The Love Algorithm - Vol. III

Galing kay DarlaCassic

1M 59K 15.8K

When yet another curveball puts Andy and Lex's relationship into serious jeopardy, the stakes become higher t... Higit pa

【01】The Best Defense
【02】The Plea
【03】Overwhelming Guilt
【05】Making New Allies
【06】First Contact
【07】Guilt Trip
【09】Scary Thoughts
【10】Impossible Conundrum
【11】A New Hope
【12】Criminal in the Making
【13】Blending Days
【14】Unexpected Visits
【15】The Fae
【16】Seeing the Light
【17】Invasion of Privacy
【18】The Heist
【19】Bon Appétit
【20】Patience and Perseverance
【21】One and Only
【22】A Step Forward
【23】Two Steps Back
【24】The Way Home
【25】Hard and Fast
【26】Old Selves
【27】Anatomy Lesson
【28】Andy the Explorer
【29】Monday Mornings
【30】The Overdue Feast
【31】Lunch Break
【33】Post-date Activities
【34】The End of an Era
【35】Birthday Girl
【36】Death Stick
【37】Wake-up Call
【38】Security Threat
【39】Carrot Cake
【40】Great Escapism
【41】Slow Healing
【42】Meryl and Glenn
【43】Questions and Kisses
【44】Master Alexander
【46】The Little Show
【47】Morning Meetings
【49】Tequila Sunrises
【50】Drunken Paradise
【53】Back Home
【54】Blonde Invasion
【55】Carpe Diem
【56】Drunk or Sober
【57】Plan B
【59】Wilde Dreams
【60】New York, New York
【61】Insane Idea
【63】There's always a choice
【64】Catasticta Lycurgus
【65】The Perfect Distraction
【66】Rewriting History
【67】Spilled Tea
【69】Sweet Agony
【70】The PAB
【71】Petite Mort
【72】Burglar in Shorts
【73】Unsettling Evidence
【74】A Hundred and Twenty-seven
【75】Going Off Script
【76】Special Agent Lewis
【77】Breaking News
【78】The Question
【79】Full Circle
【80】The End of the Line
【Important Announcement】

【32】The Park in Longview

15.1K 657 90
Galing kay DarlaCassic

While it may not have been as good as what Lex had planned for our first date, I was still pretty proud of what I had in store for him. It was personal, as if catered just for us. And it also gave us the opportunity to spend some time outside of the city. I'd noticed how confused he was about my attire. I was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a comfy and warm hoodie, instead of a pretty little dress or something.

Needless to say Lex was properly intrigued, wondering why we had to go two hours out of Seattle, but I remained enigmatic throughout the entire drive. The Audi was absolutely amazing, and I was pretty sure he didn't mind getting an actual test drive. The Benz had been the ultimate luxury car to me, but this one was another level entirely. With the electric engine, it was remarkably silent and smooth. The only thing I didn't like about it was that Lex didn't have to switch gears anymore – which I'd always found kind of hot. Although, on the plus side, his hand barely ever parted from my thigh.

"Are you really not going to tell me what's in Longview?" he asked, still trying to figure out whatever plans I had for him. I bit back a smile, knowing how his mind must be dying to know. As someone who didn't enjoy surprises that much, it made sense he'd want to be prepared. But the date I had in mind wouldn't require any sort of preparation.

"Nope. You were all secretive when you took me out on a date. I'll do the same. And anyhow, aren't you going to tell me what you were doing on your laptop?"

It was his turn to hide a grin. Earlier in the day, I'd barged into his home office, and he'd slapped his laptop shut instantly. I was pretty sure it wasn't porn, given the frequency of our passionate embraces. And anyhow, I'd probably have asked to watch along if it had been, and I was sure he knew that. But still, he was hiding something from me, which had been slightly worrying for an instant.

"I told you it was for your birthday. I'm not telling you more than that," he argued.

"Have you been working on it for long?"

"What part of 'not telling you more' did you not understand?"

"Please, baby... Allow me just three questions."

I gave him sad puppy look, and he rolled his eyes when he saw it. "I keep forgetting how greedy and impatient you are. Alright, three questions."

"Thank you. Have you been working on it for long? Does it involve me wearing a topless bikini on some tropical island? And will it make me want to have your babies?"

