D A M A G E D • HS

By boatzandhoez

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"They were two damaged souls fighting to stay above water. Little did they know all they needed was each othe... More



531 12 2
By boatzandhoez


I stare at Harry blinking my eyes a few times as his words replay in my head. "Wait, are you being serious, you want to try something...now?"

Harry looks like a nervous wreck. He looks like me when I'm extremely anxious. He's biting his cheeks so hard to the point that he's going to break skin, and bleed. "Only if you want to of course. I would never do anything against your will."

My breath hitches at his words. Thoughts swirl in my head, but I quickly brush them off. "Is this our thing for the night? Digging into your treasure chest, and having some kinky sex?" I try to lighten up the mood by teasing him. I'm not attempting to joke, or make him laugh. I just want him to crack a smile, and make the nervousness on his face vanish.

Harry let out a breathless chuckle, showing off his bunny teeth. "It can be, but only if you want it to. Seriously, I'm only down, if you're one hundred percent down too."

I stare into his eyes searching for any possibility that he is lying to me. I look hard, but in the end find nothing of the sort. I squint my eyes as I think over if I want to or not.

I glance down at all the toys in front of me, and the thought of using them has me wanting to clench my legs together. Thinking about what could possibly happen if we tried something has chills rippling down my spine. The endless options to explore intrigues me, and also turns me on.

"Yeah, I want to try something." I give him my answer with full confidence. I want him to know that I am fully on board with this, and that there is not a single part of me that doesn't want to give this a go.

"Really, you want to?" Harry cocks a brow up at me, questioning my words. "I'm not playing around Lo, this is something neither of us have done, and I want you to be a thousand percent sure."

"I'm a million percent sure." I say firmly with a strong nod of my head. I look at Harry deep in his eyes, not wavering the intense eye contact. "Are you sure Harry? I need to know that this is something you want."

Harry smiles as he pinches my cheek, and plants a kiss on my nose. "Yeah, trust me this is something I really want. Thinking about you withering for me has got me hard as a rock already lovebug."

"Who says I'm going to be withering for you?" I cross my arms over my chest, giving him an accusing look as I stare him down. "Are you taking control or something?"

When it comes to sex, I've have never given up control. I absolutely refuse any time I've done it. Harry, however, is the first person I've allowed to have control over me, and I don't entirely hate it. Maybe it's the fact that he knows what he's doing and can do it very well, or maybe because in a way I feel safe with him.

With that being said, I'm willing to give him control every so often, but I want him to communicate that information with me, so I know to not slip into my normal dominant mindset.

"If you don't mind, I would like to be the one in control this time." He asks rather politely as if he is some guy from the Victorian era.

"Fine, you can, but you better fuck me good." I poke his chest and look up at him with seriousness. My orgasm is now in Harry's hands, not mine, so he better make it worth it.

Who am I kidding

He will

"Yeah, lovebug? Bout to be my bitch?" He teases nudging his nose against my jaw. "I'm going to make you cum so hard Lo, you'll be fucked for days."

"Well stop talking and get to it." I jester at him. Harry just smirks as he gets up to stand. He pulls the chest off of the bed, and places it on the ground. Next, he takes all the toys that I took out, and puts them back.

Turning back towards me, he keeps a strong dominating stance, as he scans my body over, and over again. He pinches his bottom lip as he paces tantalizingly slow as he stares at me.

I gulp and fidget in my stop on the bed waiting for him to say something. Sitting with my feet tucked under my butt, I pick at the skin on my thigh, refusing to break eye contact with him.

"Hmm." He hums to himself tilting his head to the side which has me wanting to cower away in a corner. "We are going to need a safe word, and a system to ensure that throughout the entire time, we are both on the same page, and like what is happening. We need some rules."

Chewing on my bottom lip, I look up at him through my lashes. "Like what? What rules are you thinking of?"

Harry stops pacing back and forth, settling right in front of me. The height difference between us is giving a very daunting look. The way he towers over me has my clit throbbing in need.

"Well I think rules are subject to change each time we do it. But a definite rule we should have is checking on each other using the traffic light system." He explains.

I furrow my brows, confused as to what he is referring to. "What's the traffic light system? I've never heard of it before."

"The traffic light system uses the colors of, well, traffic lights to, in a way, check in on each other to see how we are feeling." He begins to explain. "So green means that whatever we are doing is good, and we are one hundred percent okay with it. Yellow means let's pause for a moment, and reassess what we are doing. Slow down, and think of something else to do, or a different pace. Anything you feel needs to be changed, we change. Red means stop. It doesn't matter what we are doing, it doesn't matter if you're about to cum, it doesn't matter if I'm enjoying myself, whatever we are doing doesn't fucking matter. You say red, we stop, no if, ands, or buts."

I make sure to process every word he just said so I can fully grasp what it is he is saying. I don't want to miss anything that revolves around this. I hate how he simply reassures me that when I say, no, or stop, or anything of the sort, that he will listen. I hate that the absolute bare minimum makes me feel warm, and fuzzy inside.

"Got it. Green means good, yellow means slow down and reassess, red means stop." I verbalize back to him, so that he knows I understand, and that I am on the same page.

"Good girl." Harry stretches an arm out, and starts to play with the ends of my hair all the while staring me dead in the eyes. "Now, I'm going to need you to strip out of that." He tugs on the crewneck I'm wearing. "And, after, I want you to sit on your knees in the center of my bed. Can you be a good girl and do that for me?"

I nod my head submissively, trying to get into the headspace. "Yeah."

"Nuh uh." He tsks at me grabbing my wrist as I try to move. "I want to hear you say that you are a good girl. Also, a rule for today is that you only refer to me as sir. Kay lovebug."

