the lonely boy

By randymyqueen

72.2K 1.9K 268

Louis is an orphaned boy who lives a sad life in a foster home, when he makes a mistake he meets 4 men that w... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28

chapter 10

2.8K 81 9
By randymyqueen

All nod at Niall's words, knowing that we will do literally anything to make Louis happy, loved and most of all not lonely. We will be his family.

Louis' pov

The clothes I'm wearing are so soft and they smell amazing! My clothes all feel scratchy and weird and they smell old and gross. I smile softly as I once again breath in the clean smell from the shirt I'm wearing before slowly walking down the stairs.

My hands shake slightly due to my nerves, what if they get angry for wearing their clothes or what if they are mad at me for picking out pizza for dinner... Oh god what if they don't even like pizza.

I turn the corner and look right into the living room seeing all the guys sitting together like a happy family, I almost turn around and walk out again if it wasn't for Harry to spot me and start smiling softly at me "Hey Lou come in love. We kept a seat free for you! I can get you a blanket too if you want." I can't help but get a warm feeling in my tummy as Harry speaks to me in such a caring manner.

"Oh no it's ok, thank you for the seat." I walk fully into the room and sit down in the comfy looking chair that Harry pointed at. It indeed is comfy, I have never sat in something this soft and it makes my aching and painful body relax which makes the pain go away slightly but enough to make me feel better than I have in a while.

"The pizza will be here soon buddy! What movie do you want to watch? You can pick any movie we don't mind." Niall asks looking at me while Zayn is wrapped up in his arms which for some reason makes me feel sad to think about the fact that I've never been cuddled in my life, I wonder what it's like to be held like that.

"I uhm any movie is fine I haven't watched one in a really long time so I wouldn't know what to watch." I say softly looking at my hands as I hear someone hum and get of their seat, I look up slightly to see Harry walking over to a basket full of blankets and he grabs the remote from the TV table.

I watch with wide eyes as he walks over to me with a soft smile on his face, he gently lays the blanket over me gently and ruffles my hair while I look up at him in confusion "We don't want your little feet to get cold now would we." Harry gives me one last look before walking back to his seat and turns on the TV and opens Netflix. I watch as he scrolls through all the movies slowly until one actually catches my eye, it's a Disney movie but it looks so fun! I almost gasp as Harry clicks on it and starts it.

I look over at him to see him looking at me with a smirk on his face "Tangled in mine and Liam's favorite." I smile at that knowing that these tough guys like Disney movies.

Harry was about to say something else when the doorbell rings making Niall jump off the couch, making Zayn fall to the ground in the process but Niall doesn't care as he just runs of to the front door.

Liam and Harry laugh while Zayn lets out a loud groan making me quite worried, I get off my seat and walk over to Zayn and kneel down next to him and gently lay my hand on his shoulder "Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do you need an ice pack?" Zayn looks at me with these soft eyes and a soft smile on his face "Oh no I'm ok hun, this happens sometimes when Niall gets excited about food. Thank you for worrying about me, it's cute." I blush at his words and slowly take my hand off his shoulder and get back into my seat just as Niall walks into the living room with some pizza boxes in his hands.

Niall hands me a whole box and then hands Liam and Harry one and takes the last one for himself and Zayn, I look down at my pizza box with wide eyes "I-I can't eat this all!" Liam smiles at me "You can just eat as much as you can and you can give what's left to Niall." I nod at Liam's words and take my first bite while focusing on the movie.

After about 3 slices I was full, warm and sleepy. I tear my eyes off the screen to look over to Niall who is already eyeing the pizza box on my lap. "Niall, I'm full you can have it if you want?" Niall smiles and walks over to me and grabs the box out of my lap and looks at me with questioning eyes making me slightly nervous.

"Lou if you want you can lay on the couch in-between Liam and Zayn... The couch is more comfortable if you fall asleep." I look at him with shocked eyes "It's ok... I wouldn't want to be a burden." Niall frowns "You could never be a burden to us love." I bite my lip and look at the space between Liam and Zayn, it does look really comfortable and Niall said they really wouldn't mind.

I slowly get up and sit down on the couch, trying my best to not touch any of them in the hope to not make them uncomfortable or angry but Liam wraps his arm around me and pulls me to his chest so that I'm comfortably laying down.

My eyes grow heavy as I watch the movie with my head comfortably on Liam's chest with his heartbeat in the back ground calming me down, this is nice.

They might still scare me slightly but I'm gonna take all the care they show me with open arms before they get bored of me, they might be the only people that will ever show me this care even if it's not going to last seeing that I'm unworthy of love.

Ahhhhh it's a sad chapter sorry not sorry, Also sorry for not being active lately... I have a burn out and feel absolutely horrible. Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and please let me know what you think.


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