The Guy From The Tattoo Shop

JessMOC tarafından

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"The problem is, you love the wrong people too much." My best friend tries to explain. Her words might hold t... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

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JessMOC tarafından

Chapter 9

The soft fabric of my duvets was begging me to stay for just a little bit longer. Too bad the definition of 'little bit' for teenagers was basically undetermined -maybe nonexistent, but it barely mattered at the moment. All I wanted was to live with my duvets forever, get married on my blankets and have children on my beautiful, fluffy pillows.

I stirred multiple times trying to wake myself up with movements of my own, but instead causing the opposite effect. I sat down with a loud groan and suddenly got an idea. Taking a deep breath, I did what I thought was convenient in my state of somnolence.

"Ow!" the sound of regret filled my mauve colored walls after mercilessly slapping myself in the middle of the forehead. It awakened me, I must admit; let's call it idiotic effectiveness.

The stinging in my flesh was more than unwelcome, and to prove it, I rubbed the disturbed area multiple times to get rid of the pain. What is wrong with you? My subconscious interrogated, concerned for the thousandth time in my life. I didn't know what to say to that; I'm worried about myself most of the time.

Last night after my brother's embarrassment, I decided to take a little revenge on my dear DNA sharer. Part of the plan demanded me waking up earlier than him, unfortunately. I brought my eyes to the table clock and It read '5:00 AM'.

Standing on my lazy feet I went to my door, carefully taking ahold of the handle and slowly parting it. I tried not make a single sound while stepping out, and succeeded. I walked straight to my brothers bedroom located at the end of the hall -curving my feet and holding my hands like a t-rex; just like those old cartoons characters when they're up to no good. I was about to open his door, but stopped myself when I heard muffled voices. A frowned made it's way to my face.

Was that someone else I heard?

Why would there be someone is my brothers room at five in the morning? Curiosity was running through me. I didn't know if I was right, so to make sure I pressed my ear to the wood in front of me.

"No! Be carefull!" Max whispered yelled."You know what? you can't get out this way."

"Bad idea to fall asleep. Both of us" the other person answered playfully and giggling. oh.

was that a girl?

"It's fine. I don't regret anything" my brother confessed.

Then, realization hit me like a truck.

Max was being sneaky with a girl!

"Oh my gosh!" I whispered to myself in surprise, covering my mouth after realizing they could hear me.

Best timing ever, I thought.

"Me neither" the girl spoke again. Wait.

"Let just go downstairs. I don't want you to get hurt. Just try to be quiet, okay?" my brother proposed. I heard some ruffling, and that was my cue.

I tiptoed, well, tried to. I ran in the quietest way possible, trying not to get heard or caught. After safely getting into my territory -aka room- I couldn't help but eavesdrop once again from inside. They were quiet enough, but I could tell something was going in on the hallway.

I smiled to myself and went back to bed. This was something I could definitely use in my favor. My brother must have some balls to defy mother's number one rule: No boys/girls inside of the house at suspicious times of the day, nonetheless suspicious activities. My inner mischievous alter ego couldn't stop laughing like a goat.

hehe-hehehe-hehe...ok...ok, no.

In the next few hours, I slept like a baby.


"There he is!" I cheered, looking at my recently-awakened brother walking into the kitchen. Last night -well more like a couple of hours ago- before going to bed, I realized this was the weekend; which meant Alex was free from work. Guess I was too blinded by the desire of revenge to notice this.

My brother looked at me monotonously and went to sit by the counter, next to Nate. We were having a delicious family breakfast; courtesy of mother.

I eyed every member of my family. They were each having small conversations with each other, except for myself. Incited by my nonparticipation, I decided to make everything a little more interesting and push the plan into action.

"I couldn't sleep last night." I half lied.

"What for?" Mom asked while laying some fruits on her plate.

" Some strange sounds didn't allow me to" I explained. Max just ignored the conversation and kept eating his bacon.

"Probably the death. They're always around" Dilan said with seriousness. I looked at him expressionless. "What?" He asked looking at my 'what-the-actual-fuck-you-high?' face.

"There's no freaking ghosts, you ass"

"Language, Aaren!" Dad scolded immediately. Max coughed a laugh. That little butt thinks he's going to get away with it.

I glared at him and spoke " Sorry dad. I guess I'm too grumpy for not getting my hours of sleep. But seriously, did no one heard that? I think the sound came from Maxi's room.." Now, he seemed interested in the conversation. He looked at us with eyes slightly surprised.