"Yes, sir." I gulp, loving how the name tastes on my tongue. I can feel myself getting wetter from how powering he is right now. "I'll be a good girl, and listen to you."

"Good." He pats my cheek. "Go on, do what I told you to do. I'm going to get some things out to prepare."

I grasp the hem of the sweater, and pull it over my head. My boobs are completely exposed from my lack of bra. I'm only left wearing my thong. I crawl to the middle of the bed, per his request, and sit on my knees, with my hands in my lap staring at him.

I try to get a good look at what he is grabbing from the chest, but the lid is up towards me blocking my view. Since I'm short, and his bed is fucking massive, it makes it even harder for me to see.

It's frustrating not knowing what he is about to do, but at the same time it gives me a rush of adrenaline, and eagerness. I'm finding myself in a difficult battle mentally. Half of the inside of me is screaming to just take control of the situation, so I can get the answers I want, but the other half is screaming to be good, and do as he instructed.

It's like having an angel and a devil on my shoulder whispering for me to listen to what they have to say. I know for a fact that Harry wants the control right now, so I shove the devil off, take a few deep breaths, and follow the angels orders.

Harry suddenly stands from his crouched position with a collection of items in his hands. He walks over towards his desk, and sets them down. I try to peek at what's over there, but Harry obstructs my line of vision. He stands right in front of me, slowly scanning my body with absolute hunger in his eyes.

"You look so pretty for me Lo." Harry places a knee on his bed, climbing on top towards me. "God, your nipples are so hard." He pinches the two hard peaks, making me jolt. "You're turned on aren't you. Fucking dripping thinking about what I'm about to do to you. Am I right, lovebug?"

I bite the inside of my cheek. "Why don't you check, sir." I bat my eyelashes, and pout my bottom lip out.

"Oh, you want me to check, is that right?" He pinches my nipples especially hard. I moan, shoving my lip into my mouth to stifle it. "Want me to take my hand, travel it down your tummy, slip it into your underwear, and swipe my finger across your needy pussy? Is that what you want darling?"

"Yes, please." I pant out as Harry leans forward to kiss around my boob. He sucks gently, tugging at my skin, creating a small mark right next to my nipple.

My hands twitch as they sit in my lap. He didn't say I can touch him, and if he's anything like me, asking for permission is very important. I like when guys beg for every little thing during sex. The power surge is an unreal sense of adrenaline.

As he is sucking, he moves his hand down towards my underwear, feathering his fingers over the band teasing me. My stomach twitches in anticipation for him to touch me where I most desire.

His middle finger slips under the band, and he slowly drags his finger down over the top of my pussy. More of his hand disappears under the fabric, but before his finger can graze over my clit, he pulls his finger back as he dives further, refusing to touch me yet.

I let out a meek whine at his avoidance of touching me. I forgot for a second that this fucker really likes to tease. I want to buck my hips forwards to meet his finger, but I withhold the urge no matter how much it pains me to.

"Should I go in for a feel Lo?" He seductively mumbles with the skin of my boob still in his mouth. "Tell me lovebug, what do you think?"

"I-I think you should, sir." I pant, trying my best to not sound pathetic for how desperate I am for him to touch me in any way. His fingers are electric. They light my whole body up in ways I can't comprehend. "Please, I need it."

"You need it?" He pulls his head away from my chest, and looks at me with a cocky smile. "Look at you poor thing. I haven't even touched you, and you already looked fucked. I don't think you'll survive what I have planned."

"No." I shake my head. "I can handle it, I promise. You're just so addictive, sir. I'm so needy for you. Touch me, please."

I mean every word I said, but I'm hoping that fueling his ego will make him give in, and touch me like we both want. It's getting hard to contain myself.

Maybe I won't survive

"Well, since you're being such a good girl and asking nicely, I think I can give you what you want." He leans in, and kisses the hinge of my jaw.

Finally, he moves his finger back towards my slit, and settles it right at the bottom. I let out a small moan just from the feeling of his touch. He curls his finger just a hair, and starts to drag it up. A spark shoots into my leg, causing it to jerk.

Harry pays no mind to it as he reaches the top, brushing over my clit, and pulling his finger out of my underwear.

"Fuck lovebug, you're drenched look." He holds his finger out towards me. I see it glisten from my wetness coating it completely. "Open your mouth darling, I think you deserve to taste just how sweet you are."

I gulp as I slowly part my lips to open my mouth. When it's wide enough for his pleasure, he slips his finger into my mouth right on top of my tongue. I wrap my lips around his finger, and moan at the taste of myself. Surprisingly it's sweet just like he raved about. I've never tasted myself like this before, but I don't hate it at all.

"God, you're such a fucking slut, moaning around my finger tasting yourself." He degrades me. I feel my clit throb from his words. I look up at him with submissive eyes as I suck his finger harder, making sure to get every last drop off of his finger.

He pulls his finger out of my mouth, and moves it to his. He sucks around it for a few seconds, before removing it, and pouting.

"Shit lovebug, you're so inconsiderate. You loved the taste of yourself so much that you couldn't leave me any."

"I couldn't help it." I play on his words. "How could I stop myself when I taste like that sir. You're so lucky that you get to taste me all you want."

"You're not wrong." He smiles. "I am pretty fucking lucky that this," He moves his hand to cup my pussy. "is fucking mine."

He removes his hand from me, and gets off of the bed leaving me alone in the center. I watch him head back over to his desk. I still can't see what he is doing or anything that he pulled out of the chest.

My mind swirls with many possibilities of what he possibly could have grabbed to use, and what he might do with them. All I know for a fact is whatever he has planned is going to fuck me up in the best way possible.

