The Love Algorithm - Vol. III

By DarlaCassic

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When yet another curveball puts Andy and Lex's relationship into serious jeopardy, the stakes become higher t... More

【01】The Best Defense
【02】The Plea
【03】Overwhelming Guilt
【05】Making New Allies
【06】First Contact
【07】Guilt Trip
【09】Scary Thoughts
【10】Impossible Conundrum
【11】A New Hope
【12】Criminal in the Making
【13】Blending Days
【14】Unexpected Visits
【15】The Fae
【16】Seeing the Light
【17】Invasion of Privacy
【18】The Heist
【19】Bon Appétit
【20】Patience and Perseverance
【21】One and Only
【22】A Step Forward
【23】Two Steps Back
【24】The Way Home
【25】Hard and Fast
【26】Old Selves
【27】Anatomy Lesson
【28】Andy the Explorer
【29】Monday Mornings
【30】The Overdue Feast
【31】Lunch Break
【32】The Park in Longview
【33】Post-date Activities
【34】The End of an Era
【35】Birthday Girl
【36】Death Stick
【37】Wake-up Call
【38】Security Threat
【39】Carrot Cake
【40】Great Escapism
【41】Slow Healing
【42】Meryl and Glenn
【43】Questions and Kisses
【44】Master Alexander
【46】The Little Show
【47】Morning Meetings
【49】Tequila Sunrises
【50】Drunken Paradise
【53】Back Home
【54】Blonde Invasion
【55】Carpe Diem
【56】Drunk or Sober
【57】Plan B
【59】Wilde Dreams
【60】New York, New York
【61】Insane Idea
【63】There's always a choice
【64】Catasticta Lycurgus
【65】The Perfect Distraction
【66】Rewriting History
【67】Spilled Tea
【69】Sweet Agony
【70】The PAB
【71】Petite Mort
【72】Burglar in Shorts
【73】Unsettling Evidence
【74】A Hundred and Twenty-seven
【75】Going Off Script
【76】Special Agent Lewis
【77】Breaking News
【79】Full Circle
【80】The End of the Line
【Important Announcement】

【78】The Question

9.4K 565 77
By DarlaCassic

This sensation of freedom and accomplishment was so intense that it even populated my dreams. Where there had been so much darkness, blood, and snake tattoos, there was only relief and happiness. Finally, I was free of the cancer that was Truman Becker, and my subconscious had accepted it. My mind was at peace.

It felt incredibly real when I woke up again, after three days of absorbing the truth, of letting the reality that Becker was gone sink. He'd never bother us again. And because Lex and I had exposed his involvement in the Nammota kill order, others wouldn't come after us on his behalf, either.

We were free, and I was reminded of that the instant I woke up. Which was why a smile bloomed on my lips before I'd even opened my eyes. I tightened my limbs around the solid and warm form against me, my grin growing wider. My T-shirt-covered front was plastered against his broad back, I had an arm thrown around his rib cage, and a leg hooked over his hip. As much as I loved when I slept in his shielding embrace, being the big spoon was something I enjoyed just as much. Even though I was too small compared to him, and it was more of a jet packing situation. But I adored the idea that I was protecting him somehow, wrapping him in my love and warmth.

Another perk was having his powerful back right there, at lip's reach. A fact that I was reminded of as soon as I opened my eyes. I didn't resist the call of his tanned skin, and pressed a kiss on the beloved muscles of his shoulder. More pecks followed, sweet and soft, as I made it my mission to press my plump lips on every inch of skin I could access. His familiar smell, taste, and warmth were driving me mad, reminding me I'd never get enough of this man, even if we shared ten lifetimes together.

He was the most potent of drugs, my most treasured addiction. The desire to consume him, to be one with him, was almost worrying. Before I could stop myself, my teeth sunk into the firm skin, not too deep, but enough to get a reaction. Where my lips had failed to do so, the tender bite woke him up, and he stirred gently against me with a groan. His hand traveled to my leg that was thrown across his side, and he trailed his fingers up my thigh.

"Are we starting the day with cannibalism?" he mumbled in a throaty voice.

I unclenched my jaw to release the skin, and pressed a few kisses on the flesh I'd attacked, loving the dented marks my teeth had left there. "You know you're my favorite meal," I justified, licking the spot to taste him and confirm my words.

"Feeling's mutual."

He wriggled around until he was facing me, my thigh still laid over his hip. His handsome face, veiled with sleepiness, was a sight to behold. He hadn't taken care of his stubble in over a week now, so it was thicker than I was used to, all dense and manly. His hair was a joyful mess, and his magnificent eyes were heavy in a way that looked sensual more than tired. The straight shape of his nose, the squareness of his jaw, the thickness of his neck... Everything about him was splendid – regal, even. And what was behind all of this heavenly perfection, the brain that his godly head harbored, was even greater.

This amazing man, whom I'd somehow managed to hate at first, was the most exceptional being I would ever encounter. And he was mine until the end of time...

