To Be Alone | Tommy Shelby

By running-outof-time

136K 3.2K 550

Celia Farraday and her family had to travel back to England in order to say goodbye to her dying grandfather... More

- PART 1 -
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
- PART 2 -
In Secret

Chapter 27

2.5K 86 5
By running-outof-time

Celia woke up the next morning to the sounds of shuffling around the room. When she opened her eyes, she noticed that Tommy was moving about, packing everything of theirs up.

"What're you doing, Tom?" she questioned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she sat up in bed.

"Getting us ready to leave. We have somewhere we need to be," he responded, not seizing his actions.

"We have the whole day though," she said then, a whine slightly in her words. She didn't want to start the day just yet, and she certainly didn't want to head out this early.

"We've got to go now. I've added a meeting to the schedule," he told her, just now looking over at her, "get dressed, we need to go," he spoke explicitly now because she hadn't caught his gist before.

"Tommy..." she sighed, getting out of bed anyway to grab the clothes she was going to wear for the day.

"I'll be downstairs," he told her and she nodded, watching as he moved to the door and exited the room. She focused on changing her clothes then before she too left the room and went downstairs.

She found Tommy and Ada sitting on the chairs, engaged in a sort of a staring contest. "Tommy's told me that you need to leave," Ada stated then when she heard Celia enter the room, her eyes not leaving her brother.

"Yeah," Celia sighed, still nodding her head although the woman didn't see it, "he's planned quite the day for us."

"You'll need to come back to London soon...without him. So that we could spend a proper day together," Ada finally looked towards Celia, a hopeful look on her face.

"I think that'd be a good idea," Celia nodded with a smile.

"Please get our bags from the guest's room and bring them down to the car, Jane," Tommy then told the maid who was standing at the ready in the archway. She nodded and said a quick 'yes, Mr. Shelby' before she climbed the steps to retrieve them.

"You don't even want to stay for breakfast, Tom?" Ada asked, her brows furrowed.

"We've things we need to do," Tommy shook his head, flicking the ash off of the cigarette he was smoking.

"Fine then," Ada nodded, not even attempting to argue with him because it was obvious he had made up his mind.

"Your car is ready for you, Mr. Shelby," Jane returned to the archway to announce.

"Thank you," Tommy nodded to her before he stood from the chair he was in. "Let's go, Celia," he nodded at Celia, who listened and stood also. She said one last goodbye to Ada, who sent a smile in response, before she followed Tommy out of the house.

"Where are we going, Tommy?" Celia asked after she got herself situated in the passenger's seat.

"I've got to meet with someone before we leave London," he informed her, not going into much detail before he put the car in drive. Celia just nodded, knowing she wouldn't get much more than that.

Soon enough, he was parking the car outside of a brick building. "Wait out here," he told her, pulling his gun from its holster, checking to see if there were bullets in the chamber. He then set it back in its holster before opening the door to the car.

"No, Tommy, what are you thinking of doing?" she asked, eyes widening as she looked at the weapon. The worst case scenario was already going through her head.

"I need to go talk to Alfie," he told her, exiting the car. She was also stepping out too, going to follow him. "Stay out here, Celia," he told her in a warning tone.

"I'm not letting you go in there alone, Thomas," she shook her head, standing her ground as she followed him into the building. He gave up the argument, having more important things to worry about.

"Alfie!" he yelled the second he stepped into the building, making the workers turn to look at him with wide eyes. "Alfie!" he called again, storming right into an office, Celia hot on his trail.

"Tommy Shelby! To what do I owe this surprise visit, eh?" the man, who had a bushy beard and small glasses perched on his nose, asked as he looked up from what he was doing at his desk.

"You crossed the fucking line, Alfie!" Tommy exclaimed, wagging his finger in the man's direction, anger clear across his face.

"I crossed the what now?" he was clearly confused. "And who is this lovely woman?" he asked then, his gaze falling upon Celia.

"Your fucking workers were out and about trying to make passes at my woman. Using your name for their fucking gain," Tommy explained, glaring at the man who didn't seem to care as much about this matter as he did.

"And how is that me crossing the line? When I never even fucking met your woman?" Alfie squinted his eyes as he looked in the other man's direction.

"Because you shouldn't be hiring pathetic scum like that!" Tommy raised his voice once more. Celia sighed at the conversation. "I need their names," he said in a low voice then.

"Their names?" Alfie asked for clarity even though he knew exactly what Tommy was asking for, his eyebrows raised now.

"Yes, their fucking names. I need to know who did this...need to fucking talk to them and set the record straight."

"Now you know I can't do that, mate," Alfie shook his head, much to Tommy's dismay, "I have no fucking clue who you're talking about. Now what am I to do? Give you my whole fucking payroll and let you go out on a hunt for the men you've got a problem with? That doesn't sound like a good fucking idea, now does it, mate?"