"Probably my TV. I couldn't sleep last night, so I watched a movie." He shrugged playing it cool, but I knew perfectly what had happened. Max tends to be skillful when it comes to convincing and talking off. I have to be extra cautious with him because as much as I dislike to admit, He is very intelligent sometimes.

"Are you sure? those were very realistic sounds" I smirked when I saw realization filling his eyes.

This was war.

"I don't know Aaren. Lately you've been kinda -I mean plain stupid." He glared at me.

"Excuse me?I was just asking a question. Why are you so stressed about it?"

"Because you stress me to death"

"How can you be stressed after last nigh-"

"Are you talking about bringing your boyfriend last night"

I scrunched my eyebrows "what? what do that has to do with this argument or anything for the matter?"

" Why didn't you deny that?" my dad interrupted now, his eyes set on me.

I looked at Max and threw a killer dagger to the middle of his chest with my eyes. Faking a smile to my father, I spoke between my teeth. "dad, I don't have a boyfriend. My friend brought me home and Max was just stalking me. " Did I just referred to Damian as 'My Friend' ? oh my gosh... "oh, no..." I whispered, squeezing my eyelids.

"Please, tell me it's not that Chad kid "

"Dad..." I said. I was getting annoyed; more now than before after the mention of the two jackasses I didn't need to hear about in breakfast.

"Can you all be quiet" My mother interrupted, annoyed by us." You two are the oldest siblings. Stop acting like you're younger than Nate and Dilan!" From the corner of my eye I saw Dilan and Nate meeting of fists. I rolled my eyes at everything.

"Fine!" I exclaimed irritated.

"Fine!" Max mirrored my expression.

After the argument we ate in silence, basing our conversations in superficial topics. When we all had our plates clear, I stood up. Before my feet could touch the floor, I was being dragged towards one of the halls.

"Are you out of your damn mind, or you just pretend to be??"

"It depends on how observant you are to differentiate" I joked after listening to Max.

"What is wrong with you?!" he whisper yelled shaking my shoulders. I rolled my eyes and spoke.

"No. What is wrong with YOU" I poked his forehead. He slapped my hand away. " how could you defy mom like that? Not to mention the lack of regret.." I mimicked the words that he had said last night. I barely cared about him defying my mom; that would get him in trouble, not me. I was more about annoying the crap out of him for being manipulative towards me.

"Were you eavesdropping?!?"

I smiled. "I don't know. Was I?" he rolled his eyes this time.

" You won't tell a word. I have proof of your inky actions; your actual body. You have no proof of what I did" He smirked.

I pursed my lips playfully. "what makes you think I'm so stupid?" He was about to answer my question, but I stopped him "that was a rhetorical question, wiener. FYI, I wouldn't accuse you without concrete material."

His eyes turned into slits. "If I drown, you're so drowning with me" He menaced .

"I know" was all I said and skipped back to the kitchen to help my mom.

To be honest, I didn't have proof of what he did. I didn't know exactly what I was trying to do with my brother, but I was determined to figure it out eventually. At least my knowledge about his little secret will stop him from blurting anything to our parents, and from blackmailing me. I was also determined to discover who this new mysterious girl he's being sneaky with was.

When I stepped onto the kitchen my mom took me by the arm and dragged me to a corner " Aaren, how could you do that?!" she whisper yelled. Panic filled my system immediately.

Did she know about everything? Did she know about my tattoo? Oh my gosh, did she? How could she figure it out? Did Max said something? Did someone else said something? Questions wouldn't stop popping in my head. I was nervous for what was to come.

I didn't know what to say, my mouth was dry. When she noticed my speechlessness she said, " You have a new boyfriend and didn't bother to fill me in. Why? I thought you trusted to tell me this type of things. Specially after Chad ." I felt an immense blow of relieve after she spoke, but also more annoyance. She has no idea about the tattoo, and I was content for not having to deal with this at the moment, but man, couldn't my family stop mentioning people that were irrelevant in my life? This was Max's fault.

I inspected my mother's hurt expression. I could tell she felt bad about what she 'thought' was going on. I chose to end her affliction " mom, how many times do I have to explain this?" I whined "Of course I trust you..."

" I'm not mad, really. I just don't like being let out in the dark; you're my daughter and I want to help you. Why did I not know this?" she questioned again. I took a deep breath about to respond, but she kept talking, "Is it because you're afraid I would tell your father ? We made a deal. I wouldn't talk to him about you dating until he was ready to listen, and he isn't yet"

"MOM I AM NOT DATING ANYONE" I explained loud and clear so she could really understand. I barely had energy for any of this. The day started too eventful for me, and I'm too lazy to dedicate my attention to every single thing. This was too stressful and I didn't fell like dealing with anyone.