He turns back around, and my eyes immediately shoot to his hands where a pair of handcuffs with light purple fur dangle around his pointer finger. In the other one he is holding what looks to be a purple vibrator.

I get lost in staring at the two items. My attention focuses more on handcuffs. The thoughts of him restraining me, leaving my body completely open to him has me shifting in anticipation. It's something I've always wanted to try. The idea sounds fun, and really hot.

I thought the day that I use cuffs, it would be me using them on another person, not the other way around where I'm the one being restrained.

"Do you think they're pretty?" Harry asks, shaking the cuffs. "I grabbed the purple pair because it's my favorite color, and I also know it's yours. Plus, you look so fucking good when you where purple. Always so pretty."

I nod my head. "Yeah they are really pretty." I bite the inside of my cheek as I watch him near me with both items in hand, and a dark look in his eyes. "What are you going to do with them?"

Harry crawls back on the bed in the same spot he was originally. He sets the vibrator down by his thigh. Taking the cuffs, he twists the key inside the keyhole, to open the cuffs. "These, lovebug, are going to go on your wrists. That way you can't touch yourself, or me. You are going to be completely at my mercy darling."

He motions for me to extend my arms so that he can put on the cuffs. I do so eagerly. The promise of me being completely under his command, giving him the ability to do whatever he pleases oddly makes me excited.

I feel the cold bite of the metal, along with the tickle of the fur grace my right wrist. He clasps the cuff shut with a click, securing it tight. He does the same to the left, making both of my wrists locked in place by the cuff. He grabs both of my hands, and pulls them away from each other to test if they are fully secured.

"Good?" Harry murmurs under his breath. "Do they feel good? Not too tight?"

He releases my hands, and I take the liberty of twisting my wrist around to see the comfortability of them. I find it hard to move as they are really secured, but they aren't irritating or painful in any way. "They feel good to me."

"Yeah? Not going to cut off circulation or anything like that?" He asks in a more serious manner. "I've never used them before. I want to make sure that they feel comfortable before we start. What's your color?"

"Green." I smile, and lean forward, pecking his cheek quickly. "I promise, they feel comfortable." I reassure him to ease his worries. "Now sir, can you pretty please play with me. I want to feel you."

Harry clicks his tongue, shaking his head. He reaches his hand out, and smoothes it over my hair. "Now, now, lovebug, you have to be patient. Good girls who wait get rewards, bad girls who are impatient get punished." He leans in close to my ear. His soft lips brush over the shell before whispering. "I really don't want to have to punish you."

He plants a kiss under my ear, and pulls away from me. He looks down and admires my cuffed hands. He moves his line of sight away from my hands, and over my shoulder. He looks down back at my hands, then over my shoulder again.

He meets my eyes, and a devilish smirk widens on his face. "You know what would be even more fun lovebug?" I shake my head at his question. "Shuffle back." He instructs nodding his head.

I furrow my brows, but move backwards nonetheless. I keep going until he tells me to stop. My toes touch the head board of his bed. He crawls over to me, grabs my chin, and pulls my head up.

My eyes land on one of the hooks on his wall. It doesn't take me long to realize what he is suggesting. I gulp at the thought but keep quiet, craving for him to say it.

Harry leans his cheek onto mine and smiles up. "I think we should hang the handcuffs over the hook. Don't you think that's a good idea?"

I timidly nod with a gulp. "That sounds like a very good idea sir."

He pats my cheek, and in the blink of an eye, my hands are pulled up over my head, and hung over the hook. My hands slide forward, but the end of the hook catches me so I can't fall off.

My breathing is heavy from the fast movements. The sensation of being nearly fully exposed, and restrained is so different. I thought if I were to ever try it, I would hate it because I have lost all control, but letting my eyes fall onto Harry's, staring into his sage paradise makes all the possible hate I could have for the situation dissipate.

Harry rakes his eyes all over my body in admiration. He marvels in his work. I could almost see the endless thoughts brewing inside his head. He is biting on the inside of his cheek to mask his overjoyous smile that is desperate to shine through.

He looks unbelievably hot to the point that I can't breathe. His attractiveness makes the air thick. I almost want to pinch myself to see if this is real or not. I don't think it is, there is no way a guy with this level of beauty is in front of me, admiring me as if I am some work of art.

I'm far from that. I am not something that should be looked at with such curiosity, and attentiveness. I should be ignored, and spit on from how disgustingly ugly I am. I'm not pretty, I am not beautiful, and I'm certainly not a work of art.

"You look so pretty Lo." Harry whispers under his breath as he inches closer to me.

No I don't

I'm ugly

"R-really." I choke out the word with insecurity. I try my best not to let it show on my face. I don't want him to question me, and ruin our plans.

Pull it together Arlo

"So...fucking...pretty." Harry captures my mouth in a heated kiss. My hands slide back from the impact, but Harry lurches his arm out, and around the middle of my back to keep me close, and flush against him.

We move in perfect harmony. Our mouths work a symphony of moans as our lips collide together in a vibrant sound. Harry snakes a hand around my neck to pull me somehow closer to his body.

I want nothing more than to slit my fingers in between his silky chestnut curls, but I can't. It frustrates me a little bit, but the frustration doesn't last for long as I focus on our kissing, and how unreal it feels.

He slips his tongue into my mouth, and tangles it with mine. I let out a soft whimper at the familiar comfort of his silk kisses.

His nails dig into the side of my ribs as he holds me tight, not wanting to lose contact with me for a split second. His hand around my neck inches up towards my hair. He grabs a fistful of my brown locks, and holds them taut into a fist.

I moan at the sharp pinch of him pulling my hair. The pain mixed with the pleasure of his lips has me trembling.

