The Love Algorithm - Vol. III

By DarlaCassic

1M 59.1K 15.8K

When yet another curveball puts Andy and Lex's relationship into serious jeopardy, the stakes become higher t... More

【01】The Best Defense
【02】The Plea
【03】Overwhelming Guilt
【05】Making New Allies
【06】First Contact
【07】Guilt Trip
【09】Scary Thoughts
【10】Impossible Conundrum
【11】A New Hope
【12】Criminal in the Making
【13】Blending Days
【14】Unexpected Visits
【15】The Fae
【16】Seeing the Light
【17】Invasion of Privacy
【18】The Heist
【19】Bon Appétit
【20】Patience and Perseverance
【21】One and Only
【22】A Step Forward
【23】Two Steps Back
【24】The Way Home
【25】Hard and Fast
【26】Old Selves
【27】Anatomy Lesson
【28】Andy the Explorer
【29】Monday Mornings
【30】The Overdue Feast
【31】Lunch Break
【32】The Park in Longview
【34】The End of an Era
【35】Birthday Girl
【36】Death Stick
【37】Wake-up Call
【38】Security Threat
【39】Carrot Cake
【40】Great Escapism
【41】Slow Healing
【42】Meryl and Glenn
【43】Questions and Kisses
【44】Master Alexander
【46】The Little Show
【47】Morning Meetings
【49】Tequila Sunrises
【50】Drunken Paradise
【53】Back Home
【54】Blonde Invasion
【55】Carpe Diem
【56】Drunk or Sober
【57】Plan B
【59】Wilde Dreams
【60】New York, New York
【61】Insane Idea
【63】There's always a choice
【64】Catasticta Lycurgus
【65】The Perfect Distraction
【66】Rewriting History
【67】Spilled Tea
【69】Sweet Agony
【70】The PAB
【71】Petite Mort
【72】Burglar in Shorts
【73】Unsettling Evidence
【74】A Hundred and Twenty-seven
【75】Going Off Script
【76】Special Agent Lewis
【77】Breaking News
【78】The Question
【79】Full Circle
【80】The End of the Line
【Important Announcement】

【33】Post-date Activities

13K 632 92
By DarlaCassic

My eyes were probably as huge as the woman's. We stared at each other for an incredibly awkward moment. She'd just witnessed me come all over Lex's hand, in a situation that was quite kinky, and very probably illegal.

Oblivious to the fact that we'd had a witness, Lex leisurely pulled his fingers from between my legs, and then out of the safe covering of the sleeping bag. Although my stare never left the woman's, I understood he brought them up and distinctly heard him suck my juices off of them.

If I'd thought the woman had been shocked before, it was nothing compared to now. Her eyes went huge with surprise at the sight of Lex's wicked gesture. Before I could see more, he distracted me by demanding a kiss. Somewhat absentmindedly, I kissed him back, sharing my taste with him for a brief but steamy exchange. Okay, fuck, I was actually loving this. It was amazing to have someone witness Lex's devotion for me, to have us exhibit just how powerful our attraction was, and how lustful we were for one another. I was the luckiest bitch on this planet, and some part of me reveled in the idea that other people noticed that.

After one last adamant brush of his tongue on mine, Lex's grip let go of my jaw. My eyes then latched onto the woman again, and after a few seconds of silence, an incredulous laugh poured out of her. She turned to her partner, who was watching the end credits roll on the screen, clueless.

When she faced me again, she shook her head with what seemed like a mix of bewilderment and amusement, and focused back up front.

Embarrassment and arousal had made my face even warmer than it already was, and I twisted to shove it into the crook of Lex's neck. Damn, that rush was something new. I'd surely run on that kinky high for a while. This fucking man...

"I love you," I uttered, the upper part of my face still hiding against his throat. His answer came in the form of a long and fervent kiss on top of my temple.

Together, we watched the end credits, while some people were getting up and heading back to their cars. As they walked by us, I was highly aware of my nakedness under the sleeping bag. From my navel to mid-thighs, I was undressed, my folds drenched with the remnants of my orgasm. And it was strangely weird and exhilarating all together. I considered pulling up my jeans, but decided it could wait until most of the moviegoers were gone.

The couple next to us remained until the screen turned white, lighting up the night. A little weirded out, I avoided making direct eye contact, discreetly glimpsing instead as they packed their things up.

"Have a nice evening," our neighbor told us, ready to go.

"Thank you. You too," Lex politely answered.

The woman gave me a knowing look, still entertained by the situation. "Have a very nice evening," she let out with a vague wave, following her partner. After a few seconds, she hastily came back. "Call us. We're open to all sorts of things," she bluntly declared, handing us a business card. Lex was the first one to react, taking it from her.

