Unspoken ▹ Teen Wolf [01]

By insatiabIe

987K 29.7K 12K

❝Contrary to the popular belief, there's a very thin & fragile line between saying too much, and saying too l... More



17K 562 163
By insatiabIe

"Stiles?" Rachel answered her phone, knowing immediately who it was.

She'd left Isaac's house without another word to her brother or Scott, and her current dilemma was that of being on the other side of town. She would've stolen Derek's Camaro, but after she'd done it far too often in the past, he opted to keep they keys with him at all times. While she could steal a car with the keys left in, she couldn't hot wire, nor could she pickpocket.

"One sec." He muttered, pressing a few buttons on his phone. "Okay, you're on group chat with Allison."

"Great," Rachel sighed, running a hand through her hair. It was already dark out, and the amount of time left was ticking away quicker than she would've liked. "Where the hell have you been? I've been texting you like crazy."

"Sorry, Harris literally just let me out of detention. Literally. And he had my phone the whole freaking time!" Stiles huffed on the other end of the line. He knew she was waiting for him, her lack of transportation was explained in an array if explicit texts. All of which Harris had not-so-humorously read aloud.

"Well, we need to do something right now." Allison spoke up, pacing nervously in her room whilst talking on her phone. "They were asking me all these questions about Lydia & how she was bitten by Peter, and then they sent this guy out."

"I'm assuming by "they" you mean the satanic cult of hunters hiding out in your house." Rachel stated, biting her lip as she continued walking towards the school, Stiles' jeep almost in sight. If he really thought she was going to wait an hour for him, then he was out of his freaking mind. "And by "guy" I'm also going to assume he isn't just one of your dad's drinking buddies."

"He was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy."

"They're sending him to the station for Isaac."

"He was also carrying this box with something on it, like, um, like a carving or something." Allison informed, walking over to her desk & flipping through the pages of one of her family's old books. "Hold on, it's in one of these books here. I'm taking a picture."

"Alli, hold up." Rachel cut in, climbing into the passenger seat of Stiles' jeep without notice. By now, he'd grown relatively accustomed to having Rachel (and/or Derek) showing up at random. The Hales had a way of being in the right place at the right time (or vice versa.) "If it's a picture of a tall plant with purple flowers, then we don't need it."


"Wolfsbane." Rachel agreed, pursing her lips into a thin line. In the eyes of a hunter, wolfsbane had only two uses; torment, and homicide. Isaac didn't know the first thing about any of the supernatural, therefore he was useless to them alive. The hunter on his way to the station had only one purpose, and one intention.

"What does that mean?" Allison questioned, confused of why both Stiles & Rachel had gone silent.

"It means they're gonna kill him."


"Do you really think this is going to work?" Rachel questioned, biting her lip nervously. She & Stiles were on their way to the station, their plan beginning to begin playing out.

As they spoke, Allison was in the process of slowing down the hunter sent to kill Isaac, which would give them just enough time to get him out. There were a million ways the plan could go terribly, horribly wrong (all of which were currently playing through the paranoid reflector's head) yet still, Rachel had decided to go with it. She couldn't think of anything better, and she couldn't break a teenage werewolf out of prison all by herself, so it was in her best interest not to criticize the only plan they had.

"Do you?" Stiles questioned back, his eyes remaining focused on the road in front of them. At this point in time, he couldn't tell. He knew Rachel would know if he answered untruthfully, but he couldn't seem to decide what was the truth & what was a lie. Did he really think the plan was going to go entirely perfect? Probably not. But he didn't fully believe it'd fail, either.

"I don't know." Rachel answered honestly. "I mean, I'm confident Allison can stop the hunter, but it's not him I'm worried about."

"What do you mean?" Stiles furrowed his brows, turning to face her for a moment.

"I'm overthinking it." The brunette shook her head, opting not to list off various scenarios playing out in her head.

Stiles had known Scott for God knows how long before his first full moon as a werewolf. Scott became someone completely unrecognizable when under the full moon's influence; he became the complete opposite of his normal self. They didn't know the first thing about Isaac. For all they knew, he could have sixteen years of pent-up anger, hatred & rage because of his father.

Rachel couldn't explain it to Stiles; he wouldn't understand. She didn't have enough time to fully summarize what a werewolf with serious anger issues could do, and frankly, she didn't want to. Derek may have been able to use his anger as an anchor, but a newly bitten beta sure as hell couldn't. It took Derek years to learn, and it took both him & Laura even longer to teach Rachel. The reflector had a multitude of anchors, but the strongest was always the memories of her family. She'd tried for years to use anger, but it was never strong enough. In the end, it had always been proven that Rachel was never as strong as her brother; and she hated herself for it.