Harry pulls away from the heated makeout. A string of saliva balances between both of our lips. He pants as he takes in the air he was robbed of when kissing me. "Fuck lovebug, you taste, and feel so fucking good. Almost had me forgetting my plans for you. Was so close to slipping your underwear to the side, and fucking you mercliessy."

I whine at the thought. I feel myself becoming wetter from his confession. I'm so desperate to have him again, but I know that whatever he has planned is going to be worth the patience. "Fuck, I would have loved that sir. I need you so bad sir, it's hard waiting."

I make sure to choose my words carefully. I want to show him that I am listening to him, being a good girl by waiting, but I also want to make it clear to him that I'm finding it difficult to not be impatient.

"Shhh." Harry coos as he places a kiss on the tip of my nose. "Don't worry lovebug, I'm gonna get started. Trust me, you are going to be very pleased."

He reaches behind, and blindly starts to grab behind himself. Once he finds what it is he's looking for, a sinister smirk takes over his face. He raises his hand in front of my face and flashes the sleek purple vibrator.

A flurry of tingles shoots down my body as I stare at the small device that I know packs a punch. I haven't done it a lot, but I have used a vibrator on myself a few times. I can confirm that the orgasm produced from the intense sensation is incredible. Not as incredible as what Harry can give me, but they are a close second.

Harry tilts his head to the side, bringing the vibrator up to my cheek, and slowly dragging it across my face. "Are you ready for some fun lovebug?"

"Yes sir." I breathe out eager for him to do as he wishes with me. "So fucking excited."

"You have such a dirty mouth Lo." He coos gently as he drags the vibrator down my face, and over my throat. "You better be cursing like this when I fuck you out of your mind."

He pulls the vibrator away from my throat, and places it on the inside of my thigh right next to my vagina. Out of nowhere a low buzzing rings in my ears, and a sharp shock spikes in the area where the vibrator is at.

My whole body flings forward as the foreign sensation. I let out a choked cry as my body tries to move away from the source of my shocks.

"Fuck sir!" I scream as my legs try to snap shut. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I continue to curse. The entire lower part of my body is sizzling. My thighs quiver from the intensity, and my stomach tightens in a knot.

Harry maneuvers his legs between mine, and forces them apart, making me moan loudly. "You like the feeling lovebug? You already look so worn out, I don't think you can handle my plans."

It's torture. The feeling is uncomfortable, but addictive. I know that I'm not going to be able to cum from the location, but I can feel my clit throb, and my whole body becoming more sensitive.

My toes curl from how overwhelming it is. "No." I spit out in a pant. "I can- fuck, I can handle it. I promise sir."

Harry clicks his tongue tsking at me. My legs are flushed tight with his, desperate to close. "I don't think you can." He lifts the vibrator, and moves it to my other inner thigh. My hands shoot down. The metal clinks against the hook. My eyes pinch shut from the overwhelming, yet pleasurable agony. "Open your fucking eyes."

My eyes shoot open. I look at Harry who is already looking at me with a stern expression. He looks so fucking hot. The dominant aura coming off of him is sexy, which makes the overwhelming feeling of vibrations stronger from how my body naturally buzzes from looking at him.

"Don't you dare look away. Only look at me. If they dare stray away just for a second, you're getting punished." Harry darkly warns me pushing the vibrator deeper into my skin.

"Y-yes sir." I slur, already finding it hard to keep my eyes open. They feel heavy, desperate to close, but I fight the feeling, not wanting to disappoint him.

"Good girl." Harry wipes his dark look, and replaces it with a sweet smile, showing off his bunny teeth that I have grown to adore. He looks so innocent and sweet when he smiles. It's comforting, and comfort is something I've never had before.

Harry starts to slide the vibrator away from my inner thigh, to the top of my pussy. He gently circles over the area. My jaw hangs low as a quiet moan escapes my mouth from the relief of the overwhelming tingles fizzling out, and a more gentle and pleasurable sizzle replaces it.

"God lovebug, your legs are already shaking." He points out. I want to look down, but he told me not to take my eyes off of him, so I hold back the urge. "Is it too much, darling?"

"No, it's not sir." I grit through my teeth. I might look like I can't handle it, but I know I can. I also refuse to back down from a challenge. I'm going to take whatever he gives me.

"Hmmm, so if I move this down like this," he starts to inch the vibrator down the top of my pussy. He moves my thong to the side, and places it right on my clit. I cry out in pleasure from my clit finally getting the touch it's been craving. "it still won't be too much?"

I shake my head. I can feel my eyes glaze over in desire. He starts to move the vibrator in slow circles. "No it's not too much."

That might be a little bit of a lie, because I already know I'm not going to last long. I can feel the burn start to form at the very tops of my thighs.

He just hums, as he stares down at where the vibrator is and watches in awe. He licks his lips, and lets out a faint groan.

"Fuck, Lo, you're such a slut. Trying to ride the vibrator like a dick. You're Pathetic, desperate whore." He spits out which only makes me moan in response.

I didn't even realize until he pointed it out that I'm moving my hips back and forth. The way he just degraded me for it only spurs me on to continue my movements.

"I'm your whore right sir?" I whimper. Harry's eyes snap to mine, and soften. "Your only whore, only me?"

Harry leans forward, catching my mouth in a kiss. He is still working the vibrator on my clit as he slowly kisses me. I swallow his soft moan with a moan of my own.

"My only fucking whore." Harry mumbles against my lips as he slips his tongue into my mouth. I receive him with open arms, letting my own meet his in a spark of electricity.

I want nothing more than to be able to reach my hands out, and relax them on the sides of his face, feeling his perfect smooth skin under my finger tips. I want to be able to tangle them into his hair, and grip onto them for dear life. Since I can't do any of that, I arch my body forwards to feel him more.

