life as Khloe Kardashian's da...

By BabyGirl_Poppin

186K 2.8K 245

hey my name is kayla. Im 17 years old, I'm known for being Khloe Kardashian's daughter. Not just that, but... More

Authors note
Ch.18 I don't want to be me without you
Ch.19 Now I've got something 2 hide...
big things.


2.7K 53 5
By BabyGirl_Poppin

Kendall's POV :

Today was kayla's birthday.Khloe told us all about her and adam,but she didn't want that to stop kay's party.And neither did the #FAMSQUAD. ❤

"So,what are you guys doing for kay kay?"My mom asked coming in my room

"Well,since she always talks about wanting to go to Disney world and stuff.The whole #FAMSQUAD got the whole Park to us."I said as my mom's eyes bucked

"Kendall!how much money did that cost?"She asked looking freaked out

"Khloe's friend frada & slim work at the park,so they hooked us up,so we basically all got in free."I said as my mom relaxed

"Well,you guys should thank them.Like a huge thank you."My mom said

"We did."I told her

"One thing I don't understand is why did you guys get the whole Univeral studios rented out if only You guys and the family going.Thats only like 30 people."She said

"No,it's the whole #FAMSQUAD, our family, stas's family, Jaden's family, mateo & Moses family,jordans family,justin and his family,our friend pia and her family, Dad (*Bruce*) and hes bringing brandon,brody,and brandon is bringing lea,Cater and his girlfriend Maggie.Oh and Cameron is coming."I told her

"Didn't cameron and kayla get into some argument or something?"Mom asked

"Yea,but cam really wants to make up for everything and wants to be at her party."I told my mom

"Okay then,hopefully kayla doesn't freak."My mom said

"By the way,we have One direction,  the weeknd,pia mia ,Drake,and j.cole. Performing there."I told my mom

"But we did have to pay for them to perform."I said laughing

"Ok bye honey,I have to go to a meeting with kim."My mom said leaving

"Bye! "I yelled

Kayla's POV :

Me and kenny were the only ones home due to our mom having to run errands while jenn,stas and Jordyn left with kylie.

"So what you wanna do sister? "Kenny,asked me as he sat on me

"Bitch,get your heavy ass off of me!"I said trying to push kenny off of me while we both were laughing.

"No!"He yelled as he stayed on me

"Kenneth, my brother, come on its my birthday. "I told him sounding vulnerable

"What that mean?"He asked laughing

"Brother!"I yelled

"Fine,only cause I'm a nice person. "He said getting off of me

"So,what you got planned for today? "Kenny asked

"The Squad has something planned for later in at 7:30 -11:15.Then they said their doing something for me at 12:00."I told kenny

"Oh,they told me and jenn they had something planned but nobody would tell us because they believed we would of told you,so me and jenn don't know either. "He said as he walked in the bathroom

"Oh,okay well I'm going to be in my room picking out an outfit since kenn's just texted me saying wear something I would wear to a amusement park. "I told kenny as he walked out the bathroom brushing his teeth.

"No,I'm taking you to the mall."Kenny said as he finished brushing his teeth and told me to put some shoes on.

As we were both ready to leave I told him I was driving.Because me,him,& jenn made a rule that who ever drives gets to play the music,and I do not want to hear his music.

Kylie's POV :

-4 hours later-

A few hours past and it was time to get the party started.The whole famsquad was at Universal Studios Justin and stas went to get kayla. Khloe brought kenny and jenn already so we were all here.And then came in Cam,hayes...and then walked in Nash.

Kayla's POV :

I was blind folded the whole car ride,so I have no clue to where I'm at.Then justin asked me was I ready for him to take it off,and obviously I said yes so when he took it off.I was so Suprised when I noticed the whole squad had the whole Park reserved for all of us and all of eachother's families,it was so perfect.

"Happy birthday kay kay!"Everybody yelled as I walked in

"Aww,thank you everyone for coming! "I yelled as I felt so happy

And with that being done,I ate about 3 cupcakes and some mac N cheese.#PrayerHands...And justin was about to take me on a ride with the famsquad but then cam came up to me.

"Kayla."He said running to me

"Give us a sec?"I said to justin as him and kendall then turned around and waited for me with the rest of the squad

"H-hey."I said a little unsure

"Happy birthday. "Cam told me smiling

"Thanks Cameron. "I said

"You probably don't want me here but,I couldn't miss your birthday for the world.Look,I just want to say that I'm so sorry,I miss hanging out with all you guys.And I feel terrible for everything I did-."Cam said trying to explain but then I cut him off

"Cam,I'm over all of that.Im glad you came,and yea I was mad when you told me that lie but it's nothing no more,I know you just did it because you wanted me and nash to get back together. But it's fine."I said to cam as he gave me a hug while spinning me around

"This means so much to me,cause honestly I was feeling like an ass whole ever since then.But hey can you do me a big favor?"Cam asked me

Cam was telling me what he wanted me to do.And I was more than happy to,because to be honest I was so happy to Him.

