Classroom of The Elite FanFic...

By user89814429

132K 6.5K 4.9K

What if Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is a dumb nice guy who has the maximum luck stat. What if Kiyotaka uses only his... More

Vol. 1 Chapter 0 The Lucky bastard
Vol.1 Chapter 1 New life
Vol. 1 Chapter 2 Swimming Class
Vol.1 Chapter 3 The wonderful of teenage life
Vol. 1 Chapter 4 Fallen
Vol. 1 Chapter 5 Defected
Vol.1 Chapter 6 The idiot trio.
Vol.1 Chapter 7 Onii-Chan
Vol.1 Chapter 8 Begin again
Vol.1 Chapter 9 The mask
Vol.1 Chapter 10 The midterm
Vol.2 Chapter 0 The monologue of Ike Kanji
Vol.2 Chapter 1 the scheme
Vol.2 Chapter 2 A little help from my friend
Vol.2 Chapter 3 Ichinose
Vol. 2 Chapter 4 Sakura-San can't communicate, Ichinose-Chan want to hang out
Special Thanks
Vol.2 Chapter 5 Crime and Punishment
Vol.2 Chapter 6 Sakura?
Vol.2 Chapter 7 Liar Liar
Vol.2 Chapter 8 A little luck
Vol.2 Chapter 9 Shizuku
Vol.2 Chapter 10 Epilogue
{Short Story} Tachibana-San wants to be confessed: Love is war.
{Short Story} Tachibana-San wants to be confessed: Love is war. 2
Vol.3 Chapter 0 The monologue of Chabashira Sae
Vol.3 Chapter 1 Aloha, Summer!
Vol.3 Chapter 2 Toilet's problem
Vol.3 Chapter 3 Harmony
[Halloween Special] Rules Horror: Welcome to the classroom of the defect.
Vol.3 Chapter 4 Chiaki Onee-San
Vol.3 Chapter 5 Visiting
Vol.3 Chapter 6 Class A
Vol.3 Chapter 7 Operation S and M
Vol.3 Chapter 8 Something
Vol. 3 Chapter 9 Paradise Island
Vol. 3 Chapter 9.5 Mission
Vol. 3 Chapter 10 Panties
Vol. 3 Chapter 11 Secret
Vol. 3 Chapter 12 Case Closed
Vol. 3 Chapter 13 Horikita Suzune needs no friend.
Vol. 3 Chapter 14 Something we want to hide
[Short Story] Volume 1 Reaction (1)
[Short Story] Volume 1 Reaction (2)
Vol. 4 Chapter 0 The monologue of Karuizawa Kei
Vol. 4 Chapter 1 Finally, Peaceful life(?)
Vol.4 Chapter 2 Zodiac Test
Vol. 4 Chapter 3 Rabbit Group
Vol. 4 Chapter 4 Sometimes, I don't know how I should name the chapter.
Vol. 4 Chapter 5 Again, I don't know how I should name this chapter.
Vol. 4 Chapter 6 Gambling never makes anyone rich, except the casino's owner.
Vol. 4 Chapter 7 Karuizawa Kei
Vol. 4 Chapter 8 Spread your leg
Vol. 4 Chapter 9 The Last Gambling
Vol. 4 Chapter 10 Summer Night
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 1 Ibuki Mio and the elevator of secret.
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 2 Ichinose Honami and the Chaotic Comic-Con
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 3 Horikita Suzune and the Bo'ohw'o'wo'er
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 4 Yama "God" Uchi and his holy love letter.
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 5 Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and the mystery of the pool (Prelude)
Vol. 4.5 Story No. 5 Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and the mystery of the pool (Serenade)
Vol. 4.5 Epilogue
Vol. 5 Chapter 0 The monologue of Sudo Ken
Vol. 5 Chapter 1 Sport Festival
Vol. 5 Chapter 3 Practice
Vol. 5 Chapter 4 Welcome to the sports festival
Vol. 5 Chapter 5 Ryuen's plan
Vol. 5 Chapter 6 Now, we reached part 69! Lucky number, isn't it?
Vol. 5 Chapter 7 Excacitraitrecogzinator
Vol. 5 Chapter 8 Rest for a while
Vol. 5 Chapter 9 Everything is nothing
Vol. 5 Chapter 10 Epilogue
A Little Announcement
Vol. 6 Chapter 0 The Dream of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Vol. 6 Chapter 1 Wake up
Vol. 6 Chapter 2 Paper shuffle
Vol. 6 Chapter 3 Rule
Vol. 6 Chapter 4 Tutoring Group
Classroom of the Elite's sequel is finally coming!!!!!
Vol. 6 Chapter 5 Weapon
Vol. 6 Chapter 6 Shiina

