FELLOWSHIP || Ateez Fanfiction

By Poicatari

3.1K 137 43

In the strange, magical world of Wolkmaar the young captain Hongjoong and his new crew, Seonghwa, a man from... More

Intro: The crew and Wolkmaar
Chapter One: Halt in Kroosborg
Chapter Two: Treasure Hunt
Chapter Three: Run Away
Chapter Four: Caring
Chapter Five: Storm
Chapter Six: The Clairvoyant
Chapter Seven: Kruslfaesd
Chapter Eight: Into The Unknown
Chapter Nine: Snowfall
Chapter Ten: Ispaledts
Chapter Eleven: Burglary
Chapter Twelve: Falling
Chapter Thirteen: New Friends
Chapter Fourteen: Deceived
Chapter Fifteen: Investigation
Chapter Sixteen: Alone
Chapter Seventeen: Family
Chapter Eighteen: Decayed
Chapter Nineteen: Chased
Chapter Twenty: Faisnvild
Chapter Twenty One: Unwelcome
Chapter Twenty Two: Nervous
Chapter Twenty Three: Spooked
Chapter Twenty Four: Trapped
Chapter Twenty Five: Kidnapped
Chapter Twenty Six: Enamored
Chapter Twenty Seven: Blinded
Chapter Twenty Nine: Brotherly Love
500 Reads Special
Chapter Thirty: Information
Chapter Thirty One: Training
Chapter Thirty Two: Temple
Chapter Thirty Three: Through Wind and Storm
Chapter Thirty Four: Undiscovered Lands
Chapter Thirty Five: Foreign Island
Chapter Thirty Six: Split Up
Chapter Thirty Seven: Regret
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ungrateful
Chapter Thirty Nine: Going Back
Chapter Forty: The Border To Darkness
1000 Reads Special
Chapter Forty One: Memories
Chapter Forty Two: Trying To Escape
Chapter Forty Three: Rebellion
Chapter Forty Four: Inside The Dungeon
Chapter Forty Five: Hide and Rest
Chapter Forty Six: Exploring Nekra Cueda
Chapter Forty Seven: Set Me Free
Chapter Forty Eight: Into The Jungle
Chapter Forty Nine: Old Letter
Chapter Fifty: Dugang
Chapter Fifty One: House Number 666
Chapter Fifty Two: Just Imagine
Chapter Fifty Three: Wolkmaar History Lesson
Chapter Fifty Four: Rivalry

Chapter Twenty Eight: Coel Wajasi

31 2 0
By Poicatari

Wooyoung POV
Finally I can take off my blindfold! I pet my mount one last time before we go and notice Yeosang who is smiling to himself like an idiot.
I put my arms around his shoulder.
"Why are you smiling like that?", I tease him.
"I'm just glad to be with my friends."
"You should be. You'll never find another amazing friend like me."
"I meant the others not you."
I giggle and awkwardly rub my nape.

We walk through the narrow streets of the city. The houses look very similar to the houses that we saw in the villages but a lot of people have decorated them with colorful carpets and vases, small plants or generally tried to bring some colour to the brown stone buildings. Since it is already evening not many people are walking around outside.
After a while we reach the city center. We walk over a huge bazaar. Most sellers are packing their things to go home. I see that a lot of them sell textiles of all sorts, clothes, carpets, pillows and so on. There are also a lot of booths that sell vases and paintings or home decor in general. Crystals and jewelry also seem to be popular.

A few streets away is the oasis. A lot of palm trees, bushes, flowers and grass grow around it. On the other side of it we can see the palace with its big dome and tall towers. The last rays of sunshine glitter on the water surface. We walk down a set of stairs to a little platform where we have a really good overview over the entire oasis. I look over the balustrade into the water. My eyes look slightly irritated from the sun but otherwise I look as handsome as always.
"It's so beautiful here.", San exclaims.
"I am so happy that we finally get to see some green again.", Jongho says.
"I bet you wish that you could come here with your pirate lover, Seonghwa.", I joke.
He looks annoyed for a second then he looks sad. Oh no I probably got him to think of his fiancée. I just wanted to tease him a little bit, not make him sad.
"I think he is more than happy to be here with his friends.", Hongjoong comments.
Seonghwa smiles slightly at his remark but still seems a little bit sad.
"Can we go swimming in the oasis?", Yunho asks.
"Sure. But tomorrow and not here. There are designated swimming areas for it.", Hongjoong replies.
"Why?", Mingi asks.
"Because not everyone wants to see a bunch of naked people when they look out of their window.", Jongho states.
I giggle at the thought of it.

