Tranquility beyond

By Tangotkt

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A long time ago when the cold blooded King and the shape shifter King had made peace with each other having h... More

Tranquility Beyond
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Author's note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 8

194 19 0
By Tangotkt

Jane's POV

I have been feeling very worried about Zhavi lately. Don't get me wrong I love the Zhavi that lets me do her make up and dress her up to go out but I'm scared that she's falling way too deep for a wolf. A wolf!

The worst part is that I've never seen her this happy. Ever since her mum and River died she's always kept to herself and a lot of people feared her. Some people wouldn't believe when they see what she is now, she smiles, she's glowing and her eyes are sparkling. They no longer hold the dark brown colour they once had, they have turned a lighter shade of brown as if changing colour. All because of this Alpha.

It hasn't passed my mind that she may be his mate. Wolves don't like humans very much and he thinks Zhavi is a human so why would all of a sudden would he choose her?

And then it hits me. What if he does know she's not human? Wait a minute...

"Hey G, do you think Zhavi's plan is going to work? You know about taking down a pack?" My brother bites a chunk of his burger before he responds.

"Mmh, why are you scared?" He muffled.

"Please, I'm just worried. Wolves don't exactly just date humans unless they  are mates and he is an Alpha so he would've taken her without her permission considering their possessiveness," I say playing with my smoothie. "Do you think he knows she's a hunter?"

Ginger stops eating his burger. "I didn't think about that, but this is Zhavi we're talking about. It's not like he can do anything to her when he doesn't have back up."

I give a hhm at that. Still feeling skeptical, my brother also stops eating his burger.

"Where did she say she was going anyway?" He says.

"She told me he didn't tell her. He wanted to surprise her I guess," I say taking an apple and biting on it. "If he wasn't a wolf, this Shane guy would've been a perfect boyfriend."

My brother starts choking on his drink and coughing. Wait what did I say?

"Shane? His name is Shane? What's his last name?"

"Uh- yes. I don't know and neither does Zhavi. I remember asking her." Ginger puts his hands on the bridge of his nose while his other fist keeps trying to hit the table.

"Jen, remember when Dad taught us about the former wolf King, and his family? His older son..?" What does he have to do with.. wait.

"-is Shane Jandré Verlice!" How could I be so stupid of course it's a major set up!

"Call the US offices right now." Ginger orders going to the basement.

I won't lie, I've been waiting for something this exciting. I need to save Zhavi, she's like a sister to me and a friend even though it's hard to get through her. Mostly because she's never seen me for weird when she saw my heterochromia like everyone else.

The US offices are hunters that are located here in US and my brother and I are of a higher position considering our father is the right hand man of the king.

I also head back down to get my bow and arrow and a crossbow so we can get one of them when they try to run. Once Zhavi finds out she will need her machete so I take one with me.

"What did they say?" A fully geared Ginger asks me.

I told him that we had some people here in Colorado that could help us. I felt a peng in the pit of my stomach, my guts twisting and turning showing that something is wrong. Not with the situation Zhavi is in but the part where we're just going there to ruin this for her. What if he really cares about her and we have it all wrong? What if she is his mate? She's never been this happy.

"We track Zhavi's using her Apple ID, I'll do it."

Ginger managed to track down Zhavi, she's near a Southern beach.

I hear cars pull up on the drive way and immediately thought maybe it's the other hunters.

"Lloyd, I'm glad you were able to get here fast." Ginger says to the man with brown hair and long lashes. I have to admit he looks attractive.

"Ah the Hues kids, it's a great honour to meet the children of Kane and Julia Hues." The man now know to be Lloyd says. He looks to me and gives me a little wink, I couldn't help the blush that came to my cheeks.

"The honour is ours and I'd appreciate if you don't flirt with my younger sister." Ginger!

The man chuckled before introducing us to the other three men and two women behind him. I am offended that there's only three women here. Where is the equality?!

The two other men are slightly older maybe in their late 20s, one had on a military buzz cut, the other had long blonde hair, while the other had chocolate skin with a long side cut. The men were super bulk and were probably two feet taller than my 4'7 height. The two other girls were beautiful, one had nice raven black waves and was wearing a lot of chains showing her edgy personality with a height a slight taller than mine while the other had short brown hair that was side shaved with a long front that hid her eyes. She had on a relaxed outfit and seemed to be bored at this.

"So miss Gracia had a plan but is not fully aware of what she is up against?" Ginger nods at that.

"It's not like Zhavi to do that so there are high chances that she has developed something for him and that man is more vile than any wolf. We need him down. The best part is that they are alone, it will be a breeze." Ginger replies.

