FELLOWSHIP || Ateez Fanfiction

By Poicatari

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In the strange, magical world of Wolkmaar the young captain Hongjoong and his new crew, Seonghwa, a man from... More

Intro: The crew and Wolkmaar
Chapter One: Halt in Kroosborg
Chapter Two: Treasure Hunt
Chapter Three: Run Away
Chapter Four: Caring
Chapter Five: Storm
Chapter Six: The Clairvoyant
Chapter Seven: Kruslfaesd
Chapter Eight: Into The Unknown
Chapter Nine: Snowfall
Chapter Ten: Ispaledts
Chapter Eleven: Burglary
Chapter Twelve: Falling
Chapter Thirteen: New Friends
Chapter Fourteen: Deceived
Chapter Fifteen: Investigation
Chapter Sixteen: Alone
Chapter Seventeen: Family
Chapter Eighteen: Decayed
Chapter Nineteen: Chased
Chapter Twenty: Faisnvild
Chapter Twenty One: Unwelcome
Chapter Twenty Two: Nervous
Chapter Twenty Three: Spooked
Chapter Twenty Four: Trapped
Chapter Twenty Five: Kidnapped
Chapter Twenty Six: Enamored
Chapter Twenty Seven: Blinded
Chapter Twenty Eight: Coel Wajasi
500 Reads Special
Chapter Thirty: Information
Chapter Thirty One: Training
Chapter Thirty Two: Temple
Chapter Thirty Three: Through Wind and Storm
Chapter Thirty Four: Undiscovered Lands
Chapter Thirty Five: Foreign Island
Chapter Thirty Six: Split Up
Chapter Thirty Seven: Regret
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ungrateful
Chapter Thirty Nine: Going Back
Chapter Forty: The Border To Darkness
1000 Reads Special
Chapter Forty One: Memories
Chapter Forty Two: Trying To Escape
Chapter Forty Three: Rebellion
Chapter Forty Four: Inside The Dungeon
Chapter Forty Five: Hide and Rest
Chapter Forty Six: Exploring Nekra Cueda
Chapter Forty Seven: Set Me Free
Chapter Forty Eight: Into The Jungle
Chapter Forty Nine: Old Letter
Chapter Fifty: Dugang
Chapter Fifty One: House Number 666
Chapter Fifty Two: Just Imagine
Chapter Fifty Three: Wolkmaar History Lesson
Chapter Fifty Four: Rivalry
Chapter Fifty Five: Clueless

Chapter Twenty Nine: Brotherly Love

42 1 0
By Poicatari

Yunho POV
We walk through the nicer areas of Coel Wajasi. The closer we get to the palace, the bigger and more beautiful become the houses.
I talk with Mingi about what happened between Wooyoung and me earlier.
"Do you think he is angry at me?"
"No, it seems to be a very sensitive topic for him and you know that he is very hot-headed."
"Man, I just shouldn't have asked."
"You were just concerned. I mean it is also pretty concerning. He wakes up almost every night because of nightmares and I even saw him crying to himself in the kitchen once but on the surface he pretends to be fine especially towards Yeosang."
"He is very protective of him. But let's not talk about it anymore. I don't like talking behind people's backs."

We reach the castle. Two soldiers block our way into the castle with their spears. Hongjoong tells the guards why we are here and they let us through. We enter a small corridior. The walls are beautifully decorated with mosaics. On the side stand a few exotic plants in pretty pots. At the end of the corridor is the throne room. It is smaller than other throne rooms we have been. The room is similarly decorated like the corridor. A long carpet lays in the middle which leads to a small space that is separated by curtains that are draped to the side. Behind them is a sofa with lots of pillows and a small table with tea and cookies on them. Looks cozy.

The king is laying on the sofa drinking his tea and reading a book. He doesn't look at us until we are directly in front of his table.
"Oh, good morning. How can I help you?", he asks.
"Good morning! We are here to deliver this letter. It's from general Ba'huen.", Hongjoong states.
"Ba'huen?! Do you belong to the crew of this traitor?"
"No, we are just acquaintances."
"Okay. Let's see what this filthy, ungrateful pirate is writing."
The king carefully reads through the letter.
"This moron! I will see what I can do. Do you need anything else?"
"That's all."
"Okay. Have a nice day. Bye!"
The king goes back to reading his book.