"Are you going to be okay tonight?" Stiles questioned, genuinely concerned. He remembered the last full moon (a little too well, for his liking) when she'd said she didn't like remaining as a werewolf for the night in fear of what she'd do if she slipped up & lost control.

"I'm fine. It's a little more power than I'm used to, but I can handle it." Rachel nodded, smiling weakly. "I'm going to need it if the rest of the Argents decide to show up. They shoot first & ask questions later."

"Speaking of them, I should call Allison & see if she's done yet."

"Don't bother," Rachel took out her phone, clicking on her list on contacts. "I've got it. And besides, you're driving. Wouldn't want to get pulled over by a fake cop, now would we?"

Stiles scoffed, whilst Rachel rolled her eyes. She tapped on Allison's number, switching it to speakerphone so Stiles could listen in. He would've anyways, but at least this way he could do so whilst still focusing on the road. A click sounded on the line, indicating the huntress had answered the call as she spoke, "Hello?"

"Hey," Rachel began, her eyes flickering towards Stiles (who was staring at the phone in her hand, instead of the road) with a glare. "Did you slow him down?"

"You could say that." Allison answered, glancing back at the hunter, who now had an arrow through his thigh.

"That sounds promising." The reflector chuckled lightly. She wasn't entirely sure of what Allison had done, but she had a pretty good idea it was something painful. Adding that on to the array of sorries & over-niceness lately, Allison had almost made up for shooting Derek on the night of the formal.

"We're on our way to the station now." Stiles cut in, reminding them both of the priority once more.

"Where's Scott?"

"I left him in the basement of Isaac's house with Derek." Rachel sighed, Stiles turning to her with a distinctive what-the-fuck look on his face. "Derek was trying to be the big bad alpha, and Scott was pretty much just being Scott. He's so whipped for you, it's insane."

"That's.. good to know." Allison nodded to herself, continuing on the topic of interest. "Does he have a plan?"

"Yeah, but not a very good one." Stiles answered, tapping on the steering wheel idly. "And unfortunately, we don't have time to come up with anything better."

Rachel glanced over at Stiles, unsure of what Scott's plan was. Nonetheless, she knew than knowing would likely be worse than her current state of not knowing, so she chose not to ask. Too often, she found herself drowning in regret over the questions she asked, or the answers she sought out, and Rachel had decided she no longer wanted to do that. She'd relentlessly sought the truth behind Isaac's past, and now she'd forever live with knowing the monstrous revelation.

It'd never occurred to her until now, how good she'd really had it as a child. Her mother had protected her from all the horrible truths in the world, and even after her demise, Derek & Laura had continued hiding it as best as they could. For all of her childhood, she'd been living in a heavily guarded castle up on her cloud of serenity, believing that everyone had someone, when in fact that'd been nothing more than a glorified lie.

"Rae?" Stiles interrupted her train of thoughts, gesturing to the window beside her. Rachel furrowed her brows, turning to face the window, only to jolt back a second later at the sight of her brother standing there.

Rachel rolled down the window, exhaling loudly as her heart rate slowly returned to normal from the shock. Usually she could deal with Derek appearing out of nowhere, but this time she hand't even heard him approach the vehicle. He was getting better, and Rachel was getting sick of his antics. "Jesus, Derek. Are you trying to give me a heart attack at sixteen?"

"Backseat." The werewolf stated, pointing to the empty seat behind her.

"Over my dead body." The brunette scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. That may have worked with Scott, Stiles & pretty much every other human (and supernatural) in Beacon Hills, but not Rachel. After sixteen years, Derek didn't scare her. The only remotely alarming thing he did was sneak up on her, and even then, the effects were minimal. "I hate the backseat of this thing. There's candy bar wrappers on the floor, and Cheeto powder between the seat cushions."

"It wasn't a question." Derek huffed, opening the door before Rachel had a chance to lock it.

The reflector groaned loudly, climbing out & reluctantly getting in the backseat. She didn't have the time or patients to sit around & argue with him, especially when she knew he'd eventually just pick her up & move her. Rachel knew he could, and it wouldn't be the first time he resorted to moving her when she refused to. She was only one hundred fifteen pounds, and that was including the entire bag of Doritos she'd eaten the other day.