Tommy let out a frustrated breath at the man's words, running his hand over his face before he quickly pulled out his gun, holding it in Alfie's direction. Celia audibly gasped at his move, but the man staring down the barrel didn't seem to care. "Give me the fucking list of men you've working for you, Alfie," he demanded, his voice low.

"If you're gonna stand here and aim that thing at me, you'd better have a good fucking reason to do so...not just because you're pissed that I won't give you a fucking list," Alfie's tone didn't change, and he was still taunting Tommy, almost like he was calling his bluff. Celia couldn't watch anymore.

"Give me the list, Alfie!" Tommy yelled, tensions rising even more.

Now Celia certainly couldn't watch anymore. She reached out and grabbed hold of Tommy's hand that was gripping the gun, manually bringing it down to his side before she managed to take the weapon from his hand. "Ok, that's enough," she stated sternly, glaring over at her partner, who was now looking over at her with raised eyebrows. He couldn't believe she'd just done that.

"Yeah, Tommy. Listen to the lovely woman and cool yourself down, eh?" Alfie chimed in, the taunting nature back in his voice, making Tommy send a glare in his direction. All Celia had to do was utter his name, and she had his attention again.

"It's not worth it, Tom. The problem was handled...I solved it yesterday. I'm sure I won't be seeing those men again," she told him, looking straight into his eyes in hopes that her words would stick in his brain.

Of course, Alfie had something to say about that, "ohh, I see. This lovely woman is your woman," he stated in realization then, making the couple's eyes fall back into him. "Right then, well she's doing just fine by the looks of it," he grinned as he looked between them. "I'm Alfie Solomons, love," he extended his hand to her and Celia shook it.

"Celia Farraday," she told him her name, a small smile on her lips.

"It's nice to know a man's soft spot when you're dealing with him," Alfie remarked then and Tommy was immediately sending him a glare.

"Alfie," he then said his name in a warning tone.

"Oh, I know. If it weren't for her, my brains'd probably be splattered across that back wall, right?" Alfie nodded his head, not fazed at all by Tommy's threatening tone. "You should never come into a conversation angry...especially when the other person knows nothing of what it's about. That's simple fucking business, mate," he told Tommy then.

"We wouldn't be having this conversation if it weren't for you hiring incompetent workers under your name," Tommy spoke through gritted teeth, his anger still clear.

"Incompetent workers still get the job done though, don't they?" Alfie questioned, a grin on his face. Tommy wanted to smack it right off of him. He was angry that Alfie wasn't treating this conversation with the serious nature it deserved. "Are we about fucking done here? Because I've got actual business to attend to and you've interrupted it by coming in here with your childish qualms."

"I'll be in touch with you, Alfie," Tommy stated, confirming that the conversation was over.

"Was lovely meeting you, Celia. I'm sorry you spend so much time with someone who conducts his business like a neanderthal more often than not," Alfie's gaze was back on Celia now, and he looked rather satisfied that he was able to get one more dig in at his business associate before he left.

"It was nice meeting you too, Alfie," Celia nodded, not wanting to comment on the second statement he made and give him even more satisfaction than what he so clearly had right now.

"Goodbye, Alfie," Tommy nodded firmly then, turning to leave the room with Celia following him. They were quiet until they got into the car, where Tommy decided to speak again, "you shouldn't have come in there with me," he stated, his eyes on the road as he started to drive.

"If I didn't, you would have killed that man over a list," Celia told him, her tone telling him that she wasn't too happy at the moment.

"He would have fucking deserved it," Tommy grumbled, making Celia sigh and hand back the gun of his that she was still holding in her hand.

"Are we going home now?" Celia asked him, more than ready to get back to Birmingham.

"No. I've another stop I need to make," Tommy shook his head, making Celia nod. She hoped that this one would be less stressful.

Some time later, Tommy was pulling the car down a long dirt driveway to a beautiful estate. Celia was in awe as she gazed up at the house. She could never fathom living in a home that big. She wondered how the people who lived there knew their way around.

"Whose house is this?" Celia asked as Tommy stopped the car at its front doors.

"May Carleton's," Tommy responded, stepping out of the vehicle before he came around to her side so that he could open her door and let her out. "I need to check on my horse," he stated then, leading her to the front door.

A woman, who Celia assumed was a maid, let the couple in before telling them that she would go get Ms. Carleton. They waited in the big, open entryway, and Celia took this time to gaze at the room around her. Straight ahead was a grand fireplace, and in front of it was a couch that looked so small compared to the enormity of the room. The floors were done in elaborate tile and there were large, framed paintings of horses hung around the room.

Soon enough, the sounds of heels hitting the tile were heard, and Celia turned her head to see May walking in from the hallway, the maid who went to get her following behind. "Mr. Shelby, hello. Are you here to check up on your filly?" she asked, a smile playing on her lips as she stopped in front of the couple. "Celia, it's nice to see you again," she then smiled at the younger woman.

