The Remnants Of A Sand Castle...

By BallisticSasukeHero

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Minako Aburame Is the adoptive little sister of Shino. But don't let that fool you. She's a bundle of energy... More

The Remnants Of A Sand Castle (A Gaara Love Story)
Ghost From The Past
The Start
The Forest Of Death.... Then Me. Which Is Scarier?
Who I Am
The Past
My Guilt
It Was Never Hate
What I Truly Feel
Uragiri's True Plan
Boiling Point
Waking up
Gaara's Unknown Secret
The Shukaku's Opponent
Orochimaru's Attack and Minako's Regret
The End Of Tears
The Last Arc: Gaara's Rescue, Part I
The Last Arc: History, Part I
The Last Arc: History, Part II
The Last Arc: Gaara's Rescue, Part II

The Internal Struggle

4.1K 181 16
By BallisticSasukeHero

I  was silent watching the fights between all of the shinobi. I was too lost in thought from all that had happened. I noticed that Kurenai knew something was up, but I was glad she didn't delve any further. The fights were pretty straightforward. I knew since I was there, I would have to fight the jounin last. It was basically the punishment for being on a four person team. I had seen many of the matches go the way I had thought, and was getting bored, when it was Gaara's turn.

To fight Rock Lee.

I already hated this combination to the point of if it was a real tangible object, I would spit on it. In fact, I might step on it, pour gasoline on it, and just light it.

If that gives you a general clue.

I watched with forced concentration on the way Gaara slowly toyed with Lee, and I immediately had a bad taste in my mouth. Everything that I had shown him, obviously effected him at the time, but now he was back to his normal murdering self. I HATED that. If there's anything I hate, I swear to God, it's dense people like him.

It slowly showed just how strong Lee was, but it was also horrifyingly real that Gaara had twice that power.

Gaara quickly showed that he was about to kill Lee, and Gai quickly intervened. He saved Lee. I breathed a sigh of relief. If he hadn't, I would've stopped Gaara.

But that didn't stop me from what I did after that.

I jumped down, despite the look Kurenai gave me.

What Gaara did just then, proved it to me. He was NOT who I thought he could be.

He stared straight at me walked to him, and everyone else in the room looked surprised I even went near him. I walked right up to him, standing inches from him.

And I pimp smacked him right across the face.


The sound of my slap rang out in the arena.

I heard a couple of gasps, but honestly, I didn't care.

He turned his head back around, shocked.

There were tears in my eyes at this point.


He was slightly taken aback, and so was everyone else. But at that moment, hell, I didn't care. My life was falling apart at the seems.

Kurenai jumped down, about to take me back, but before she could I transported the hell out of there.

Right into a bathroom, where I literally broke down crying.

Why was I even born? What's my purpose for all of this? Uragiri, why do you curse me so?

"I'm useless... I can't keep my cool," I paused to sniffle, "I've become estranged to my brother, my friends think I'm insane... And honestly, I can't prove them wrong..." I sobbed, feeling hopeless for the first time in this life. I sat there, curled up in a ball, my knees to my cheeks, hot tears rolling down my face. I wails rang off the tile on the bathroom walls.

 I hated being immortal. It's definitely not all it's cracked up to be. Every life I had was just a facade. It wasn't real. Every feeling I had was never real. I had closed off all parts of my heart.

That was, until Gaara irked me to the point where I forgot to keep my cool.

He was the first person in a long while to see a real tear from my eyes. He was the first to see my real emotions.

The ones I thought I had obliterated a long time ago.

Ever since the death of Noroi, I hadn't felt like this.

What's happening to me?

As soon as I finished that thought, I heard a low tapping sound on the floor. And right in front of me stood Sasuke, who seemed better than ever.

"Minako... Are you okay?" My emo little friend was just what I needed right then. I stood up , holding on fast to his shirttail, and he pulled me into a hug. I welcomed the hug gladly, and I cried on his shoulder, my sobs were anything but quiet. But Sasuke seemed perfectly fine letting me wail there.

Thank you for that, is what I thought.

What the hell was this internal struggle?

Was it... Love?



HI Hoped you liked this one!



....those penguins.

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