Love And Saviour {GiyuShino}

By DemonGiShiReal

323K 5.6K 10.1K

Shinobu is hoping one day she will find the person who saved her when she was a kid. This is my very first fa... More

Chapter 1: We're here
Chapter 2: Nickname
Chapter 3: Park
Chapter 4: I feel like I know you
Chapter 5: Love at first sight
Chapter 6: Bullies and Saviour
Chapter 7: New friend and Old Friend
Chapter 8: Bullies and Victim
Chapter 9: Disliked or Liked?
Chapter 10: Realising and Restaurant
Chapter 11: Uninvited guest
Chapter 12: Get out
Chapter 13: Preparing for tomorrow
Chapter 14: Date
Chapter 15: Jealous
Chapter 16: Fun Night๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 17: Request
Chapter 18: First Class of School
Chapter 19: You will find someone
Chapter 20: P.E Class
Chpater 21: You are Speical
Chapter 22: Dinner with The Butterfly Sisters
Chapter 23: Encounter
Chapter 24: Giving Up
Chapter 25: I love you
Chapter 26: Having Fun ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 27: Going Insane ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 28: She couldn't, right?
Chapter 29: Deciding
Chapter 30: The Sun Cream Puff
Chapter 31: Tanjiro's Date
Chapter 32: Nezuko's Double Date
Chapter 33: Date gone wrong
Chapter 34: Tsutako in love?
Chapter 35: Confession
Chapter 36: Kindergarten
Chapter 37: Rejection
Chapter 38: Becoming Friends
Chapter: 39 Becoming Soft?
Chapter 40: What I Desire ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 41: Be happy with you
Chapter 42: Love is suffering?
Chapter 43: Sleep at my house
Chapter 44: What to wear?
Chapter 45: Prom is here
Chapter 46: Prom Dance
Chapter: 48 Let me have my thing ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 49: Holiday invite
Chapter 50: Ready for the trip?
Chapter 51: Roadtrip and Beach
Chapter 52: Holiday Gift
Chapter 53: Infinity Hotel ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 54: Aftermath
Chapter 55: Captured
Chapter 56: Rightfully Mine
Chapter 57: Psycho
Chapter 58: What kind of Monster are you?
Chapter 59: Yandere
Chapter 60: Rescue Operation
Chapter 61: Death is near
Chapter 62: Marry me?
Chapter 63: Pregnant
The Final Chapter: I Do
Oneshot Chapter: Kamado Family visit
Oneshot Chapter: Weirdest Date

Chapter 47: At long last ๐Ÿ‹

5.6K 60 160
By DemonGiShiReal


Nobody's POV:

After the Kimetsu Academy dance party was finished, the people who were with Muichiro all went to his house for dinner. When Muichiro's group arrived at his house, all of them were astonished at the place he lived, even though they already know that he is rich.

"Wow, even though Peachy and I live in a nice house, your house looks so magnificent. It makes our house look like a shack." Makomo laughed a little.

"I guess, but I don't know why my uncles would buy something this big." Muichiro replied.

"Uhhhh, I-I this is something." Tanjiro was actually terrified at how a house could look like this.

"Let's go, we're not here to stare." Muichiro said and they all nodded and went into his house.

"Uncle! I'm home! And I might have brought quite a few guests!" Muichiro called him out.

Although Kokushibo knew that Muichiro would invite people to his house, he still was shocked that Muichiro would bring guest, but he was very happy at how much Muichiro had recovered from his suffering.

"Greetings everyone." Kokushibo smiled.

"Hello Kokushibo-San!" Nezuko and Tanjiro greeted.

"I'm glad that you all came here for dinner. I really wanna thank you for being good friend and acquaintance to Muichiro." Kokushibo said and bowed.

"No need to do that Tsugikuni-San, we're just trying to help Tokito as much as possible." Kanae smiled.

"So. What are we gonna eat? I'm getting a little hungry." Inosuke said impatiently.