His chuckle was contagious, and I wished I could see his eyes when he turned to me. These Ray-Bans looked amazing on him, but I longed to witness the glimmer of amusement in his gray irises.

"Two weeks. No. And we'll see."

Well, these were anticlimactic. "Won't I even be allowed to wear bikini bottoms, then?" I tried.

He laughed again, his hand gently squeezing my thigh. "I'm not taking you on a trip. We'll plan one together, so you have a say in it too, and you can choose when you take your leave and everything."

"That's quite considerate of you, thank you. And are we talking two full weeks of working on it, or just a little here and there?"

"I've spent quite a few hours on it already," he explained. "It's how I've been occupying my days, actually. It's that personal project I told you about."

Oh, damn... Okay, that meant he'd spent a lot of time on that gift. What the heck could it be?

"Stop trying to guess, Andrea. If you do find out what it is beforehand, I'll spank you until you can't sit for a week."

"You're not supposed to threaten people with a good time, Alexander," I teased. In search of a distraction, I looked around at the car. "Can it drive itself like a Tesla?"

"No, Audi doesn't do that."

"Hmm... A shame."

"Why is that?"

"We could have put it on autopilot and have a quick fuck."

I was only teasing him, which I loved doing so much, but he took me seriously, with a concerned frown. "It doesn't work like that. You're still supposed to pay attention and have to be able to correct the car's course if necessary."

"You have to admit that sex in a moving car has got to be hot," I countered, wanting to see how far I could take this.

"It's dangerous and inconsiderate. Sex in a parked car sounds just as hot and way less perilous."

"Are you saying that if I offered to suck you off right now, you'd turn me down?"

He gave me a side glance, wondering if there was some hidden offer there. "It would mean that you'd have to remove your seatbelt and get into a hazardous position that could prove fatal in case of an accident. Which would be more likely to happen, since I'll be distracted by your lips and tongue on my cock. Which, by the way, you might bite off during a collision. So, if you offered me a blow job right now, I'd either stop the car in an inconspicuous location or, but that's less likely, turn you down."

Damn, who knew being responsible could be so hot? I'd never sucked a man off while he was driving, and while the thought had often occurred while I was in a car with him, I'd never actually considered it. I just loved how pragmatic and logical he was about all this, when nearly all other men would have jumped on the occasion. No, my Lex was being reasonable and weighing all the pros and cons – which were mostly cons, while the only pro was his pleasure.

"So, should I take the next exit?" he asked with a playful tone.

"Actually, right now, it's your brain that I want to lick. And as tempting as shoving your dick down my throat is, I'd rather we get to our destination on time. So, keep driving, Coleman."

"Aye aye, captain."

We arrived right at the time I'd planned to our destination, and Lex looked with unmasked curiosity at the park before us. A little outside of town, it was a park like there were thousands in the United States, including a few much closer to Seattle than this. Luckily for me, nothing was set for the actual thing we'd driven two hours for, so he wouldn't get to guess why we were here right away.

"Help me out, will you?" I asked, taking out a large bag from the trunk.

I'd loaded everything earlier without him seeing. Now, however, I was more than okay with his assistance. He grabbed the largest bag, and I took care of the two mats I'd bought for the occasion. We walked further, and I noticed a few people were still here, enjoying the last rays of sun. It was a beautiful day, warmer than it had been in a while. There were a few families scattered around, dogs playing fetch with their owners, couples sprawled on the lawn...

God, it was fantastic to be out of the city. I most certainly needed that, and I could imagine Lex as well. It was a breath of fresh air, and after everything he'd been through, it could only do us good. I noticed a few people installing what would serve as our entertainment for the evening and found us a spot that seemed well placed. From the bag Lex was carrying, I retrieved a large and thick cloth, which he helped me arrange on the grass. Sitting crossed-legged on it, I then settled our picnic around us.

Once he was seated with me, I handed him the corkscrew and the bottle, which he diligently took care of. Proud of myself, I looked at everything I'd spent part of the afternoon preparing. We had mini chicken tortillas, avocado toasts turned into sandwiches, a chickpea salad, and I was reserving the best for last, with an assortment of fruits to go with the chocolate sauce.

"This looks fantastic," he approved, pouring us a glass of wine each. "I'm still a little confused why we needed to be in Longview for it."