We leave the palace and go back to Bumjoong's house.
"The king is a bit weird, isn't he?", Mingi says.
"He just likes his space but he is actually a good ruler.", Hongjoong explains.
We are back at the house. Bumjoong opens the door for us.
"Ah, perfect timing. Your just on time to hang up the laundry.", he says.
"Really? We just came back.", Hongjoong says.
"It won't take long besides it's also YOUR laundry. We already washed it for you, so don't nag around."
"I didn't say that I won't do it but give me five minutes to sit down and drink some water."
"Okay, do guys also want something?"
We nod. Bumjoong brings us some cool water and we relax on the couch for a few minutes.
"We need to think about how we can sail through the storms next since this is our next goal.", Jongho says.
"Yeah, but let's not think about that today. I think we all could use a short break.", Hongjoong utters. He leans back and closes his eyes.
"Aren't we supposed to do the laundry?", I remind him.
"Just five minutes."
We finish our water. Wooyoung grabs Hongjoong and carries him on his shoulder into the garden.
"What are you doing?!"
"No slacking off, captain!", Wooyoung exclains and sets him off on the ground.

Meanwhile me and Mingi span ropes from one end of the garden to another and tie them to the tall fence.
The others begin putting our clothes and backpacks onto the rope. Mingi and I focus on the blankets. Each of us grabs one end of the blanket and we gently lay it over the rope.
After ten minutes Seonghwa hangs up the last sock and then we are done.
"See it didn't take so long.", Bumjoong says and cockily grins at us from the garden door.
"Should I show you the city?", he asks.
We nod.

Once again we leave the house but this time Bumjoong, Sbosio and Haneul come with us. We walk to the market place where Bumjoong and his best friend tell us about the different things that are sold there and encourage us to try out a lot of the snacks from the food booths. I end up full really quickly, even though I ate only a little bit of everything.
Then Hongjoong's brother brings us to a museum. As someone who works in the field he is able to tell us a lot about the exhibition. So much that my head feels like it is about to explode with all the information that he gives us. Sbosio and him of course don't forget to brag about the things that they found.
"Wow, that's so interesting don't you think?", Mingi says.
"Ehh, kind of but my head is starting to hurt."
"Hehe, I understand. It's not your thing."
I smile at my best friend. It's nice to see him happy and have fun after he has been so anxious the last few months. But I know that it won't stay that way. I wish I could do something to make it go away. I sometimes also feel like everything is my fault. Maybe I should've shielded Jongho so he wouldn't get shot or somehow run faster in that moment. I should have been clearly against exploring the spooky ruins, so that San would have been kidnapped and scared for his life and Wooyoung wouldn't have been injured. Maybe I should've fought harder against the pirates. I really regret not speaking up against going into the ruin though. Because of me Wooyoung has now a permanent scar on his body in addition to the ones in his heart that I probably ripped open again this morning.

"Why the long face puppy?", San asks and puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Just a lot of worries and regrets."
"Why?", Seonghwa asks who suddenly appeared next to me.
"Because of Mingi and because I didn't speak out against going into the creepy ruin."
"But you couldn't have known what would happen in there. So don't blame yourself.", Seonghwa tries to calm me down.
"It probably was meant to happen that way.", San states.
I nod. I know what they're saying is true but...

After Hongjoong's brother showed us all the important sights in Coel Wajasi, he brings to the district near the stable that we arrived at. We halt in front of a small house with a tiny balcony. I suddenly hear a weird noise next to me. I look to my left where Yeosang stands.
"Sorry, I am hungry.", he says.
"Then it's good that we will go to a restaurant in just a second.", Bumjoong announces.
He screams something and a woman with beautiful curly black hair appears on the balcony . She is wearing a bright pink dress with an intricate golden pattern on it and a lot of jewelry. She even has a golden hoop at her nose. I have seen a lot of people here with jewelry at their nose or lips. She also has something painted on her arm.
She smiles at Bumjoong and runs inside again. A few seconds later the door opens and she wraps her arms him. They kiss for a brief second before they turn to us.
"This is my girlfriend Baeriya. She will come to the restaurant with us. Darling, this is my brother Hongjoong, his friends and our new housemate Haneul."
"A new housemate. Amazing! Then I won't be the only woman when I move in."

We slowly make our way to the restaurant. Baeriya immediately starts a conversation with Haneul. She really seems excited to have another female housemate. I slowly walk behind the others. I think back to everything that we have experienced and everything that is to come. After we are done in Wajasi we will go to the Nekra Kingdom, right? I really don't want to go there. One time was enough and we didn't even leave the ship. Plus all the assassins that have tried to kill us and everything I have heard makes me really not look forward to it.