Vol. 5 Chapter 2 Arrangement

732 39 23
By user89814429

Sakayanagi Arisu was the example that Chabashira-Sensei used to offer me the option when I asked her about my situation.

Sakayanagi had heart disease, causing her legs and hip to deform. So she couldn't join the sports festival. 

After discussion with the school. They decided that Sakayanagi would be fined in all competitions that she needed to join. Of course, this meant she would be the student with the lowest scores and would lose ten points in this midterm exam. According to Kushida, Sakayanagi might not be in trouble. She was one of the best students in class A.

"The school considered the disability as the body limitation. Someone run fast, someone run slow. Someone, like Sakayanagi, can't run. " Chabashira-Sensei said. 

In my case, there was a little different. 

It wasn't a permanent disability. The medical certificate that Hazama-Sensei gave me said I would walk again in 1-2 months. There was a chance that I would walk before the sports festival. In that case, I had a chance to win the competition too. So everything would be decided on the sports festival day. If I still couldn't walk, I would become the last place automatically.

But that was about the competitions which everyone had to join. But for the competitions that we needed the competitor representative, I couldn't join it at all.

Technically, I could join if my classmates put my name in. Of course, they wouldn't do it. I was known as an athletic guy since I broke the swimming world record. But they wouldn't risk with someone who had a chance of being unable to walk in the real day. We were permitted to change the representative on the sports day. Unless we would pay 100,000 points for finding someone to replace the competitors who couldn't join the competition.

However, I didn't mind it. I wasn't good at sport in the first place. I was tired to say it is a coincidence.

Honami called to me that night. She apologized for not visiting me in the nursing room. After meeting with class C in the second homeroom period, she needed to discuss with her classmate about a sports festival.

She also gave me a piece of information about classes A and D. Katsuragi seemed to not trust Ryuen at all. But the leader of class D didn't care. He looked very arrogant for someone who fell from third place.

From Honami's perspective, it looked like "...He has a plan to win."

"I'm waiting to work together with you though, Ayanokouji-Kun!"

Next day. Hirata asked everyone to stay after school to talk about the sports festival.

This test was different from the early ones. If we didn't want to play dirty, our only option to win was to win the competition.

Our argument started as soon as the meeting started.

First, about the representative competitions. we would choose the competitor from their ability. Of course, we would let everyone test to show their ability in concrete.

The forced competitions were different. 

It seemed to be easy. Just do their best job. But Horikita pointed out our strategy.

Imagine that we were playing Slaves Card.

You needed to know what time you had to play a big card or wait until those times come. If you play all of the high cards since your first round. In the late game, you will be out of your weapon.

From this thought, Horikita suggested that we should put the strong one with the weak opponent. This would make us have more opportunities to win. 

But on other hand, the weak students would be forced to face the strong opponent. Cut their chance to win.

This annoyed many students like Shinohara who were pretty good at sport. They thought there was a chance to win and get the rewards. They thought we should respect the individual.

However, Horikita's idea was accepted because of voting.




Yeah, those boring meeting things.

I had nothing to do. Just sit and wait until the meeting ended. I didn't worry about my disability. I would survive this test by chance somehow.

However, while they were talking. I realized the strange atmosphere between Kushida and Inogashira.

Lately, on the cruise. Inogashira told me something.

The VIP of Dragon group was exposed. Horikita blamed herself for it. This was the reason why she listened to other opinions about the sports festival. She realized that she didn't as great as she thought.

However, it wasn't Horikita's fault.