"You'll see."

"Does it have anything to do with whatever they are doing?" he then asked, pointing toward the two men working further.

"Stop trying to guess, or I'll be the one doing the spanking until you can't sit for a week." His frank laugh had me melting, and I took my glass from his hand before anything happened to it.

As we ate the picnic I'd prepared, we talked about our week, and then the subject drifted to my pending move into his apartment. I'd spent a few hours at my place and had started to pack a few things. At that point, half of my clothes were already at Lex's, but I still had a few belongings that I needed to take care of. I wasn't sure where I'd settle my computer, since there wasn't exactly that sort of spare room. But he insisted I shouldn't worry, certain we'd make something work.

"How's the packing going?" he asked after taking another sip of his wine.

"Slow but steady. I can't believe I'm moving for the third time in less than a year."

"It'll be your last time before a while." His assurance was quite gratifying, and it brought me utter contentment. Yes, I probably wouldn't need to move for a few years after that.

Around us, the darkness of night was slowly taking over. While the families were gone, more people were gathering around us, settling down as we had. They were all here for the same reason as us, and it piqued Lex's interest. We were halfway into the dessert when a broad smile split his face in half.

"What movie classic are we about to enjoy, my little dork?"

Surprised that he'd guessed so suddenly, I turned around to see what had given him the clue he'd needed. A large screen was slowly being inflated. I turned to him with a mischievous grin. "One that's long overdue."

He gave it a quick thought, and doubt veiled his handsome traits. "Is it The Shining?"

I was a little amazed that he'd guess on the first try, so I dismissed his slight trouble. "Yes, I was busy with other things that one time I got to tie you up. So I figured we might as well do it like this."

His apprehension faded, and he looked at the screen again. I could see he was thinking intently, and when his eyes met mine again, there was something suspicious in them. "How did you do that?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What are the odds that a cinema in any form, and relatively close to us, would show that very movie on the very weekend you picked for our date, which you hadn't planned beforehand."

Something in me rejoiced that he'd ask. As he'd put it, the odds were remarkably thin, and it was rather miraculous. "This is a traveling outdoors theater, that gives people the choice of the movie. Each week, they are in a different location, and they put out a list and ask people to vote on which movie they should show."

"And people voted on this one specifically?"

"No, not quite. But baby, I hacked into Homeland's databases. Getting into their small website and making it the most voted on movie took me two minutes." His amusement over my illicit ways was obvious, and he shook his head, fainting disapproval. "Do you like it?" I wondered, worried it might not be good enough.

Finding the perfect date for him was rather hard. He loved being home and didn't have that many interests. The perfect evening for him was probably loads of sex between the two of us. But we already did that on a daily basis, so I'd wanted to find something a little different.

"I do," he eventually approved. "As I've told you before, any time spent with you is a good time, freckles."

Reassured, I extended toward him to receive a peck, which he gladly gave me. The night was nearly full now, and there were much more people with us than I'd expected. Sensing the movie would start soon, we finished our dessert and packed everything back into the bag. We settled our mats and their built-in backrest towards the screen, next to each other. Now that the sun was out, it was slowly getting colder, but I came prepared. Tammy had lent me an old but efficient sleeping bag. The blue cover would help keep us warm. I opened it, spread it over us, and grabbed his hand underneath.

"In case you have any doubt, I also have a lot of after date activities planned," I felt compelled to say, moving toward him so I could whisper it into his ear.

"Really? And what might those be?"

I mysteriously wriggled my eyebrows at him, adamant to keep some part of mystery. But he'd discover soon enough that I was wearing skimpy as fuck lingerie underneath my very casual clothes. He'd also find out that I was ready for the next level of Chris, which meant we'd be up to the Hemsworth plug. The next step after that would be Lex's dick, and we were both impatient to try proper anal. Ever since our first use of a butt plug, we'd fucked with one more often than not. I was growing accustomed to it, and enjoyed how much more powerful it made my orgasms. The added sensations were amazingly effective.

The movie began before he could get anything out of me. Silence fell around us, and he was forced to hold back from the questions he wanted to ask. I hadn't seen it for a while, and I was delighted to re-watch it in such conditions, with stars scattered above us in the dark sky, and the warm body next to mine. It wasn't a romantic movie, far from it, but the setting was very enjoyable.