We move on and reach an area where the houses are bit bigger and usually have a balcony and a small garden.
"We are here.", Hongjoong says and stops in front of one of the houses.
"Why am I nervous? I guess it's because we haven't seen each other in while.", Hongjoong mumbles to himself.
He knocks on the door. A few seconds later a elegant handsome man opens the door.
"BROTHER?! What are you doing here? Who are your friends?", he shouts and hugs his younger sibling.
"It's a long story but basically mom and dad retired, I wanted to fulfill my childhood dream of finding the treasure of Aninliggat, got myself a crew and now Yunho, Mingi, San, Yeosang, Wooyoung, Jongho and Seonghwa are my best friends and we saved San's sister Haneul from her abusive husband recently."
We wave at Hongjoong's brother.
"Hello, I'm Bumjoong. Nice to meet you. Please come in."
Another man sits on the sofa in the living room. He is pretty tall and his skin is almost as dark as the trees in the Nekra Kingdom. Contrasting to that he is wearing a creme coloured shirt and beige pants. He smiles at us brightly and greets us. His voice is really soothing.

I sit down on the carpet next to Mingi since there isn't enough space on the sofa. I hug the taller crewmembers arm and rest my head on his shoulder.
"You're probably hungry. We have eaten already. Hmm... let me see what we have.", Bumjoong says and disappears into the kitchen.
"I should probably introduce myself too. I am Sbosio, Bumjoong's colleague and best friend. We live here together. Although Bum's girlfriend will move in soon."
"Brother has a girlfriend?!", Hongjoong exclaims.
"Yeah, since two years. You just haven't visited me in a long time.", Hongjoong's brother shouts from the kitchen.
We quickly introduce ourselves to Bumjoong's friend.
"Did you get here safely?", Sbosio asks.
I stand up, turn around and lift my shirt to show the scar on my back.
"Does that look like we had good trip?"
"Oh my god what happened?"
"Got hit by a rotating blade in a ruin.", I state.
"We were also captured by pirates.", Yunho says and looks at Seonghwa with a big grin.
The oldest seems annoyed by his words. Probably because he knows where it is going to lead.
"Really?! How did you escape?"
"The pirate captain fell..."
Before Jongho can say more Seonghwa holds his hand over his mouth.
"We found out that they were working together with Nekra Kingdom but we were able to convince them that it is not good idea and then they let us free.", he explains.

"How did you convince him?"
"The gay pirate admiral wanted to marry Seonghwa.", Yeosang tells.
Bumjoong's friend laughs.
"Was he mad when he found out that he wasn't into him?"
"They're still lovers.", San jokes.
We laugh out loud except for Seonghwa and Hongjoong.
This joke really doesn't get old. I throw myself to the floor while laughing. Mingi helps me up again.
"They aren't really. Seonghwa told him from the beginning that he wasn't interested but the captain still kept him around in case he changes his mind.", Hongjoong clarifies.
Seonghwa's face is bright pink from embarrassment he tries to put his arms Hongjoong who seems to be quite uncomfortable with it and gently shoves him away. Seonghwa looks a bit disappointed at Hongjoong's reaction.

"You seem to have been through a lot. I made you some fried chicken by the way.", Bumjoong says as he comes out of the kitchen with two big bowls full of chicken in his hands.
"Oh! I love chicken!", Yeosang comments. He smiles brightly and excitedly bounces up and down.
We tell Hongjoong's brother everything about our journey while we are eating.
"Wow, what a story! First of all, of course Haneul can stay here. Maybe she can help our team. We will find something for her. Second I unfortunately haven't seen anything like the key that you described. I also never saw it be mentioned in a book.", Bumjoong says.
"Then we have to fly to lesser explored areas and fly from island to island and search for it. The only thing is we found this map in cave. It shows a part of Wajasi that I don't know.", Hongjoong mutters and shows his brother the map that we found on Faisnvild.
"Oh that's really far in the east. I know that some people been on the islands here on the edge of this map but I haven't heard of anyone who sailed futher than this, let alone cartographed it."
"Why aren't these areas explored?", Mingi asks.
"Often times when an area isn't explored it's because of the weather conditions. If you sail really far southwards it just becomes so unbearingly hot that you wouldn't be able to survive it. The same happens if you fly too far northwards. Sometimes like in the case of this area no one has sailed further than those islands that Bum mentioned because of really strong wind flows and whirlwinds that are also often mixed with sand, so you can't see much. A few areas are also really far away from civilization and we have cold storages now but they also need energy from crystals and that doesn't last forever. Since we don't know what is out it is risky too sail so far away.", Sbosio explains.
"But might there not also be other people living on these islands out there? Could behind the really hot or cold areas not also be areas that are more normal again?", Mingi wonders.
"Could be. But we won't know until we find a way to get to these areas."
"How are we going to get to these islands then if the winds are so strong?", San asks.
"I don't know yet. I will think of something.", Hongjoong replies.

