Chapter 12

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"You've gotta get yourself out of that room, dear. Being cooped up in the dark is no good for your health," Celia's mother stood at the other end of the door, hoping her daughter would hear her pleas.

"I'm fine, Ma," she mumbled in response, not looking away from the latest novel she was reading. A stupid romance novel...something Celia would only experience on paper.

"Edith stopped by. She was wondering when you'd be back," Eliza stated then, still on the other side of the door.

"What did you tell her?" she questioned, marking her page before she closed the book, full attention waiting for her answer.

"That you'd be back tomorrow."

"Are you crazy?!" Celia shrieked, flinging the door aside to see her mother standing with a smile on her face.

"No. I just know what's best for you, darling. You need to get out of this house and put your mind into work," she told her. Celia hated to admit it, but her mother was right. It had been three weeks since she asked Mr. and Mrs. Robinson to take a leave of absence from the shop, and four since William admitted his feelings to her. And on top of that, she was now back at her parents' house because she had yet to hear anything from Tommy on the problem being taken care of. "Edith wants you back there tomorrow morning," Eliza smiled at her daughter before she moved to the steps, leaving Celia standing in the doorway, dumbfounded. Whether she liked it or not, she had to get back to her life eventually... she just didn't like that she was being thrown into it like this.


Getting back into the tailoring shop wasn't as bad as she was expecting it to be. Some of the shop's regulars were happy to see her, and it was always a joy to be around Walter and Edith. She didn't see any of the Shelby family, but that was alright. The day passed rather fast, and soon enough Celia was helping lock up. Today she and Walter stayed later than usual. Being that she was out for quite a bit, and the orders were stacking up, she agreed with him to stay and help get caught up. The only downside to it was that she now had to walk home in the dark...which was never a fun feat in this city. But she had done it before, so she wasn't too worried. She should have been though.

About halfway through her walk, she was grabbed by arms that came out of nowhere. She couldn't even scream because the unknown person's hand was covering her mouth within seconds. "Scream and I slit your throat," he threatened her and she believed him before he whipped her around to face him. "Give me your fucking purse!" he exclaimed then, wielding the knife in front of her face as his other hand went for the bag she was clutching in her arms. She knew she was stupid for holding onto it and not just giving it over to him, but she couldn't give up without a fight. "You're making this harder than it has to be, you stupid bitch!" he growled, then lunging forward at her. Celia closed her eyes and braced herself for the pain she'd feel upon impact, but it never came.

She only dared to open her eyes when she heard sounds of the man choking. "I'm sorry, Mr. Shelby, I-I didn't know," the man was now gasping for air, and it looked to her that Tommy wasn't letting up on him. How did he manage to find her? "Please?" he was at the point of begging as he gasped again.

"You don't feel so powerful now, eh? Thinking you can take advantage of a woman," Tommy spoke through gritted teeth, and if looks could kill, both she and the man would be dead.

"I wasn't trying to take advantage of her, Mr. Shelby, sir," the thief spoke out, his eyes practically bulging out of their sockets now. "I just needed the money...please, don't kill me!" he was whaling now.

"Tommy..." Celia started, her voice coming out in a soft whisper. She saw his eyes connect with hers and watched as some humanity seeped back into them. "Tommy, let him go, please," she begged him now, not ready to witness a man get murdered within feet of her. She held her breath then as his eyes stayed locked on hers. He held the man in his grip for one more moment before releasing him. Celia grimaced as he about fell to the ground, gasping for air.

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