My train of thoughts get interrupted as someone takes my hand. I am surprised to see that it is Wooyoung. The smaller boy smiles at me.
"You are so quiet today, big bear.", he comments.
"I am just a bit lost in thought. And aren't you angry at me?"
"No why?"
"Because of this morning."
"No, I wasn't really angry at you. I, well... I kind of was but... Argh! Let's just forget about it! So what are you thinking about?"
"Just our journey."
"Ah okay. I am really excited for Tongcheok. As you know my grandpa was from there but I don't know a lot about it."
"Has he never told you about it?"
"I didn't get to know him. My grandpa was killed for mentioning that he wished to live with grandma in Tongcheok when my mom was 4 years old."
"I'm sorry to hear that. My grandparents are still alive. They all moved to a small village near the border to the Neutral Zone a few years ago."
"All four of them?"
"Yeah, they are best friends."

We reach the restaurant. The owner puts two big tables together for us. I am unsure what I should order because I don't know any of those dishes.
"Are there any dishes that aren't as spicy?", Seonghwa asks.
"Dish 3,6 and 12 aren't as spicy and dish 13 isn't spicy at all.", Bumjoong answers.
"Are you afraid that you will get diarrhea again?", Wooyoung jokes.
"Yes. Hopefully you will get it this time.", he replies snappish.
"No. I have a strong stomach."
The waiter comes to take our order.
I notice a young man from another table looking towards us. In particular at Haneul. He talks to his friends then he comes towards us.
"Hello, I am Albj'n. I saw from the other table and thought you are very pretty. Would you maybe like to go for a walk with me tomorrow?", he asks Haneul.
Haneul freezes. San seems to dislike that his sister is asked out by a random guy. He balls his fist and is about to scream at the guy. I hold him back.
"Calm down. He is just asking politely. There is no reason to get angry.", I whisper.
"I-I don't want to.", Haneul stutters.
"Oh... I'm sorry.", the man says and goes back to his place looking embarrassed.
"He was cute.", Baeriya comments.
"I just came out of an abusive marriage so I am not interested in dating for now.", Haneul mentions.
"Aww, I understand that."

Our food comes and San finally stops staring angrily at the man. Beomjoong and Baeriya tell us how they met while we eat but slowly the conversation shifts to the brothers telling their childhood stories.
"I still remember when our parents gave you that book and you couldn't stop speaking about how your going to find the treasure of Aninliggat and make the world a better place with it. I always had to be the bad guy who wants to have the treasure for bad reasons and you always beat me with a stick."
"Hey that was only one time! Plus I often had to dig in the ground to find artefacts with you, too. But we would mostly find some random stone."
"We did find a lump of gold once though. I was just really interested in archeology and the history of Wolkmaar and obviously still am."
"To be honest I learned a lot from you and I always admired you for staying alone in Wajasi to do what you want at a young age."
"You're doing well yourself. I mean look at the crew that managed to get and you're much closer to finding the treasure of Aninliggat than many people before you."
"Well what I did is not that great. Without the help of my friends I never would have made it this far."
"But we also wouldn't have come this far without you leadership and knowledge.", I comment.
"Thanks.", Hongjoong says, smiles and blushes a little.
"All of you guys have an important role in the team.", San remarks.
"You too.", Mingi responds.
"Eh.. really? I always feel so useless..."
"You're not useless.", Seonghwa says.
San smiles shyly.

After eating and chatting for two hours we go back home. Bumjoong's girlfriend comes with us.
"Is she going to sleep here?", Hongjoong asks.
"Yeah why not?", his brother replies.
Hongjoong blushes.
"Oh.. uhhh... b-but we are also t-there... ehh... y-you're not going t..."
Bumjoong's and Baeriya's faces slowly become red too. The rest of us giggles.
"Ahhh... it's not like that brother. We are just sleeping in the same bed, not ehh... uhh.... y-you know."
"Oh, ehm... sorry. Ehh... just forget that I said that."
We can't hold our laughter anymore. Oh man, that was so akward.
"What are you guys doing tomorrow? Because Bum and I have work tomorrow.", Sbosio changes the topic.
"I think we should research how we are going to get to the ruins in the east.", Jongho suggests.
"Yes, maybe we'll go to library for that.", Hongjoong states.
"Okay, Haneul do you want to come with us tomorrow?", Bumjoong asks.
"I would love to.", Haneul replies.

We play a card game before we go to bed. I have some trouble falling asleep. Too many thoughts race through my mind. I am scared that I will disappoint the others again, that I will make the wrong decision again.
I not even sure that I made the right decision when I convinced Mingi to join Hongjoongs crew. I said I would protect him but am I even able to protect him?

Author's Note:
Well one slight author's blockage and one Rona infection later I am back with a new chapter. I am sorry that it is not that long and sort of a filler chapter. I had trouble writing it. 🙈
I hope you still like it and unlike me stay healthy. ❤️

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