We talk a bit longer until we begin to get a bit tired.
"Haneul can sleep in the third bedroom from now on. But I am unsure where you guys can stay while you're here.", Bumjoong states.
"I will show you, your room.", Sbosio says.
Haneul nods and stands up. She wants to pick up her backpack but her brother grabs it first. The three go upstairs.
"What do I do with the rest of you?"
"We have blankets with us. We can just sleep on the sofa and the carpet with them."
"They are full of sand, Joongie.", Seonghwa comments.
"Yeah, I don't want a desert in my living room. I have some blankets but not enough. I think I will ask the neighbors really quick. I'll be right back."
A few minutes later San and Bumjoong's friend come back from upstairs and Bumjoong enters with two blankets in his hands.
"Two of you can already take these.", he says and gives the blankets to Yeosang and Yunho.
He and his friend go into a room under the stairs and come out with more blankets and some pillows shortly after.
"The rest of you can use these. Tomorrow morning you should go bathing in the oasis because I would hate even more if my bathroom turned into a dessert. We will go grocery shopping in the meantime and make breakfast. Goodnight, sleep well!", Hongjoong's brother says. He moves towards Hongjoong and gives him a goodnight kiss on the forehead.
"EWW! You know how much I hate that!", Hongjoong screams out loud. His brother giggles and smiles mischievously. He and his friend go upstairs and we decide who gets to sleep on the couch.
"Wooyoung should definitely sleep on the couch since his back isn't one hundred percent healed yet.", Seonghwa says.
"It's fine. I don't necessarily need to sleep on the couch.", I say but they completely ignore me. Seems like it is already set in stone. I take off my shoes, adjust the sofa pillows and nestle down in my blanket while the others play rock, paper, scissors to decide who sleeps on the other sofa.
When they have finally decided who sleeps where we wish each other a goodnight and Hongjoong blows out the candles.

"Wow, you're really good at this.", the cook says.
"Of course, I am! It's in my genes. My parents...", I say but don't dare to continue. There is still a hole in my heart that never healed. Every time I think of them, it hurts so much.
"Your parents?"
"Actually I need to go back. Yeosang comes back from training in fifteen minutes."
"Thanks for teaching me. I hope we can do it again soon."
I sprint out of the kitchen and down the corridors, at least when no one is looking. I greet one of my colleagues that I meet on my way. He seems stressed, more than normally. I wonder why. I go through Yeosang's bedroom into his bathroom and start heating up some water.

Soon after Yeosang comes in. His face is stern and his body is tensed up. Unsurprisingly he is covered in blood.
"How was your training?", I ask.
"Like always. It ended a bit earlier today because dad wanted to teach me some things in the dungeon.", he answers, completely void of any emotions.
"Tell me about it."
"It is not that important."
"It must have been pretty traumatic. Nothing good ever happens when you get called to the dungeons. You shouldn't keep your feelings bottled up. You will never heal from these things if you do."
Funny that I am the one to say that.
Yeosang looks me in the eyes. His face softens and he stands more relaxed. Tears slowly make their way into his eyes.
"I should probably get out of these clothes first.", he says with a shaky voice.
I help him out of his clothes, pour the warm water into bathtub, get undressed myself and we bathe together. I massage and wash his body while he tells me what happened. I listen carefully to everything he is saying and try to comfort him. Of course he shouldn't know how hard everything he is saying hits me and all the memories he brings back through it.

