Chapter 27

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Celia woke up the next morning to the sounds of shuffling around the room. When she opened her eyes, she noticed that Tommy was moving about, packing everything of theirs up.

"What're you doing, Tom?" she questioned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she sat up in bed.

"Getting us ready to leave. We have somewhere we need to be," he responded, not seizing his actions.

"We have the whole day though," she said then, a whine slightly in her words. She didn't want to start the day just yet, and she certainly didn't want to head out this early.

"We've got to go now. I've added a meeting to the schedule," he told her, just now looking over at her, "get dressed, we need to go," he spoke explicitly now because she hadn't caught his gist before.

"Tommy..." she sighed, getting out of bed anyway to grab the clothes she was going to wear for the day.

"I'll be downstairs," he told her and she nodded, watching as he moved to the door and exited the room. She focused on changing her clothes then before she too left the room and went downstairs.

She found Tommy and Ada sitting on the chairs, engaged in a sort of a staring contest. "Tommy's told me that you need to leave," Ada stated then when she heard Celia enter the room, her eyes not leaving her brother.

"Yeah," Celia sighed, still nodding her head although the woman didn't see it, "he's planned quite the day for us."

"You'll need to come back to London soon...without him. So that we could spend a proper day together," Ada finally looked towards Celia, a hopeful look on her face.

"I think that'd be a good idea," Celia nodded with a smile.

"Please get our bags from the guest's room and bring them down to the car, Jane," Tommy then told the maid who was standing at the ready in the archway. She nodded and said a quick 'yes, Mr. Shelby' before she climbed the steps to retrieve them.

"You don't even want to stay for breakfast, Tom?" Ada asked, her brows furrowed.

"We've things we need to do," Tommy shook his head, flicking the ash off of the cigarette he was smoking.

"Fine then," Ada nodded, not even attempting to argue with him because it was obvious he had made up his mind.

"Your car is ready for you, Mr. Shelby," Jane returned to the archway to announce.

"Thank you," Tommy nodded to her before he stood from the chair he was in. "Let's go, Celia," he nodded at Celia, who listened and stood also. She said one last goodbye to Ada, who sent a smile in response, before she followed Tommy out of the house.

"Where are we going, Tommy?" Celia asked after she got herself situated in the passenger's seat.

"I've got to meet with someone before we leave London," he informed her, not going into much detail before he put the car in drive. Celia just nodded, knowing she wouldn't get much more than that.

Soon enough, he was parking the car outside of a brick building. "Wait out here," he told her, pulling his gun from its holster, checking to see if there were bullets in the chamber. He then set it back in its holster before opening the door to the car.

"No, Tommy, what are you thinking of doing?" she asked, eyes widening as she looked at the weapon. The worst case scenario was already going through her head.

"I need to go talk to Alfie," he told her, exiting the car. She was also stepping out too, going to follow him. "Stay out here, Celia," he told her in a warning tone.

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