Earth Grazer || Doctor Who

By ExistentialSpoons

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"What do you want, Ella?" "Earlier, you said you don't have someone. Let me be your someone ... Besides witho... More

Earth Grazer
I. Tequila = Death
II. Rude Plastic People
III. Incessant Questions
IV. Imposter Interrogator
V. Commence Invasion
VI. Storytime
VII. Mad Scientist
VIII. The Wrong Author
IX. Girl Talk
X. Small Confessions
XI. Talk To Me
XII. Apocalypse Party
XIII. Evil Trampoline
XIV. Woman Wept
XV. Lost in Space
XVI. Crash Landing
XVII. Under Arrest
XVIII. The Family Slitheen
XIX. Raxicorico - what?!
XX. The Way Out
XXI. Don't Leave
XXII. Distractions from the Silence
XXIII. Domesticity
XXIV. The Doctor's Nightmare
XXV. Revelation
XXVI. The Warrior Resurfaces
XXVII. Hello Again
XXVIII. A Beautiful Lie
XXIX. Reality Shift
XXX. Fallout
XXXI. Chill Night in the Tardis
XXXII. An Open Mind
XXXIII. A Bad Idea
XXXIV. Total Conspiracy
XXXV. Knowledge is Power
XXXVI. Cathica to the Rescue
XXXVII. Self-Care
XXXIX. Wounded Time
40. A Life Like That
41. Devoured Hope
42. Distractions from the Shouting
43. A Small Step
44. So, That's How That Feels
45. A Day Out for Rose
46. The Creeping Shadow
47. Human Complexities
48. An Empty Child and a Flirty Pilot
49. The Plague of the London Blitz
50. "Are you my mummy?"
51. Nancy's Difficult Decision
52. Ella's Acceptance
53. A Night Like This
54. One Terrible Night
A Random Poem
55. Date Night?

XXXVIII. Plant Party

383 15 0
By ExistentialSpoons


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“Wow, that is beautiful. That’s not my nebula though,” Rose declared when she opened the Tardis doors and was greeted with an expansive array of alien flowers.

“What,” the Doctor peeked out the doors and saw the field of flowers. “Close enough.”

Ella followed them out and took a quick look around, “how is this close enough?”

“It’s in the same galaxy!” the Doctor shouted as he had already started to wander off and look for a patch of dirt so he could figure out where they were. Ella turned and made sure the Tardis doors were closed and locked before she grabbed Rose and dragged her along too. They may not have ended up were they wanted to, but Ella always enjoyed plants, well, the plants that won’t eat me.

“Know where we are yet,” Ella wondered when they got close enough that they didn’t have to shout to be heard.

“… I think Olara 2. The Ostrans live here, a kind people, really tall and red. Sometimes they’re green but don’t mention that. They don’t see colors. Well, they can just not like you do.” The Doctor started walking for what looked like civilization to the left of the huge field of flowers. While Ella walked, she picked a blue flower and brought it up to her face to smell it, the Doctor burst into her view and yanked the flower away.

“Okay. Rude, what was that for?”

“That species of flowering plant is completely littered with a psychedelic that would destroy your tiny human mind.” When the Doctor continued walking toward the town where it sounded like a party had begun to kick up. Rose didn’t miss the look on Ella’s face and before she could turn back to the patch of flowers, she grabbed her hand again.

“No, you don’t. Let’s at least check out this party before you go ‘destroying your tiny human mind’ … although he probably should have made it sound less fun.” Rose laughed at his choice of words. Ella pouted but let her best friend drag her away and tried to memorize how the flower looked for later. They were greeted in the village by smiles and crowns made by another species of flowers. Rose and Ella walked around trying out food from local vendors while the Doctor was trying to figure what they were celebrating.

“So, it turns out their plants are the source of income for the entire planet. It’s harvest season and every year they have a celebration called Oranus, they just sold tons of product to their main buyer. See that smoke?” he pointed beyond the village and sure enough there was smoke rising, he led them towards the outskirts of the village and in the center of a huge valley was a factory producing the smoke. “Translation isn’t exact, but I think they turn most of their flowers into some form liquid that is used as a type of anesthetic, most hospitals in this system pay a fortune for it.”

After his explanation for the party he led them back to the town square where some locals went into their homes and brought out some handheld devices that turned out to be musical instruments. Ella walked over to a vendor who looked to be selling drinks, “hi, can I get three?”

The giant man made some gesture that Ella assumed to be yes and handed over three ‘small cups’ she gave him her credit stick, but he politely refused. “During Oranus everything is free,” Ella smiled up at him as he said something else that didn’t quite translate, and she hoped it wasn’t too important.

“Well, thank you!” she skipped away to the Doctor and Rose with the huge cups the vendor had given her. “Smell this,” she held a cup up to the Doctor’s face.

“Non-alcoholic,” he provided after a quick sniff.

“Okay,” Ella beamed and handed out the drinks. She took a test sip, “it’s amazing!” Rose looked skeptically into her cup.

“I don’t know … without alcohol what’s the point of a party?” she took a drink anyway and moaned in delight causing Ella to laugh.