I start biting my manicured nails because I am so nervous and scared. I made sure to sit at the back, I'm trying not to participate because I'm in conflict. Zhavi's safety or Zhavi's happiness?


Holden's POV

After I had informed my ally about that Fae's plans, he made sure to spend every bit of his time to his mate. To Zhavi.. I still can't believe Shane's mate is Zhavi, guess Erebus is not my fan. I mean what am I to expect? Lydia is a wolf, a daughter of the moon Goddess and Zhavi is a hunter and a daughter of Zeus then there's us, me being the son of the bad guy Erebus. I stand no chance, my beloved wouldn't want me anyway. I've killed and fed on humans before and it was hard to stop.

For centuries vampires have been seen as cold hearted and vile beings that had no heart but it's not true. Vampires feel like everyone else, they have good hearts like everyone else. Maybe they don't have the purest souls but they are living beings like everyone else.

It's harder being the King because everyone knows me and my family's history. A history my father created before I banned him for good. I created a law against the killing of innocent humans and wolves.

I remember one of my men telling me that he had gathered groups of the vampires that are against my laws and I don't mind killing them because they are supposed to be under my rule therefore breaking my laws.

My father's cruel acts and his stupid demands had him kill my mother, his own beloved died trying to help him change. He tried turning me into what he is but failed because most of the time I was around my friends and the werewolf King. He hated him because he said that I preferred to be with "mutts" instead of him.

He hated every minute of knowing he was at peace with the wolves so that's why he created a war, turned a wolf into a hybrid that would kill one of our vampires causing a war.

Making the werewolf King give his life was the prize he wanted most, he became satisfied with that and kept his promise. A few years later I figured out that he wanted to go for Shane's mom but there was no chance considering Shane was pissed and he became what my father was trying to make me. A cruel King, at age 14 he took over everything but legally no one knew until he was 18.

There was nothing I could do either till I was 18 when he believed that I was like him and I took over by ritual. So if he tried to overthrow me then he would go against Erebus himself and be given the worst punishment.

When I took over, I made sure to get rid of him but still the only thing I could get from Shane was helping each other's kingdoms at times of war and not the same trust back.

I longed to see Lydia but there was no way to get to the Gamma without getting through the King or the Beta. I had lost all my friends because of my father's selfishness.

I hated every minute of knowing that Lydia and Shane were together, it gave me anger problems and I couldn't hide it. Jealousy took over me. I despised him because he won. I hated that I wasn't given the slightest chance of happiness in my life. When I met Brandon and Kylie they helped me out of my darkest place but they still bowed to me considering I was a Prince. Then I met Zhavi, I liked her but I know she didn't feel the same. I related to her because she had a dark past as I did and that's what made me want her in my life even more. For her to be Shane's mate I am once again crushed.

During my little stroll in the past my phone buzzes and I sigh in irritation. I'm pretty sure there's a crisis that I'd have to take care of.

Looking at my phone I see it's a notification from Zhavi. I haven't been able to talk to her ever since she's been with Shane. I can't keep hiding how I feel using this "happy" personality I always give. I'm hurting. I hurt everyday.

Zhavi; Holden I need you please! Hunters at the Southern waterfall, Shane is in trouble!

Without a second thought I take my jacket off my seat and speed off to the Southern waterfall. Not that Shane wouldn't take care of this alone but Zhavi needs my help.


Zhavi's POV

Today Shane told me he had a surprise and I just couldn't wait to see it. He always manages to make me smile and feel protected, two things I have longed for most of my life but have never admitted to it.

I know I had this major plan in my head but when I look in to his dark eyes everything just stops. I want to look at him always and I want him to look at me the way he does before he kisses me. Like I'm the most precious thing he has..

I fell so quick and so hard for him nothing else made sense. I stopped my research on the Alpha James and his men, they got lucky because I wouldn't want to kill one of Shane's people when he is my people. I would do anything for him.

"What?" He asks, breaking me out of my trance,


"You've been quiet for a full 10 minutes, am I boring pecas?"

Everyone else can bore me.

"No I'm just thinking, about life." He grabs chin to tilt my head up and look at him.

"So what has you the edge then? I don't want you to have any troubles." He said looking into my eyes.

"I'm just.. thinking. Why did you choose me?" The question left my lips before I could think.

"What do you mean?" He asks looking confused.

"I mean you are a CEO Shane, everywhere you go you receive attention. On top of that you have Lydia and Melissa, and I am just a nerdy college student that isn't even half of what you want." Not to mention a freaking Alpha. After my rant I realise that I sound like a pick me right now and it's making me cringe in so many ways.

"What if a nerdy college student is exactly what I need?" He said giving me a peck on the lips.

"I'm just saying, I'm not what you think. You would hate me if you really knew me." Correction, he would want to kill me.

