The Love Algorithm - Vol. III

De DarlaCassic

1M 59.2K 15.9K

When yet another curveball puts Andy and Lex's relationship into serious jeopardy, the stakes become higher t... Mais

【01】The Best Defense
【02】The Plea
【03】Overwhelming Guilt
【05】Making New Allies
【06】First Contact
【07】Guilt Trip
【09】Scary Thoughts
【10】Impossible Conundrum
【11】A New Hope
【12】Criminal in the Making
【13】Blending Days
【14】Unexpected Visits
【15】The Fae
【16】Seeing the Light
【17】Invasion of Privacy
【18】The Heist
【19】Bon Appétit
【20】Patience and Perseverance
【21】One and Only
【22】A Step Forward
【23】Two Steps Back
【24】The Way Home
【25】Hard and Fast
【26】Old Selves
【27】Anatomy Lesson
【28】Andy the Explorer
【29】Monday Mornings
【30】The Overdue Feast
【31】Lunch Break
【32】The Park in Longview
【33】Post-date Activities
【34】The End of an Era
【35】Birthday Girl
【36】Death Stick
【37】Wake-up Call
【38】Security Threat
【39】Carrot Cake
【40】Great Escapism
【41】Slow Healing
【42】Meryl and Glenn
【43】Questions and Kisses
【44】Master Alexander
【46】The Little Show
【49】Tequila Sunrises
【50】Drunken Paradise
【53】Back Home
【54】Blonde Invasion
【55】Carpe Diem
【56】Drunk or Sober
【57】Plan B
【59】Wilde Dreams
【60】New York, New York
【61】Insane Idea
【63】There's always a choice
【64】Catasticta Lycurgus
【65】The Perfect Distraction
【66】Rewriting History
【67】Spilled Tea
【69】Sweet Agony
【70】The PAB
【71】Petite Mort
【72】Burglar in Shorts
【73】Unsettling Evidence
【74】A Hundred and Twenty-seven
【75】Going Off Script
【76】Special Agent Lewis
【77】Breaking News
【78】The Question
【79】Full Circle
【80】The End of the Line
【Important Announcement】

【47】Morning Meetings

12.8K 636 233
De DarlaCassic

Bare-footed and bare-assed, I walked out of the bedroom with a purpose. Armed with the sex toy, I made my way downstairs, in search of Lex. I could sense how wet I was, the air of the room fanning across my exposed folds, and my clit was still sporting its own heartbeat.

How the fuck had I turned into such a sexual creature? Never in my life had I needed sex as I did now. Lex had truly turned me into a slexomaniac, and I wasn't sure I'd ever manage to go back to the way it was before.

Unsurprisingly, I found him in his office, already hard at work at ten in the morning. I hadn't expected him to be wearing a serious white shirt and a tie, though.

"—it'll depend on their answer," he was saying, looking forward. "I'm not in a hurry to part with the company, so the ball is in their court." His focus flew to me as soon as I entered the room and his words stopped abruptly. His eyes were instantly attracted to the pink dildo in my hand.

I swiftly hid it behind my back before he could fully see what it was, worried I'd come at the wrong time. Despite his glasses, I read the confusion in Lex's gaze, as he tried to guess why I was here.

A man's voice, deep and with a distinctive English accent came from his computer, and I understood he was in the middle of a video call. "Yes, they have yet to get back to us regarding the figures, but I'll make sure to push them on that. For now, we've just sent them the NDA. They should sign it by the end of the week. I'll let you know as soon as they have."

Oh, shit. That sounded serious. Thank fucking Christ the webcam was facing opposite to me.

After a few seconds of staring at me and my undressed state, Lex returned his attention to his screen. "All right, thank you Mr. Night. If you'll excuse me, something just came up. I'll have to call you back."

The British guy on the other side of the call didn't seem to mind the sudden change of plans. "Of course. I'll keep working on the merger in the meantime. Shoot me an email if there's any development on your front."

