As Olaf hums the song "In Summer", Kristoff sighed. "Olaf..."

"We've got some bad news," Sora said nervously.

Anna looked sternly at Kristoff. "Kristoff."

Hikari looked sternly at Sora. "Sora."

"Don't spoil it for him," Anna and Hikari said at the same time.

Riku looks at King Mickey. "Well, snow is supposed to be white..."

King Mickey nods. "I know... We better ask Olaf this time."

After asking Olaf where his body is, the six of them ran up to the waterfall, went to the right and found the correct body.

"Hey, this is Olaf's body," Sora said.

"It is!" Donald nodded.

"Button and all!" Goofy said.

"Good work, gang!" King Mickey smiled. "Now let's give this to Anna so she can fix Olaf."

After the six returned with Olaf's correct body, Anna had finally fixed Olaf. "And that it."

King Mickey looked carefully at Olaf. "You sure something's not missin'?"

Kristoff shook his head. "Nah. Looks right."

Olaf smiled as he looks himself. "Wow, I feel so much better." Then he noticed something was missing on his face. "Wait! Where's my cute new nose! The one Anna gave me!"

Anna looked at Sora, Hikari and Riku. "Uh, Sora, Hikari, Riku... Do you three have his nose?"

"I don't think so," Sora said.

"Nope, didn't see it," Riku agreed.

"Me neither," Hikari said.

Kristoff gave Sven a stern look, wondering if he has Olaf's carrot nose. "Sven..."

Sven grinned as he opened his mouth to let Kristoff grab Olaf's carrot nose.

Kristoff smirked at Anna as he talked for Sven. ""Someone had to pick it up!"" He talked normally. "You're right, buddy. Thanks for finding it...and not actually eating it." Then he talked for Sven again. ""Aw, you're welcome.""

King Mickey took the carrot and placed it back onto Olaf's nose. "Here ya go, pal!"

"My nose, it's back!" Olaf smiled as he looked at King Mickey. "Oh, I love having a nose!"

Riku looked at Kristoff. "Hey, Kristoff, how'd all this happen, anyway?"

"You know, I'm not sure," Kristoff said. "These weird animals—well, they were more like monsters—they just crashed into Olaf."

"I knew it," Goofy sighed.

"The Heartless again!" Donald quacked.

"Yeah," Sora and Hikari nodded.

"The "Heart-less"?" Kristoff said, looking confused.

"Yep," King Mickey nodded.

Kristoff looked down curiously. "Hmm... And I thought the wolves around here were bad."

Anna ran up to Kristoff and points to the Heartless that are appearing. "Kristoff, look!"

King Mickey summoned his Star Cluster Keyblade. "It's the Heartless!"

Kristoff gasped. "They're back!"

Olaf hid behind King Mickey. "No... I've already fallen apart today."

Riku summoned his Braveheart Keyblade. "We know how to handle them! Anna, Kristoff, keep going!"

"And take Sora and Hikari with you!" King Mickey said.

Kristoff looks at Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy for a moment and turns to Riku and King Mickey. "Okay!"

"Wait? What?" Anna frowned as Kristoff leads her away from the battle while Riku and King Mickey began fighting the Heartless: reindeer-like ones and etc.

Meanwhile at Arendelle Village, Maleficent, Pete and Larxene followed the Duke of Weselton to where Prince Hans of the Southern Isles is passing out cloaks to all the villagers.

"Prince Hans, am I just expected to sit here and freeze while you give away all of Arendelle's tradable goods?" The Duke glared at the prince.

Hans glared back at the Duke. "Princess Anna has given her orders..."

"And that's another thing!" The Duke shouted. "Has it dawned on you that your princess may be conspiring with a wicked sorceress to destroy us all?"

"Do not question the Princess," Hans snapped. "She left me in charge, and I will not hesitate to protect Arendelle from treason."

The Duke was offended. "Treason?!"