It seemed he was having similar thoughts where I was concerned, because his gray irises were covering me in a devotion that matched mine. His hand rose to my cheek, to graze it with a tender knuckle before pushing my messy curls away. In his intense gaze, I read all the passion, all the adoration, and all the love he had for me. Words were superfluous in this moment, because it all filled the silence between us, weighing the air with everything that wasn't said but meant.

Our life started today. There would be no more complications, no more problems, no more dangers... Just him, me, and the incommensurable love we shared.

We moved forward at the same time, and our mouths met for a poignant kiss, one that matched the intensity of our feelings. My lips bent to his will, his followed mine, and our tongues twirled together in a dance they both knew well.

My heart was swollen in my chest, its pressure so intense I felt as though I couldn't breathe properly. It was full of him, so much so that I feared it might explode at any moment. One could die of a broken heart, but was the opposite possible? At that very moment, it seemed like it was. I could die from loving too much, from having a heart too full of him.

The pleasurable sensations ignited by our embrace awakened our sleepy bodies, our needs for one another growing fast. Before long, his arm was pressing me tightly against him, and I threw my hips forward, to press my core against his, eager to consume all that love and lust. Our kiss never stopped, and I refused to put an end to it, regardless of how breathless and dizzy it made me. I let the madness of the moment consume me, wrapping itself around us like a cocoon of uncontrollable want.

My slim hand slithered its way between us, breached past the elastic of his underwear, and I wrapped my fingers around his swelling flesh. He grunted his approval in my mouth, and his own calloused fingers mirrored on my body the path I'd followed on his, to slip under the lace of my thong. With my leg over his hip as it was, I was opened for him, easily accessed. I moaned in our kiss when his index and middle finger deftly rolled over my clit, and the motion of my hand halted around his shaft. Delightful shivers ran across my frame as he did it again, and again, and again... When he threw his hips forward, pushing his cock deeper into the circle of my fingers and palm, I was reminded of my half of the job.

With clever hands and caring attentions, we pleasured each other, lost in the sensuality of the moment. Ever since the spectacular time we'd spent in the home gym, we hadn't been sexually intimate, too absorbed by everything that had happened. Over three days had passed since, so now was time to make up for lost time.

His fingers abandoned my clit to move lower, and I couldn't stop a soft cry from escaping me as he thrust them deep into me. They slipped easily into my soaked and willing flesh, experienced and determined. My hold on him instinctively tightened, his thick length pulsing in my grip as if it had its own heart within. When he expertly curved his digits, pressing right where it felt so fucking good, I finally let go of his lips, gasping for air, vanquished by the pleasure he brought.

The intensity of his eyes, so adamantly focused on my face, had my insides clench around him. I moaned once more, witnessing how his pupils expanded at the sound of my enjoyment. "I love you," I whispered, my hips undulating of their own will. "Oh, God... I love you so much."

My hand followed the pattern of his, the pressure, the pace... He was in charge as I became his puppet, mirroring him, completely entranced by his ministrations. I was getting there, shivers and jolts of pleasure spreading through me with each thrust, each roll of his thumb over my most sensitive spot... But before I could reach it, he pulled his hand out of my underwear, leaving me spasming and desperate for release.

I whimpered in protest, but before I could voice my discontentment, he hooked his thumb on the waist of my thong, and pushed it down. Understanding we were moving on to the next stage of this tender moment, I impatiently helped him get rid of it, and then eagerly pushed his boxers down. Once he was entirely naked and my lower half was bare, I hooked my leg over his hip again, and pushed myself forward, reaching for his obscenely hard cock with a trembling hand.

Its round head met my damp entrance as I aligned him with me, and he pushed forward as I did the same, uniting our bodies in a smooth and hungry gesture. "Aah, Lex..." I moaned, overwhelmed by the size of him, entranced by how well he filled me. We truly were a match made in fucking heaven...

Lazily, we moved in unison, our hips rolling together in languid sways as we faced each other. The moment was so soft, so loving, it made me melt against him, subjugated by the blissful atmosphere.

This was love in its purest form.

The sheets had moved lower, with all the wriggling around we'd done, and when I looked down, I could see the spot where we joined and parted, witnessing his impressive girth pulling in and out of me, coated with a glistening film of my arousal. My T-shirt came in the way of the amazing sight, though, so I pulled it up, wanting to be rid of it. Lex helped me, and we managed to get it off without ever halting our love-making. Once I was fully naked, he cupped one of my breasts with his large hand, and leaned forward to bring it to his mouth, his lips and teeth seeking the brown bud in the middle of it.

I moaned and writhed as he teased my nipple, the rolling of my hips never halting. If time could stop and never resume, if I'd had such a power at my disposal, I seriously might have made it happen. There was nothing I wanted more than to remain in this moment for eternity. In this perfect, ecstatic place of love, adoration, pleasure, and bliss.

By the time he let go of the sensitive tip of my breast, our momentum had grown a little faster, a little harsher. His rapturous gaze met mine again, so full of all the things he felt for me, and I drowned in it. He grabbed my jaw with a firm hold, and pulled me to him for a long and deep kiss, as absorbed in me as I was in him. When he pulled away, I noticed something had changed in him. There was a seriousness in his eyes that hadn't been there before.