With that, she was off again, and I stared at the card Lex was confusingly holding. It was hard to see because of the lack of light, but it seemed they ran a landscaping business.

"What was that about?" Lex wondered, flipping the card in search of more information.

"This, baby, is our very first swinging offer."

I twisted my neck to see his face, curious to see his reaction to this. He was properly perplexed, staring at the card like it was some great unsolvable puzzle. "You mean they... want to have sex with us?"

"I don't think he saw anything, but she did for sure. She must have loved the show, and would like a role in it sometimes?"

"Too bad for her, but all the participants for all the upcoming shows have been cast already. Two is the limit because I'm not sharing you," he possessively declared, dropping the card on the cover and wrapping his arm around me again. "Honestly, it would be pointless to even consider something like this. You're the only woman I want, so why on earth would I ever switch partners with another man?"

"Yeah, I get what you mean. I'm way too monogamous for that sort of thing. And I hardly doubt anyone could fuck me as good as you do, so what's the point?"

"I'm glad we agree on that. You're getting the one dick for the rest of your life."

"And maybe a few toys," I felt compelled to add, thinking of poor Jason.

"Yes, you're allowed toys. Even more so if I can watch or wield them."

Ah, shit. I was getting hot and horny again. Just the thought of Lex fucking me with a toy was enough to drastically rise my body temperature.

"Maybe we'll invest in a few toys for you as well," I suggested. "My vagina's bound to get boring at some point."

"I don't see that happening anytime soon, to be honest. But I guess we'll see with time."

Almost everyone was gone by now. The cinema crew was almost done putting their things away, and a few people were still gathering their belongings, about to leave. Now that I had more privacy, I adroitly pulled my skimpy panties up, along with my jeans. Once I was decent again, I leaned back against Lex, reluctant to go. This was nice, warm, and comfy. I didn't want to let go of the moment yet.

With my eyes on the night above us, I admired the stars. "This isn't something we see in Seattle," I stated.

Lex looked up as well, and for a moment, we simply stared at the stunning view. The sky was so clear, we could even identify the white path of the Milky Way. Of the moon, all we could see was a thin arc, and the surrounding darkness allowed our eyes to see the cosmos better.

Because he really was a fucking encyclopedia, Lex showed me a few stars and constellations, giving me their names, and even some facts. We saw a few shooting stars, and although he found it childish, I insisted he made wishes, just like me. In his embrace, I lost track of time, enjoying his warmth and his presence. We stayed long after everyone else was gone, listening to the sounds of nature around us.

When clouds arrived, hiding the stars from us, we remained there, finding another subject to talk about.

"Do you have an idea of when you might come back to Kelex?" I asked. We'd shifted our positions, and with the mat discarded, we were now lying on the cover thrown on the lawn. Still under the warmth of the sleeping bag, my front was pressed against his side, my temple resting on his solid chest.

"I don't know. There are too many people out there still claiming that I'm the real Nammota. Every news outlet has hammered it so far into their minds, it might take a while for them to change their opinion. In the meantime, I'd rather not associate myself with Kelex, so its stock doesn't plummet again."

There was a moment of silence before he continued. "Why? Do you miss having me boss you around?"

His words made me let out a rather graceless snort. "Certainly not. But I miss having you close by. You were a good boss, I enjoyed working for you."

"I'm not sure I'll ever come back, Andrea."


"Kelex doesn't need me anymore. Kev and I succeeded, and as long as he's there steering it in the right direction, I don't need to be a part of it any longer. For about a year now, I've been feeling stagnant, like I needed something new in my life. Then, you came along, and it made it all better. But now that I'm out of Kelex regardless, I might as well work on something new."

"Like a new project? You want to start a new company?"

"Maybe, yes. I'm not sure what yet. I have several ideas, none really fleshed out or viable." He paused, and I sensed him looking down at me. I tilted my head back to look into his eyes. "Would you... Would you like starting something with me? I know you love your job, but if you wanted to join in on whatever project I come up with, I'd gladly welcome you as a partner, a co-owner to share the responsibilities with and all."

Although we had an entire life planned together, his proposal hit me hard. I was honored that he would offer me such a huge opportunity. He was presenting the opportunity of a lifetime to me, and while he didn't know what his next company would be centered on, I was confident it would be a frank success, just as Kelex had been.

"I'd love that," I agreed. "Depending on what you want to do, of course."

"Well, if you are to own half of it, we might as well figure something out together."

"I don't have the funds to own half of whatever, Lex."

"You don't necessarily need to bring capital to the table. When we started Kelex, Kev injected a million into it, and I brought a hundred thousand. But we handled it so we could be on a fifty-fifty ownership. I'll gladly do that for you, freckles."