"As much as I'd like to use my seatbelt to strangle you right now, you're the only one who can stop Isaac from killing everyone, that is, if the hunters don't kill him first." Rachel spoke, leaning forward between the two front seats to avoid being pushed out of the conversation. "So, tell me, son of the town Sheriff; how do we intend on executing this prison break?"

"The keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office." Stiles informed. "The problem, is getting past the front desk."

Glancing out the window, they all caught sight of the lone deputy guarding the front desk. Luckily for the Hale siblings, it hadn't been one of the deputies who'd locked them up weeks ago. It was a woman, one of whom looked tired & unprepared to work an entire night shift.

"I'll distract her." Derek volunteered, moving to exit the vehicle.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa- you? You're not going in there." Stiles grabbed his shoulder, earning a look of disapproval from Rachel. Derek stared down at Stiles hand on his shoulder, looking back up at the boy threateningly. "I'm taking my hand off."

"You're learning." Rachel sighed, giving Stiles a thumbs up. It was a slow process, but eventually, he'd learn that no one, not even Rachel, could tell Derek what to do. He did what he wanted, even if the consequences meant pain & suffering for him & those around him. Most people gained knowledge from trial & error, but Derek? Lately, he had a habit of needing the help of either Scott or Rachel (and Stiles) in order to escape the various predicaments he ended up in.

Derek, however, was still content on being the distraction for their plan to break Isaac out of jail. He saw no reason on why he couldn't walk freely into the police station, no questions asked. After all, he'd never done anything wrong. "I was exonerated."

"You're still a person of interest." Stiles argued, glancing back at Rachel. "So are you, but mainly just him."

"An innocent person, but still a person of interest." Rachel announced before Derek had the chance. She could already hear the spiel in her mind, and she didn't need him to say it aloud. "I know, I know; and at this point, I don't care. I can already feel the effects of the full moon, and if I can; so can Isaac. We don't have time to find a Channing Tatum look-a-like to distract her. Just go, and hope for the best. If anything, we'll sneak by as they handcuff you."

"Wha- Does he even have a plan?" Stiles gaped, staring at her in disbelief before turning to Derek. "What's your plan?"

"To distract her."

"How? By punching her in the face?"

"By talking to her."

"Okay, alright. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?" Stiles questioned, patiently awaiting an answer. The jeep remained quiet, with the exception of a few crickets chirping outside in the grass. Rachel knew exactly what Derek was getting at, but clearly Stiles couldn't take a hint to save his life. "Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?"

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face." Derek shot back, finally done with Stiles' sarcasm. And it was a good thing, too, because if he hadn't of stopped it; Rachel would've.

She knew full well of what her brother's plan entailed, and she knew it was more than likely going to work. Rachel could tell by the stares they received one a day to day basis than women found her brother highly attractive. He was a Hale; they were all attractive, Rachel included. The only difference, was that she didn't let it go to her head as much as he did. Of course she knew she had the looks, but she didn't show off as much as Derek did.

In a matter of ten minutes, Rachel found herself, alongside Stiles inside the police station & past the deputy (who she was pretty sure Derek was still flirting with.) She really didn't want to relive the pathetic scene of the deputy's hopeless flirting, and she had no intentions of doing so. Between Stiles' fake gagging, and Derek acting as though he was interested in a cop; Rachel was already fifty shades of done with police stations.

They were just there to peacefully collect the beta werewolf locked in a holding cell, and then they'd be on their merry way. Maybe if they were lucky, they'd have time to get Isaac somewhere he could stay safe & locked up for the night. But luck was one of the things Rachel rarely had, and tonight was no exception.

"Stiles, hurry up with those keys." Rachel hissed, standing in the doorway of the office. Stiles was currently punching in the lockbox code, which he inexplicably knew by heart. Rachel didn't ask how or why, because in this case, knowing was definitely more disturbing & worrisome than not knowing. She had a suspicious feeling that this wasn't the first time Stiles had broken into a jail cell.

"I'm trying." Stiles called back, pressing the final number before opening the box. The door seemed to almost fall open, as it it'd been previously opened by someone else; who clearly wasn't authorized or informed of the correct way to unlock it. "Uh-oh."

"Uh-oh?" Rachel's eyes widened as she turned back towards the spastic boy. "What do you mean uh-oh? Please tell me that uh-oh meant you merely dropped the keys, and are now in the process of picking them up. Because if that uh-oh meant the keys are missing..."