Inogashira did a little investigation and found that Kushida was the one who told Ryuen about her identity!

I didn't understand. If our class lost, Kushida would be in trouble too. There was no reason for her to betray.

Inogashira concluded. 

"It's something personal. " She told me. "I want to think that Kikyo-chan was forced by Ryuen-Kun. But the evidence tells me another story. Kikyo-chan wants to destroy Horikita-San."


"I don't know. But all I know is Kikyo-chan comes from the same school as Horikita-San. I think they share their past together. "

That was the last time I talked with Inogashira. 

When I came to the school in the second term, I found that Inogashira tried to distance herself from Kushida. I understood her. It wasn't comfortable to befriend the two face class betrayer.

I was waiting for a good opportunity to tell this fact to Horikita. It came when she asked me to go to the Moonshine with her.

"Is it a date?"

"Yes. With waffle-Kun. Also, I want to talk with our alliance. "

Horikita made an appointment with Honami at the Moonshine. It was a sad fact, but Moonshine wasn't as popular as Palette. There were only a few students. And because of its side, if someone wanted to peak us, we could see them first.

Honami came to the cafe 5 minutes early. She took Ryuji and Cho with her. They seemed to be worried about my leg.

"Is it hurt or something?" My ex-girlfriend asked.

"No. It just...I will fall if I stand without my cane. " I explained.

"Ehem. We have a lot of time for chit-chatting. " Horikita coughed.

"Oh!" Honami stuck out her tongue and looked at three plates of waffle on the desk. "Horikita-San is so sweet. You ordered the waffle for us..." Then, she extended her hand to it.

"If you want to walk out of this place alive, you better don't touch it. " Horikita said emotionlessly.

Of course, Horikita never treated someone without any purpose. And she never treated waffles to someone no matter she had a purpose or not.

Honami made an awkward face while taking her hand back.

"Ok. Let's start our conservation. "

Horikita started by asking Honami when her class was available for the practice between the two classes. There were competitions which needed the cooperation of the whole team. Like pole war and piggy bag riding.

We exchanged our strategy a little bit. Literally a little bit. The point of our strategy was hidden. I could see class B did the same thing. I didn't know much about our strategy so I just acted as the middleman.

In the end, we agreed on three conditions.

- We will do a big rehearsal every week.

- If someone can find an opponent's scheme, they have to tell another class.

- We won't send the A-list competitor in the same round.

Cho was the ace of the football club. Hirata told me that Cho was better than him. If he raced in the same round as Sudo. There would be only one winner, and another one's ability would be wasted.

"If I finished checking my classmate's schedule, I will talk to you again. Horikita-San," Honami said before walking out of the cafe.

When class B was gone. In the cafe, there were only 2 customers, me and Horikita. 

I decided it was time to say...


"Ah. Finally, we are alone!" Horikita spoke out.


"Do you know? I'm waiting for so long. I want to be alone with you. Just the two of us in this world. "

W--Wait. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm not as strong as I act. Deep down inside, I'm just a little weak girl who can't control her heart. I miss you in every breath, miss you in every action. Whenever I tire, just thinking about you is enough to make me happy."

Oi, Oi. Don't play on me. I will take it seriously.

"I love you---"


"Waffle-Kun!!!!" Horikita swallowed the waffles and turned her eyes to me. "O! Ayanokouji-Kun. I didn't notice that you are here."

I sighed. This girl should take serious therapy. "I should put the waffles at the goal. Then, you will win the race easily."

Horikita shrugged her shoulder. 

I decide to start the topic.

"Horikita about the zodiac test---"

"I know. It's my fault. Mines is the only group that we lost---"

I shook my head. "It isn't your fault."

I told Horikita about what I learned from Inogashira. Of course, I had to pretend that I was the one who could figure it out.

Horikita opened her mouth wide until the waffle fell from her mouth.

"Why did Kushida-San do that?"

"I think it might be something personal. " I copied Inogashira's word. "Maybe Kushida is angry at you for some reason. "

"I don't think so. I didn't do anything that make her angry. The only thing that seemed to be possible is when I reject her to be her friend. But---you won't betray your class for something like that, right?"