"Is that all you have to say!?" Aoi asked him pretty irritated.

"No. It's okay, I'll take you guys to the dinner table, just make sure you follow or you might get lost in this house." Kokushibo said in a joking manner.

As Kokushibo was leading them to the dinner table, many of the guest were just admiring the interior of the house.

"Isn't this just beautiful? Imagine you and me living here with our own family." Shinobu giggled.

"Yeah, although this house is a little big for me." Giyu said, and Shinobu hummed in agreement a little.

"Tsk, sometimes I dislike rich people. They could be nothing but a show off." Sanemi said a bit coldly, and Kokushibo heard him, but he didn't care one bit since he wasn't wrong.

"Oh don't be like that. You're probably just jealous." Kanae teased.

As they were walking to the dinner table, Tsutako saw something that caught her attention. It was a swimming pool.

"Kumeno-San, look. There is a pool, we could relax over there." Tsutako pointed at where the pool was.

"That'd be nice." Masachika smiled.

They finally were at the dinner table, and already there was a bunch of food already prepared. Although there was no cream puff since Kokushibo was saving that at the moment.

"Okay everyone, you can eat whatever you want. And if you want, you can go and eat wherever you want. If you want to watch TV or eat outside next to the pool, go ahead. Just don't be too messy when eating since we don't have a butler." Kokushibo said.

"Eh, why don't you have a butler? I mean you're clearly rich enough for one." Zenitsu asked.

"Because we've never really needed one." Kokushibo replied

"Oh okay." Zenitsu uttered.

"Well then, eat whatever you want and enjoy yourselves. I'm just gonna go to the kitchen and do a few things." Kokushibo said and left.

With that, they all grabbed a plate and started picking what food they wanted, with Inosuke taking two of everything on the table. After grabbing the food they wanted, they all went to where they wanted to eat. The teens, as well as Sabito and Makomo sat on the couch or bean bags to watch TV. Giyu, Shinobu, Kanae and Sanemi went upstairs to have some peace and quiet. And lastly, Tsutako and Masachika went outside to the swimming pool and sat inside a gazebo.

"So what do you wanna watch? I have everything you want to watch. Whether that's movies, TV shows, bad live action adaptation. Anything really." Muichiro asked.

"Actually, I was wondering if you have some games we can play?" Tanjiro asked.

"Well. We do have an arcade room if you wanna check out?" Muichiro said, shocking them.

"Arcade room!?!" They exclaimed.

"You basically have everything!" Aoi was feeling a little jealous.

"I guess, but I have never once used it. If anything, I have never seen it once." Muichiro replied.

"What!? Why!? And how!?" Makomo asked.

"My uncle told me that we had an arcade room, I just was never really interest in since I didn't have anyone to play with and I was more focused on studying." Muichiro explained.

"Oh I'm sorry." Makomo apologised.

"It's fine. If you guys wanna go, we can go right now. Unless you wanna watch a movie and finish eating first?" Muichiro asked.

"We'll eat first." They all said, and Muichiro nodded.

With Tsutako and Masachika...

"Now this is what I call relaxation. Man, I wish I could live in a place like this instead of an apartment." Masachika said and took bite of his food.

"Yeah." Tsutako sighed, and Masachika looked at her a little bit worried.

"You okay?" Masachika asked.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." Tsutako replied.

"About what?" Masachika asked.

"About Prom." Tsutako answered, making Masachika confused.

"Well, what about Prom? Are still exhausted?" Masachika asked.

"No, not that. I was wondering, even though the two of us went on a prom date together. Does that make the two of us official or was that just a friend kind of thing." Tsutako asked.

"Huh? Why are you askin-" Masachika tried to say something but was cut off by her.

"Because I like you alright! No, love you!" Tsutako finally confessed.

"Eh?" Masachika started blushing madly.

"For so long! I've always been single, unable to find someone. Always being teased about it by Kanae and when Giyu, my YOUNGER brother, found someone before me. I just felt ex-" Tsutako was explaining, but was interrupted by Masachika.