Pete sees Hans running over to Anna's horse. "Huh? Wonder what's that all about?"

Maleficent gave Pete a stern look. "Quiet, you fool!"

"Both of you quiet," Larxene sighed. "And listen..."

Hans looks at the mountain and turns to the crowd of people. "Princess Anna is in trouble. I need volunteers to go with me to find her."

Larxene waved at Hans. "Excuse us!" Then she points to Pete and Maleficent. "Can these two go with you?"

"We volunteer two strangers," the Duke said to Hans.

"Indeed," Maleficent nodded at Hans. "Dear Pete and I will help you find the "princess.""

The Duke of Weselton nodded at Larxene. "Alright then. They can go." Then he turned to Maleficent and Pete. "Be prepared for anything. And should you encounter the queen, you are to put an end to this winter. Do you understand?"

Hans sighed as he sees Maleficent and Pete walking up to him. "Okay. You two are going to help me find Princess Anna. Be on guard, but no harm is to come to the queen."

"As you wish," Maleficent smirked as she and Pete who laughed maniacally followed Hans to the mountain.

Meanwhile at the Ice Palace, Anna had told Elsa about what happened to Arendelle. "You kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere."

Elsa gasped. "Everywhere?"

Anna smiled. "Well, it's okay. You can just unfreeze it."

Elsa shook her head. "No, I can't. I don't know how."

"Sure you can," Anna said. "I know you can."

Outside of Elsa's Ice Palace, Riku and King Mickey arrived to see that only Sven was there, with his tongue stuck on the ice banister.

Riku looked at King Mickey. "Anna and the others must've gone inside with Sora and Hikari."

Back inside the Ice Palace, Elsa was starting to lose control of her magic. "I can't!" She sends a blast of snow and ice, striking Anna in the heart. Elsa turned around and saw her sister kneeling onto the ground in pain.

Kristoff arrived with Olaf, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy to help Anna up. "Anna! Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," Anna said, standing up. "I'm fine."

Elsa looked at Kristoff, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy. "Who's this? Wait, it doesn't matter. have to go."

Anna frowned. "No, I know we can figure this out together."

Elsa glared at Anna. "How? What power do you have to stop this winter? To stop me?"

Sora looks around to see icy shadows appearing. "What now, Kristoff?"

"I think we should go," Kristoff said to the others.

"No. I'm not leaving without you, Elsa," Anna pleaded.

"Yes, you are," Elsa said as she creates a giant snow monster, Marshmallow.

Outside... King Mickey noticed that Riku is in pain. "Riku? Are ya hurt?"

Riku shook his head as he looked at Elsa's Ice Palace. "No, I'm fine. But...I think something terrible must have happened. I hope our friends are okay."

King Mickey nodded and saw Marshmallow carrying Sora, Hikari, Donald, Goofy, Anna, Kristoff and Olaf. "Uh-oh!"

"Stop! Put us down!" Anna shouted.

"Go away!" Marshmallow bellowed as he tossed Anna, Kristoff, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy onto the stairs.

Olaf's head was tossed onto the rock. "Heads up!" Then he saw Marshmallow tossing his arms and legs. "Watch out for my butt!"

Anna makes a snowball and glares at Marshmallow. "Hey! It is not nice to throw people!"

Kristoff holds Anna back. "Whoa-whoa-whoa, feisty-pants. Okay, relax. Just calm down. Calm down. Just let the snowman be."

"I'm calm," Anna said to Kristoff as she throws the snowball at Marshmallow which made him enraged.

Kristoff frowned as he looks at Marshmallow. "Aw, see? Now you made him mad."

"I'll distract him. You guys go!" Olaf said to Anna and Kristoff who ran off with Sven. Then he saw his body running away. "No, no. Not you guys!" His head fall onto the snow. "This just got a whole lot harder."

Riku gets into battle stance with King Mickey, Hikari, Sora, Donald and Goofy. "We can buy you some time!"