Lex cut the call after a dry nod, and I grimaced, uncomfortable. I should definitely have taken a moment to assess the situation before barging in. "I'm so sorry," I said with a wince. "That sounded important."

"It's alright, I'll call him back tomorrow."

"What was it about?"

"Someone made an offer to buy the shareholding company I own in London. William Night works for the law firm in charge of protecting my interests in the UK."

"Okay, so that was definitely important. You should call him back, I can handle myself."

"Your matter seemed more urgent. What's going on?" I felt stupid – oh, so stupid – for this. My horniness was reaching embarrassing stages where I'd interrupt an important business call to have it satisfied. "Tell me, Andrea," he insisted with patience.

With my hands behind my back, I fidgeted Jason. I was feeling so fucking stupid, my face was red from the shame. Still, I took a few steps toward him, struggling to find the words that could justify my sudden intrusion.

"I... I'm so sorry, again. I wasn't supposed to interrupt anything. But I was in bed, and... Fuck, no. Forget about it."

I couldn't even remember why I'd thought coming here was a good idea. I was a big girl and I could be in charge of my own pleasure. Yes, my orgasms were so much better when Lex handled them, but he needed space, and I had to respect that.

Before I could strategically retreat and let him go back to whatever he was working on, he grabbed the fabric of my T-shirt and pulled me to him, until I was between his seated form and his desk. "What's in your hand?" he asked.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment when I showed him the toy. "This is... Jason." He cocked a brow up, observing the silicon-clad toy with what I could only describe as haughtiness. He then looked at me again, with more questions in his eyes. "You once told me toys were totally okay, and you mentioned you'd actually love to watch. I've reached the end of my limits, so I'm going to use it. And I was wondering if you... would like to look at me while I... perform?"

His eyes became dark and dangerous, and the lust in them had my slit release even more wetness. Yes, he really liked this idea. His hand grazed my outer thigh, just under the hem of my shirt, and he dragged it up slowly, sending small and enjoyable jolts under the skin he caressed.

"Are you offering me a little show?"

"Yes... A private representation just for you."

His lopsided grin echoed into my aching center, and I felt wicked about what we were about to do. "I would love that, freckles."

Reassured, I let out a sigh, my tense shoulders relaxing with it. His acceptance boosted my confidence back to where it had been when I'd left the bedroom, and I turned around to make some space on his desk, pushing his things away. When there was enough room for me to sit on it and possibly lie back, I spun to him again and found him loosening his tie and undoing the top button of his crisp white shirt. After he'd thrown his glasses on the desk, he leaned back in his chair, ready to enjoy what was about to happen.

I was slightly trembling from anticipation and modesty when I sat on the wooden surface, lifting my shirt so my bare behind was on it. The coldness of it sent a pleasurable spark right to my clit, and Lex's heated stare warmed me up instantly. Fuck, I was feeling like a proper little slut.

Boldly, I settled my feet on each side of him, on the armrests of his desk chair, and his eyes landed right onto my drenched folds. "What happened to you?" he wondered with amused curiosity. "You look like you've just been thoroughly fucked. Have you started without me?"

"Well, I was getting fucked alright, but then I woke up. This is what dream-you did to me," I replied, spreading my legs a little further to show him just how intense my dream had been. I was so ready, I knew my clit was swollen enough to poke out of its protective hood, the rest of me open and juicy.

"What was I doing to you in that dream?"

"You were taking me on the couch. Also, you were being very dominant and authoritative."

"That explains why you're so wet," he said with a shit-eating smirk.

"It does. You also told me you loved my taste so much you wished I could be your three meals a day for the rest of your life."

His eyes finally moved up from my center, and he gave me a knowing and appreciative glance. "Your subconscious has me figured out well."

Encouraged by his admission, I sent my free hand to my folds and ran two fingers along my slit. I scooped a generous serve of my arousal right from the source, reveling in the groan he couldn't hold back. My boldness went even beyond, and I brought my glistening fingertips to his parted lips, spreading my slickness over the bottom one.