"Tsutako." Masachika called her by her first name and she almost melted.

"Y-Yes?" Tsutako stuttered.

"When I first saw your beautiful face at the park, I felt something I thought I would never feel, which was love. I told Sanemi about my feelings and I even told Kanae since those two were the only people I thought could help me with." Masachika said, making Tsutako have thoughts about the last thing he said.

'Wait? He told Kanae? So when Kanae said Shinobu when she was talking to me about Masachika, she was really referring to him the whole time! Oh my god! My heart and cheeks!' Tsutako thought and cupped her cheeks.

"Tsutako Tomioka." Masachika uttered and Tsutako hummed in response.

Masachika stood started closing their distance and he grabbed her wrists and his face was an inch away from her's. Tsutako's whole body was turning crimson and she started steaming up.

"I-I love you too." Masachika confessed and pressed his lips against Tsutako's lips.

Tsutako was beyond shocked that Masachika loved her as much she loved him. Tsutako was burning up even more, but a few seconds later, she began to cool down and she wrapped her arms around his neck and finally kissed him back. Feeling relieved that she was sharing a kiss with someone special. The two made the kiss even deeper and began using tongues, however it didn't didn't last too long since Masachika wanted to look at her again, so he pulled away from the kiss and looked at Tsutako.

"Masachika?" Tsutako uttered and he couldn't help blush.

"You called me by my first name?" Masachika asked.

"I did. Why? Is it wrong?" Tsutako said.

"No, I'm just happy, Tsutako." Masachika smiled.

"Hehe, I too am happy." Tsutako giggled.

"Tsutako, that dress you are wearing. I'm glad you chose to wear it, the design and colour is so beautiful on you." Masachika complimented her dress.

"Although I was very hesitant to wear it, in the end, I'm glad I wore it for this dance party. And just
letting you know, red is my favourite colour." Tsutako said, and Masachika hummed in response.

"Hey Tsutako." Masachika uttered.

"Yes, what is it?" Tsutako asked.

Although Masachika was very hesitant to say it since it might make her panic or feel uncomfortable, he wanted at least attempt it since he was tired of Kanae and Sanemi teasing him.

"Is it okay, I wanna try something. And if you want me to stop, I'll stop right away." Masachika requested.

"Whatever it is, I'll be fine. As long it is with you." Tsutako smiled and wrapped her around his neck once again.

With that, Masachika pulled Tsutako for a kiss once again and the two started kissing passionately. Masachika soon pinned her down on the sofa, Tsutako knew exactly what he was planning, but she couldn't care less, she soon slid her hands inside his shirt to feel his skin. Masachika soon pulled from the kiss, which formed a saliva thread.

"Tsutako?" Masachika uttered.

"Please Masachika, take me already, I've waited for too long." Tsutako begged.

"If you insist." Masachika smirked.


Masachika leaned on her neck, and began kissing and sucking it, he soon slid his hand inside Tsutako's dress where her cleavage was exposed and began squeezing her breast. Tsutako did everything she could to keep her moans down, since she did not want anyone to hear her and see what they were doing in a open area. But because the two were laying down on the sofa, which basically shield them from being seen, they were also several meters away from the house, so they didn't worry too much.

But little did they know...

With Kanae and Sanemi...

Kanae and Sanemi were relaxing upstairs, eating outside the balcony and admiring the stars.

"Man, I wish today was Friday, so I could just relax here all night." Kanae sighed.

"I guess this place is nice. I wonder how much this cost." Sanemi said and then stood up to look over the pool. Then he saw something SUS.

"Huh?" Sanemi was almost speechless.

"If I were to guess, maybe several hundred million. What do you think Sanemi?" Kanae asked, but he didn't respond.

"Sanemi? Did you hear me or what?" Kanae was a little annoyed, and went to check on him.

"Sanemi. Earth to Sanemi." Kanae pouted and then looked at where he was staring.