Marshmallow stomped over to Riku and co. and roars at them.

Hikari gulped and turns to the boys. "Run!"

As the six of them ran away from Marshmallow, Olaf retrieved his body and went after Anna, Kristoff and Sven. "Wait for me!"

Soon at a ridge area with trees, King Mickey was still running with Sora, Riku, Hikari and Donald from Marshmallow. "Sora! Where's Goofy?"

Goofy was standing next to a snowy tree. "Hey, Sora! I got an idea!"

"Goofy, what are you doing?" Donald quacked.

"Oh! That's perfect!" Sora smiled as he ran over to Goofy and the tree.

Donald frowned. "Huh? Hey!"

Sora grabbed Goofy and pulls the tree as Marshmallow walked up to them. "Get ready... Okay, now!"

Goofy released the tree, knocking Marshmallow onto the ground.

King Mickey summoned his Star Cluster Keyblade and arrived with Riku, Hikari and Donald to see Marshmallow standing up. "He's not done..."

Hikari nods and glares at Marshmallow. "Bring it, snowball!"

The six of them fought Marshmallow who cornered them at the edge of the mountain.

King Mickey looks at Sora, Hikari, Riku, Donald and Goofy. "Stand your ground, fellas! Looks like he's got some tricks up his claws."

Marshmallow pounds the ground, sending the six of them down the cliff and into the Snowfield.

Hikari was laying on the snowy ground. "Good thing snow's so soft. We could do this a hundred times."

Donald stands up and looks at Hikari. "No! Let's not."

"Ya sure you don't wanna go again?" Goofy chuckled.

"Nooo thank youuu!" Sora shouted.

Riku stands up and looked at King Mickey. "Do you think everybody else made it?"

"I don't think the snow monster got 'em," King Mickey said.

"They probably went back to the palace," Donald said to the King and Riku.

"Makes sense," Sora said. "For us, too."

"We still need to talk to Elsa," Riku said.

"Second time's the charm!" Hikari smiled.

"Yeah, back to the ice palace," Riku agreed.

Sora, Hikari, Riku, King Mickey, Donald and Goofy kept going until they stopped to see Hans carrying Elsa over his shoulder.

"Hey...that's Elsa," King Mickey said.

"Yeah," Riku nodded. "But who's that guy?"

Goofy looked at the King and Riku. "It could be somebody from Arendelle who came up here to help her."

Sora exchanges looks with Hikari and looks closely at Hans. "Don't think so. That doesn't look like help to me."

"It's not," King Mickey said as he points to Hans walking towards Maleficent and Pete. "Look! Maleficent and Pete must've gotten to Elsa before we did!"

"But why?" Hikari asked King Mickey.

Donald noticed the darkness emanating from Hans's body. "Oh no!"

Goofy was surprised. "Darkness?"

Riku sighed. "Let's move!"

Desperate to save Elsa, the six of them went after Maleficent, Pete and Hans but they all stopped to see Marshmallow bursts through the trees.

"Him again?!" Hikari frowned as she and the boys ran in front of Marshmallow. "Hey! You'd better not have hurt our friends!" She noticed that the snow monster walked past them. "Huh?"

"Elsaaa!" Marshmallow roared.

Sora ran after Marshmallow with Hikari and the others. "Hey, wait up! Are you...looking for Elsa, too?"

Hikari noticed that Marshmallow was angry. "Whoa! Eeeasy! Do you wanna save her from the bad guys? We're on the same side."

Marshmallow calms down. "Elsa..."

King Mickey frowned as he looks at Riku. "I guess all he ever wanted to do was keep Elsa safe."

Hikari smiled as she had an idea, looking at Marshmallow. "Hey. We should team up, big guy."

Donald was speechless. "Team up?!"

"C'mon," Sora smiled. "We wanna help her, too."

Riku thinks about it and had to agree with Sora and Hikari. "Why not?"

Hikari looks at Marshmallow. "So, whaddaya say?"