"Are you sure that you and Kushida never know each other before? " I asked.

Horikita shook her head.

I couldn't say that I knew she and Kushida were from the same mid-school. Because Inogashira didn't tell me how she know that.

"It's just an assumption though. " I stood up. "But if I were you, I would beware of Kushida."

I warned her before walking to the door, hoping Horikita wouldn't realize that I just left her my bill.

"Kushida-San..." She mumbled. "I think you are serious when you say you want to befriend me..."

She took another waffle in her mouth. 

I sighed and turned back to the counter, then pay my and Horikita's bill.

Ike would be so sad about this.


"Exercise! Exercise! I love to exercise!" Koenji sang the song happily while skipping into the yard. He looked completely adorable.

From today, we were permitted to use the homeroom period for practicing. Hirata decided to use the first day for deciding the competitors.

So he prepared for the athletic ability test.

The first was Grip power. Hirata borrowed the grip power measure from the teacher. He grabbed it and got 69 kilograms.

Yamauchi raised his eyebrows. "Isn't it a too specific number?" He mumbled.

"Hm? What do you mean, Yamauchi-Kun?"

"Nothing. " Yamauchi took the measure from Hirata and got 32.

He handed it to Sudo, who grabbed it without any attention, causing only 20 kilograms.

"Oi! Ken! You are stronger than this, aren't you?" Ike asked.

"Yes. But it's nothing. No matter how I'm strong now. In 60 years, I will have nothing but skin and bones. I won't be able even to open a jar of peanut butter. "

Ike frowned. "it---it's a noble word, but I don't think we need it now---"

I walked to Horikita. "Horikita. Do something."

"Why should I do something?" She replied.

"Because, if Sudo didn't take it seriously. We will lose this test."

Horikita sighed. Then walked to Sudo. Extended her face beside Sudo's ears.


"Sudo-Kun. If you got the highest score in this sports festival---" She whispered. "I will let you call my first name."

Sudo's face turned red. He suddenly grabbed the measure.

100 kilograms.

While we opened our mouths widely, the measure was forwarded to man by man. Koenji made it at 96 kilograms. He was very excited and more excited when Hirata praised him.

The measured reached Sotomura who looked around paranoidly.

Then, he sighed and made 10 kilograms fist.

"Are you okay, Doc?" I asked him.

Doc shook his head. "I'm fine, sir. Actually, I'm very satisfied that Mori-Himesama doesn't see my pathetic fist. "

Oh, I see. Doc likes Mori, his childhood friend. However, Mori didn't like him at all.

Doc was a good friend. I wanted to help him.

"Listen, Doc. Girls love a sportsman. If you can improve your sports ability. You will win Mori's heart. Trust me."

"If it's Kiyotaka-Dono who breaks the world record saying this. I guess it's true, sir. I will do my best!"

I nodded. "Oh. I want to try the measure too." Horikita decided to not send me to any representative competition. So I didn't test my power.

"Here you are, sir."

I accepted it from Doc and grabbed it. I thought I could reach 40-50 kilograms if I try.

Suddenly, someone screamed "Spider!!!".


I grabbed my hand hard and got 300 kilograms.

"Where?" I looked around.

"Ah! It's a real spiderman! I never expect it! So MCU can get him back from Sony!"

"I don't know. They say Sony let MCU borrow him. But I don't care. I'm going to watch Captain America: Civil War with all cost!"

"Isn't it Avenger 2.5?"

Behind me, two Marvel fanboys were talking about their movie.

Phew. At least, there wasn't a real spider around here.

"Uwa!!!!! Ayanokouji-Kun is so cool!!!!!"

Mori and Sato were going crazy about me.

"Ayanokouji-Kun! Let's go to dinner tonight. I will treat you!" Mori said.

"Ayanokouji-Kun! I know your leg's injury makes your life harder. If you want someone to help you bathing..." Sato said.

Besides awkward I, Doc became death.


"Ok. This is a plan. When I show you a signal. I, Miyake, and Yukimura will stop pulling and pretending that you are the strongest. " I told them.

"Thank you again, sir. " Doc smiled shyly.