"The keys may or may not be missing." Stiles muttered, closing the lockbox. "I can find them, I can find them. Just- hold on."

"There's no time." Rachel shook her head, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. Stiles' plan clearly had faltered, so now, it was time to do things Rachel's way. "Find the cell they're keeping Isaac in. It's gonna make a lot of noise, and draw a lot of attention, but I can break the door off it's hinges. Be ready to run."

Stiles nodded, walking off down the hallway. Rachel followed closely behind, nearly running into him as he stopped after rounding a corner. A deputy was walking (more like pathetically limping) down the hall, and Stiles had nearly crashed into him. The spastic boy attempted to brush it off, muttering a casual "sorry" to the man, but the situation turned dark as soon as Rachel caught the scent of blood.

She glanced down, seeing the metal arrow sticking from the deputy's thigh & instantly knew he wasn't a cop. He was the hunter Allison had "slowed down," and clearly, she hadn't slowed him down enough. Before the hunter had a change to lunge at her, Rachel kicked her foot up, sending him flying back. Her strength was at an all time high, and she had every intention of using it while it lasted.

An alarm soon started to ring through the police station, indicating the authorities were now aware of their presence. Time was running out. The aforementioned fact became even more clear as the deputy (who'd slid down the hallway from the force of impact) was grabbed & dragged into a room, striking even more fear in Stiles, as if that was possible. Rachel, however, wasn't about to stand around waiting for either the Argents or Derek to miraculously arrive & save the hunter from Isaac.

"Find Derek." Rachel yelled at Stiles, hurrying down the hall.

She didn't look back to see if he'd ran. The brunette skidded to a stop in front of the room containing the holding cell she & her brother had been in, the door broken off. The deputy flew past her, slamming into the bars of another cell as a very angry (and very werewolfy) Isaac ran after him once again. Rachel quickly jumped in, punching Isaac directly in the face & sending him back towards the holding cell he'd originated from.

Rachel felt claws lengthen from her fingertips, as well as sharp canines poking into her bottom lip & she could only assume her eyes had begun to glow. Unlike other werewolves, she (luckily) didn't acquire the unsightly facial hair most werewolves had when shifted. She knew she could push herself further, to become more animal like Isaac had, but she couldn't risk it. She only learned how to control so much, and as a reflector, she had limitations to what she could do with others' abilities.

In the time it took her to take a step forward, Isaac was already back on his feet & charging at her. Repeating the move she'd used on the deputy, she swung her foot up to kick him, but instead of receiving the same results, the werewolf caught her ankle with a clawed hand. He threw her backwards onto (and over) the desk as if she were nothing more than a weightless doll, leading her to hit the concrete wall behind it.

Her claws dug into the wood as she hurriedly got back up, ready to fight once more. But before she had the chance to jump up, Derek had already rushed in & shoved Isaac back against the wall. Stiles was just inside the doorway, looking completely & utterly terrified of the scenario in front of him, whilst the deputy was lying unconscious by the cell.

A loud roar sounded through the room, blocking out the alarm for a few seconds. Isaac cowered in the corner, shielding his face with his arms whilst Rachel stayed behind the desk. By the time silence had fell upon the room, and the reflector had climbed out from her hiding spot, she was completely human. As was Isaac, who looked even more terrified as he stared up at Derek, still curled up in a ball like a lost puppy.

"How did you do that?" Stiles gaped, looking between the shaking beta & Rachel. The brunette knew her brother had power, but she hadn't anticipated he could do that. She'd seen the situation ending with an unconscious beta, a terrified Stiles & an annoyed Derek, possibly with a few arrow/bullet wounds.

"I'm the alpha."


I'm sinking the ship before it's even left the dock, lmao oops.

But that fight, though. Sorry if it's kinda crappy, I was lazy & didn't watch the episode. I used a transcript & my memory, pretty much. I can't take any of them seriously when they're all werewolf & shit, mainly because Derek had no eyebrows. And just to clear it up, Rae only gets the claws/fangs & glowing eyes as of right now. No werewolfy face, or anything.

And yeah, so I'm kinda sad the last chapter only got two comments, (one of which was me) so this is dedicated to @-lydiamartin aka the only person who commented. It was a really nice comment, too :~) I don't want to be annoying & nag people to say stuff, but I really like hearing feedback.

Sooooooooo, comment opinions?

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