Despite the lustful atmosphere surrounding us, that didn't fail to shock him. I watched, delighted, as he tried to resist his urges. His flesh eventually won over his mind, and his pink tongue swept over his wet lip to gather my taste. Something dark and starving flashed in his eyes, and my pussy quivered at the promise of whatever this meant.

If he decided to take care of me instead of just watching, I was okay with that as well.

As if he could hear my thoughts, his hands left his sides, and he grabbed onto my hips, bringing me closer to the edge of the desk. "You are one annoyingly resilient woman," he groaned, resting his lips on the inside of my thigh.

"It was in my application letter, in case you forgot."

"'Driven and resilient, I would prove to be a valuable asset to the company should you choose to accept my application...'" As he recited word for word what I'd written when applying for the programer's position at Kelex, his lips trailed up the smooth skin of my thigh, getting closer to that spot that demanded him.

I'd truly planned on taking care of myself while he watched, but it seemed he was perfectly happy to take care of me himself. Jason would turn out to be useless, but if Lex's tongue and fingers were the alternative, I really was winning in the end.

His path of soft nibbles, licks, and kisses inevitably led to my aching pussy, and he took a few seconds to admire it from up close. "Tell me, Andrea... Did you come in your dream?"


"But you were close."

"Yes. Very close."

"How fast do you think I can make you come now?"

"Under a minute."

"Should we try thirty seconds, just to set a new personal record?"

"Whatever you want, Lex... Just get on with it," I begged.

He chuckled, and even the breath of it on my heated flesh was torture. He settled more comfortably between my legs. Bringing his chair closer made my knees spread wider, and I felt more exposed than I'd ever been before. As I leaned back for comfort, he pushed my T-shirt higher on my stomach before checking on his watch. He looked so proper in his business attire, his hair combed for the occasion, and his sleeves rolled up on his muscular forearms. His bark blue tie was the cherry on top. With a little imagination, I could believe we were back in Seattle, in his office, and he was about to eat me out with people right outside his door.

"Alright. Thirty seconds starting..." he declared, his words trailing off as he waited for the needles to get into position. "Now."

An instant later, his mouth was on me with deadly precision. His lips found their ways around the swollen bundle that begged for his attention, and his tongue fell on it with the perfect pressure. It almost vibrated against my clit, feeling like it was a toy solely built for women's pleasure rather than a human tongue. But fuck, it worked in a way none of these two were supposed to. It was the best of both worlds, and I was blessed enough to experience it.

I moaned and writhed, already sensing my climax build up in my lower stomach, knowing he would indeed manage in half a minute. While he was fucking amazing at this, I had also been particularly ready for it, and I probably would have orgasmed fast with Jason, too.

My hands had found their ways into his hair without me noticing, and my fingers clutched the thick and short locks on his scalp. Shit, it had been nearly a month since the last time we'd done anything like this, and I was going to burst into a million pieces.

"Lex! Yes! Oh God, yes!" I screamed, climbing so high and so fast, the sensations were making me dizzy and disoriented.

He held me in place with his powerful arms around me, keeping me right there on the edge of his desk, my hips stuck between the wood and his gifted tongue, my thighs clenching on each side of his skull.

Everything happened so fast, I barely realized when I tilted into my much-awaited orgasm. It blended with the fast-building pleasure, and my moans of euphoria mixed with the ones that had escaped my lips since he'd started his ministrations.

But Lex noticed he'd won his bet, and his tongue dropped lower as he pushed it into me. My walls clenched and spasmed around it, and I understood this was exactly why he'd moved it there. This way, he could certainly feel each of my spasms of ecstasy with amazing precision, my pleasure coating his tongue with its taste in the process.

Waves after waves ravaged me until they receded to faint shivers. My grip on his hair loosened, and my knees parted to free his head. Sprawled over his desk, I grazed the side of his face tenderly, thankful for the release. He moved up from my satiated flesh and laid kisses on his way to my navel. His gestures were loving and passionate, and they made my desire for him respawn from its ashes. As he went up my limp body, he pushed my shirt up to reveal more skin for his lips. Once he'd reached my breast, I stopped his advance with my hands. I wasn't letting him glimpse at the scar, since it might pull him out of his lustful state entirely.

