My Bright Light

By FairozSherif

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This is my first book, so if you have any expectations, drop them, you'll get disappointed by the writing. Th... More

Author's note
Chapter One.
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 12

35 4 1
By FairozSherif

Amelia's pov*

I slept that night with my nostrils smiling. The smell of the sheets were exactly like Adrian's smell.

Well that's because he's the one sleeping in that bed Amelia.

I know but the smell is still amazing.

Today I woke up feeling a bit sad knowing that my mother lied to me about my father.

I mean why would she lie about that. She told me he died when I was 6 years old and even when he was alive he didn't care about my existence. She would always say that he died because he was dealing with bad stuff which she would never tell me what exactly. I assumed drugs because that's what every sane person would think.

I'm gonna call him today.

I'm so fucking nervous.

I sat up on the bed in snail speed then I noticed that Adrian was still sleeping on the couch. My wheelchair was next to me so I tried to sit on it.

My legs worked fine but using them hurt because of the 'fun' abel and Nathan had, so I tried to use them as little as possible.

I grabbed the night stand and put all my strength into pulling myself up.

I slipped and fell on the floor with a loud thud

"Fucking pizza with chicken Alfredo" I mumbled to myself as I crawled up the wheelchair.

How am I gonna pee! I can't even sit on the chair properly.

I began to wheel over to adrain because he looked so cute sleeping and I wanted to take a pic of him. He had opened his couch turning it into a bed and he had a black duvet over his body. He had his head under his pillow I'm guessing because the light of the sun is annoying him.

I wheeled over to him and pulled out my phone and snapped a pic of him sleeping but made sure his face wasn't showing so it he saw it on my phone, I'd tell him I found it on Google or something.

"Amelia my head is covered but I still have eyes." He said pulling his head out from under the pillow.

He scared the living shit out of me. I quickly hid my phone between my leg and the wheelchair.

"Oh hey Goodmorning I just came here to...tie your shoes! Yeah I noticed they were untied and I wanted to help you tie them!"

"Amelia I'm not wearing any shoes."

"Did I say shoes? I mean socks!"

He smirked at me and my face went bright red. Oh if my legs weren't dysfunctional right now I would have ran out of here.

"Fine you caught me I took a picture of you whatever." I said giving up on trying to hide it.

"Can I see it?" He asked still grinning at me. God sometimes I want to punch him in his pretty face!

"Your hair looked bad I'll just delete it."

"My head was under the pillow, Lady. just show me!" He said jumping up and attacking me.

He started tickling me from the other side of my waist that wasn't bruised and I started laughing but even that hurt because I wanted to move from his tickles so badly but it hurt to move.

"Adrian, Adrian ok stop it. It hurts!"
"Are you gonna show me?"

"I'll show you the fucking photo please" I said with tears forming in my eyes from how much I'm laughing.

"Ok show me then''

I pulled out my phone and showed him.

"Damn. It's good. What were you planning to do with this?"


"Nothing you looked good so I snapped a pic" I shrugged and immediately regretted it. This is only gonna inflate his ego even more.

"You think I looked good?"

"Yes, no, maybe I don't know ask Ian he's probably gonna answer with a kiss or something."

"Probably but I want to know your answer." This is awkward. He started getting closer to me and I felt his breath on my cheek and is gave me shivers down my spine at how close we were.

He was staring at me intimatedingly. His blue eyes glued to my green ones.

"Adrian can you move so I can breathe, your kinda sucking all the air from my space right now." I said putting my hand on his face to push his face away.

"Whatever you say bambina" He said the last word quickly so I wouldn't understand what he said. This bitch. Now I can't translate what that meant!

He started walking away to the bathroom. And I wheeled out of his room.

I need to go to the bathroom so bad right now. God I wish I don't pee myself trying to sit on the toilet.

I enter my room and wheel to the bathroom. I close the door and started to shift myself onto the toilet seat as slowly and as carefully as possible.

I did it! I peed!

I set myself back onto the wheelchair and I wheel out to walk into my closet. I pulled out a white tank top and brown sweat pants and I started pealing the dress I had on so I can change.

I pulled the tank top over my head and pull the sweat pants up.

Today I'm gonna call my father. I don't know whether to feel nervous or excited. I wanted to leave a good impression on him so I decided no swearing or any corny jokes of mine.

Jesus just let him like me please.

I wheeled to the elevator and pressed the main floor button.

In a few seconds I arrived and I wheeled out of the elevator. I need to study.

I will study till Adrian is out of his shower.

My stuff was set on a table near the wall of windows in the living room.