I know part of my annoyance had something to do with my stupid friend Rebecca, and how close she was. She came every month nocking on my door, only to make my life impossible and harder than a horny hormonal sixteen year old. She was really annoying and painfully sickening. Rebecca wouldn't allow me to do anything, she was bossy as hell and even If I wanted to make her disappear, I couldn't. I even google it, but the answers were too disturbing. She makes me excessively moody and extremely uncomfortable. The only ones who understood my situation were my mother and my best friend, because they know perfectly how annoying Rebecca could be.

And the answer to your question is yes. Rebecca is my period.

People name their belongings. Some humans name other humans, others name animals, objects, places, subjects, endless lists of categories and things. I named my period. So what? Is not like I can't call it however I wish. This is an obstacle in my life; I'm entitled to do as I please with it.

Rebecca. The name was pretty easy to pick. There was this book I read a couple of years ago called four Miracles, and there was this really annoying character that pained my existence; she reminded me of my monthly intrusion. Every time I opened the book and read how stupid Rebecca was, my ovaries would hurt; that's how much it bothered me.

The baptism of my period has being a very effective intro-relaxation method. Now, I get to personify the physiological idea of 'menstruation' and use it as a way to discharge my anger, as if it was a person. I know this sounds like the most abnormal thing to do, but it makes me feel better. My grandmother used to tell me that, when she was young, she used to have a strong dislike on Eve for "biting the damn apple" and "cursing all the women in the world with bloody panties, and giving birth." She even told me how she would roll her eyes every time she went to church and the priest would mention Eve, and how she would laugh hysterically when she was recognized for having bad reputation, as a sinner. My granny was crazy, but funny as hell. I love her.

My mom sighed, eyeing me carefully. She observed me for a while, her lips pursed and hands on her hips " okay, okay. Just be careful, yeah? I believe you. I'm sorry"

" It's okay mom. I'm going upstairs." was all I said. I have her a quick hug and fled to my room. I just wanted to end this conversation and go ahead with my day.

When I stepped in my room, my phone started vibrating. I took it out of my skinny's pocket and looked at the screen. Cece's name was flashing on the screen. I hadn't talked to her since what happened at Alex's party. When I got home I immediately went to bed because I was dead tired. "You cant live without me, can you?" was the first thing I said when answering.

"Just Jesus can save from the agony of living without my favorite mushroom" she rambled jokily .

"I know. I know."

"So, I see you got home alive.."

" Hardly" I exhaled, then proceeded to explain everything that happened with Damian and my brother. She sounded surprised and laughed to all the things that came out of my mouth. My best friend seemed to be in a better mood than yesterday. We even talked about her break down and how she really felt better about everything; she was okay. She explained to me how she spoke to Alex and also apologized to him for being an 'ass'. He didn't seem to mind, she said; apparently they're fine. We then spoke about anything and everything, random topics, and nothing specific.

"oh my gosh, my dad its so annoying" she groaned.

"what happened?" I asked struggling, trying to keep the phone from falling, and clean my room at the same time.

"He wants me to meet this new bimbo he dating or something." she made a playfully disgusted sound. "please save me"

"Can't. Dude, you have to go. He's your father and you don't see him very often, so you might as well spend as much time with him as you can. Bimbo included." I explained.

She moaned exaggeratedly on the other side of the phone. " Whatever" she murmured. " I gotta go. Wanna go to the movies tonight?"


"I'll Pick you up at eight. Bye!!" She said. And then hung up. I resumed the cleaning task until my room looked acceptable.

There was a nock on the door. I whipped my head towards it. Seconds after, Dilan's face appeared with a worried expression and a little pout. I scrunched my eyebrows and sat on my mattress, patting the space next to me twice, motioning for him to also take a sit. "what is it?" I asked.

He seemed to struggle with the answer. He fiddled with his fingers and opened his mouth more than once but didn't emit a sound. He looked up and scratched his mop of hair. I stayed quiet the whole time. Apparently, what he had to say was a sensitive topic, so I didn't wanted to pressure him. I let him settle for a while until he decided to close the door and finally take a sit. We were now shoulder to shoulder. The twins were thirteen -well, I might as well say fourteen, their birthday was coming up; but hell they were tall for their age. I mean, I know I'm not as tall as I wished I was, but they're suddenly taller than me, and it makes me realize how grown they have gone to be, and also how fast time passes.

