Belong To The World

By thestorans

85.7K 3.4K 490

"I don't see your name on him. I don't have my name on him. Hell, he Belongs To The World. No one owns him." More

~ ONE ~
~ TWO ~
~ FOUR ~
~ FIVE ~
~ SIX ~
~ NINE ~
~ TEN ~


2.7K 144 12
By thestorans

| L I P S T I C K |

When people are broken, they seem to lose themselves for a while, they don't believe the hope that people give them, or the love that people try to share. All they want to do is die, or isolate themselves into their minds that are crammed with the bad memories.

At first it's pity, the pain they feel is like hot lava rocks against their hearts, burning them alive. They can't move properly, they can't think properly, the thought of grief the only thing on their mind. Their limbs would be shaking, they felt like a cloud stuffed with rain as it floated amongst the sky.

Then their would be denial, "no, they didn't just call me a slut," the person would think. "I have kind boyfriends, they didn't mean it, they wouldn't hurt me like that."

It would go on and on, sitting up in bed, staring at nothing but the plain walls as they tried to reason with their pain, maybe they could go back, say sorry, or maybe the boyfriends were going to realize what they said to them, come back and let them walk back into the relationship with open arms.

But that didn't work, and soon it would be acceptance, walking along the streets, getting fresh air, partying. Anything to get the boys they love off their mind, a new boy would come into view, call them pretty and sweep them off their feet, and soon enough they've fallen back in love, but only thinking so, only really, just trying to mask the pain they still felt bubbling in their heart and soul. I guess it truly wouldn't be called acceptance, more like falsely forgetting, ignoring the feelings still buried inside them, trying to speak out, cry and scream in remorse.

After desperately trying to forget, but failing. Then would come anger, rage. There was no point in crying anymore, even if they tried, nothing would come out. Just a dried, hollow shell left. But anger would be the new saviour to their pain, the questions that they would ask as they cried turning and twisting into insults and betrayal, hating the boys that caught their heart, only to throw it right back.

They would find anything to take the anger and turn it into even more hate towards the people who caused them days upon weeks of crying. Sex, drugs, love, pain. It would become normal, to just set themselves free and look like a happy, horny prostitute but really just a hollow shell, a puppet to nothing but their crushed and broken soul.

It was a road no one wanted, but the one Niall specifically took, cruise down not realizing the consequences.

Now he lay, bundled up in the arms of one of the men that ruined his life, falling right back into the trap. He can't show his love, he promised himself he wouldn't, because then they would just make him fall right back into his innocent, naïve self. Then right after, once again, smashed to smithereens.

He broke that stupid promise and now his life is going to be shit once again, he'll have to start all over, move out before Nick finds out, run away from the four boys who are just itching to ruin him once again. He needed to find a train ticket, bus ticket, heck, a plane ticket, anything to take him away from this god awful position.

He felt happy, and he doesn't deserve to be happy, because every time a smile is brought to his face, it gets slapped down just as quickly as it came.

Harry probably doesn't even know what he was doing, he'll probably wake up and scream at Niall beside him, he did cheat on his boyfriends.

A cheater, now who's the cheater? The disgusting one who actually turned his back on his lovers. The boys will probably just shrug it off, more in love with Harry then they ever were with him.

Niall's blood boiled, his hands roughly pushed Harry away from him, legs shakily getting himself up and over to his clothes, where he quickly threw them on.

Harry was too hungover to wake up yet, it was seven in the morning, he would wake up soon, but not so soon that Niall wouldn't be able to write his little note and rush off.

He grabbed the bag that he had in the closet, shuffling through his things till he found what he was looking for.


It was painful to wake up, the pain that throbbed in his head made him groan and rub at his temples. He has never been this hungover before, not since when him and his boyfriends were a full piece, ever since Niall had gone, he had been low on anything that would cause him to go over the edge.


What happened last night? That name was repeating at the back of his mind, something happened. As he slowly started to get up, settling his back against the headboard, he realized he didn't know where he was, the bed was messy, stains along the sheets, his clothes were thrown along the ground, him being naked under the sheets.

No one was beside him, but someone had to be.

Oh god, what did he do?

He quickly got up, falling right into the wall at the sudden hit of nausea, swallowing back the throw up building at his throat. He wanted out, he needed his boyfriends, he needed Niall.

He was struggling to get on his clothes, the headache still hitting him at full throttle. But he froze once he looked at the mirror connected to the dresser across the room, a large word printed with lipstick with big letters overtop of it.


It read.




Such a terribly short chapter, slightly confusing I bet.

You know a little about Niall's true feelings, how he doesn't want to become his naïve self like he used to be. He's more protecting himself from pain.

Tell me what you think, what will the boys say about Harry having sex with Niall? What do you think Nick will do if he finds out who Niall had sex with? What do you think Harry will do once he finds out who he had sex with? Will Niall be separated from the boys once again by taking a ticket to a new city or even a new country? Lastly, what do you think about the note Niall left for Harry?

A horrible mess has started up in their lives, stay tuned for more chapters (and definitely longer ones.)

~ Direction_Minx ~

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