Adrian said that having my own space will help me study better. But I don't think the living room is the best place. I study while listening to music and having a lot of commotion in front of me gets distracting. But I just don't give them a mind when I'm studying.

I wheeled over to the table and removed the chair because I was already sitting on one.

I set my phone next to me and open my laptop and notebooks and I start studying.

Now I know that when you get kidnapped your mind is blurry and you can't focus on anything but whatever is gonna happen to you. Escaping is really hard and now I appreciate people who escaped their kidnappers even more.

I need to stop thinking about this. I need to move on from this. Otherwise if I let it take over my mind I would be depressed and I don't think Adrian can pull me out of that depression.


The Ninja turtles come out of their sewer and suddenly they are all sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing there Melia?" Ian asks.

I glare at him because my butt still hurts from the fall. "Why don't you go ask Rio. You guys seem really close lately." I said not giving him a mind and going back to my work.

"Someone is in a bad mood." He mumbled but I heard it.

"Well if you hadn't opened the car door that I was sleeping on I would have been in a better mood."

I don't know why I usually don't hold grudges but I felt terrible today so why not annoy everyone.

"I had to get Rio" He said reasoning with me. And that annoyed me even more so I did what any normal and perfectly sane person would do. I thew pens at him.

"You. Throw could throw have throw used throw the  throw other side!"Throw throw throw.

He stared at me unphased which made me even more annoyed so I threw the whole pencil cup in his face.

"Fuck." He groaned rubbing his face.

"Amelia you need to apply the cream the doctor gave you on your bruises." Adrian said to me.

"I was suppose to apply cream on my bruises?"

"Well yes Einstein. you need to, because otherwise they won't fade as fast."

"Is it gonna ease the pain?"

"Of course belle"

What does that mean now? A bell really he's calling me a bell?

"I am sick of all the nicknames your giving me. Seriously dude just speak English." I scolded him.

"It's more fun seeing you not understand any of my words"

"Well not any of them. Just most of them." I said folding my hands over my chest.

"Ok stop messing around here- he threw a cream tube at me which I missed professionally- put this on your bruises."

I leaned down and picked the tube from the floor.

"This better work." I whisper to myself.

"After I apply this we will call my father." I said closing the tabs on my laptop and shutting my laptop.

"Sure." He said.

I wheeled to the downstairs bathroom with was next to the kitchen. I entered and lifted up my tank top.

I started applying some of the cream on my huge bruise and it hurt to touch even if I didn't put any pressure on it.

After what felt like hours of trying to apply the cream on my bruise without it hurting me I was finally done.

The bruise looked horrible I don't know how long it's gonna take to be gone. But I'm definitely not showing It to anyone in the future. It's embarrassing.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Enter if you suck dick!" I shouted and they entered.


"I knew you liked Ian but that's just disgusting." I said to him while I was washing my hands from the cream.

"I don't suck dick I just wanted to know if you're OK. You have been here for 20 minutes."

"Well it hurt to apply the cream so I had to be careful not to put too much pressure on it." I said in a low voice while drying my hands.

"Ready to call your family?" Adrian asked trying to cheer me up. I have never heard that I have a family. Only my mother.

It's weird to know I had one all along. 

I nodded and he wheeled me out of the bathroom.

I saw a smile of adoration in the mirror I had my back to him but I looked at the mirror and saw that he was looking at me with so much love in his eyes.

I never said I love you to anyone but my mom. It's a big deal to me.

Seeing him smile at me like that made my heart do a back flip.

I couldn't resist it anymore I looked at him. He was already looking at me. I really wanted a hug. I needed it. I can't keep doing this without any support.

Plus I usually don't survive a day without a hug. Usually I ask Athena but I feel like Adrian is the only one who will give me support I never knew I needed.

"Adrian I know this sounds weird but I want a hug." I finally spit it out and he smiled at me.

I took his hand and pulled myself up slowly and pulled him in a hug.

He was gental but I squeezed tightly because he was so warm and his touch gave me butterflies everytime.

Even If he didn't touch me just looking at me gave me butterflies.

I felt tears sting my eyes. But I forced them down. I am not crying again. I will not show anyone here that I'm vulnerable again.

"Are you ready Melia?" Adrian asked rubbing my back.

"I am." I said pulling away from his warm comfortable chest.

"Ok come on." He said holding my arms so I won't fall. I sat back down on the wheelchair and he brought me back up to my room. "Do you want me to be with you when you call him?"

Adrian asked.

Of course I want him with me I can't do this alone.

"Do you mind?"  I asked getting more nervous as the elevator goes up.