"You would?"

"Of course. Everything that's mine will ultimately become yours. We might as well begin sharing now."

Hot damn... That wasn't exactly a proposal, but it sounded an awful lot like one. We really were each other's forever, and we had no doubts about it. Not anymore.

"Then if you'll have me, I'll gladly walk into this new adventure with you," I agreed, moving up to bring my lips closer to his.

"It's a deal, then."

"Should we seal it with a kiss, or should we opt for something more unyielding?"

"Hmm... What's the strongest, unbreakable seal?"

"I think it's a blowjob."

His surprised laugh delighted me, and the glimmer or amusement in his eyes warmed my skin all over. "Part of me wants to question the legitimacy of that statement, but another part just wants to go for it."

"I'm pretty sure I've read that somewhere on the internet."

"Oh, then it must be true."

I fucking adored when he was being playful like this. Unable to resist, I gave him a long and hungry kiss, my hand pulling his shirt out of his pants. With what was about to happen, and how his heat had been warming me for hours now, I discarded the blanket, not needing it anymore. I worked on the button of his trousers and then the zipper, still amused by his attire. I'd told him to wear something casual, but he'd still dressed up a bit, with a dark button-up shirt and a pair of dress pants.

He lifted himself so I could lower everything and access his semi-erection. It was so odd to be out there, in the middle of the night, in some random park. But there wasn't a person in sight, hadn't been anyone here in hours, so it gave me enough reassurance to proceed.

With a now experienced gesture, I massaged his length, squeezing it with just the right pressure. "Tell me, Alexander. Were you hard when you fucking me with your fingers, in front of all these people?"

"Didn't you feel it, poking your back?"

"I did... I was wondering if maybe it was another emergency-potassium banana."

"From now on, just always assume it's a hard-on," he suggested with a chuckle.

His amusement died when I welcomed him into my mouth, and I smiled around his shaft. With a sensual groan, he let his head back, ready to enjoy whatever I was about to do to him. And boy... The things I wanted to do to this man were infinite.

How was it that all the aspects of sex with him were so fucking enticing? Was it because we were perfectly suited for one another? Was it because of love? Or was it because he'd always encouraged me to be bold and daring, never belittling my sensual enterprises? Maybe it was a mix of all these that made our sexual harmony so amazingly perfect.

With fervent ardor, I ran my tongue and lips on him, enjoying the irregular relief of the veins on his length, the satiny touch of his skin. His cock was shoved far down my throat, his hand tangled in my hair to keep me there, when I felt the first drop of rain. Hoping it was only a fluke, I continued my ministrations, extracting more moans and sighs from his delectable mouth.

Alas, more drops fell, and I was soon forced to stop. Lex protested, of course, but I tried to reason with him. "I'm not getting back onto the leather seats of your brand new car soaking wet."

"Are you really pretending that you're not already drenched?" he mumbled.

"Ah-ha. Come on, Coleman. I'll finish you off in the Audi. And it'll be super safe and parked and all," I teased.

Still grumpy, he arranged his clothes while I quickly finished packing up our things. In no time, we were off to his car, running as the rain became more intense. "Go to the backseat," he ordered after I'd thrown what I was holding in the trunk.

I went to comply, but hesitated slightly, my clothes already wet. Fuck, it would be a shame to ruin the fine leather already. The car wasn't even two weeks old.

"Andrea, there'll be all sorts of cum stains by the time I'm done with you. Stop worrying, and sit in the car before you catch your death," he ordered.

It was probably more the perspective of generating all that cum that had me comply, and I swiftly entered the car. He joined me in no time, and in a matter of seconds, we were passionately kissing, tugging at each other's clothes. Lex removed my hoodie and the top underneath, and then turned the lights on in the back. With a very appreciative gaze, he admired my bra, which seemed very much to his tastes.

The tiny balconette bra was more transparent than not, its fine lace allowing him to glimpse at everything underneath. Its cut was so low, part of my brown tips weren't covered, peeking out just enough to tempt him to the point of madness. The color was what I preferred about it. It was a deep pink that could only be described as a sexual color, one meant to arouse, meant to awaken sensual senses.

"Shit, you were right," he groaned.

"About what?"

"It's definitely sexier than I thought."

"You should see the bottom," I whispered in his ear before licking the shell of it.

"Fucking hell, woman... Don't complain if you have a limp after I'm done fucking you."

I fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, eager to get his upper body naked as well. "Do your worst, Alexander."

The savagery with which he reclaimed my lips almost worried me. Tonight, we might see what was more resilient. Me, or the car's suspensions.