I hate that he has clothes on right now. I want to feel his bare skin on mine. I want to feel the hot sparks that ignite every time we touch. Right now, only my lips are burning, but I want my whole body to burn.

I whine in need as he pushes the vibrator deeper into my clit. My inner thighs spasm with short shakes. My stomach tenses as it fights off the orgasms that are begging to wash down my body.

"Oh fuck." I moan at a particular vibration that has my toes curling. "I'm not...fuck...I'm not going to last. It feels too good."

Harry pulls his head back from the kiss, and stares deeply into my eyes. "You going to cum pretty girl?"

I whimper as I nod pathetically. The way Harry can melt me into a submissive puddle is a bit concerning. He has such a strong hold on me. Stronger than I like to admit, but it's a hold that I don't mind.

My body sharply lurches forward as my legs start to shake more rapidly. "Can, holy shit, can I cum, please sir, I need cum."

"Shhhh, lovebug it's okay, calm down." Harry brings his thumb up under my eyes and swipes away a tear I didn't even know was forming under my eye. "You wanna cum?" I nod my head, struggling to fight off my orgams. "Yeah? Well too bad. You don't get to cum until I say so."

My eyes widened at his words. "W-what? No, no I can't fight it off please, please let me cum I can't Harry, I can't hold it off."

I'm frantic. It's taking too much energy out of me to fight off the orgasm. My chest heaves up and down as frustration builds inside of me.

Out of nowhere, a strong hand wraps around my neck tightly, but not enough to cut my air off. Harry's nails dig into my neck, and yanks it forward. His eyes are set in stone glaring into mine. "What the fuck did you just call me? You're being a very bad girl talking back to me."

I hadn't realized that I called him Harry instead of sir. In all honesty I don't care if I pissed him off. He's playing a dangerous game with me by making me hold off my orgasm. I'm not used to having to wait to cum. I always cum when I want, having him tell me I can't is a struggle for me. I might not get him back today, but I will in the future, and that's a fact for sure.

"Sorry sir, I'm sorry." I quietly mumble, looking at him with pleading eyes, hoping he won't punish me.

"You better be." he warns, which has me swallowing a lump that formed from how dominant he sounds. "Now, you don't get to cum until I say so, understand?"

"Yes sir." I bite on my bottom lip harshly to try and distract myself from the orgasm that is teetering on the edge of releasing.

Harry smirks as he continues to circle the vibrator around my clit. My eyes desperately want to snap shut, but I know I can't.

He stares into my soul, not wavering his eye contact with me. Every once in a while, the corner of his lips lifts up slightly as if he is pleased with a particular reaction he gets out of me.

My thighs are burning to the point that it's painful to hold back the orgasm. I know for a fact I won't be able to hold it back much longer.

"Please, s-sir, I need to cum." I plead, hoping that he will allow me to let the white hot bliss overtake my body.

"Hmmm, I know." He muses mindlessly. "I can feel your thighs shaking. You can't take much more huh lovebug?" I shake my head no. "Beg. Beg me like a fucking slut to cum and maybe I'll consider it."

I could cry right now at how stubborn he's being. No matter how much I don't like to beg, for Harry I would do it in a heartbeat, which is exactly what I did.

"Please sir. Please, I need to cum. Please let me cum, I've been your good little slut, please let me cum. Please please please."

Harry smiles at me, his eyes go darker, and a haze of lust clouds the green in his eye. "You're such a good girl for me baby. Begging just like I asked. You can cum love. Let go."

As the words leave his mouth, the hot burn washes down my quivering thighs. My toes curl, as my entire body twitches. My body shoots forward. I dig my head into the crook of Harry's neck, and scream out as my orgasm takes over my body.

Harry doesn't let up on the vibrator. Instead, he increases the speed over his circles making my orgasm stronger. My clit is extremely sore, and probably red. My walls continue to contract around nothing as my orgasm refuses to let up.

"Such a pretty girl when you cum." Harry softly whispers into my ear. He places a gentle hand on the back of my head as a sense of comfort as he coaxes me through my orgasm. "So fucking pretty. My pretty girl, yeah?"

I whine into his neck, and do my best to nod my head. "Yeah, your pretty girl." I barely mumble out, but I assume Harry hears me because he shuts the vibrator off, and kisses my head.

He strokes my hair as I continue to catch my breath, and come down from the buzzing all over my body. He places gentle kisses all over my head as a way to show me that he is still here, and that he's got me.

It's weird that there is someone who is willing to show me a form of care. It's so foreign to have compassion delivered in my direction in such an authentic way.

Harry truly doesn't know what he does to me

"You good lovebug?" Harry gently brushes his lips over my ear, trailing my hair at the base of my neck.

"Yeah." I breathe out nodding into his neck. I feel Harry's hand snake into my hair, and jerks my head back, so that it is tilted up towards him. His eyes are dark, and the look of lust and need burns bright.

"What's your color lovebug?" He asks seriously.

"Green." I reply back in a whisper.

"Good, now I think we should get back to business." He strokes my cheek before gripping my jaw, pulling my face towards him. "I'm not done with you just yet darling."

My hazy mind quickly snaps back into reality. Even though I'm extremely sensitive, knowing he isn't finished makes me eager to be touched all over again.

Harry pries my mouth open, and shoves his middle and ring finger inside. "Suck." He says firmly. I wrap my lips around his fingers, and start sucking.

I lap my tongue around the tips of his fingers. He shoves them farther back into my mouth, almost down my throat. Having no gag reflex makes it painless as he does so. I'm nearly drooling out the corners of my mouth from how sloppy we are both being.