Kanae's jaw dropped after seeing what Sanemi saw.

Back with Tsutako and Masachika...

Tsutako's bodice was pulled down by Masachika, leaving her breast completely exposed. Masachika on the other hand still had his top on, but Tsutako unbuttoned his shirt, allowing her to see his exposed chest. He place his mouth on Tsutako's nipple and began sucking and twirling his tongue around it. Tsutako bit lower lip to be as quiet as possible.

"Ahhh... Masachika, please. Remove your shirt entirely. I need your body." Tsutako seductively said and he obeyed.

As soon as Masachika stopped and pulled from Tsutako's breast, a thick saliva formed between his mouth and her nipple and there was a huge form of saliva almost covering the Tsutako's breast. Unwilling to leave it there, Masachika licked all the saliva off and after that, took off his shirt entirely, just as Tsutako wanted. After he took off his shirt, he started kissing Tsutako passionately to which she returned with much more passion. The two was kissing so much, it was to a point where both of their saliva were coming out and were slowly dripping on the sofa. They wouldn't stop kissing until they felt like they were gonna suffocated.

Several seconds later, they finally stopped kissing, and the two formed the largest saliva thread a horny couple could make. The two were a panting mess, and veins were visible on their temples.

"You okay, we can stop of your too tired." Masachika panted.

"No, it's okay. We can continue." Tsutako was breathing a crap ton.

"You sure?" Masachika asked and Tsutako nodded.

A few seconds, Masachika recovered a little and started her neck once again, but he began to slowly kissing downwards to her stomach.

"Ahhh yes. Please Masachika don't stop." Tsutako moaned

Back with Kanae and Sanemi...

"Wow, looks like I was wrong about Masachika. He is a horny person." Kanae awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah. Who would've thought." Sanemi coughed.

Kanae decided to do what she did with Giyu and Shinobu. And that is record this on her phone, but unlike Giyu and Shinobu, Kanae is able to video record this instead of recording the audio. Kanae took her phone and went to camera and Sanemi saw what she was doing.

"Don't tell me you're gonna record this?" Sanemi asked.

"Of course I'm gonna record this." Kanae smirked.

"God dammit. Well you do... whatever you are doing... and I'll go downstairs and grab a drink." Sanemi sighed and Kanae hummed in response.

With that, Sanemi went downstairs and Kanae started recording.

'I wonder if the two are actually gonna lose their virginity? I hope not since I won't be able to tease Tsutako.' Kanae thought.

Back with Tsutako and Masachika once again...

Masachika was kissing and licking Tsutako's stomach while slowly taking her whole dress off. However, before any of that could happen...

"NÉE-SAN!!!" It was Nezuko.

Hearing Nezuko's voice made the two as well as Kanae panic that she was gonna be exposed to something very "something". Tsutako knew that Masachika couldn't just run and hide somewhere, but she soon thought of something.

"Masachika, quick! Hide inside my skirt and I'll cover the rest of your body with the pillows!" Tsutako whispered yelled and Masachika nodded.

Masachika went inside Tsutako's skirt and his face was press against her panties. Tsutako used her skirt to cover him and quickly grabbed some pillows to cover him up. Kanae saw what was and just laughed. Tsutako manage to put her bodice in time. She quickly sat up and greeted Nezuko.

"Nezuko! Hi! Uhh, how can I help you!?" Tsutako nervously asked and laughed.

"Tsutako Née-San! I just wanted to ask if you want to come and play with us? Muichiro has an arcade room!" Nezuko said.

"Really!? Well that sounds fun, but I'm not really interested. I just wanna relax after that long danc- mmmm!" Tsutako said and moaned, which made Nezuko demented at what was that last sound about.

"Nee-San, you okay? What was that 'mmm' about?" Nezuko asked.

"Oh that!? I was stretching- Mmmm!!" Tsutako tried to hold her moan and started stretching her arms.

"But you weren't stretching a moment ago. What's going on with you?" Nezuko asked.

