Just Ask Me To

By Harperaus

5.5K 75 17

Louis has a brain wave but needs the other boys to agree. He hasn't seen any of them for years... he hasn't e... More

I Let


136 2 0
By Harperaus

Louis tried to contact Harry for the rest of the morning but he wouldn't answer his phone, or email or any messages on his personal social media accounts. By lunch time Louis had packed a bag and was on the road. He wasn't going to try to find Harry, he knew him well enough to know that if he didn't want to be found he wouldn't. Louis had to trust that Harry would take the time out he thought they both needed and come back to him when he was ready. In the mean time Louis had a couple things he needed to do.

'What do we tell Harry if he comes back before you?' Liam was panicking a little at the thought of things going south between them again. It had really been the catalyst of all of their friendships ending.

'Just tell him to wait for me, I'll only be gone one night, two nights tops. Let him know that he and I need to talk and no matter what, he needs to stay here and wait for me. Tell him I'm bringing Eleanor back for a couple days, I know he wanted to see her.'

With that Louis jumped in his car and headed off towards his first port of call. He drove for three hours, he had stopped only once to get something to eat and stretch his legs. He was now pulling into an area that was still so very familiar to him even though he hadn't seen it for years. He knew the way as well as he knew the way to his own home. He pulled into the driveway and sat for a few minutes collecting his thoughts before he climbed out and walked up to the door. He rang the bell and stood waiting for what felt like one of the longest 30 seconds of his life, he was so anxious. As soon as the door was opened and he saw the woman standing behind it he felt his anxiety melt away.

'Hello Anne.'

'Louis darling, it's been too long! Come inside.'

Anne and Louis embraced once he was inside and it felt a bit like coming home for him.

'I was a little worried when you called to say you wanted to come and speak to me. Are you ok? Is Harry ok?'

Anne asked these questions as she led Louis towards the kitchen.

'We're both ok.'

'Good, would you like a tea?'

'Yes please.'

They chatted about general things just enjoying catching up properly and being with each other again.

'So, I guess I had a couple of reasons for coming here today. You know that I love Harry and that I've never stopped, I mean you're the only person I felt like I could confide in for all these years and I want you to know how much I have valued and appreciated that.'

Anne put her hand on Louis. 'I know darling. I understood you felt like you were doing the right thing at the time. I mean it didn't stop me from wanting to clip you both over the ears and tell you to sort yourselves out but I understood. I always had faith that if you loved each other as much as I thought you did that you'd find your way back to each other again.'

Louis smiled at Anne. 'I came here to promise you that I will never hurt Harry ever again. That from now on we're going to be a team in life. I mean, I know we'll have our ups and downs, that's life but I promise I'll never break him like that again.'

'I trust you Louis. I know how much you love Harry, I can see it. I can see how much he loves you too. I haven't seen him since the two of reconnected but I've spoken to him a lot and he sounds more like himself and it's wonderful to have my son back.'

'Harry doesn't want to be with me if we have to hide our relationship. He wants to be together properly or not at all. I'm still under contract until next year so I'm not sure what that will mean for me career wise. He's gone away for a few days to give me time to decide what I want to do.'

Louis went into more detail about the contract he had signed and the limitations that had put on him personally. Anne listened nodding occasionally as Louis spoke.

'Ok, and what are you thinking love? By the sounds of it you might be giving up a lot if you decide to be out in the open.'

Louis took a deep breath, looked Anne in the eye and began to answer her question. 'Well, that's the other reason I came to see you. I wanted to ask you if I would have your blessing to ask Harry to marry me. I know we haven't been back together long but in my heart we were always together and I'm hoping he feels the same. I understand you might be hesitant because of what happened but...'

'Louis darling, you're babbling. It would make me so happy to see you and Harry get married. I'll finally be able to call you my son in law officially.'

Anne stood up and hugged Louis. 'Leave the past where it belongs and move forward together into the future you both want. Whatever happens with all the other stuff don't ever forget that we're family and I'm here for you.'

Louis spent the rest of the afternoon with Anne and then set off to head back to London. He promised Anne that he would come back and visit soon, next time with Harry.

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