"Hey kay."Nash said smiling as he gave me a hug

"Hey goof."I said excepting it

"Hey,I just want you to know that I'm so glad you came and I couldn't be more than happy to see you.And i just want to let you know I Love you, and just because we aren't together just know,you still hold a Speacial place In my heart."I said to nash

"I'm glad to be here,and I love you too."Nash said smiling as we just looked at eachother other then justin came

"Ready to get on that ride babe?"He asked me pulling me in his chest as he was looking at nash like he was mad

"Yea,nash you coming?"I asked him as he shook his head yes and tagged along

Justin's POV :

I was getting a little annoyed by the fact Kayla is now bff's again with Cam and Nash.But especially nash,I over heard their little I miss you talk and I was beyond pissed after that.So when I walked over to them,I was trying to prove to nash that I'm with kayla and not him.So he better not try to pull something. And on the ride Kayla sat next to nash and Cameron.

"What's wrong J?"Carter asked me

"Nothing. "I said as he smirked

"I'mma let you slide because I know you lying but I'm finna get some cotton candy so,peace."He said as he walked off

Kylie,jordyn,stas,and Kayla were taking selfies.While I sat on the bench and was thinking of something. Next thing i knew kendall sat next to me.

"What's wrong?"She asked me,and since I can really trust kenn's I told her

"I just feel like since Nash is back,he'll try and get In kay's head and some shit,so I'm just kinda bothered by that."I told her

"J,do you know how much that crazy BEOTCH loves you,she'll fight to the ends of the earth for you.She's not going no where,yea her and nash are cool again but just brush it off and keep doing what your doing.And nash knows what's up.Look I love you and nash so please just try to at least like eachother fo the sake of the #FAMSQUAD, but mainly kayla."Kendall told me

"Thanks for the pep talk kenns."I said thanking her

"I got something up my sleeve for tonight. "I told her

"Justin, what are you about to do?"She asked laughing

"You'll see."I told her

Kayla's POV :

Hours passed and I was now watching my musical guest perform which was the weekend performed: often,& earned it,then came drake who performed:Know yourself,legend,worse behavior, and company.Last but not least j.cole performed:no role models, work out, pia sung me happy birthday and her song Mr.president,and complicated. And lastly 1D performed 18,what makes you beautiful, angry live while we're young.

"Thank you all for performing at my lovely daughter's birthday."My mom said to all the performers

"Wait,we have one more person who really wants to perform. "Kylie said

"Who?"My grandma kris asked

"Me."Justin said as he got on the stage and perform

Justin's POV :

"I'm sorry for not telling you all earlier about my Speacial performance. But I really want to say happy birthday to my baby girl kayla. I love you so much,and I just want to sing to You My own songs that remind me of you."I said as i seen kayla Blushing super hard

"First off,j will be singing:"Die in your arms." Stas said walking away so I could sing


-kylie,jordyn,stas,and hayes humming in the back ground for the beginning part-

Say you love me
As much as I love you yeah
Would you hurt me baby
Could you do that to me yeah
Would you lie to me baby
'Cause the truth hurt so much more
Would you do the things that drive me crazy
Leave my heart still at the door?

Oh I can't help it I'm just selfish
There's no way I could share you
That would break my heart to pieces
Honestly the truth is

If I could just die in your arms I wouldn't mind
'Cause everytime you touch me I just die in your arms

-End of that song -

"Now here's justin singing hold tight."Jordyn said

-lyrics -

Happy birthday, happy birthday

They hold on tight

Yeah they hold on tight
Ooh,they hold tight
Them lips won't let me go

(Lips won't let me go×2)

They hold on tight(they hold on tight)
Yeah,they hold on tight(they hold on tight)
Ooh,they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go

Don't let this go this go to your head
But your the best I've ever had
Not to mention
That thing is swollen
You got me so in a trance

Something like a zip lock,but a lip lock
Want you wrapped around 'round my arm like a wrist watch
Oh,so hard walking out
Got me stuck like crazy glue,ooh

-End of lyrics -

With that everyone started cheering then I had kayla come up on stage.

"Kayla Kardashian,I've known you for about 7 years now,ever since I started my career. And we've been friends ever since then,we have so many crazy experiences and had so many life changing events happen over these couple of years.Youve been there when I needed you,and I've been there when you needed me.Your my best friend, and I never thought I would be saying this.But what I'm trying to ask you is,WILL YOU MARRY ME?"I asked her as she smiled so big

"Absolutely! "She yelled as I put the ring on her finger and gave her a hug.And everyone cheered and took pictures. And I was so happy to find out that everyone didn't hate me for asking this because,for a second I didn't know what to expect.

Kayla's POV :


@KaykayDashian :Can't believe I'm saying this but...I'm engaged to my best friend @JustinBieber ❤#ForeverMine

I read through the comments, and I was shocked to see that,I had more supportive comments then hate.

Then while I was talking to my mom,kylie and jaden started playing :Favorite Girl by:Justin Bieber

"Congratulations baby."My mom said smiling as she started crying

"Mom,don't cry."I said to her as I gave her a hug

"Your all grown up kay,your not my little baby anymore. "She said smiling while I wiped away her tears

"Aww mom,I'll always be your baby.Just cause I'm getting older doesn't mean I'm not your little baby anymore."I told her as she smiled

"I love you babe."She said while giving me a kiss in the cheeck

"Love you to. "I said

"My makeup is good right?"She asked

"Yes."I said

"Good,let's take a selfie."She said pulling out her phone,and opening it up to the instagram camera.

~picture of khloe and kayla making kissy faces~

@KhloeKardashian :so proud of my baby girl @KaykayDashian happy birthday love

And later on,we all left the amusement park and went to our hotel rooms,to get ready for dinner.This was going to be a night to remember.....

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