Chapter 14

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And get sick Celia did.

The days after her moment in the rain were filled with a runny nose, loads of sneezes, body aches and chills, and a splitting headache that just wouldn't go away. She had been hunkered down at her apartment, thankfully telling both of her employers that she was too sick to come in before it got too bad. She had practically everybody over checking on her. Vivian and William had stopped by in the first few days, and although Celia felt like crap, she was happy that there were no hard feelings between her and William and that their friendship was still strong.

Sophia stopped by and talked her ear off with medical nonsense that Celia didn't understand, so she just assured the nurse, who meant well, that she would drink her fluids and stay by the fire.

Her mother dropped by and made her some hot meals, telling her about what was going on at home, as well as the news that Joseph had written to her telling her that Samuel's condition had completely gone away. Celia was very happy to hear that.

Even Finn stopped by, checking on Celia when Tommy was in London, conducting business. He was incredibly awkward, standing in the kitchen of the apartment as she attempted to tell him what she needed, but she couldn't hate him for trying.

Her favorite was when Tommy stopped by to check on her, which he did every day that he was able. His presence just made her feel safe. Like she was going to get through this.

She was lying exactly where she had been for most of the week, on the couch, when a knock sounded on her front door. "It's open!" she called, knowing that she shouldn't leave the door unlocked, but it was the middle of the day. Who could harm her then?

"C?" the person at the door called as they opened it, making Celia's heart flutter.

"On the couch, Tom," she mustered up the energy to speak, slowly sitting up to see him walking in and shutting the door with a smaller sized bouquet of flowers in his hands. "I've seen it all now. Tommy Shelby has officially gone soft," she remarked, her smile growing as she took in the gesture he did for her.

"You tell anyone and you're finished," he gave her a serious look, pointing a finger in her direction before it melted quickly, the usual soft smile he wore when only in her presence becoming visible. "How're you feeling?" he asked her then, changing out the flowers in the vase with these fresh ones before he moved over to where she was laying.

"The same. Can't stop shivering, but at the same time I feel like I'm burning up. I'm happy that you're here though," Celia responded, accepting his kiss to her forehead before Tommy stood straight to see her smile then.

"Right then, sit up," he said, motioning for her to sit with his hand. Celia furrowed her brows but did as he said, watching as he sat down in the empty space she had created. "C'mere," he whispered, his hand going to her shoulder then before he guided her down to lay on his lap. She twisted her neck up to smile at him, and he returned it, his fingers twisting through her hair then.

"You're too good to me, Tommy," she breathed, curling closer to the blanket, though the extra heat he was providing was a big help.

"'M just repaying it, love. I know you'd do it for me," he stated, absentmindedly running his fingers through her hair as he stared ahead at the fire.

"I would," she agreed. "How was London?" she asked then, knowing he had to go there for business and had been there for the past few days.

He then launched into the story of his business endeavors in the big city - including only what he felt that she needed to know, of course. Celia was happy to hear that Ada was doing well, and she made Tommy promise that he would take her to see his sister and nephew as soon as she got better. Celia, in turn, told him all about what she had been doing since he'd been away, which was pretty much laying on the couch, eating soup and missing him. She felt a bit embarrassed to admit that last one, but it was true. She missed him.

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