"Not at all Amelia I'm always with you."

He's so fucking nice. Its hard not to catch feelings!

"Thank you Adrian."

I heard a ding and we were on the 3rd floor.

The floor were my room is.

I'm so fucking excited. And nervous. Is he nice? Will he like me? What if he doesn't answer? What if he hangs up after knowing it's me?. So many What ifs and the only way to find out is try.

He wheeled me to my room and pulls out his phone.

I feel dizzy. Sweat started forming on my face and my hands are so sweaty from nervousness.

Mr. daddy Dominic please be nice and like me.

Adrian types in my father's number and puts the phone on speaker.


Just when I was about to give up on him picking up he picked up on the 8th ring.

"What the fuck do you want now Adrian I told you I am not building a strip club for you in Spain!" Daddio scolds.

He sure is angry right now maybe another time.

"Mr. Dominic this is not Adrian umm I-" why the fuck would I call him Mr Dominic he's my dad.

"I'm Amelia. Apparently I'm ur daughter I'm not sure though I can call another time you seem busy. I'm sorry for bothering yo-"

"Mia figlia." I heard him say from the phone.

"What does that mean?" I whisper yelled to Adrian.

"My daughter" He quietly said smiling a bit.

"Um yeah I'm mia figlia" I said with a nervous laugh.

I am so good at this.

"I thought you didn't want to hear from me at all. Why call now Amelia?" He said not in an angry tone just a normal one.

"I didn't know you existed until yesterday Mr. Dad. I mean father. My mother always told me you died when I was six years old and when you were alive you didn't give a shit about me. I mean you didn't care that I was your daughter. Sorry for cursing. I will do better I'm sor-"

"Its fine Cara." (Dear)

Tears started stinging my eyeballs and I couldn't help but cry. I'm so happy right now I am shaking.

Adrian noticed my hand shaking and held it. "It's ok Amelia. I'm with you"

"I don't know if you want to see me but I want to see you. Father." It's so weird saying the word father and dad.

I never said them.

"Of course I want to see you fiamma. I will book you a flight to Spain if you want." (Flame.)

I can't travel. Like Adrian said I am in a bad condition.

What do I say. This is so awkward.

"Thank you." Really a thank you?

"It means a lot father."

"Anytime Cara." He said then hung up.

"Really a thank you? God I'm so bad at being a daughter already!" I said putting my hands on my face.

"Shut up Amelia. I have never heard him talk to someone that sweetly."

"What does Cara and fiamma mean?"

"Cara means dear and fiamma means flame."

"Why did he call me a flame? Does that mean he already can't stand me?" I said pouting with tears in my eyes.

"No he means your his little flame. I can't explain it its something you feel but its a good thing Melia."

"I cant travel but I didn't have the heart to tell him what happened to me or decline his offer he sounded so happy"

"You can still travel Amelia but not on a normal airplane. You will take the private jet. It's much comfier and it will be much easier for you to rest." Adrian said and my jaw dropped.

"You guys have a private jet?!"  I asked shockingly.

"16 of them." He said unphased.

"Why do you need 16 of them!"

"Well we travel a lot and in everywhere. We have to have a spare jet at all times Melia."

His phone got a notification and Adrian said. "It's from your father. He said that on this upcoming Monday you will have a flight on his personal private jet to Spain at 5am."

"That was fast. Wait MONDAY? THATS TOMORROW!"

"YUP IT IS AND YOU ARE GOING ON A FLIGHT TO SEE YOUR FATHER AND BROTHERS TIGRE HOW DO YOU FEEL?" (Tiger.) He said excitingly with a bug smile on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh at his silliness. He's more excited for this than I am. Not that I'm not excited but I'm just nervous.

"I feel dizzy. What if they don't like me? What if he thinks I'm not pretty enough to be his daughter? What if he-"

"Amelia shut up you're the best daughter he could ever ask for. And trust me from the way he talks to you. I can already tell he loves you with all his heart. Every single bit of it."

"Adrian you have to come with me I can't meet him alone I need you with me."

"I will be with you. I told you Amelia I am always with you."

I pulled him into a hug and he tensed because of the unexpected hug but he hugged me back.

"My knight and shining armor."

"The one and only."

"Shit I better start packing. I'm leaving this morning. You pack your bags and make sure that Eugene packs Rios bags too with his food and treats. I am not leaving my best man here alone."

"I told you I'm coming." Adrian says confused on who I'm talking about.

"Oh not you. My best man is Rio dumbass."


Who's excited to meet daddio? Because I am

This chapter it exactly 3000 words.

Hope you liked it



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