He suddenly pauses for a second, and looks at me with all seriousness. "What's your color?"

I blink a few times before responding. "Green." I muffle around his fingers. He smiles, and proceeds to move his fingers in and out of my mouth.

Suddenly, he rips his fingers away from my mouth, and slides them down my body, leaving a thick trail of saliva down my torso. Without warning, once he reaches my pussy, he shoves both fingers into me, curling them upwards hitting my g-spot.

"Fuck your so wet, my fingers slipped in like nothing." He comments in awe as he watches his finger thrust in and out of me. I choke on a moan from the different, yet still pleasurable sensation. "What slut, swallowing my finger whole."

"Fuck, oh my god." I cry out. My legs start to burn again, but the burn feels different from anything I've ever experienced. It feels like waves instead of a hot sizzle. "What are you doing to me?" I mindlessly mumble. My eyes snap close as I throw my head back.

A sharp pain erupts from my nipple. My head snapped forward, and my eyes shot open. "Did I tell you to close your eyes? What the fuck did I tell you?"

I gulp as I keep my eyes on him. "T-to keep my- oh fuck, keep my eyes on you." I struggle to get out as he hits a certain spot that has my head melting into mush, and my body tense. "Don't stop, right there, fuck, sir, right there."

"You like that lovebug? Like my fingers fucking you good?" He taunts me as he licks his lips. His eyes burn in my in a wild haze. I'm mesmerized by how dark the green in his eyes are, and how hungry he looks.

"Yes, yes I like it!" I shout, snapping my legs closed from the overwhelming pleasure I'm receiving. Harry seemed to not like my move because he snakes both of his legs between mine, and forces mine back open. "Holy shit."

"Come on Lo, don't be a bad girl now. Wouldn't want to stop when I can feel you are close." He warns me darkly with a sweet smile displayed on his face. "Be a good girl lovebug, do as your told, and don't fucking move. Take it like the hungry whore you are."

I squeak out a hum feeling too lost to muster up a worded response. Harry increases the speed of his thrust. I feel him slip in a third finger which throws me over the edge. He accompanies his third finger with his thumb working my clit.

I don't think I'm going to survive much longer. He has me beyond fucked up right now. My head feels like a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns that overpower each other, causing a raging war of fuzzy haze inside me.

I'm trying to hold out. He's only been working me for three minutes, but I don't think I will be able to hold out for another thirty more seconds. "Sir, I...I, fuck I can't! You, fuck, shit I-"

I don't even know what I'm saying at this point. My head is all jumbled, my body is feeling waves of pleasure unlike any other I've felt before.

Harry tilts his head to the side and smiles. "You can't what, lovebug? Speak like a normal person yeah. I know you're a fucking slut, drunk off my fingers, but I need you to function for me. What's your color darling?"

"Green...I-" My words are cut off with a loud, pornographic moan as he hits deeper, and faster on my g-spot. "I can't last. I'm gonna cum soon. Please let me cum."

"Oh you want to cum?" He teases me, increasing his speed. "I can tell by the way you are clenching my fingers. I bet you are on the edge. Any moment you will feel the eruption. Am I right?"

I pathetically nod my head with a whimper. "Yes, you are right." My thighs are shaking at this point. It's a pulsing burn, it's hot, but yet it's cold. A sensation I can't explain, but I want it to take over my body.

"Hmmmm." He hums. The sounds of him thrusting his fingers inside of me echo loudly throughout  the room. My clit burns from being overstimulated. I won't last, I can't last.

"Please!" I scream out at a particularly intense thrust. "I can't please sir, please let me fucking cum."

"Go ahead lovebug, cum for me all over my fingers." He increases to an unimaginable speed. "Make a mess."

With his permission, I allow the waves of burn to ripple down my thighs. The feeling is different. My stomach instead of clenching tight, quivers in uncontrollable shakes. Instead of a gradual, smooth release, it's sparks, and jumps, as if it is going down a valley of hills.

My whole body shakes, and can't stop my eyes from rolling to the back of my head. I feel my walls widen, instead of clenching. All of a sudden, I feel a strong gush, and my walls start to rapidly contract.

I snap my eyes open when I feel a liquid sensation coat my thighs. I look down, and a leaves my moan as I see a clear liquid pour out of my pussy as Harry keeps up with his thrust.

"Holy fuck lovebug, keep squirting for me." He says in complete awe as he stares at the nonstop explosion of liquid. "Fuck, you're so hot. You're soaking my sheet darling. Absolutely drenching them."

I squirted?

I've heard about squirting before, but it's something I never thought I could do. It feels different. The contractions of my walls are slower, but more strong to accommodate for the liquid gushing out of me.

It feels incredible. It's something I want to experience again. It's taking over my whole body, and sending me into orbit. It's like being on shrooms. Everything is brighter, more sensitive, and lively.

"Oh, fuck." I screech out as I'm coming down from my orgasm. There is no more liquid coming out of me, but my walls are still lazily contracting in an irregular pattern. "What, the, fuck."

Harry's thrusts slow down to a complete stop. He slips his fingers out of me, and holds them in between us, showing off how soaked they are. "Fuck lovebug. You're such a good girl. Making a mess just like I asked."

He brings his soaked fingers towards his mouth, and pushes only his middle, and ring finger inside, leaving his pointer finger out. He hums as he wraps his mouth around his finger, and closes his eyes.

I watched through droopy eyes, and puffed cheeks the way his jaw sharpens as he sucks. He looks hot, really fucking hot. His curls fall in front of his forehead, covering his eyebrows. I stare at him and wonder how someone so beautiful could be remotely interested in someone as ugly as me. It makes no sense, but I try to push those thoughts to the side. I don't want my overthinking tendencies to get the best of me.