"Yes, I'm here to check up on her. I'm hoping that things are going well, as we don't have much time left," Tommy nodded to the woman he had entrusted with his derby horse.

"Follow me," May nodded, waving her hand so that they knew to follow her. Celia took Tommy's arm and the couple followed the woman out of the house and onto the grounds of the estate.

"This is a beautiful place you have, May," Celia commented on the grounds as they walked.

"Thank you, Celia. My husband and I bought it and lived here for a short time before he passed," May responded, a slight look of sadness in her eyes. "I can't bring myself to leave the place."

They walked some more, and May continued to point out little things around the vicinity that she seemed to be proud of. Then they neared the stables, where May's face lit up as she brought her visitors over to what looked to be a trough. "I took your advice, Tommy," she said.

"Yeah?" Tommy asked after he removed the cigarette from his mouth.

They peered down into the trough, and Celia's eyebrows furrowed when she saw goldfish swimming freely around the water. "Why're there goldfish in the water?" she voiced her confusion, hoping one of the other two people would fill her in.

"You put goldfish in the horse's drinking water so that they eat the worms," Tommy told her, motioning to the trough with his hand.

"And it cuts down the cost for care tremendously," May added, smiling over at Tommy as they shared a knowing look, "thank you for the suggestion."

"Thank you for listening," Tommy nodded in her direction. She nodded back at him before they continued walking once more. Celia couldn't get over the fact that goldfish could be used in a horse's drinking water...but then again, she knew nothing about horses.

"Here's your filly, Thomas," May smiled as they walked into the stables, motioning over to the middle paddock. Celia smiled as she saw the beautiful gray horse she had met in Charlie's yard some time ago. "She's doing really well," May remarked as Tommy left Celia's side to step closer to the horse.

Her heart swelled as she listened to him talk to the animal in a hushed voice, "hello, are you?" he asked, knowing there wouldn't be an answer returned. Celia noticed his smile as he ran a hand down the horse's face. "She looks good," Tommy spoke to May after his moment with the horse.

"Matthew says that she's progressing nicely. Responding to all the right things," May informed him.

"'S it if I ride her?" Tommy questioned then, looking over to where the two women were standing.

"Yes. I enjoy taking her out on occasion. She rides beautifully," May ok'd his question.

"Celia?" Tommy called to the woman standing beside May, making her look at him with furrowed brows.

"Yes, Tom?" she asked, confusion in her voice.

"Would you want to go for a ride?"

"Uhh, I'm not sure, Tommy..." Celia responded apprehensively to his question.

Tommy furrowed his brows at her answer, "why not, love?"

"Well, because...because I've never been on a horse before," she admitted.

"Never?" May chimed in from where she was listening to their conversation.

"No. Well besides the ponies that they have at the fairs, but that was ages ago," Celia responded, feeling a little embarrassed because she was obviously in the presence of two horse aficionados.

"Then you most certainly need to ride a horse today," May said with a smile, clasping her hands together in front of her in excitement.

"You have one she'll be able to handle?" Tommy checked with the woman, not wanting to put his partner on a horse that she wouldn't be able to control, being that she didn't know much about the animals.

"I do. Squire. He's older. Was my husband's. He's gentle and is still ridden regularly," May informed him, making Tommy nod before he turned to Celia.

"Would you want to try to ride a horse? I wouldn't put you on 'im if you weren't sure about it," he spoke sincerely, knowing that this could very well make her feel uneasy.

Celia thought it out and saw the look in Tommy's eyes, knowing that he would love to share this experience with her. And she knew that he would go slow with her and keep her safe. So she nodded her head, "yes, I'll try it," she told him, watching as a smile formed on his face at her admission.

"I'll get him saddled up for her," May stated, turning to go to that horse's stable.

"Do you have any safety equipment she should use?" Tommy questioned before May was able to get too far.

"On the hooks against the wall," she responded before disappearing into the tack room.

"Let's get you ready then, eh?" Tommy stated, a grin on his face as he walked with Celia to the wall where the helmets were hanging. He grabbed one he thought might be her size and then placed it on her head.

Celia smiled at him before she hooked the buckle to hold it in place. "How do I look?" she asked him then, peering up at him.

"Beautiful," he grinned, making her heart swell. He then placed his hands against her arms and leaned down to kiss her lips. "You look like you're ready to ride a horse," he said once he pulled away, making her chuckle slightly.

"The horse is ready," May came around the corner just as Tommy's hands were falling to his sides.

"Alright. Let's get you on him then, love," Tommy grinned at Celia, taking hold of her hand so that he could lead her to the horse. "Hold onto the reins and I'll help you up," he instructed her and she did as told, grasping into the reins and almost squealing as he grabbed her waist and effortlessly hoisted her up onto the horse.

