My Bright Light

By FairozSherif

1.6K 223 31

This is my first book, so if you have any expectations, drop them, you'll get disappointed by the writing. Th... More

Author's note
Chapter One.
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 20

25 5 1
By FairozSherif

Amelia's pov*

I woke up, And I know I'm in Adrian's embrace. I don't want to wake up. I wanna sleep in his chest for eternity.

I look up at him and I can't remove my eyes from his gorgeous. Gorgeous face.

His arms were wrapped around my back, holding me so close to him.

Good lord give me strength.

It's morning now, but I have zero clue what time it is. Me and him stayed up all night to finish all the parts of final destination.

I re-watched that movie so many times. It's so good.

The only part I didn't watch was part 5. So we watched all parts till part five yesterday.

Eveytime he would close his eyes in an attempt to sleep, I would put a snack in his mouth. That seems to wake him up just fine.

I inhale his scent. He smells like what I imagine heaven to smell like to be honest.

And not even his cologne. It's his natural smell.

I wasn't joking when I said he is a Greek God.

"Amelia stop staring it's creepy." He whispered in his raspy morning voice, which made me almost shit my pants.

"I wasn't staring. It's you who seems to have clear eyelids. Your practically always looking at me and you always know what I'm doing. What are you? Part FBI agent?" I asked and he just looked at me like I'm crazy.

He didn't say. Just looking at me.

"You are way too attractive for your own good." I let my thoughts out and I immediately regretted it.

"That was suppose to stay in my head, don't even think of getting cocky." I said as I sat up.

"So you're just thinking of how attractive I am all day?" He asked with a smirk.

"Pfft. Yeah maybe in your dreams big boy." I said and stood up. Just to come back crumbling on the floor.

"I fucking hate my life." I said as I stood up agian.

"You are always hitting something or falling or even crawling. You need new functional legs Melia" Adrian said walking into my bathroom.

"I don't crawl! It was only one time and I didn't feel like walking. So what?" I shouted at him from the room. I heard him chuckling, which made me smile a bit.

I walked over to the bathroom and knock. "NYPD. open the door right now! I am heavily armed and you don't stand a chance. Attack and you will be immediately shot!" I shouted at the door.

"In the freaking bathroom?!" Adrian exclaimed from the other side.

"Adrian smauel D'sanni! We don't give break times. Not even for bathrooms! Open the damn door before I shoot it down!" I shouted in the deepest voice I can.

He opened the door to see me holding my hand up into a gun and pointing at him.

"Move." I said motioning to the side with my deadly gun.

He does and I enter.

Victory for me!

Score: Me 1 Adrian 0

I turned around and saw him standing next to the open door.

I kicked him with my foot to get him out of the bathroom and he didnt say anything.

I hopped in the shower and started getting clean.

After I was done I put on some Lululemon leggings and a big black hoodie.

I'm feeling lazy today so that's all I'm gonna do. I put on my socks and I walked out of the bathroom.

I checked the time. 12: 32 pm.

I went downstairs and said Goodmorning to my father.

I didn't feel like eating breakfast so I headed to the living room to see if any of my brothers are there.

I could annoy the shit out of them. That's always an option.

I saw Cynthia and Will in the living room. Arguing about who is better. Princess peach or Mario.

They are so freaking childish. Princess peach is better of course.

"Cynthia is right, Will. Princess peach is the best." I said and Cynthia looked at me with a big smile.

"See I told you!" She said excitingly.

"Cynthia. Want to grab some ice cream with me?" I asked because I wanted ice cream and I figured why not make a child's day?

"Yes! I love ice cream! Can Adrian come with us? I want Adrian!" She said jumping up and down with excitement.

"Sure we will put him in the trunk. Go tell him to get dressed to go get ice cream with me and you now." I said smiling sweetly at the little angel.

"Yay!" She said and then went running to find Adrian.

I sat next to Will and I noticed he didn't seem to be in a good mood. "Why are you looking like a sad potato bag?" I asked.

He pulled my ear so he can whisper in it and said. "I fucking hate the D'sanni family. The only good people in it is Adrian and Cynthia. And that bitch Eva won't stop flirting with me and Chris."

"She's hitting on both of you? Good God. Yesterday she fought with me saying to never touch her boyfriend again. Shes literally a hoe!" I whisper-yelled.

That bitch really trying to get any dick.

Adrian's pov*

I don't want to interact with my family at all. Tomorrow they will leave. Honestly I have no fucking clue why they always come here.

The carder family is kind, but I don't know why they would be friends with my father.

I went to my bathroom, that was in my room and showered there since Amelia kicked me out of hers. Literally.

After I was done I put of some sweats. I didnt feel like wearing a shirt so I didn't. I never wear a shirt anyway.

Someone knocked on my door and I said a simple "come in" and the door opened.

It's Cynthia.

"Adrian Adrian! Ms. Amelia said that I can go get ice cream with her! And you are coming with us too!" She said jumping us and down with happiness.

"I love ice cream! I will get dressed and be right out." I said with a big smile on my face.

"Hurry up. You need to be in the trunk before we leave!" She said then closed the door.

Amelia was definitely behind that sentence.

I put on a black shirt and head downstairs.

I saw Amelia holding Cynthia in her arms and Cynthia was playing with Amelia's hair.

Cynthia looked younger than her age. And she was so small so Amelia was able to hold her just fine.

They were talking about something and it honestly Made my heart melt.

She's so good with kids and seeing her interact with Cynthia makes me want to have kids with her.

I cant tell her my feelings! If others found out they would use her to hurt me! They would kill her!

What if you protect her though?
I am not taking that risk!

She's been hurt enough. I won't let that happen ever again.