"Well..." He trailed off, his eyes on mine. I raised an eyebrow, encouraging him to continue. "I guess you're the only one in this family who could actually understand. I think need help."

"Yeah. I guess I can try." I smiled.

He sighed heavily and brought his eyes to the wall. "Okay... I-I, nobody knows but," he pause for a moment, trying to recollect his thoughts. " I think, I don't know." He frowned.

"Okay? I can't help you if I don't understand..."

" I know. It's just hard to explain" he said.

I wasn't expecting him to come to me, at all. We do have a good relationship and we talk about a lot of things that happen in our lives, but he usually goes to our older brother, seeing that they're boys. They understand each other better in most situations, because they have more similar points of views. I suddenly felt the need to help my little brother in whatever struggle he was going through, but I needed to know the problem first in order to find a solution.

"Sweetheart... is someone mistreating you? Did something happened?" I couldn't help but ask. Hopefully, this is not what's happening; but as the older sister, It is my responsibility to protect him.

He shook his head, his locks going from one side to another. "no, no, none of that." He said. He took another deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut. We he opened his amber orbs again, I saw determination in them. When he opened his mouth to finally said what I was anxious to hear, mom barged in.

"Oh, sorry guys" she apologized, noticing her interruption. "Aaren, I need you for a couple of minutes. I'll be waiting in my room." I nodded twice. My brother's eyes were in my mom the whole time she spoke. Mom left, and Dilan and I were back with ourselves.

"So, where were we?"

"Mhmm" Dilan started " I forgot I had something to do, It's not important. I'll tell you later." I could read the uncertainty on him like the front of a chip bag; he was lying. I didn't pointed out for now, but I will keep this as a pending situation. He stood up and left running through my door. These kids, I thought.

As promised, I walked down the hall to my mom's room. Her door was open and she was sitting on her couch crossed legged, and holding her silver laptop. When she acknowledged me, she spoke " Hey baby girl" she brimmed, I immediately looked at her suspiciously. Not that she never has, but my mom wasn't one to call me "baby girl" or any cute- cheesy name out of nowhere; she usually didn't. I assumed she needed me for something. For the second time in the day, I'm requested.

"Isn't it the opposite mom? Aren't kids suppose to bribe their parent's to get something out of them?" I joked. She laughed more than the necessary. This wasn't even a good joke. Okay, now I'm worried. " Mom you're truly creeping me out. What happened?"

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. I won't be creepy anymore, Come here" she pointed to the spot next to her. Hesitantly, I parked my butt on it and keep distance. She gave me a look, making me shift and sit correctly. "Okay. Listen carefully. I need you to be extremely cooperative, this is very important" I nodded, listening carefully as she required. "Good. So, tomorrow I have this really important event, work related. We are creating a huge advertisement for this new place that will be opening soon." I nodded while she explained everything. I had knowledge of most of the things she was saying, but I know she had the need to make herself clear so that everything plays out well. "This event will be very formal and as the account executive, basically in charge, I obviously have to assist. It will be different. We have the choice to bring our families this time; and I'm doing so."


"This requires getting your brothers into dress pants and button downs....and you on a dress. And heels." My eyes widened. " I know, I know. I'm aware of your hatred towards them, but I need you guys to be there, to support me."

"Mom, I really want to be your support, but how will I when I wont be able to support myself wearing deadly heels? " I shuddered "I thought you loved me" I pouted. Mom rolled her eyes.

" This is not a joke, Aaren" she sighed.

" I know, okay. I'm sorry. I'll wear the heels-" I literally shocked out the words. Just the thought of wearing them suffocated my being. " But at least buy me some ice cream. Then, I'll be undeniably good"

" I swear I don't know what I gave birth to sometimes" she murmured.

" I know. The boys can be difficult"

"Correction, every single one of my kids. You among those" I gasped offended, but the smirked when I saw my mom taking her purse.


After getting some ice cream with my mom, she decided to bring us to the mall and get us our outfits for tomorrow night's event. It was then, that I realized that this whole I'm-okay-with-buying-you-ice-cream ordeal that my mom played was too good to be truth; it was part of her evil plan to end up forcing me into shopping. Right now we were walking around aimlessly, in the interior of an overly decorated store. While mom searched for dresses, I pouted behind her, but kept licking my strawberry ice cream anyways. We went on like this for a while, until she found a couple of dresses for me to try on.