He made each of my nipples disappear into his mouth, sucking and tugging, and I grew impatient, wanting to kiss him back, to thank him for his unexpected but much welcomed enterprise. My hand grabbed a hold of his tie, and I pulled on it to bring his face higher, until all I had to do was lift mine to press my lips on his.

His taste mixed with mine was remarkably familiar, and I eagerly sampled it, my tongue curious and bold in his mouth. "I want you," I whimpered, our mouths still locked.

My legs had wrapped themselves around his waist, so I kept him right there as my hands traveled down between us. He was hard and thick under his business pants, and I palmed his erection with eager hands. Since he didn't protest, but instead grunted with approval right into our kiss, I moved on to his button and zipper, thinking he might be as desirous as I was to take this further.

As soon as I could, I pushed my hand in the opening, under the boxers he had on, and wrapped my deft fingers around his thickness. "Once more, you are an infuriatingly resilient woman," he grunted, pulling away to press his forehead against mine.

We both looked down to where I was massaging him, my hand looking ridiculously small compared to the sheer size of him. "Are you ready, baby?" I whispered in his ear. "Do you want to fuck me, or do you need a little longer?"

His hesitation was palpable, and he struggled to fight through his arousal to think clearly. Fuck, maybe I was pushing it too far. I was barely giving him a chance, pushing his buttons until he couldn't help himself.

"An in between seems like a great compromise," he eventually decided.

I didn't understand what he'd meant until he grabbed Jason by my side. My eyes widened at the sight of him examining the toy, standing up straight between my parted legs. "Are you... Are you going to... use it on me?" I asked, my voice weak with hesitation and anticipation.

"I'm curious to see how you react to this size."

I was about to tell him that size didn't matter when he switched the device on, its light buzzing filling the surrounding air. He tried a few different vibration patterns and strengths, and then settled on one before moving back to make enough room between us. He looked like a scientist about to experiment, and I loved that. Big brain Lex was about to rock my world, taking unspoken notes into his genius mind.

At the first touch of the vibrating head of the toy on my overly sensitive clitoris, I jolted on the table, surprised by the intensity of it. "Wait, that's too much," I told him. "I usually stick to the lowest setting, or second lowest."

He nodded and adjusted to a more suitable vibration strength. This time, he was more subtle in his approach, and he softly pressed the silicon on my swollen bud. I almost purred at the delightful shivers it sent, biting my lower lip to contain my smile. I fucking loved being the center of his attention, and every single one of his brain cells were focused on me.

After he'd teased my clit for about a minute, he sat back in his chair and aligned the toy with my entrance. A whimperish moan escaped me when he pushed it in, and my back arched from the pleasure it brought. I hadn't been fucked in a month, and even if it wasn't my favored cock, it was still my favorite person in the world wielding it. Tantalizingly slowly, he pulled Jason out, and then pushed it back in. He repeated the gesture a few times, and I was embarrassed to realize I would be coming very fast this time as well.

"You're so fucking wet you'll stain the wood, Andrea," he said. There was a smile in his voice, and when I lifted my head to look at him, I read the amusement in his gaze.

"Then you'll think of this moment every time you're trying to work and see— Aaah!"

He changed the pace of the thrusts at the same time as he increased the intensity of the vibration. My entire body undulated from it, helpless sighs pouring out of me. He found a pattern and rhythm that had all of my exhales come out in the form of moans, and I begged him for more, loving the sensation of being filled again. "Look at me," he ordered.

I did the best I could, resting on an elbow to meet his eyes, and the utter adoration in them made me clench around the device. He'd whipped out his cock from his pants, and with his free hand he was fucking his fist, apparently enjoying the vision I offered too much not to take care of his own needs.