"Andrea..." he started, his voice coarse. "My love... Now that everything is solved, now that it's all over, I have a question I've been meaning to ask you."

The rhythm of my heartbeat increased, which I hadn't thought possible, and I sensed the blood-pumping muscle swell even more in my chest. Oh, fuck... With everything that had been going on, I'd forgotten about this. But we'd agreed that for as long as our lives were a mess, we wouldn't move on to the next stage of our relationship. He wouldn't ask me to marry him until all that was left was us, free from all the ruckus.

But we were out of it now. Becker was in jail, Zane too, and no one would ever come after us for being Nammota, because we'd been pardoned. So, officially, we were free to move on with our lives. To move forward. To go further.

The realization that he was about to propose gave my body a reaction of its own, and I perceived how my walls clenched around him in uncontrollable spasms.

He must have felt it too, because slight doubt twisted his brows, forming a crease between them. "Wait, no... Settle down, woman. This isn't what you think it is. Not yet."

His declaration unleashed mixed feelings in me, but I said nothing and stared at him instead, waiting for him to elaborate. One of his hands moved to my lower back, and he pulled me with strength so I was closer to him. That resulted in his cock being buried deeper into me, our bodies flushed without any wasted space between us. The flash of pleasure it brought distracted me for a moment, and so did the resuming of his thrusts, softly pushing in and out of me.

"We will get married. I don't have a doubt about it, darling. My life is yours entirely; all that's left of it, every single year, month, hour, minute... But I've been thinking, and the way I see it, we'll be married for decades. We'll have forty, fifty years of it, because I intend to have a very long and very happy future with you, my amazing dork," he explained before pressing a small kiss on the tip of my nose. "But this, what we are at this very moment, we'll only have it now. It stops as soon as we get engaged, because then we somehow become something else. And so much of this has been robbed from us. So, I guess my question is, are you okay if we remain what we are for a little longer? Just Andrea and Alexander?"

He paused, waiting for my response, and I took a moment to think about it. What he said made sense. A lot of it. I couldn't wait to become his wife, but as he'd said, I'd be his wife, and he'd be my husband, for decades. There was no doubt in my mind about this either. We'd build a family and grow old together; I knew it in my bones. But this early stage, this period before we got engaged and then got married, it could only happen now. And as much as I wanted to move forward, to move fast, I also wanted to experience this for a little longer. What were a few more months, an extra year, in the grand scheme of things?

I didn't need a ring to be reminded of the extent of my commitment to him, or his to me. We were already far beyond any engagement or marriage. We had our own reality, and it was so, so much more potent than any ring or legal paper could ever be. He was the love of my life, the one person I belonged with, the man whose children I would bear, the one I'd have a full life of joy and adventures with.

Everything had moved so fast until now, because we'd been forced to take steps we were barely ready for, pushed to commit faster than what the natural course of things would have been. But now that things were good again, now that we were free, nothing was forcing us to move at a fast pace, to race through life and decisions.

Now, we had all the time in the world. No risks of imprisonment or death, no threats hanging over our heads... We could slow down and just enjoy one another.

Since I wasn't responding, he panicked, certain I was disagreeing with him. "Shit," he muttered. "Freckles, I'm so sorry. This made sense in my head. I want to marry you. I so fucking do. We can. Let's do it now, tomorrow, whenever you want... Andrea, will you ma—"

"No, it's okay," I chuckled, touched by how worried he was that he might have hurt my feelings. "I understand what you mean, baby."

With a sway of my hips, I compelled him to lean back as I moved forward. I adjusted my position over him, straddling him, and looked down with pride at my beautiful man. Slowly, I initiated a momentum, tenderly resuming the love-making we'd interrupted. He still looked anxious below me, unsure what was going on in my mind. His hands had moved to my hips, but he wasn't active anymore, torn and concerned. I bent over to kiss him softly, and moved back a few inches, looking him in the eye.

"Yes, Alexander... I'll be your girlfriend for a little longer. But that's only because you make such a great boyfriend." That brought him instant relief, and his hands at my hips clenched the malleable flesh. Still undulating over him, my sultry moves slow and tender, I locked lips with him for a brief moment. "Although... something tells me you'll make a greater fiancé, and an even better husband."

"I promise I'll do my best," he responded, his hands traveling back to grab my ass and help me with the pace. I picked up, following his slight nudging. My left hand extended toward the headboard of the bed, seeking some support, and I used it to push myself further onto him with each sway of my hips.

"Don't make me wait for too long, though," I warned, panting. "I most definitely want the world to know you're mine and I'm yours."

"Oh, they'll know, my love... I'll be the first one to proudly tell whoever will hear that you're mine. That of all the men out there, Andrea fucking Walker chose me."

"Then I'll do the same, and claim you as mine to everyone who'll listen," I answered before savagely retaking his lips.

There were no more words from then on. Only the physical manifestation of our immense devotion to one another. I made love to him until we both came in a weakened mess of limbs and beating hearts. Then, after we'd taken a moment to recuperate, he'd made love to me with the same unyielding intensity.

This would be the rest of my life. Nothing but love, care, and joy.

With Lex... My Lex...

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