"Uhhhh. Nothing is going on!" Tsutako lied.

The reason Tsutako was moaning a little was because Masachika pulled her panties a little and began kissing her clit gently. He then began biting, but he purposely let his tooth slide off so she wouldn't moan too much. However he was getting way too horny, and he couldn't hold it, so he started sucking and licking her clit, making Tsutako bite her lower lip so much, she started bleeding.

"Are you okay Nee-San?" Nezuko asked with concerns.

"Yes! I'm fine! Just go and play with the others!" Tsutako muttered.

"Okay, if you say so." Nezuko didn't wanna argue, so she took her leave and went inside.

After Nezuko closed the door and went to the arcade where everyone else was, Tsutako finally let out her moans, feeling nothing but pleasure and then she moaned even louder. Masachika knew he found a set spot after Tsutako gave out a louder moan, so he began toungue playing with it and eventually Tsutako cummed all over his mouth. Feeling satisfied with her juice, he pulled and got out off her skirt.

"Masachika, you idiot... Nezuko was here and you had to make things more difficult." Tsutako was a panting mess.

"It was too tempting." Masachika said and kissed her to which she returned immediately.

"Masachika, I want it. The main thing inside me. I desire it." Tsutako pulled from the kiss and gave him a pleading look.

"Okay." Masachika smiled.

Masachika once again, pulled her bodice down, and then he went down and pulled her panties off and threw it on the side. He then took off his trousers and afterwards his boxers his and his cock sprung out and seeing such sight made Tsutako drool all over and quickly licked her lip to wipe it off.

"Yes..." Tsutako was mesmerised.

Masachika placed his tip on Tsutako's entrance and slowly slid his dick inside her vagina, she moaned out of extreme pleasure. At long last, Tsutako's virginity was gone and now she doesn't have to worry about Kanae teasing her ever again. Kanae still recording this, saw the main thing.

'Finally/Well, there goes my/her virginity.' Tsutako and Kanae thought.

"Masachika... ahhh... you're already hitting my womb... please go faster..." Tsutako moaned and wrapped her arms around his back and sinked her nails into his skin to be prepared.

"As you wish." Masachika groaned due the nails. And then, he began fasten the pace even more.

Masachika began thrusting inside her even more and Tsutako was drowning in pleasure. He lifted her legs up a little to make the position a little better, and then he began fucking her even faster than before and it was to a point where there was smacking sounds. Having his cock constantly rub against her incredibly wet ass pussy felt beyond good and went even more faster to feel even greater pleasure and Tsutako pulled him in for a kiss.

"Mmmmmmm!!!" Tsutako's moaned was quiet down just in time.

Several minutes has passed and both of them were about to reach their climax, and Masachika felt her pussy clenched a little, so he began to slow the pace down. Although this disappointed the both of them, they knew that they couldn't really have a climax. Masachika slowly pulled his cock out that was beyond wet, and both were hissing.

"Although you can't cum inside me, at least there is something." Tsutako smirked and grabbed his weiner and leaned her head closer.

Tsutako pulled his dick inside her mouth and began sucking it really hard. Masachika was groaning a lot and felt something and eventually he cummed inside her mouth. Tsutako felt extremely satisfied with the hot cum squirting up her throat and she swallowed of them, making sure none of them escapes. After swallowing all the cum, she pushed Masachika backwards and laid on top him and kiss him passionately. How it didn't last too long and she pulled and rested her head on his bare chest.

"Mmmm, I'm gonna sleep for a bit." Tsutako said.

"No problem, I'll wake you up if anyone is coming outside." Masachika smiled.

"Hmmm. Well night, Masachika. I love you." Tsutako yawned a little.

"Love you too, Tsutako." Masachika smiled, and Tsutako closed her eyes.

With Kanae...

Kanae had finished recording the whole session, and she was blushing quite madly. Due to her not remembering having pleasure with Sanemi. She was feeling somethings. Feeling jealous.

Feeling horny...


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