“I’m sure there’s some around here but after the last time I’m not sure if I want to try another species’ alcohol. Plus, these guys are huge, the amount they probably need might actually kill us.” Rose thought about it for a second and shrugged in agreement. More of the locals came out of their homes and joined the party, the town square was getting crowded because it was designated as the dancing area. Ella dragged the Doctor and Rose to dance with her after they finished their drinks but only Rose relented while the Doctor took their empty cups and slunk off to the side to watch with a smile.

“Doesn’t he ever dance,” Rose asked after they spun around a couple times.

“Not that I’ve seen. I bet 10 quid I can make him dance with me someday,” Ella held her hand out for a shake and Rose pretended to think about it.

“Too easy,” she finally said.

“How about I show you how to get the high score on that game?”

“Done,” Rose shook her hand and Ella smirked then it dropped after a second.

“Wait, what do I get if I win?” Rose dipped her and she had to hold onto the flower crown, so it didn’t go flying off.

“I’ll make those biscuits you love,” Ella immediately lifted her head with a gasp.

“Awesome! You hate making those because it’s too time consuming.” Rose shrugged and brought Ella back up to standing.

“Of course, it’s time consuming but a bet is a bet.” The music stopped and the Doctor came over with refills.

“What’s a bet,” he asked as he handed out the cups that Ella thought were comically large for them but were actually the smallest size.

“Nothing, love. Thanks for the drink,” she leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“Hey, I danced with you,” Rose fake pouted.

“Aw, I’m sorry love. Thanks for dancing with me,” Ella leaned over and kissed Rose’s cheek.

“You’re actually so French sometimes,” Rose laughed as she took a really long drink from her cup.

“Yes, I am. Are those food places still open? I’m hungry.” Ella quickly dashed off for where she remembers the food vendors being. She found some concoction that looked like meat to her, and after profusely thanking the giant person behind the counter the Doctor and Rose caught up to her.

Rose went to another vendor and found something resembling a sandwich, the Doctor didn’t need to eat as much as humans and had already eaten a meal earlier that day. “We should come back here someday, it’s so fun!” Rose shouted as the musicians started playing a louder song.

“Is it just me or does this food look slightly alive?” Ella was intently studying her meat concoction; the Doctor scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

“I don’t know but I think there’s a giant snowman on top of that factory. Whoa, that was weird. What was that?” Rose wondered about the absolute nonsense that just came out of her mouth. Now, the Doctor was really confused.

“Whoa, Doctor! You look like you’re made of pixels!” Ella marveled as she cupped his face in her hands and squeezed his cheeks together. “Ow. Not pixels, thought you would be sharper.” Ella heard herself and started laughing, Rose heard too and now they were both laughing. A realization hit the Doctor and he felt like an idiot for not noticing when he was drinking that stuff in the cup.

“I think they put a small dose of those psychedelics you almost tried in the drinks.” Immediately the Doctor took the cups away from the girls and left them on a table and tried to steer them away from the cups.

Ella gasped at his words, “really?! Cool. I think that vendor was trying to tell me, but it couldn’t translate in my head. Can we go back to the Tardis I feel like I wanna watch a cool movie or go to the observatory. Oh! Rose should we play that game we were talking about?!” Rose was focusing on some lights someone put up around the town square, or maybe she was just seeing lights. Ella’s words registered a couple seconds later, and she quickly spun around with a wide smile.

“Yes! We should do all of it! I don’t know if I wanna sleep ever again.” Rose and Ella raced back to the ship and the Doctor was glad to be able to get to a place of safety while they were in their altered state of mind. When he finally caught up to them, they were fighting over who could open the doors first. The Tardis must have gotten stressed out watching them because her doors opened as soon as he was approaching.

Once the girls were in the Tardis, they broke into another run, when the Doctor entered the game room Rose was rifling through the various discs and found the one. The girls played that game for over an hour and the Doctor was trying to keep them hydrated, when they got bored Ella grabbed their hands and led them to the observatory. “Tell us about the stars,” so he did. They spent a lot more time in here than in the game room, the Tardis even offered up some galaxy projections for the girls to trip out on. The Doctor even found himself having some fun, Rose was currently staring at the ceiling, Ella was spinning in place.

“Hey, Doc? Why aren’t you affected?” the brunette asked after a while when she stopped spinning and wobbled a little on her feet.

Rose and he answered at the same time, “Time Lord” Ella laughed when the Doctor came over and helped her, so she didn’t fall over.

“Of course, it’s always that.” Ella sat on the floor and leaned on her hands so she could watch the star covered ceiling. Approximately 12 hours later the girls were finally getting tired, so the Doctor led them to their rooms, Rose refused to go into her room claiming it was absolutely furious and she went into Ella’s room, the brunette followed her in. The Doctor was about to close the bedroom door when the girls were settled in, but a small tired voice stopped him, “hey can you stay for while … you take the shouting away.” What could he do but sit on the floor at the edge of the bed and hold Ella’s hand to try and quiet her mind?

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I really struggled with this chapter because like I wasn't sure if wanted it to be a lighthearted one or if I should throw in a doctor who like adventure. But it was super late ... or early??? And I was possibly slightly delirious because I was very tired so yeah lol - Lilly

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