He pops his two fingers out of his mouth. "I will never get over the fucking taste of you. So sweet, and delicious." He moves his hand towards me, and stretches his still cum soaked finger towards my mouth. I understand what he wants me to do, and part my lips, allowing him to push his finger into my mouth.

I lay my tongue flat, and let his finger rub on top of it, coating my taste buds. I moan as I suck myself off of him. It's weird to taste myself, but I don't entirely hate it. In all honesty, I kind of like the taste.

Once Harry deems that I've fully cleaned myself off of his finger, he pulls it back out, and leans in to kiss me. It's slow, and calming. It's the type of kiss that I see in movies when the couple have a sentimental moment, and express their feelings towards each other with a soft, but passion filled kiss. 

It's different, but a good difference.

Our lips smack as Harry leans back, but not before pecking my nose. "What's your color lovebug?"

"Green." I hum out, with a gentle smile on my face.

"Good." He nods his head, brings his hand cup to cradle my cheek, and thumb over it. "Do you think you can handle my dick? I really want to fuck the shit out of you now."

My eyes nearly sparkle at the notion that I get to feel Harry fill me up completely. "Yes, please sir, I want you to fuck me."

Harry's smile grows wider. He hooks his fingers around the band of my thong, and rips them down my legs leaving me completely nude in front of him. We both look down at my pussy, which is red, and glistening in my wetness.

He hops off the bed, and stands on the ground. He walks over towards his nightstand, opens his drawer, and pulls out a condom. I shuffle in my spot with anticipation. My arms are burning from being hung over my head, but once again I don't give a flying fuck. I like the pain.

Harry throws his clothing off his body, and hooks his fingers around the band of his boxers. He pulls them down, releasing his red, angry dick. I can see the shimmer of precum on the tip. "Look what you do to me lovebug. I'm so fucking hard it hurts. You make me like this."

I watch as he wraps his hand around himself, and starts to pump himself while looking at me. He looks like a priceless painting that only incites awe from anyone who ever gets the chance to lay their eyes on it. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, for right now, only I will be able to see him like this. He is for my eyes only.

"You're so fucking hot sir. I want you to fill me up so bad." I whimper out as I watch him pump himself.

"I bet you do lovebug." he agrees. "You are a fucking cockslut. Desperate to be filled up all the time. Don't worry, I'm going to fill you up to the point that you will feel me in your tummy."

He removes his hand from around himself, and tears open the foil package. He throws the wrapper on the desk, and pinches the top of the condom. He places it on the tip of his dick, and rolls it down his length.

Seeing him naked, made me realize how much I adore his body. The art that adorns his body permanently has me nearly drooling out of my mouth. His muscles, and toned abs are like the icing on the cake.

He really is beautiful  

Harry walks over towards me, getting back on the bed right in front of where I'm at. He grips my hips, and pulls me over towards him. He grabs his dick, and looks up at me. I already know what he is silently asking me. I nod my head giving him consent to continue. He kisses my lips quickly before focusing back on our centers.

He lines his dick up with my entrance, and without warning, slams his entire length deep inside of me. We both moan out. He pulls himself closer to me, flushing our chests together. "Fuck, lovebug, you feel so fucking good."

I whimper in his ear. He leans my body back, making me lay at an angle in the air. His hands wrap around my back to hold me so I don't fall. He pulls his dick back, and snaps his hips forward.

"Sir." I gasp as he hits deep inside of me. The way he stretches me out is a feeling I will never be able to comprehend. It's a universal pleasure that feels like a dream more than anything. "Fuck oh god, you fill me up so good."

"Yeah?" He muses as he pulls back out, and pushes back in starting a pattern of thrusts. "You swallow my dick so good, lovebug. Your pussy was made for me."

"Yes, made for, hmmm, made for you." I choke as Harry bounces me up and down his dick. The skin to skin contact sharpens my senses, and makes me feel everything more vibrantly.

"Fuck Lo, I- how." His words are broken as he increases his speed. We somehow manage to keep eye contact with each other.  My bottom lip finds its way into my mouth, and I bite on it, fighting another orgasm that I can already feel building off.

Harry connects our lips in a heated kiss as he thrusts in and out of me. Our moans crash together, vibrating on each other's lips. Our tongues tangle together in a mess. It's addictive, I want to kiss him for hours on end. His lips are something I could never get tired of.

Harry unwraps one of his arms around my back, and slides it down my stomach. He presses the palm of his hand at the bottom of my stomach. "Feel that Lo, feel how deep I am. I'm fucking reagranging your guts."

I shiver, and moan at his words. I can feel his dick hitting me deeper than I thought was possible. "You're filling my tummy so good." I whine.

"Fuck you get me so turned on, I feel like cumming already. How do you do this to me Lo?" His thrusts are faster, sharper, and stronger. My body is jerking up and down, my arms burn, my legs burn, everything burns.

"Fuck, shit, sir." I jumble my words in a drunk slur of pleasure.

"No, say my name, fuck, moan my name Lo." Harry buries himself inside of me. Out of nowhere he lifts my body up, until my hands that were hanging on the hook are released, and fall around his neck. My arms tingle from not being held over my head anymore, as the blood rushes back down them.

Harry pulls me tightly against his chest. Our bodies are completely flushed against one another, with me straddling his lap. He craddles my head onto his shoulder, and picks back up on fucking in and out of me. 

"Harry, oh my god." I groan into his ear, digging my head into his neck with my mouth hanging open. I hear every whine, whimper, and moan that leaves Harry's mouth up close and personal. It makes my stomach swirl like a schoolgirl.