"Don't worry. I'm your friend. " Miyake smiled and show his teeth.

"Pick that girl and run to the 3D world, Sotomura. " Yukimura said.

We grabbed the rope and walked in four directions. This was four side tug of war. I thought it wouldn't be cool for Doc if he won the handicap like me, so I asked Miyake and Yukimura to help.

"Three, Two, One. Start."

We started pulling the rope. I was surprised that Doc had only a little power. If we didn't pull it softer than usual. Doc will lose automatically. 

Ok. It was time for a sign...

"Hey! Look! Sakura-chan is running!"

Yamauchi yelled. Behind me, Sakura was running on the racetrack. She wasn't good at sport. Her shirt was wet like it was raining. Her face was red. And her--Ahem--airbags were bouncing while she stepped.


Miyake, Yukimura, Doc shouted and forgot that they should pool the rug.

Yes. So I won the tug of war easily.

"Wow. Ayanokouji-Kun is so cool!" Mori and Sato screamed excitedly.

Sorry. You couldn't speak any other word, could you?

"Despite being a disability, he won three men!"

"And he is the only one who didn't look at Sakura-San in a perverted way."

Doc became dead-er than earlier.


I ended up being a tug of war representative.

"You don't have to run or walk. You can win it!" Hirata said and showed me a thump.

Miyake, Yukimura, and Koenji was consulting Doc.

"Don't worry, Doc. Your day will come, trust me. " Miyake rubbed Doc's bag.

"If it didn't work, you still have the 2-d waifu, you know?" Yukimura said.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Doc! I will give you the technique to win the girl's heart. " I announced.

"Really, Sir?" Doc looked at me hopefully.

"Yes. This is called Kabedon. You have to walk near the girl, slam the wall behind her. It will make her heart race. And then, you just confess to her. Everything will go so well."

Doc opened his eyes widely.


"Of course. I never got rejected after doing Kabedon. " I never used it to confess anyone. So I didn't lie.

"What is Kabedon, Akito-Oniichan?" Koenji asked.

"Oh. I--It's a way to make the girl love you."

"Mii-Oneechan hates me. So I will use Kabedon to make her love me!"

Koenji announced. Oh, kid. He might not know that the love Miyake talking about was romantic.

He ran to Mii-chan who standing in front of the wall.



Koenji slammed the wall beside Mii-chan. But it worked too hard. His hand through the wall. The fucking bridge wall.

"Oh! I caught something!" He yelled and pulled his hand back. He grabbed the girl with the grumpy face's hair to him.

The girl didn't through the wall. She stuck on it at her waist.

We looked at her silently.

"Oh, it's Kamuro-chan from class A!" Kushida called his name. "What are you doing here, Kamuro-chan?"

"Spying you. " Kamuro answered with a straight face. "And don't think about doing something at the other side of the wall. I can kill you with my single kick, you know?"

Yamauchi flinched.

"I just think about it. I won't do anything!"

"I didn't talk with you! I talk with these Hashimoto bastard behind the wall! Wait, what did you just say---"

"I decided! I  will do it, sir!" Doc announced.

"Do what? Dealing with the girl on the wall?"

"No! I will do Kabedon with Mori-Himesama!"

He walked to Mori confidently, while we gave him an encouraging sight.

"Mori-Himesama!" He called her name. Mori flinched and looked at him.

"What's the matter, Sotomura-Kun?" She asked coldly.


You don't need to announce your action, you know?

Doc slammed the world beside Mori.

Unfortunately, It wasn't cool at all. Sotomura was shorter than her.

And Unfortunately, his hand is short.

So when he slammed the wall, he had to come closer to Mori. 

Therefore, his face was buried on Mori's breast.

"Y--Y---You pervert!!!!!!!"

Mori used her kneel to poke Doc's chin. He flung aside.

Mori closed her face with her hands and ran away.

"What a good Muay Thai move. " Miyake nodded. "You know, Thai people call this move Breaking the elephant's neck. "

We walked closer to Doc who was laying down on the floor. His glass was broken. His nose was bleeding.

"It's---" He mumbled.

Then, he showed us his thump up. "It's worth it."

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