"Holy shit is this high!" she squeaked once she was sitting astride its back.

"You'll get used to it," Tommy chuckled as he grinned up at her.

"You're not gonna leave me on here alone, are you?" she asked, looking down at him with wide, worried eyes.

"No," he shook his head with a slight chuckle, "not if you don't want me to."

"I don't want you to," she responded within a second of him finishing his sentence.

Tommy chuckled again. "I'll just lead you around the corral then. I don't want you to do anything that you feel uncomfortable with." Celia only nodded her head and Tommy took that as his go ahead to take hold of the reins and click his tongue at the horse, telling it to start walking. She shrieked softly at the sudden movement and gripped onto the top of the saddle, putting all of her trust into Tommy at the moment. He wouldn't let her get hurt, would he? "You're doing good, love," he assured her, smiling up at her as he walked the horse around the corral.

"I'm not doing anything, Tommy," she quipped back at him, making him chuckle. She was happy to see how happy he was at the moment. It made sitting atop the tall animal worth it.

After making three circles around the corral, Tommy looked to Celia again, seeing that she had an uncomfortable look on her face. "Ready to be finished?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised slightly.

"Yes," she responded, "my thighs are killing me."

"You'll get used to it the more you get on," he chuckled at her statement. He then led the horse back into the stable and helped her off of it before letting her know that he was going to take his horse out for a ride.

So Celia moved over to where May was resting against the fence and talked with her until Tommy emerged from the stable atop his horse. Then all of her attention went on him. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him smiling as he rode the horse around the corral. He looked like a natural, like he was at peace.

"You can easily see how happy he is when he's on a horse," May spoke up from beside Celia. Celia wondered if she'd read her mind. "Like he's a completely different person."

"You can," Celia smiled as she continued watching her partner.

"What do you think?" May asked Tommy as he slowed the horse by the fence where the ladies were standing.

"She's alright. Still a little hesitant with some directions, but she's looking better than last time," he told her before patting the horse's side.

"My thoughts exactly," May agreed with him.

"I'm gonna ride her for a little longer," he informed the ladies then. Celia smiled at his statement. It was almost like he was a child asking his mother for five more minutes of play time.

"She's your horse, Thomas," May smiled up at him and he nodded before signaling for the horse to move again. "Do you want to come inside?" May turned to Celia then.

"Sure," she nodded with a smile. The sun was setting now and the temperature was dropping with it. So the two ladies started back to the house, making small talk as they walked.

Soon enough, they were both on the couch in the sitting room. "I can imagine you get lonely here sometimes. All of this house left to yourself," Celia spoke her mind after she'd been looking around the room for a few moments.

"It's hard with my husband being gone," May nodded as she looked at her lap, "but having the horses around helps. They're like therapy to me...keep me sane."

"I believe it. They're beautiful animals," Celia nodded with a smile, remembering how carefree Tommy had looked as he sat astride one's back. Speaking of Tommy, she heard footsteps that had to be his, echoing on the hardwood.

"Ah, Tommy. You've finished," May remarked as he joined the ladies.

He nodded, clearing his throat as he sat down on the chair that was closest to Celia. "She was getting tired," he stated, taking a cigarette out of its pack and putting it between his lips before he lit it with a match.

"Do you want me to light a fire in the guest's quarters?" May asked the couple then, wondering if they'd be staying the night since it was getting late.

Celia looked to Tommy to hear his response, "no need, May. We're going to be leaving soon," he answered while shaking his head.

"Oh, ok," she responded with a nod.

"How are things with Joe and Eliza?" May went back to her previous conversation with Celia, "are they still in America?"

"Yes, they are. They're living on the grounds of my brother and his wife's home. Managed to build themselves a small cottage on an empty space of land. That's all they need though. They're doing really well...much better than they were here," Celia told her, smiling at the thought of her parents. She had received a letter from them recently, telling her that they were overjoyed to hear that she was pregnant.

"That's good to hear. If you're able, could you share their address? I would love to check in on them," May stated, and Celia nodded, assuring her that she would give their address before she left.

Before anything else could be said, one of the maids came into the room. "There is someone on the line. It's for Mr. Shelby," she announced, making the two women on the couch look at Tommy, who's eyebrows were furrowed.

"I won't be long," he assured them, leaving the room then. Celia and May got back to talking for the bit of time that he had disappeared, only stopping when he reentered the room. "We need to go, Celia. I'm needed back at the shop," he told her as he approached where she was sitting.

She nodded before standing up and looking at May. "It was nice spending time with you, May," she said, a smile on her face.

"It was," May nodded, pulling the other woman in for a hug then. "Drive safely," she nodded to the both of them before Celia moved to Tommy's side, allowing for him to lead them out to the car.


Bit of a longer chapter - I couldn't find a logical spot to cut it off at.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :)

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