My ice cream was gone my the time mom finally spoke, "Go ahead. I'll wait for you here" she then smiled.

With all the strength that a soul could muster, I walked my unwilling self into the nearest dressing room. Exhaling, I locked the small door, and turned to look at my reflection in the mirror. My silky brown curtains covered my face. As a reflex, I blowed my hair out of the way, tucking it behind my ears. I took the first dress to try on, and I already disliked the annoying shade of yellow showering the fabric. It was long and itchy, yet I wasn't even wearing it. This was going to be a long afternoon.

After trying on at least four dresses, and yet not finding one that could pleased me and my mom, I was back in front of the mirror to try on the last two. I went for the black dress, ignoring the green fabric hanging next to me. After putting it on, I decided that was the one I liked the most. The simplicity was outstanding. The dark material reached my mid tights and shaped my body, elegantly. The neckline was low enough to categorize the dress as "sexy", but preserved enough to keep the classiness. The thick straps adorned my shoulders plainly. It was surprising to see myself like this. My body felt unfamiliar, I felt like...a woman?

"Honey, we don't have the whole day. We have to find a pair of shoes..." I coughed awkwardly and stepped out. Mom gasped when her eyes landed on me, widened with surprise . "please tell me you like this one!" she almost shrieked.

" It's okay, I guess" I shrugged. She shook her head, giving me a weird look.

"You are so beautiful, honey" she smiled and kissed my forehead. My cheeks reddened at her compliment. I knew it was just my mom, but still. I wasn't used to the words.

We finally payed for the dress and left the store. It was easier to find a pair of shoes after. Easy to find, not to wear. When I tried them on they weren't as bad as I expected. Only because I had begged my mom to find heels not higher than three inches, for the love of Jesus. Still, I wobbled like a pregnant mammal for ten minutes after putting them on. I needed practice. A lot of practice.

I had texted Cece earlier and told her about tomorrow's plans. Mom had already placed Cece as member of the family, so she will be going to this event as well. We all know Cece doesn't need help with finding an outfit by herself, so mom was not worried about that.

It was seven forty-five when we arrived home. Cece was supposed to be here soon. After rushing to my room in order to change my clothes, and unpacking my new purchase hanging it in my closet, a nook on my door irrupted me. I assumed It was the blonde, seeing that my clock now read eight o' eight. " Come in" I said, but It wasn't who I expected. " What do you need?" I rudely spoke.

" Chill out women. I came in peace"

" Seriously, Max. What do you need? I'm busy" I said pointing to my naked feet. I was trying to put on my vans, but apparently my feet grew bigger in a matter of hours.

"Do you need me to bring some oil? so you could slip them on better?" My brother joked. I glared at him and pointed to the door, motioning for him to get the hell out. He shrugged.

"Anyways, Lamborghini guy is waiting for you in our living room" He said now, a little smile appearing on his lips. My eyes bulged completely out of my sockets, but then I realized he could be joking, so I flipped him off.

"Funny" I muttered, finally getting the friggin shoe on. one to go. " Th-" I was interrupted when I heard a sea of laughs coming from downstairs, accompanied by muffled voices. Without even realizing nor thinking, I was pass Max, running through the stairs. When my vision finally reached the sources of the noise, my breath hitched.

my least favorite brunette was sitting on the couch, charming the poop out of my family; next to him, mother. One of the twins sat on the floor, all of them having a -apparently- very interesting talk. They all seemed comfortable enough for having only met a few minutes ago, that I know and hope of. My mom had the widest smile posted on her face. Nate was looking at Damian as if he found the antidote to mortality. Still, they haven't acknowledged my presence, and I've been here for a couple of minutes, standing awkwardly like a moron. I didn't even realize I had one bare foot until I felt the shoe falling from my hold to the floor, the sound gaining everyone's attention. This was a nightmare.

"Funny, isn't it?" Max whispered from behind be, taking advantage of my perplex state. " She was so excited to see you that forgot to wear her shoe, aww" Max spoke out loud. I saw Damian trying to hold back his laugh.

Kill me now Buddha.

"Honey" mom gave me the proudest look, but It also said " you have a lot of explaining to do". I grimaced. "How come we never met this handsome, young man?" she smiled.

"Several reasons" I muttered under my breath.