As Marshmallow nods in agreement, Donald frowned. "Sora! Hikari!"

Goofy smiled. "One great thing about Sora and Hikari—they can always make friends with anybody."

King Mickey nods. "That's true, Goof."

"Yippee..." Donald sighed.

Hikari stands next to Marshmallow with Sora and Riku. "Mickey! Donald! Goofy! C'mon."

"Wait for us!" King Mickey, Donald and Goofy cried as they catch up to Sora, Hikari, Riku and Marshmallow and continue to go after Maleficent, Pete and Hans.

As Marshmallow, Hikari and co. are getting closer to Arendelle, Kristoff's voice was heard. "Stop it. Put me down!"

Riku looks at King Mickey and the others. "That's Kristoff."

Hikari looked at Marshmallow with Sora. "Do us a favor and wait here."

Sora agreed. "Hikari's right. If you come along, Kristoff might freak out." He and the others ran up.

Kristoff was tossed to the ground by Sven and glared at him. "No, Sven! We're not going back. She's with her true love."

"Kristoff!" Sora shouted.

Kristoff saw Sora, Hikari, Riku, King Mickey, Donald and Goofy arriving. "Sora. Hikari. Riku."

"You all right?" Riku asked.

Kristoff nodded."Yeah, I'm fine. I'm glad you guys are safe."

King Mickey looked around. "Where'd Anna go?"

Kristoff sighed as he looked down. "She's back at home."

Riku frowned. "Something happen?"

"Anna was struck in the heart by Elsa's ice magic," Kristoff explained about what happened between Elsa and Anna. "If the ice isn't removed, she'll freeze forever. Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart. So I took her back to Arendelle and her true love, Hans."

Hikari frowned. "But...what about you?"

"What about me?" Kristoff looked confused.

Sora smiled sheepishly. "Uh, I sorta assumed you guys were..."

Kristoff was surprised. "Nooo! I just keep her from getting lost."

Hikari smirked. "Really? Oh, but you seem so..."

"Perfect together!" Goofy finished.

"Yeah, like me and Daisy!" Donald agreed.

"Yep," Riku said as he smirked at Sora. "And like Sora and Kairi!"

Sora blushed as he gave Riku a stern look. "Wha? Riku!"

While Riku, Hikari, King Mickey, Donald and Goofy laughed, Kristoff felt a wind blowing through him. "What?" He turned around to see a blizzard in the distance. "Anna." He and Sven started running towards Arendelle.

Marshmallow came out of hiding and points to the blizzard in Arendelle. "Elsa..."

Hikari looks at the snow monster. "Is that where Elsa is?"

Marshmallow said nothing but let out a sad roar.

King Mickey looks at Riku. "Elsa and Anna might both need our help."

Riku nods. "Yeah! Let's go!" He and King Mickey managed to follow Marshmallow while Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy goes from rock to rock, protecting themselves from the snowstorm.

Soon... the four of them catches up to Marshmallow, Riku and King Mickey.

"Look! He's protectin' us from the storm!" Goofy said, talking about Marshmallow.

"We can make it!" Donald quacked.

"Okay, gang," King Mickey said. "The storm's died down."

"Gawrsh, I hope Anna and Elsa are okay," Goofy said.

"Hurry!" Riku cried as he leads his friends towards Arendelle.

On the fjords, Hans catches up to Elsa in the blizzard. "Elsa, you can't run from this!"

Elsa turned around and looked at Hans. "Just take care of my sister!"

"Your sister?" Hans came up with a lie. "She returned from the mountain weak and cold! She said that you froze her heart! I tried to save her but it was too late! Her skin was ice, her hair turned white... Your sister is dead... because of you."

Elsa gasped and realized what she did. "No..." She fell to her knees and stops the blizzard.

Elsewhere... Anna, who's doomed to be icy solid, saw Kristoff up ahead. "Kristoff?"