"This is so fucking easy," he declared with appreciation. "I feel like I'm using a cheat code on you."

To support his words, he nudged the intensity up again, changed the angle of the toy, and accelerated the thrusts. I cried out his name, my hands clutching the edge of his desk to anchor myself in place. It felt so fucking good. Infinitely better than when I was the one using Jason. Once more, size didn't matter. Only the talent of the partner, and the strength of the bond shared.

His strategy switched, barely but enough for me to notice, and I quickly understood where he wanted to take this. "Lex, no," I begged. "Not like this... It'll wreck me."

"You're so much stronger than you know, Andrea. Let me show you just how much you can take."

The protest I was about to utter died in my throat as he increased the momentum of the thrusts again, and I fell back against the table with a strangled plea. The toy didn't reach as deeply as before, but it kept slamming against the excruciatingly sensitive spot of my front wall, making the tension build to an insane amount. He pushed Jason to a higher setting, one I'd never even tried before, and I screamed a plea, not sure if I wanted him to stop or continue.

In a way that felt alarmingly too literal, I exploded. My soul shattered into pieces as if it had been ripped out of my body. I shuddered away from his hand, away from the toy, but there was nowhere I could escape, so he kept thrusting the device into me, rendering me mad with too much pleasure. I didn't even dare look down, knowing fluids were spraying out of me, drenching his hand, the inside of my thighs, and surely his shirt, given how close he was from me.

I screamed his name, begged him to stop, implored him to continue... The orgasm wrecked me, as I'd predicted, but I somehow never wanted it to stop. In the midst of it, Lex let out a guttural groan, the kind he released when he was coming undone, and a part of me registered he was following me into paradise, coming with me from his own fist.

Eventually, my body couldn't give more, and Lex seemed to catch on that despite his own blissful state. Jason was pulled out of me, and while my insides kept spasming around emptiness, my tense muscles relaxed and my arched back lowered back into the desk.

Holy fuck...

How?! How could he make me come so hard with a toy, when I'd always thought my orgasms with it were mild at best. Did his knowledge of my body go that far?

Struggling to catch my breath, I stared at the white ceiling for a moment, not minding the discomfort of lying on the hard surface of his desk. My body wasn't working yet, and I'd need more time until it did.

Lex kissed the inside of my thigh in a way that was more soothing than sexual, and his hand rose to the outer side of it, giving the skin a gentle caress. "Did it wreck you?" he asked with unmasked pride in his tone.


"Did you still like it?"


"Would you do it all over again?"

"Hell yes."

He chuckled low, gave my inner thigh another kiss, and stood from his chair. He settled a hand next to me, and bent forward to gaze down at my rapturous state. I must have been a sweaty mess, with my bed hair, my skin flushed all over, and my body limp like a sea cucumber. But he didn't seem to mind, his eyes solely appreciative. He looked nothing like the proper businessman I'd glimpsed at upon entering the room. His tie was askew, his shirt was splattered with the orgasm he'd ripped out of me, his hair was a joyful mess, and his face was pink, his eyes sparkling.

"You enjoy making me squirt a little too much, Coleman," I mumbled, staring With embarrassment at the drenched state of his formerly immaculate shirt.

He didn't even try to deny it, offering me a broad grin instead. He was holding his right hand partially closed midair, and when he reached with the left one for the box of tissues next to me, I understood why. Before he could get rid of what was mine, I grabbed his forearm and used his solid support to sit up. With my usual greediness, I made him open his hand, and glimpsed at the mess he'd made.

His palm was covered in his thick white cum, and I reveled in the fact that I'd done this to him, even if it had been indirectly. I made sure that our gazes were locked when I pulled his hand to my face, the familiar scent of his pleasure filling my nostrils. His irises doubled in size when I ran my tongue across his sticky palm, cleaning off a good portion of the essence that had jetted out of him. I licked the rest of it, and then welcomed each of his fingers into my mouth, sucking on them and twirling my tongue until there were no traces of sperm left on it.