• • •

The panoramic roof of the Audi was open, and we watched the rain drop on it from underneath, slowly coming down from our acrobatic embrace. This car was much more spacious than the Mercedes, which allowed sex in it to be a little more creative.

Displaying some contortionist skills I didn't know I possessed, I'd retrieved the sleeping bag from the trunk. Now, we were pressed together in the narrow space of the backseat, tucked under it to remain warm.

"This evening out is a little odd, isn't it?" I wondered.

"It's turning into a full night out, at this point."

"Next time, we'll fuck before the date. To make sure we can actually focus on whatever activity we have planned. I can't possibly believe you paid attention to the end of the movie with all this."

His answer didn't come right away, and he didn't chuckle either. Which was why I knew something was off. I looked up to meet his eyes in the darkness, and as suspected, there was something uneasy in them.

"I have a confession to make," he declared with graveness. I gave him a single nod, encouraging him to continue. "I... watched the movie a while back."


"Well, I thought that if you were going to tie me, it might as well be for something more interesting than a movie. So I went ahead and watched it. I intended on telling you once I was tied up and you were about to make me watch it. But you had other ideas, and the topic never came up."

"It came up hours ago, when the movie started, Lex."

"You looked so happy with yourself, I didn't have the heart to tell you. But I promise I didn't mind."

"Really? You liked it?"

"The movie itself, no, not really. It's too slow for me, and I find the plot rather uninteresting once you know what it's about. But I really enjoyed the cuddling. And the last twenty-four minutes were phenomenal."

Despite how disheartened I was, his enthusiastic tone about the 'happy ending' had me giggling. "I'm sorry my plans for our date weren't better. I really wanted you to love it. You should have told me, Lex. Maybe we could have done something else."

"Stop worrying, Andrea. We had a great time regardless, and I would do it all over again. We had a delicious picnic, spent time together, got to act on your exhibitionistic fantasy, and got to make wishes to asteroids burning upon entering the atmosphere..."

"Stop making fun of the shooting stars, or your wishes will never come true," I playfully scolded him.

"I don't need those, anyway. All my wishes have already come true."

Perplexed, I looked up at him, only to find his loving gaze. I never knew how to act when he was being corny. In a way, it was odd and out of character, but I also enjoyed these moments when something sappy took over, and he let out things like that.

Because I wasn't sure what to respond, I kissed him instead. He returned my enthusiasm, and soon enough, we were pushing the cover away. With a bold hand, I reached for his shaft, ready to work him into another erection.

But seriously, on our next date, we might as well stay at home in his bed, and do all those things in a much more comfortable environment.

A sharp series of knocks on the window above us pulled us out of our sensual mood instantly. Absolutely horrified, I pulled the cover over my naked chest, my eyes darting to the Sheriff's deputy in uniform outside. The man, in his mid-fifties, had a huge mustache, quite a few extra pounds on him, and was trying to peek into the car. Oh fuck. Holy fucking fuck.

"Anyone in here?" the man asked, tapping his knuckles on the window again. Oh, thank God for tinted windows... Lex and I straightened up, struggling to move in the confined space. We were too fucking old to get caught fucking in a car like this.

As if to prove my point, the officer spoke again. "Come on, kids. Time to go home."

After making sure the sleeping bag was covering us properly, Lex opened the window a few inches, just enough to communicate with the deputy and see him. "Yes, we're about to go."

"Ah, sorry, sir... We usually get teenagers who come here to—" He seemed to catch on to our nakedness under the cover, and he changed the course of his speech. "You guys realize this is a misdemeanor, right?"

"I believe you're talking about indecent exposure," Lex started, "since the laws in the state of Washington don't exactly forbid sexual activities in public places, but only indecent exposure. But none of us are indecently exposed, as you can see."

Damn, I want this man's babies in me.

The deputy seemed to realize he might not win this one, so he shook his head with a sigh. "Alright, just... Go get a room somewhere, and act like grownups."

I gave him a sheepish smile and a nod, while Lex agreed with a cold "Yes." The man touched the brim of his hat to salute us, and went off to his car, which we hadn't even heard arrive. As soon as the window was closed, I exploded in a nervous series of giggles. I shoved my burning face into Lex's shoulder, trying to quench it. Damn, we were really acting like two horny teenagers, weren't we?

"Alright, I'm not feeling up to two hours of road. How about we do get a room somewhere in town?" Lex suggested.

I checked on the clock on the dashboard, wincing when I saw it was almost two in the morning. Yes, sleeping somewhere near sounded like the most reasonable option. After I'd agreed, the painstakingly arduous task of getting dressed followed.

The date hadn't gone at all as I'd intended, but I wasn't complaining. The turn of events was quite spectacular.

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