Kristoff gasped and ran towards the soon-to-be a frozen princess of Arendelle. "Anna!"

Anna limped towards Kristoff but she stopped to see Hans pull out his sword and walking towards Elsa. "Elsa?" She looked back at Kristoff and then ran towards Hans and Elsa.

Riku arrived with King Mickey, Hikari and the others. "Elsa, Anna..."

Anna jumped in between Hans and Elsa and screamed, "Nooo!"

As Anna began to freeze solid, Hans swung his sword which broke after it hits her frozen hand, causing him to get knocked out by a pulse of magic.

Sora gasped as he and the others stopped running to see Anna who's now frozen solid. "Anna..."

Riku looked at the darkness erupting from Hans and enveloping him and his friends. "What!?"

The six of them sunk into the darkness to where Maleficent and Pete are at.

Maleficent smirked. "So now you all know why the Organization are here in this world. They are searching for new princesses called "The New Seven Hearts." Capture all of them and Xehanort's plan to recreate the ultimate key will come to fruition." She summoned a giant wolf-like Heartless called Sköll to confront Hikari and co.

Pete chuckled as he looks at Sköll. "Okay, big guy. Play nice with King Mickey the Mouse and his twerps while Maleficent and I have business to take care of." He and Maleficent disappeared.

"Do ya really think this will help Anna?" Goofy asked the others.

"I don't know...but we'd better try something!" Hikari said to Goofy as she summoned her Counterpoint Keyblade.

King Mickey summoned his Star Cluster Keyblade and turns to Sora and Riku who summoned their Keyblades. "Sora, Riku, ready?"

"Yeah!" Sora and Riku nodded.

"Let's get it," Donald said as Marshmallow arrived to help the others.

They all battle Sköll with all their might. And soon after the battle, it created another dark sphere to eliminate them all.

Marshmallow shields Hikari and co. from the blast and was blown back into the lake, along with the others.

After returning to the fjord, King Mickey helped Sora, Riku, Hikari, Donald and Goofy up and looked over to see Elsa crying over Anna's frozen body with Olaf, Kristoff and Sven watching. Soon... a miracle just happened, Anna's body started to unfreeze, much to everyone's surprise. Hikari and the boys ran over to Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven but they stopped to see a dark dome blocking their path.

"What?" Riku gasped.

Just then, Larxene appeared and smirked. "So, love has filled both their hearts with light."

Riku growled. "Larxene!"

Larxene looked over at Riku, Hikari and the others. "Two in one world... Definitely didn't see that coming."

Sora looks at Riku and King Mickey. "Riku... Your Majesty... Is she...?"

"Yes," King Mickey nodded. "First Marluxia, now her."

Riku glared at Larxene. "All right! What is this all about?!"

Larxene looked at King Mickey and Riku. "Oh, I see, so you bumped into Marluxia. Then why am I explaining this again? I told you before: The New Seven Hearts. If you mess up and don't find your seven guardians of light, we're gonna need another group to fall back on."

Sora growled. "Leave innocent people out of it!"

"And not harming them!" Hikari agreed.

Larxene smirked at Hikari and Sora. "Ohh, look at this tough guy and princess. Such a big boy and a boy girl now." She looked at Hikari. "Well, princess, maybe you should do your job, and help Riku and the King find three more guardians of light."

King Mickey walked up to Larxene. "I wonder if you've found all thirteen or not. Face it, you and Xehanort are one seeker of darkness short."

"Oh no, we're set," Larxene said to King Mickey as she walks back to the dark corridor, causing the dome to vanish.

Sora looked at Riku and King Mickey. "They have all thirteen?"

Riku nods. "Then if we don't find our seven, they'll go after Elsa and Anna."

King Mickey watched Elsa and Anna hug each other and turns to Riku, Sora and Hikari. "It'll be okay."

"The King's right," Goofy nodded. "They're strong."

"And now, it's our turn!" Donald said.