"Arlo, you feel so warm. Fuck I don't ever want to leave." He moans into my ear.

"Don't." I say in an almost tearless sob. "Don't leave me please. Stay here forever." I pucker my lips against his neck, and give him a soft kiss.

"I won't, fuck, I could never." He promises. Even though he might have been referring to his dick being inside of me earlier, I can feel that the words we just spoke hold a deeper meaning that I'm terrified to find out about.

"Harry, don't stop. Oh fuck, right there." I scream as he hits all the right places. The burn of another orgasm makes a return. "I'm getting close."

"Fuck me too Lo, fuck, you're ruining me." He slurs, pressing his cheek against mine. I can feel the way his stomach is tensing, and his legs are shaking slightly.

Harry leans his forehead in the crook of my neck, and whimpers as he continues to fuck me. I can already tell that this orgasm is going to destroy me. I have never came more than once during sex. The fact that Harry has not only gotten me to cum twice, but is about to make me again for the third time is mindblowing.

It's like he knows my body like the back of his hand. He has only touched it a few times, but since the first time, he has never once missed a beat. He knows exactly where to touch me, where to tease me, and how to fuck me good.

The burn builds at the base of my spine. I do my best to wrap my arms tighter around his neck, but the handcuffs make it hard to do so.

Harry leans forward with a twist, and makes us fall on the bed. My back becomes flushed with the untouched sheet underneath. Harry wraps his arms tight around my back, and pulls me towards him once again. My arms are around my neck.

His head leans on my shoulder, and the side of my face snuggles into his chestnut curls. inhale his tobacco and vanilla signature scent, and moan.

Our bodies are completely molded with one another. We are in a close, and intimate position, where we can feel every inch of each other. Our hearts are even flushed, beating in perfect harmony.

We don't say anything. We just embrace one another, and allow our connected pleasure to speak the words that won't spill from our mouths. It's as if an invisible blanket has wrapped around us, keeping us secured with one another in a warm cocoon.

I manage to snake one of my hands in his curls, and pull his head closer to me. His head is now under my jaw, resting on my neck. My chin is propped on the top of his head on his plush curls. I wrap one of my legs around his body digging my heel into the bottom of his back, feeling every thrust he gives me.

My orgasm is coming quickly. The ripple threatens to release at any moment. "Harry, I'm gonna cum soon."

"Fuck me too." He groans out against my neck. He speeds up to a lightning speed. My legs start to once again uncontrollably shake. I pinch my eyes shut, as the white hot pleasure takes control of my body. "Cum now, Arlo, fuck please cum with me."

Like air being released from a balloon, my orgasm takes over my body. I clench tightly around his dick, and start to contract around him. Harry stills his movements, and I feel his dick twitch as he releases into the condom. We moan each other's names as we cum together.

We stay completely still as our orgasms ride out. Both of our chests heave up and down heavily. Harry holds me tighter as we come down from our highs.

A few minutes pass of complete silence, before Harry is lifting his head up, and pulling himself out of me. My arms unhook from around his head, and fall down on my chest. My entire body collapses onto the bed.

My eyes flutter closed, too tired to try and stay open. I feel Harry lean down a press as kiss to the tip of my nose. My body feels cold when he starts to leave the bed, and shuffle around the room. I continue to lay still as my body twitches from the three orgasms I just experienced.

I feel the bed dip next to me, and the warmth enters my body again. Harry's soft hand grabs his wrist. I feel him fiddle with the handcuffs, until the tight grips are gone, and the cold metal is no longer there.

"Come on Lo." Harry whispers softly into my ear as he massages my wrists. "Get up lovebug, you gotta clean yourself up and shower.

I whine, and shake my head no, feeling too exhausted to do anything. "No, I just wanna lay here."

"I know, but I've got to clean the bed." He grabs onto my arm, and pulls me to sit up. I feather my eyes open, and look at him with a blurred vision. "Go shower, I'm going to change the sheets."

I roll my eyes, but get up nonetheless, knowing that I have to get up and clean myself off. My feet touch the ground, and I nearly fall from how weak my legs feel. Harry's arms shoot out, and catches me before I can fall.

He laughs, which has me slapping him in the chest. "Damn, I fucked you that good huh?"

"Shut up." I narrow my eyes at him with a frown. "Just take me to the bathroom."

Harry shakes his head, still laughing as he helps guide me to the bathroom. We enter, and he immediately places me on the toilet. "Are you going to be good by yourself? I'm gonna go back out there to clean up."

"Yeah." I whisper. Harry leans down to kiss me, before pulling away, and walking towards the door to exit. Something twists inside of me as I watch him near the exit. It's a sharp pain that's begging me to ask what is on my mind. "Wait!"

Harry halts his movements, and turns to face me. He raises a brow up at me. "What's up? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything is fine." I nod my head. "But, I wanted to ask if you want to...I don't know, if you maybe, like, want to shower with me?"  

Harry's sage green eyes light up, and a smile takes over his face. "You want me to shower with you?"

I bite on my bottom lip, and fiddle with my fingers as I meekly nod. "Yeah, only if you want to though."

"Sure." He says nonchalantly. "I'll shower with you, just let me clean up out there. You do your business, and start the shower for us. I'll be back quickly, I promise."

"Okay." A smile of my own takes over my face. I watch Harry turn back around, and leave me alone in the bathroom. I pee, and gently clean myself off, before flushing, washing my hands, and waddling over to the shower, and turning it on.

I don't step inside. Instead, I stand, waiting for not only it to heat up, but for Harry to come back and join me.

A/N: Sorry for not updating on time. I am super busy with life.

I hope the 10k words of smut made up for it :)

Thank you for being patient with me <3

See you in the next one

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