"Nothing could ever make me hate you Zhavi, not even you." My heart started beating at a fast rate. The butterflies in my stomach started moving like they see a threat coming. Except its not a threat. He is making me feel all of this and it's so hard not to.

He leans in for a kiss and his musky scent overpowers my nostrils down to my lungs making me take it in even more until I feel his soft lips against mine.

Usually his kisses are soft but this one was different, it was dominated and full of hunger. It was as if he fears he might lose me any day. I wasn't complaining considering its how I also felt.

With our foreheads touching we were both out of breath, at least I was because he didn't seem affected at all. He kisses my forehead and tilt my head up again.

"I lo-" He stops before he finishes. Suddenly his body started to look uneasy. "We need to go now."

He says getting up and giving me his hand. I take my phone and put it in my back pocket, confused as to what was happening I ask, "Why what's going on?"

"Get to the car we need to leave." He commanded.

"Uh- okay don't be rude about it heesh, let me pack fir-" He stops me.

"Zhavi we need to go now!" I could feel his power dominating at that command. Him shouting at me was scary even for me. I never thought I'd see him like this, is he panicking?

"It's too late.... fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Not today!" He runs his hands through his hair in frustration, an act that is supposed to be hot. What the heck it is hot.

The wind blows softly at our direction and I catch an evocative scent. I know that smell anywhere please tell me it's not who I think it is.

From the depths of the Forrest two males in hunter gear appear with Ginger on their tail, followed by Jane, two females and another blond male. What the fuck are they doing crashing my date?!

Oh no they are going to kill him! I can't let them take his life shit what do I do. Think Zhavi think!

"Shane Verlice.. a huge honour to be at the presence of the werewolf King." The man says. Wait what?! He is the werewolf King?! As much as I am beyond shocked I still have to find a way to get him out of this situation he needs help.

Holden! He better not bail on me right now I need him. Taking my phone out, I try quickly sneaking a text to Holden during their little talk of threats.

Zhavi; Holden I need you please! Hunters at the Southern Waterfall Shane is in trouble

I hear the man call my name. Shit now is the time he realises who I am. Now is the time I lose Shane, forever..

"You have done a good job little Gracia. Your father will be proud." Shane has now turned to me looking for an answer.

I start walking in between Shane and the hunters so whatever they do, I can protect him. As I reach the center I see Jane toss me my machete and I catch it with ease.

With my face now turned stoic I turn to Shane behind me."I'm sorry Shane, it was fun but it's nothing personal."

I say my voice sounding nochalant even though I was screaming inside.

"You're one of them. You lied to me." He says anger visible on his features. I didn't know there was a chance he could be angrier than he was before.

"Now I wouldn't say lied." I feel so horrible and dirty. Usually I enjoy this part but I hate betraying him like this.

"Heyyy! Why is there a party here and I wasn't invited?" Holden! Thank God!

"Stay away leech this doesn't include y-" He cut Ginger off before he could finish.

"Oh but it does. You are messing with my bitch." Uh- what?

Everyone looks to Holden confused. What?

"Don't call me a bitch." An irritated Shane says. Not leaving my eyes.

He hates me. I knew he would hate me. I saw his eyes looking down to my blade and as if he is hit with realisation. He stops his defensive stance.

"You're the masked hunter..." I see what looked to be hurt on his face before he continued. "Holden and I will be leaving, unless you want to die I suggest you all go while I'm feeling generous." His whole demeanor changed. He didn't seem mad anymore. That's even scarier because it would mean he really does hate me.

"He's right, you can't fight two Kings. This whatever it is, is over." I say turning to Ginger.

"This is not over, the Hues and Gracia will come here and both of you will be on your knees." Says the man that is now getting on my nerves.

They turn to leave and I also meant to but my feet were glued in place. With the thought that my father is coming here means I'm in the deepest of shit and I am leaving Shane here feeling betrayed and hurt. I messed up big time.

"Zhavi, it's time to go." I hear Jane say.

I feel my face getting warm with the tears that are threatening to pour but I know as usual I have to fight the urge. Just like I've been doing for 8 years.

Looking at Shane who doesn't seem as mad at me and Holden who's eyes hold pity, I go to Jane. We start running to the woods and the further away I went the more I felt like going back. I don't want to leave him but I know he doesn't want me now...


Hey readers! Oooooh this just got interesting. Poor Zhavi got her date ruined...🥺

Question time!

1. What do you think about Jen's care for Zhavi? Do you think she's sister worthy?

2. We finally heard about Holden's life story. What do you think?

3. Are we ready to meet Zhavi's father?

Find out more in the next Chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote. XX;)

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