Hikari smiled and turns to Sora and Riku. "They're right. They have each other."

Elsa smiled as she hugged her sister who's now alive. "Anna..."

"Oh, Elsa," Anna hugged Elsa back.

"You sacrificed yourself for me?" Elsa smiled even more.

"I love you," Anna said warmly.

Olaf gasped. "An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart."

Elsa looked down, thinking about what Olaf had said. "Love...will thaw." She looked at Anna. "Love..."

Anna looked surprised. "Elsa?"

Elsa looked at her hands. "Of course. Love!" She managed to use her power of love to bring summer back as Hikari and co. cheered and enjoyed the moment before leaving to tell Merlin and Master Yen Sid about the Organization.

At the Secret Forest, Kairi and Haya, now wearing new clothes, arrived to see Lea. "Hey, Axel!"

Lea turned around to see Kairi. "Hey. Liking the look. Cut your hair, too." Then he looked at Haya. "Same with you. Lose the ponytail?"

"Yep," Haya nodded. "So, you gonna try yours on?"

"Uhh...I dunno," Lea said, looking at his black coat. "Maybe later."

Kairi exchanges looks with Haya and turns to Lea. "But you always wear the same thing."

Lea smiled at the girls. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This is how you pick me out of a crowd. I make myself easy to remember."

"How thoughtful," Haya smirked.

Lea was flattered. "Nah, not really..."

Kairi giggled as she and Haya sat next to Lea on a rock, watching the sunset. "Our training's almost finished."

"Yeah..." Lea and Haya nodded.

"Somewhere inside me is Naminé," Kairi told Haya and Lea. "If we can free Roxas and Kirihax, we can free her too."
"I guess so," Lea said.

"Yeah..." Haya nodded.

"Naminé was made when Sora freed me from his heart," Kairi explained. "So, now that she's a part of me again, I figured all was right. But she can't look at this forest, feel the wind on her face, none of it. And if she could, it would be different for her. Her time was short, but she lived it, and that makes it hers. What right did I have to take those feelings and experiences back? They don't belong to me. Nothing's as it should be. Not for her or Roxas or Kirihax."

"I know," Lea sighed.

"Kairi..." Haya frowned.

Lea smiled. "Way back when I was a kid, I met these other weird kid with your sister. Somehow we became fast friends. Never saw him again—nearly forgot about him, too. Then, I met Roxas and Kirihax. Couldn't believe it. The two of 'em were identical. Oh, I didn't tell Roxas. Didn't want him to go vanishing on me, too. The kid's name was Ventus. He's one of the lost Keyblade wielders we're looking for. Think he's still got me memorized?"

"Oh yeah," Haya nodded.

"Very memorized," Kairi said, pointing to her head.

Lea smiled and then looked at the sun. "Now that we're going back, I'm worried about everything."

"Well, you don't have to worry alone anymore, Axel," Kairi said.

Haya agreed. "It'll be the three of us or if Sora, Hikari and their others are here, it'll be the nine of us together."

"You could say that again," Hikari said as she, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku and King Mickey arrived.

"Sis!" Haya cried as she hugged Hikari.

"Sora! Riku!" Kairi smiled as she hugged Sora and Riku. "What are you two doing here?"

"Well..." Sora said as he and Riku explained everything about their journey.

"So Marluxia and Larxene are at it again, getting new princesses?" Lea asked.

"Yep," Riku nodded.

"And our parents are alive?" Haya asked Hikari.

Hikari nodded. "Yeah. And if they are, they might be kidnapped or somewhere in other worlds."

"Which is why we gave Master Yen Sid and Merlin our permission to switch spots," King Mickey said to Kairi, Lea and Haya. "So Riku, Hikari and I will go to the realm of darkness to find Aqua while you three get to go with Sora, Donald and Goofy."

Haya smiled. "You mean this will be our first time journeying with the boys?"

Hikari nodded. "Yep."