After we washed ourselves, we cuddle in bed and read a book together. It's about old tales from the Nekra Kingdom. Back then everything seemed to be so much better. Yeosang's ancestors from these eras were much friendlier, honest, rightous and caring. Kind of like Yeosang.
Suddenly someone knocks at the door. I immediately jump out of bed. The door opens. I try to quickly tidy my hair but I notice that my shoes stand at the end of the bed for everyone to see. I hope whoever it is doesn't notice it.
Two guards stand at the door.
"The king wants to see you, Wooyoung Iperdienza."
"Yeah, I'll come in a second."
****, I don't have my shoes on.
"Eh, really just one second."
One of the guards comes into the room and drags me out.
"Sorry for the inconvenience, prince."

The door closes and we wander down the corridors. They shove me in front of throne where the king sits.
"Where are your shoes?", he asks.
"I left them in your son's room."
"And why weren't you wearing them?"
"I made Yeosang's bed earlier and forgot to put them back on. I am very sorry.", I lie.
"Do you know why I wanted to speak to you?"
"Enlighten me, your highness."
"Well someone said that you secretly keep on breaking the rules of this castle. I am very pleased with your work so far but why do I feel that I can't trust you?"
Because you can't.
"I don't know why anyone would say this. I am always delighted to obey your orders and try to do everything to keep the royal family satisfied. So I am also shocked that you would doubt my loyalty to you.", I explain in a calm voice.
"Would you kill the person who dared to say those things about you to prove your loyalty."
If I am gone Yeosang will heart will shatter in a million pieces and he will either become a monster like his father or take his own life. I can't let this happen to my best friend who always treated me like a brother.
The king gives me a dagger. One of the guards that dragged me here starts to panic but the other guards stop him from moving. Without hesitation I slit his throat. I have no choice. I try to suppress the panic, pain and the flashbacks that start to rise up in me.
"Good job!", the king says.
He grabs me by the neck and throws me to floor then he kicks me two times and spits at me.
"Just a little taste of what will happen should I ever hear any rumors like this again."
"Yes, my king."

I stand up, bow to the king and leave. I try to remain calm while there are still people around me. Only when I enter the servant's bathroom I start to break down as I aggressively wash the blood off my fingertips. At least I didn't get any on my uniform. I can't believe I killed someone. I never wanted to become this way. I try to tell myself that I didn't have a choice as I scratch at my skin in hopes to somehow wash away the guilt. How could it ever come so far? Have I become a monster? The images keep replaying in my head. I run through my hair, tears streaming down my face. Yeosang is going to be disappointed in me. Will he hate me?
I kneel down. My knees feel too weak to carry the weight of my body. I feel disgusted at myself. Maybe it would've been better to be honest and let them kill me. But no... Yeosang... maybe things would be easier if we never got this close... but then... I don't know anymore. Why were we born in this goddamn place? Will there ever be hope for us?

Almost an hour passed before I go back to Yeosang.
"What happened? Why were you gone for so long?", he asks concerned.
"Someone told your father that I kept on breaking the rules."
"Really?! Oh my god! How are you still alive?"
"I had to kill the guard who said it to proof my royalty."
"Oh no! Are you feeling okay? I wish I could tell you that it gets better but... I really hoped that you could escape these things."
"I'm fine. I saw people getting killed often enough. It doesn't shock me that much anymore."
"Are you sure?"
That is a lie but I need to stay strong... for the both of us.

I wake up from my dream. Well, I wish it was only dream. I am still trying to be strong but I don't how long I can take it anymore. Making new friends has definitely lifted some weight of my shoulders. I always try to stay positive. I don't want to bring the mood down with my problems, my traumas. I wish I would stop getting these dreams, these emotions that sometimes make me feel numb inside. I start crying quietly.
"Is everything okay?", I hear Yunho ask. His voice is soft and barely louder than a whisper.
I immediately stop crying and turn around to bury my face into the pillow even though he can't see me anyway.
I hear him stand up and walk over to me. He tucks me in, his hands rests shortly on my shoulder.
"Whatever it is, we will always be there when you want to talk about.", he whispers. I feel his breath against my ear. Then he kisses my head and goes back to sleep.

Someone gently shakes me.
"Woo wake up.", I hear San say.
I slowly open my eyes. Everyone besides Jongho is already awake.
I yawn and strech.
"Ah, you are finally awake. Put on your shoes. We want to go swimming in the oasis.", Hongjoong says.
"Here are some towels for you.", Sbosio utters and gives Seonghwa and Yunho each a pile of towels. Haneul comes down from upstairs.
"Are you guys still not ready?", she comments.
"Sorry.", Jongho mumbles. It seems like he finally woke up. Sleepily I put on my shoes. Seonghwa shoos us out of the house. It's only starting to get light outside.
"Why are we going swimming this early?", I ask.
"So you don't go blind. There isn't much shade around the oasis, you aren't allowed to wear a hat when you go into the water and you probably didn't want to be blindfolded again.", Hongjoong explains.