Despite the blanket and Lex, I eventually grew cold. Thirty minutes into the movie, I was almost trembling from it. He noticed, of course, and suggested we change our positions. Following his instructions, I ended up leaning against him, my back plastered on his chest, sitting between his parted knees. His arms were wrapped around me, resting on my stomach, and I added my own. With a sigh, I rested my head on his shoulder, loving the proximity. Ah, that was much better indeed. He was like a heater behind me, and with the cover thrown over the both of us, I couldn't possibly be cold anymore.

"We should do this sometime," he said in a quiet voice.


"Stay in a deserted hotel for five months. I'd fuck you in every single room."

"Hmm, the bigger the better, then."

Lex's commentary kept occurring throughout the movie, and it either made me hot and flustered, or forced to repress a laugh. We got a few side glances from our neighbors, but to my delight, he never stopped.

At some point, his teasing switched into something else, and his arms around me moved. With a deft hand, he made his way under the hem of my sweater, leaving a trail of warmness where it touched. For an instant, I considered protesting but held back. Not only was I enjoying his touch too much, but I also wanted him to have a good time. I was still disappointed to not have come up with something better. But honestly, the man had set the bar way too fucking high, and there was no way I could ever come up with a date he'd love as much as I'd loved his.

His hands reached the bottom of my tiny bra, and he played with the lace there for a moment. With the tip of his middle finger, he followed the outline of the cup, brushing the upper part of my nipple, which wasn't fully hidden by the scandalous garment. "Is this as sexy as it feels?" he asked.

"It's even sexier."

He groaned something behind me, and his hand fully covered one of my mound, eagerly palming it. This time, I felt compelled to stop him, despite the fact that no one could see his ministrations. "Lex, focus on the move," I scolded him, reaching for his hand and tugging it from under my top.

His low chuckle made me bounce over him lightly, and he returned to his earlier position, ready to act like a proper gentleman. He lasted for a full half-hour before his hand returned under my sweater. This time, he boldly yanked my bra up, baring my breasts for his touch.

"What are you doing?!" I whispered.


"Lex, there are people around us. Watch the movie and behave."

"I am. But this is too slow for me. I need a distraction. Will you be my distraction?"

It only occurred to me now that his overactive brain might indeed not like so much the pace of the movie. While millions of people loved it for the slow buildup, the long silences, and the angsty music, it made sense that Lex was too overactive to appreciate it. Fuck, I should have considered all this more thoroughly. To make up for it, I ought to indulge in his sensual pulsions. And in all honesty, I enjoyed them a lot. I'd never tire of his hands on me, gently stroking me.

With his eyes still on the movie, he fondled my breasts lightly, sending shivers through my frame. Slowly, his hand then lowered toward my center, and with a firm finger, he followed up the thick seam of my jeans, right along my slit. This one made me jolt, and I let out a strangled protest. My legs clenched shut, my knees hastily meeting. He tried to slip his hand between my sealed thighs, but I prevented it.

"Spread your legs for me, freckles."

"We can't do this."

"Of course we can. Look at them, they're all focused on the movie."

"You should focus too."

"I am. Contrary to popular beliefs, men can do two things at once. Now, spread your legs, Andrea. Let me fuck you with my fingers where anyone could catch us."

His voice was low, raspy. It echoed in me, all the way to my center, which was already begging for his touch. Worriedly, I looked around, wondering if I should comply and part my knees for him. Because of the nature of the movie, there weren't any children with us. And it seemed that teenagers didn't have much affection for old classics. As he'd said, everyone else's attention was on Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall. The light on their faces changed with the screen's images, and I could barely make out their expressions. Because of the sleeping bag thrown over us, it would be rather inconspicuous.

I looked around once more, wondering if it was worth it. There were maybe twenty minutes left until the movie ended, and we might as well wait for that. Then, we could find a discreet spot to christen his new car. With his fingers, he was toying with the waistband of my jeans, gently grazing the skin right above it.

"Don't you trust me, my love?" he murmured in my ear, sending maddening shivers of need through me. I did. Especially when it came to my pleasure. But this was rather... naughty, wasn't it? It was risky, and the thrill of getting caught was already pumping adrenaline through my veins.