"The cupcakes were delicious" Damian spoke, changing the subject. He gave my mom the most adorable grin he could master, dimples suddenly popping in his cheeks. How come I never noticed them before? If it wasn't for my knowledge about his evilness, I would've fall for this new innocence facade he was trying to implement. " It was a good thing Max introduced me to his family." He joked, my mom laughed. I diverted my eyes from the sickening interaction to Max. He was playing dirtier than a boy's internet history. He padded Damian twice on his shoulder. For the love of all mankind...

"Oh darling, any time " mom waved him off.

"Where is dad?" I asked.

"He went to pick Dilan from his friend's " mom answered. "Don't worry, go ahead. I wont keep you anymore"

"Thank you Mrs. Stanwood. I did enjoy being here. I'll bring her back on time" he smiled taking my hand in his. I immediately removed it and glared at him. He was suppressing a smile.

He was trying to irritate me.

After saying goodbye to my family and putting my shoe on, we walked outside. An there it was, Nicolette. When we were completely alone, out of my family's reach, I spoke "are you mentally challenge?"

He looked at me and didn't said a word. He opened the car door for me as if nothing was happening and this was a completely normal situation. I held my ground and gave him a look. "Do you always have to be difficult?" he spoke to me for the first time.

"Why are you here? Wasn't clear our dislike for each other?"

"Yes, you always have to be difficult..." he released air out of his mouth.

"Step back, we have a genius" I murmured, rolling my eyes. What was he expecting? Me to jump in complete happiness at the sight of him, after all that has happened? Oh, hell no. " For what I know, you can end me in a snap of a finger. Why would I risk it?"

"Because you agreed to. Remember?" he pointed out. I was about to call him crazy, when a thought crossed my mind. Oh...I do...remember. Mother theresa. I forgot I was just going to ditch him. I even forgot about that. I wasn't expecting him to show up on my door, either.

After all, he was right. I groaned, but got in the car anyways. Oh shit, I forgot Cece was coming. When I took my phone out to give her a call, I already had a two missing calls and a message from her.

* I forgot I had my aunt coming over tonight, I won't be able to hang out. Sorry mushroom :(*. How convenient.

Note the sarcasm.

I hadn't noticed Damien sitting next to me until he cleared his throat. "What?" I snapped. He narrowed his eyes at me.

" you're so grumpy" He said, almost smiling. Why is he smiling anyways?

"What's with the happiness?" I voiced my thoughts.

"You make me so happy baby doll, don't you see?" He joked. I couldn't help but blush to what he said. I know he was just playing around, but still. When they come from a boy like Damian, you cant help it. He tried to move his hand to my thigh, but I slapped it away without a word "Hey!"

"I don't want your stupid hands on me. Stop. " I warned.

"Keep telling yourself that, cupcake"

"you're disgusting"

"But still, you want me"

"Keep telling yourself that" I backfired his own words.

"Touché " He smirked and kept driving.

His good mood was a little shocking. I had never seen him in such a state and I wasn't going to lie about it, It was a little unnerving. You never know when he's going to snap. After a while In his car I realized I had no Idea where we were driving to. "Where are we going?" I asked. He took a second to study my expression. We were at a red light, and its glow reflected in our faces. I eyed him back and saw a little smile making it's way to one side of his lips. He had an arm reclined on his window, his hand free ruffling his messy dark hair unintentionally.

"Somewhere" was all he said.

"No shit Sherlock. Can thou elaborate?"

He didn't said anything for a while and just kept driving. For a second I thought he wasn't going to answer until he spoke again.

" Like fast and furious?" I didn't know what he meant at first, until realization hit me like a truck.

Oh, no we won't.


^Image: How I picture Dilan and Nate^


Wow, this chapter is freaking long.

How are you guys?? I hope okay.

I have good news!

I'm on my finals (busy and stressed) and I haven't been able to update for a while, buuuut I get out of school next week and then, I'll be able to update more often!!

Thank you so much for those who are patient and thanks to each one of you for reading this story as well. I hope you're having fun while reading it, because I have shit lots of fun while writing it!

OMG, you won't believe what happened to me! So, I was in Baltimore for the weekend and I presence the protest that is taking place even today, still. It was really bad. My sister, stepmom and I were locked in the hotel while everyone broke car windows outside. IT. WAS. CRAZY. we were not expecting that. My dad and little brother were watching a baseball game in the Orioles Stadium and they were also locked in until the protest ceased. Helicopters with lights were in the skies, and cops with sirens and flashy colored lights everywhere. It was chaos.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. Love you all so much, and please protect yourselves and your loved ones.

Keep up with meeeee

(Not Edited)


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