Chapter 19

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"Are we all here now?" Tommy questioned as Arthur walked into the main room of the betting shop. He had called a family meeting to talk about the recent moves within the business.

Family meetings always stressed Celia out. Why? Well because at family meetings, there was always that chance that things would get out of hand. Even though she knew now that her parents were in a much better place being back in America and all, she still panicked when tensions between people rose to the point where they were flat out yelling in each other's faces. They were also tough for her because Lizzie was always in attendance. The two women were still not on nice terms with each other.

A chorus of 'yes's' gave Tommy the signal to keep talking. "Right, so Arthur, you will be going to meet with Alfie Solomons to discuss how things are going in Camden Town. Business should be alright, and the Black Country Boys are doing what they can, but Alfie has still requested to meet," he had just started off and already there was an objection.

"Why me, Tom?" Arthur questioned, more out of curiosity than anything.

"Because he and I are at a standstill, and I know you won't be pushed around," Tommy responded, making Arthur nod, his chest puffing out slightly from the confidence he had just gained. Celia didn't miss the furrowed brow expression that John gave to Tommy, and what made her chuckle was that Tommy also noticed it but said nothing to his younger brother. "We are going to have some of our lower level men be taken in and arrested by the cops so that they can get their numbers up, but also so that we will have people on the inside. It has been said that one of Sabini's men is currently behind bars. Having some of ours in there can elicit more information on the moves that he is going to make before he makes them," Tommy paused to listen for any objections before carrying on, "I have heard good things from May Carleton, that the horse is getting closer to being ready for the derby that is quickly approaching..."

Tommy continued talking but Celia wasn't listening after he mentioned May. She wasn't able to speak with him about how his night at her estate went down because in the week and a half since he had returned, they were like two ships in the night, barely having time for each other. This didn't help to quell Celia's thoughts, the words Lizzie told her that night filling her head almost constantly.

"Are there any questions on what I just said?" Celia turned back into his monologue just as he was ending it. No one spoke up, so he continued once more. "How are the earnings looking, Pol?" he asked his aunt then.

"They've been up," Polly answered with a smile and a nod.

"Good to hear. Esme, how have you been feeling?" he then asked the woman who was sitting next to her husband, her hands resting atop her baby bump that was starting to protrude now.

"Just fine, Tom," she smiled at him, just hearing this made Celia smile. At times she wondered if she was more excited for this baby than Esme was.

"Any other orders of business to be had?" Tommy asked once more, "Michael...Arthur...John...ladies?" he named off his brothers and cousin before looking at the women, all of them shaking their heads. "Right then, consider this meeting finished. I'll be in my office," Tommy stated, placing the cigarette he was smoking back in between his lips before he moved to where his office was located.

One by one the family members filed out of the betting shop, save for Polly and Celia, who decided that they would stick around to balance some of the books after today's bets. As they were working, they saw Lizzie walk out from the offices with the intent of leaving for the night. "Bye, Lizzie," Celia called after her, trying so hard to bury the hatchet, but Lizzie ignored her. Celia just sighed and continued with what she was doing.

"I have to show this transaction to Thomas. Something doesn't look right here," Polly stated then, standing from the chair she was sitting on before she grabbed the book and started to walk in the direction of Tommy's office.

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