Chapter 24

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Esme and Celia were sitting in the living room of Celia's apartment. Esme was sharing the more personal details of her birth to Celia whilst nursing her baby girl. She had literally given birth two weeks ago and she was already back to normal. Celia hoped that she would be able to bounce back quickly like that. She, on the other hand, was currently working on the baby blanket that she started in the days after she found out she was pregnant, the blanket being about halfway done now.

"So have you decided?" Esme asked then, breaking Celia out of her thoughts.

"Decided on what?" she asked for clarification, feeling a bit embarrassed that she hadn't been listening.

"On whether you're giving birth at home or at the hospital," Esme explained the question she had asked.

"Well I don't really have an opinion on either, but if Tommy has any say, I'm sure he's going to want to be at a hospital," she responded then.

"You think he'd push for a hospital? Even with Polly and how experienced she is?" Esme asked, her eyebrows raised slightly.

Celia shrugged her shoulders then, "I mean I don't know. I wouldn't be opposed to doing it at home." The truth was that she hadn't really put much thought into it yet. She was still in the beginning stages and hadn't even started showing yet. She had plenty of time to think about a birthing plan.

"Speaking of...does Tommy know yet?" Esme asked then, bringing the baby up so that she could burp her.

"About me being pregnant? No. I haven't told him yet, and I'm not sure when I'm going to, being that he's been so invested in business right now," Celia sighed as she spoke.

"You've just gotta spit it out. That's what I did to John," Esme gave some advice.

Before Celia was able to speak, a knock sounded on the door. She mumbled a 'be right back' to Esme, discarding her project as she walked to the door. To her surprise, Inspector Moss was standing on the other side. "Hello, Inspector. How are you today?" Celia asked him with a smile.

"I'm doing just fine, Miss Farraday," the inspector nodded his head, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come down to the station though," he stated, making Celia's heart drop.

"Wha...what's the matter?" she asked, fumbling over her words slightly. About a million things were running through her head at the moment. None of them were good, and they all involved Tommy.

"We have Tommy Shelby in custody. He's requested that you come get him," he informed her. She felt a bit better knowing that he was still alive, but she was still unhappy that he was currently sitting in a jail cell. Before she could respond, however, Inspector Moss peered over her shoulder to look at Esme. "Esme, we've got John as well."

"Fuck," Esme breathed from where she was on the couch before she stood up, her baby in her arms. "I suppose he wants me to come get him as well. Walk in there with his baby in my arms like his saving grace," she remarked sarcastically, although she didn't seem angered at the inspector.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," Moss just dipped his head down, not meeting either of the ladies' eyes.

"Let's get on with it then," Esme piped up, moving past the other two so that she could walk out the door.

"After you," Moss nodded to Celia, who sent him a small smile despite the predicament she was currently in. A sigh quickly followed her expression though, because she knew that they were getting a ride now, but would have to walk back. The women got into the vehicle Inspector Moss was driving, sitting in silence as he drove them to the city's jail.

Tommy and John were sitting in the same cell, looking defeated when Esme and Celia stepped into the jail. Inspector Moss walked over to the cell and used his skeleton key to unlock the gate, opening it then. "Alright then, lads. Youse are free to go," he nodded at them both, motioning for them to rise and exit the cell. In unison, both of the men stood and slowly walked out to face their significant others.

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