"Alright!" Haya cheered as she hugged Hikari again, making everyone laugh.

At the Keyblade Graveyard, Marluxia spoke to Larxene. "So, why are you back?"

Larxene smirked at Marluxia. "Nice way to greet your old partner in crime. So, why do you think the old geezer took us back? He must know we backstabbed the Organization when Xemnas was running it."

"Xehanort doesn't care about you or me," Marluxia explained. "To him, we're nothing but empty husks. The old Organization was the same. Xehanort needs thirteen vessels to hold his essence."

Larxene began to act sassy. "Husks? Not me. You up for another coup?"

Demyx appeared, playing his sitar. "Oh, please. You couldn't do it last time. You gotta play it smart, like me."

Larxene glared at Demyx. "What?! You're not smart!"

Demyx smiled. "Well, you heard what Marly said. I don't have to be smart."

"Or capable, or likeable, or attractive," Larxene frowned. "A cereal bowl would make a better vessel."

Demyx looked a little surprised. "Whoa now, you are way out of line. I am extremely imposing...when I want to be. Which is, admittedly, almost never."

"Why haven't you gone to any worlds?" Larxene asked. "Are you slacking?"

"'Course not," Demyx said. "I got benched."

Larxene was confused. "Huh?"

"Saïx brought Vexen on board," Marluxia said. "They must be planning to use replicas."

"Those windup toys?" Larxene asked.

Demyx shook his head. "Oh, no. The replicas are way more real than you remember. I mean, one stole my spot!"

Larxene began laughing at Demyx. "Of course it stole your spot. You're dumb as a brick."

Demyx was annoyed. "Har-dee-har."

"Vexen's latest replicas are no mere puppets," Marluxia explained about the replicas. "The Riku replica we used in Castle Oblivion was just a prototype. The next replica, the one crafted from Sora and Hikari's memories, was real enough to join our ranks. And Vexen claims the new ones will be human in every way. If he ever finishes them."

Larxene recalled her encounter with King Mickey and his allies back in Arendelle. "Oh... The thing is...I kinda told the King and his nitwits that we're ready. My bad."

"Let them believe as much," Xemnas said as he appeared.

"Ugh. Xemnas," Larxene frowned.

"If they think that we have all thirteen darknesses, then they will panic," Xemnas replied. "And panic leads to a lack of preparation."

"Yeah, totally," Demyx agreed.

Larxene points to Demyx. "Why is this thing a member again?"

Demyx frowned, looking at Larxene. "Hey now! Pointing is rude."

"The first six members of the original Organization were all apprentices to Ansem the Wise, and the seventh and eighth members joined thereafter," Xemnas explained. "The thirteenth member was Roxas, a Keyblade wielder. And the extra thirteenth was Kirihax, a princess of Kingdom Hearts. So. What about you? How do you suppose I chose numbers nine through twelve?"

Larxene smirked. "Because our hearts are über powerful."

"Wrong," Xemnas replied. "You have been brought together for another purpose."

Luxord's voice was heard. "What? So that we can rot away on the bottom rung?"

Larxene looked at Luxord and sighed. "You're in too? What is this, Organization Rehash?"

"I happen to play an important role," Luxord said. "No one "benched" me."

Demyx frowned. "You were listening? So not cool."

"One must hold one's cards as long as necessary," Luxord said, closing his eyes.

Larxene glared at Luxord. "What "important role"? That stupid box that Xigbar claims is real, but won't tell us a thing about? That dumb crystal piece that the old geezer needed to recomplete the special crystal and has sent Maleficent and her bloated pussycat to find it."

"You'll just have to ask Xigbar and Xehanort that," Luxord said as he plays with his cards. "Now then. Xemnas, what is this "purpose"? You didn't invite us back for old times' sake."

"You four are going to reveal your greatest secret: the ancient Keyblade legacy that slumbers within you," Xemnas smirked as he starts laughing.

Next chapter coming soon...

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