We walk through city without saying a word. Everyone is too tired to speak.
"Is everything okay?", Yunho suddenly asks me, almost giving me a heart attack.
"Why were you crying in the middle of the night? Did you have a nightmare again?"
"I didn't cry. Maybe you just heard the wind outside."
"Didn't sound like it. What did you dream about?"
The images of my dream come back into my mind. I try to push them away and the feelings that come with them. Yunho puts his arms around my shoulders.
"You shouldn't keep these things to all to yourself. They will eat you up from the inside. We just want to help you."
The words that I once used to tell Yeosang... Somehow they anger me.
"Take care of your own problems.", I hiss at Yunho.
I run forward to catch up with San and take his hand. He looks at me surprised then smiles at me.

We reach the bathing spot. Almost no one is there. The area is split into men and women. A tall wall was built between the areas. Haneul takes a towel from Seonghwa and goes to the women's area. We enter the men's area. There is a small house with lockable storages in which you can put your clothes and personal stuff.
I start undressing. Sand that was stuck in my clothes falls to the ground while I do so. I tie one of the towels around my hips and put my clothes in one of the storages.
After everyone is undressed Hongjoong takes the key to our storages and gives them to a receptionist.

We go outside towards the water. We lay our towels on the ground and I run into the water. Only to realize that it is super cold so I run back out again.
"Ahhh so cold!!!", I scream.
The others laugh at me.
"Let's slowly go in together.", San suggests.
We hold each others hands and slowly step into the water. Some of the others scream out loud because of the cold water. After a few minutes we are completely in and got used to the temperature. We play around and splash water in each others faces.
After 45 minutes the sun is starting to become very bright, so we have to leave. We quickly dry ourselves off, get the keys back and get dressed before asking a staff member to tell Haneul that we want to go. Forty minutes later we are back Bumjoong's house. As promised the two men made breakfast for us.
"Ah you are back. How was it?", Hongjoong's brother asks.
"Very fun.", Mingi answers.
"Do have spare clothes with you? I would wash your clothes, blankets and backpacks."
"Yes, we do.", Hongjoong replies.
"Maybe you could change now. Wouldn't it be much nicer to put on a fresh set of clothes when you're freshly washed?"
"Okay! We get it! You don't like to eat with people in dirty clothes.", San comments and giggles.
Bumjoong looks embarrassed to the ground. We quickly get changed and give our clothes blankets and empty backpacks to Bumjoong.

Then we eat together. The breakfast was okay but I really liked all the fresh fruits that were on the table.
"Are you going to the king later?", Sbosio asks.
"Yes that was the plan. We still need to give him the letter.", Hongjoong states.
"Of course. My little brother came only to do his business and get a free all-inclusive stay here while does so.", Bumjoong sulks.
"I already told you it's not like that! I don't think it will take long. After it you can show us around the town or something like that.", Hongjoong argues.
"Oh so I also should be your guide. I understand."
"Noooo!!! We can do what you want. It was just a suggestion."
"I was just joking. No need to get so heated up, brother."
I laugh at their fight. It reminds of how I fought with my brother when I was little.

After breakfast Hongjoong puts the letter from the pirates in his pocket and we are pretty much ready to go.
"Haneul, are you not coming with us?", San asks.
"No. I thought it would be better if I stayed here so I can get familiar with the house and get to know Bumjoong and his friend better. Also you don't need me there, do you?"
"Are you sure that is okay for you?"
"Yes, don't worry."
"It's my brother and Sbosio is a good guy too. They are not like the men from your village. Have a little trust.", Hongjoong adds.
San stares at Sbosio and Bumjoong for a minute.
"Okay.", he says in a stern tone.
And so we go outside again, this time towards the palace. I temporarily forgot tonight's dream because of my friends but I fear that these memories will always haunt me.

Author's Note:
I hope you liked this slightly angsty chapter. Thank you for everyone who keeps reading this story, votes and writes comments. I truly grateful for it and I am sorry that I often very inconsistent. I try to update as often as possible. 🙈

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