Twisting my neck around, I brought my lips to his ear. "Promise you won't make me scream," I whispered.

"I promise I won't let you scream."

It wasn't exactly the same thing, but it was good enough. Under the security of the cover, I sent my hands to the button of my pants. After I'd efficiently popped it open, I undid the zipper. For an instant, I pressed my back harder onto him, so I could lift myself up and lower my pants. I shoved them to my knees and sat back, butt-naked.

"Good girl," Lex approved behind me. His appreciative tone had my core dripping with lust.

Holy shit... Were we really doing this?

Lazy fingertips toyed with the curls of my mounds for an instant, the teasing promise of more. Then they moved lower, and I swallowed the nervous lump that clogged my throat. My eyes were flying left and right, trying to see if anyone was paying attention to us. When the tip of his middle finger found my clit, granting me a precise roll, I nearly whimpered, trembling against him. Fuck, I couldn't believe I'd actually been cold at some point. I was already burning up under the sleeping bag, wishing I could push it away. But the blue polyester was the only thing shielding his shameful touch from the view of others.

After he'd given my sensitive bud enough attention to leave it throbbing and begging for more, his finger lowered over the slickness of my entrance.

"Can you feel how wet you are, Andrea?" his erotic tone poured into my ear. Two digits pressed on my entrance, barely entering before withdrawing. Helplessly trying to control the whimpers that wanted to come out, I nodded, sensing how drenched I was. "You're loving this, aren't you? The idea that people might be watching us right now, how no one knows what's happening under that cover."

I nodded again. Shit, why did I have such kinky impulses with this man? He rewarded my honesty by abruptly thrusting two fingers into me. A helpless moan escaped my mouth, and my whole frame jolted from the flash of pleasure it sent. In my chest, my heart hammered a hectic beat, which was due as much to the pleasure as it was to the anguish that I might have betrayed what was going on. Thankfully, no one around us even looked our way, too fascinated by the scene unfolding on the screen. The movie was reaching his climax, and Lex was cleverly working me up to mine.

He kept fucking me with his fingers, slowly and steadily. Despite the tension that kept growing into my lower stomach, and the pleasure that was drawing occasional sighs, I managed to contain my reactions. But it was hard not to roll my hips with his hand, and not to writhe against him. The forced silence and immobility were making things more intense, as if containing them was making the sensations hit me harder, tormenting me more.

With his free hand, he reached under my top again, all the way to my breast, and then twisted a nipple with just the perfect amount of harshness. His fingers inside my pussy curled into a strategic way, and he reached that sweet spot within me. More of those maddening shivers made le lose it. A throaty whimper flew past my lips when the rhythm of his hand increased, and he brought his mouth closer to my ear again.

"Shh... You don't want everyone here to know what a little slut you are, do you?" I shook my head, struggling to contain my moans. He touched me where it felt so fucking good. "What would they think of you, Andrea? That you are a filthy little thing, who'd let her boyfriend fuck her like this, with over a hundred people around her."

The idea had my core throbbing around his digits, his dirty talking getting to me hard, as usual.

"Do you want someone to watch us, freckles?" My nod was barely perceptible, but he still caught it. "Are you sure about that?" Another small and shameful confirmation.

"Excuse me," he whispered loudly.

My entire body tensed when I understood he was addressing the couple to our right. I didn't even dare to look in their direction, but remembered them to be in their late twenties to early thirties, and settled barely over ten feet from us. Their gaze was on us, as I saw them turn to us in the corner of my eye. It sent a rush of pure, unaltered adrenaline through me.

Fuck, what the hell was he doing?

Lex's hand never stopped its momentum between my thighs. On the contrary, it increased. His index and middle finger kept pushing in and pulling out, hitting my front wall with remarkable precision.

"Could you tell me who's the director already?" Lex asked, now that he had their attention.

Shit... He was so fucking wicked. My walls clenched helplessly as I fell victim to a conflicted surge of excitement, shame, worry, and lust.

"Stanley Kubrick," the man answered.

"Ah, you see, darling. I told you it wasn't Peter Jackson," he told me, making me pass for some air-headed movie noob.

That fucking—

Aaah, fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck...

He changed the angle of his hand so the meaty part of his palm, at the base of his thumb, could rub on my clit as he kept torturing my G-spot.