Fuck no you love her! Just tell her!
Fine but not now.

When I'm comfortable enough and sure that she feels the same way first.

I don't know why I always fight my conscience. My desire always wins.

"What was that about me sitting in the trunk?" I asked while I approached them.

"I thought I told you not to tell him Cynthia! I can't run!" She whisper-yelled to Cynthia jokingly of course otherwise Cynthia would probably cry.

"You are just a guest. So you will sit in the back seat while me and Cynthia enjoy the ice cre-"


"We're here.'' I said as Cynthia shrieked with excitement in the back seat with Amelia.

"Cynthia baby what do you want?" Amelia asked as she and Cynthia looked at the ice cream menu.

"I want chocolate with lots of sprinkles!" Cynthia said excitingly.

"Okayy. Adrian what do you want?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"Whatever you get." I said. I was kinda curious on what she will get herself so I wanted to know.

"Ouu great I have just the right thing for you." She said then stood up from the chair.

She took Cynthia's hand and I walked by her side to the cashier.

"I would like one chocolate ice cream with a lot of sprinkles on it. And two cotton candy ice creams. All in cups please." She said politely.

The guy who was taking her order nodded and quickly put the I've cream in cups and added a lot of sprinkles on the chocolate one that was for Cynthia.

We took the ice creams and I paid for them and we headed to the car.

"You are gonna love this." Amelia said as she took a bite our of her ice cream.

"It's so yummy!" Cynthia said after trying her ice cream.

"Adrian try yours." Amelia said and I did.

It was good.

"You have good taste in food Melia." I said as I took another bite.

"I want to try!" Cynthia said and before I could give her a bite our of mine Amelia did.

She is so good with kids.

I think I'm getting a baby fever!

"It's so good! Thank you Ms. Amelia!" Cynthia said with chocolate ice cream all over her mouth.

Amelia grabbed a napkin and helped Cynthia wipe it off. "Anytime sweetheart." She said smiling at Cynthia.

On the ride home Cynthia fell asleep and after Amelia made sure her seat belt was on. Amelia hopped into the passenger seat next to me.

"Ok be quiet because Cynthia is sleeping. I need to talk to you about something." She said.

I nodded and she continued. "This Eva is walking around flirting with William and Christian. And Olivia saw Eva all over Will and now she is mad at him! This bitch is crazy! Can you put a leash on her or something before she ruins Will and Olivia's relationship, and drives me nuts!" She whisper-yelled.

"I have no clue why my mother likes her. But I will deal with her. Just try to talk to Olivia and tell her that it's Eva's fault. She's pregnant she can't get sad." I said.


Amelia's pov*

"Y'know, after I found out that your father hates my guts and especially when I curse. I started cursing around him even more. I mean he annoys the shit out of me and he hates me and I hate him soooo why not make my existence around him as annoying as possible." I rambled.

I was in Adrian's room. I jumped on his bed because I saw him laying on it horizontally instead of vertically. So I decided to join him.

He was on his stomach and I was on my back.

I found his hair and started playing with it a bit.

His face was turned to me and he had his eyes closed.

His parents being here is mentally and physically tiring him and I'm trying to ease that time for him.

I think he fell asleep because he didn't answer when I rambled about his father which he never does.

I stopped playing with his hair and I found his hand. I started playing with his fingers because to be honest. I like long skinny hands.

They are so sexy. But I'm never admitting that to him.

I hold his hand that was laying next to him and closed my eyes too.

I began to think about my whole life and how I found myself here.

If I wasn't kidnapped that night I wouldn't've ever met Adrian. I guess that's one think Peter did to me that wasn't so bad.

It's 8 pm right now. Adrian spent the day in his room and I spent the day in the garden with my brothers and Cynthia.

Chris and Cynthia were playing with Cynthia's doll house and me and Will would act like the voice actors for barbie and Ken.

Cynthia insisted that the dolls speak so they did.

She's the sweetest girl ever.


I heard the door of Adrian's room open and I pretended to be sleeping.

I heard the floor creak under the person's weight and they were sneaking up to the bed.

I felt a hand on my upper thigh and that's when I shot up and held that person's wrist in my hand and twisted it behind their back and pinned them against the floor.


Looks like the karate YouTube videos are working after all.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing here you psycho?" I asked and she just tried to squirm away from under my grip.

"Let go of me! Adrian! Save me!" She cried loudly.

save you? You literally sneaked up on me and we're about to do God knows what.

Adrian sat up immediately and asked. "Are yoh OK Amelia? Wai- what are you doing here Eva?!" He asked getting pissed off by that bitch's acts.

"I didn't do anything Adrian she just dragged me in here and attacked me like a rabid dog!" She said crying.

"Excuse me? The only rabid dog I see here is you under my grip. And I did not drag you here and attack you. Why the fuck are you lying? She sneaked up on me and I don't know what she was about to do." I said calmly looking at Adrian.

Adrian stood up and held Eva's arm in his hand and pulled her up to her feet and pushed her out the room.

"You are gonna regret this you bitch!" Eva said before he slammed the door in her face.

She can't even touch me for God's sake. How am I gonna regret this? What can she possibly do to make me regret beating her ass?

"You need to stop twisting her arm. It's gonna break eventually." Adrian said with a small smile of pride.

"Who told you I twist her arm for her to walk away with both her arms safe and sound? Plus the bone breaking is just a minor injury." I said shrugging.

Adrian locked the door and jumped on his bed. Returning back to the same position. I do the same and I close my eyes with his hand in mine and I actually drift away.

Sleeping is the best thing in the world. You can't convince me otherwise.


Eva is a bitch. Should I kill her?

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