"You are one filthy woman," he told me, clearly affected by my dirty enterprise.

"And you love me for it."

"I really fucking do, yes."

He seized my jaw in a firm hold and bent my head just enough to bestow a deep and starving kiss on me. His tongue was practically fucking my mouth, and I knew he must have tasted himself there. "Take me upstairs," I demanded, pressing myself harder onto him.

"Could you really have me after all this?"

"I could have you anytime, baby. Take me upstairs and I'll show you."

He mumbled I was insatiable, which might have sounded like a reproach, but I knew better. His hands grabbed a firm hold under my thighs, and he lifted me from the desk. As he carried me out of the room, I glimpsed at the trail of wetness I'd left on his desk, and Jason discarded next to it. I doubted it would actually stain the wood, but wouldn't it be glorious if it did? Lex would have it right under his eyes every time he tried to work, and the memory of what had just happened would pop into his mind.

We were just reaching the living area when his steps slowed. "Fuck," he cursed.


"My pants are falling."

With a giggle, I looked down to see that indeed his pants were down to his knees, his underwear still in place on his hips. I knew it had reached his ankles when he could only walk in short and hurried steps, and another laugh spilled out of me. I unlocked my legs from around his frame and pushed myself away from him, knowing he wouldn't be able to take the stairs with me in his arms, anyway. He understood the message and carefully put me down.

As I stood on shaky legs, he took care of pulling his pants up and hastily did the button so it would remain in position.

Just as he was done, the doorbell rang. We turned to each other in a split second, as if caught in the act, eyes wide and eyebrows up.

"Shit!" I muttered when I remembered. "I'm supposed to go to town with Meryl. Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He stared at me, unsure what to do about that information. "I can't cancel, I was really looking forward to it!"

"You were looking forward to sex as well."

"Lex, we have reservations. I can't cancel on her, I need to go. Tell her I'll only be a few minutes," I told him, gesturing to the door.

His hands traveled up and down his outfit, and he gave me a disconcerted shoulder shrug. He was disheveled, and his shirt still bore the traces of my explosive orgasm. "I can't open like this. What am I supposed to say happened?"

"I don't know. Come up with something. I can't open the door like this," I said as well, gesturing at my entire state. The melody chimed again, as Meryl rang once more, so I pushed him toward the door and headed for the stairs. He groaned his displeasure and adjusted his shirt and pants.

I'd just reached the upper floor when he opened the panel. "Hello, neighbor," Meryl's cheery voice came. "Oh dear, what happened to you?"

"I was— We were, uh..." Lex had a hard time finding a compelling lie under the pressure I'd put him under, and I braced for the worst. "We were having sex," he eventually gave up. My jaw dropped to the floor as I tried to imagine Meryl's face. She seemed open enough to not be weirded out by Lex's blunt honesty, but dear fucking God, how was I supposed to spend the afternoon with her after this? "She just ran upstairs to the shower. She'll need a few minutes," he continued.

"Alright, no problem. We have time before our reservation."

"Do you want to wait inside?"

She agreed, and I walked further into the upstairs corridor to make sure she wouldn't see me. Lex excused himself for a moment, explaining he had to wash his hands, and I died inside a little more. With my back pressed against the wall, I pushed out a long sigh. Alright, it didn't have to be awkward. Lex had been right to just be honest, because sex was nothing to be ashamed of, and was a very healthy and normal aspect of marital life.

Gritting my teeth, I made my way to the bedroom with quick, tiptoed steps. When I entered it and saw the bed I'd left, the one where, not that long ago, I'd woken up from a weird wet dream, a delighted smile pulled the corners of my lips up. Lex had indulged above and beyond, proving he was even better than the dream version I'd had of him.

Something told me that Jason might have earned itself a role in our future sexcapades. Clearly, Lex had enjoyed it greatly, and I had nothing to complain about.

I'd see about introducing Idris into the mix as well, out of respect for my old companion.

• • • • •

Yes, it's that William Night. ckbennettauthor is aware, and even helped me with his voice!

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