"And, sorry, when did it come out already?" Lex continued, still securing the couple's attention.

The situation was so fucking conflicting. I didn't know what to make of it. My education and the normative rules of sex were telling me this was wrong, immoral, and shameful. But a part of me loved just how perverted this was. Lex was talking to people while his fingers were in my pussy. They were looking at us while an orgasm was building up within me. They couldn't hear it from where they sat, but there was a moist sound coming from where his fingers thrust, and if they paid keen attention, they would perceive the slight jolting and trembling of my frame. If the screen got too bright, they might catch on my flushed face, my humid eyes, the lower lip I was adamantly biting. Maybe they could even see the way the blue cover was moving where his hand was still pulling, twisting, and pinching my nipple with expert moves.

The woman answered this time. "I think it was the early eighties, something like that?"

1980, I thought to myself. But I didn't dare say it, because if I opened my mouth, a fucking moan would come out of it.

"Alright, thank you. Sorry for the interruption," Lex concluded.

"No problem, dude."

Had I not been on the verge of a very intense and very public orgasm, I probably would have laughed at someone calling Lex 'dude'.

But I couldn't do anything other than bite my lower lip, desperately trying to contain my body's reaction.

"Fuck, Andrea. You should have felt how hard you clenched around me. You loved that, didn't you?" Another helpless nod. "You were so good, my love. I think this warrants a reward. Do you want to come now?"

"Yes..." I breathed out, impatient for all this to reach its apogee.

"Do you want them to hear you?"

Conflicted, I peeked at the couple to our right. They were already immersed back into the movie, oblivious to what Lex was doing to me. Fuck, I didn't know. It seemed like a little too much, too fast. Them cluelessly looking at us while Lex was fucking me, and them looking at what was happening while knowing, were two very different things. The latter went a little too far for my inexperience in exhibitionism.

This time, I shook my head. "Good," he approved. "I wouldn't have let them, regardless. Only I know what you sound like when you come, remember?"

His possessiveness unleashed a series of delighted shivers that joined the ones already roaming through my body. Fuck, I might not be able to contain my screams and moans.

The rhythm of his hand picked up, and my hips started to roll along with the thrusts, some primal instinct taking over. He'd been taking his time until now, making it last for the thrill of it, purposely delaying my release so it would be more intense, more devastating, more risky...

But now... Now he didn't aim to torture me any longer. Or not in the same way, at least.

A first convulsion of pleasure had me jolting with a strangled moan, my legs twitching from the pending orgasm. Before another sound could come out of me, Lex's hand had abandoned my nipple and was over my mouth. Just like he'd done on the plane on our way to Seoul, he secured my head against his shoulder, his broad palm firmly set over my lips.

He was fast and efficient, proving he could have made me come in a couple of minutes if he'd wanted. Instead, he'd made this little game last for a solid twenty minutes. One-third of an hour with him secretly fucking me with his agile hand, my ass and pussy bared for his touch.

I shattered against him, the sounds of my release vibrating against his hand. Just as he'd done months ago, he pinched my nose as well, keeping his promise and not letting me scream. The slight, involuntary convulsions of my body weren't as easily contained, though, but I did my best. Fighting through the pleasure, struggling to ignore the waves of bliss, I tried to remain as still as I could, pressing my knees together so my legs wouldn't shake so much, and struggling to control the unavoidable contractions of my stomach.

With his hand prisoner of my thick thighs, he kept fucking me until I saw stars. His ministrations eventually came to a halt, allowing me to come back down on Earth, right against him, in the middle of all those people. On the screen, the movie was literally ending, and I wondered how it was possible for the timing to be so perfect. Before the oxygen deprivation could become too intense, Lex released me, allowing me to take deep, trembling breaths. Fuck, that was... so fucking hot.

But at least no one had caught us. My gaze traveled to the couple, just to make sure we were good, and my hectic breath caught in my throat as I met the woman's eyes. She was staring at me – us – intently, and given how high her eyebrows were sitting on her forehead, it wasn't hard to guess her shock. She'd seen something. Or at least, she'd guessed what had happened, because there was nothing to actually see, thanks to the cover. Aside from Lex casually choking me so I wouldn't come too loudly, that is.

Shit, this can't be good...

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