Frosted Memories

By Jack_1_Frost

19.2K 884 545

Jack Frost loses his memory. Will he get them back? Or will he suffer the loss of his once again lost memorie... More

The Meeting
The Fight
One Concern?
Who Are You People?
What The HELL Is Going On?!
The 'Uh oh' Pt. 1
The Uh oh' Pt. 2
The 'Uh oh' Pt. 3
A Small Peice
Lean on Me
On the Edge
A Spark of Hope
Family Reunited
Taking it Slow
Lesson Learned
Check Up With Tooth
Blind Rage
Pulling Through
We Miss You
A Little Smothered
Defiance And Rest
A Small Getaway
Going Away
Tooth Palace
Baby Tooth
Lazy Day
Pleasent Surprise
The Truth

Father and Son

344 18 17
By Jack_1_Frost

*No One's P.O.V.*

"But are you alright? We heard what happened, where's Pitch." Jamie asked, pulling away from Jack and handing him the oxygen mask to put back on. Jack looked at it oddly, but let Jamie put it on him.

"Oh- sorry you're not supposed to talk, sorry!" The boy seemed to fumble around. Jack wasn't quite sure about anything right now. He barely remembered anything after...

He reached up to touch the bandages on his neck, "Don't mess with'em, mate." Came Bunny's voice. Jack had forgotten they were there. He looked at Bunny, remembering his blurry form darting past him.

He looked at Tooth, remembering her doing the same. It all began to come back, although blurry. He looked to North and Sandy, the ones who stayed with him and held him.

On the outside, Jack looked almost in a daze, but he was actually rememebering and experiencing it again. He remembered passing out and thinking that was going to be it.

But then he was screaming out and the muffled noises stopped, then he was able to breathe. He looked to North once more, his emotions from that moment when he thought it was over, melting into his expression.

He gripped the blanket just like he gripped onto North. His eyes brimmed with tears once more as the large man shook his head, "No no its okay now!" He tried as he rushed over and scooped the boy into his arms once more. Jack was a son to him, whether he had his memories or not and North believes Jack can still feel it.

Jack gripped onto North tightly, he felt safe. He burried his face into the man's shoulder, desperately silencing his hushed sobs. At this moment they all relized that though their friend has been around for 300 years, he was still a child.

Pretty soon, in only a matter of months, Jamie and his friends would physically be older than him. "Pitch is in dungeon. Frozen solid." North answered Jamie's question. Jack looked up at him, silently asking what the man meant.

"Your outburst destroyed all the nightmares we were fighting and froze Pitch. So, we were able to capture him!" North smiled softly and proudly at Jack who's eyes had widened in surprise. He was strong enough to do that? Jack asked himself.

"You're a force to be reckoned with, mate. You've kicked that bloke's rear end before so it ain't surprising for you to do it again." Bunny smiled at Jack, who still looked stunned.

"Do you feel well enough to get up?" North asked, but Jack was unsure. His body ached from being tossed around like a rag doll and he had a decent sized headache from lack of oxygen. Plus, he didn't want to leave North right now.

Jack reached up and fiddled with the mask on his face, understanding that it was somehow helping him, but wanted it off. "Go ahead, we can't force you. Just let us know if you start to feel pain, okay?" Tooth informed once she cought on.

Jack took it off as Bunny turned the machine off, watching as the low hum stopped. "Would you like to try and have something to drink?" North asked and Jack looked up at him, his big blue eyes meeting North's as his mouth pursed in thought.

He then looked to Bunny, pointing at him. "Huh?" The Pooka asked unsure of what Jack was doing. "Are you wanting him to take you?" North asked, unsure. "N-" Jack coughed harshly and so suddenly that his whole body shook for the duration.

"Easy," North rubbed his back and the boy pointed at the Pooka once more, making a drinking motion as he did so. Nobody was sure of what he was getting at but suddenly, Bunny's eyes widened. "Tea! You want me to make you tea like last night!" He exclaimed, feeling very proud of himself as Jack nodded slightly in confirmation.

"Aw thats sweet~" Jamie sang while giving a small smirk in Bunny's direction, making the rabbit frown slightly. "Oi. Watch it." He warned, although somewhat playfully. North very carefully stood and adjusted Jack in his arms as they made their way to the living/lounge room.

Upon entering, they spotted Phil, and Jack seemed to want his attention. He patted North on the shoulder and pointed at the yeti, motioning for him to be called over. "Phil! Someone wants to see you!" The yeti quickly came over and Jack peered up at him in wonder.

This yeti felt so familiar to him, and Jack had seen him taking care of him during a brief moment of conciousness once he was saved. Jack reached out for the yeti's hand who gave the boy what he wanted. The spirit closed his eyes really tight, hovering his hand over Phil's.

No one knew what was happening but once they saw Jack's hand glowing they were interested. Phil chuckled at Jack's face, he looked like an intensly focused toddler. He knew that without the boy's staff, it was difficult to use his magic, but if he did, it was extremely powerful.

In a few moments, Jack opened his eyes, huffing slightly from concentrating so hard. Phil looked at his hand, in it there was a beautifully designed hair stick made of ice.

It had intricate swirls and patterns woven into it and an 8 teired snowflake at one end. Phil held it with such care while he inspected it, looking back at Jack with wide eyes. "Rhagga?" He asked, to which Jack nodded.

He didn't realize at first but he could understand the yetis. "Vheragg rah?" Phil spoke up again, earning a shake of Jack's head. "You can still understand them?!" North asked, bringing Jack's attention to him.

He shrugged. He didn't know how but he could understand them, and judging by their reactions, he used to be able to as well back when he had his memories. Phil took out the band holding his tuft of hair in a bun atop his head, and used the hair stick with a smile.

"What did he even say?" Pippa asked, looking to North since he was the only other one who could understand them. "At first he asked if it was really for him and then he asked if it would melt, and Jack said 'no'" North explained.

Phil ruffled Jack's hair gently and bowed in farewell since he had work to get back to. Jack coughed slightly as he began to sense the dull pain in his throat make it's appearance but was able to ignore it for now.

Bunny had already gone to make the tea. It was different than the one he gave Jack but he knew the winter spirit would like it just as much. There was a crashing sound coming from North's office and he mumbled something in Russian. "I will be back in one moment." And with that he set Jack down and took off to reprimand the elves for sneaking into his office again.

"North-" Tooth began as she noticed Jack's protesting expression. He wobbled slightly but held himself up, as Tooth came over to wrap an arm around him reassuringly. "Its okay Sweet Tooth, he'll only be a moment. The pesky elves snuck into his office again." She explained, but Jack still looked nervous.

Just like he and Tooth had promised, North was back after only a moment, scooping a waiting Jack into his arms once again and sitting on the couch. With North's large stature and Jack's small frame, it genuinely looked like a father holding his little boy.

Bunny arrived with the tea and even had a straw in Jack's so he wouldn't have to tilt his head and strain his neck. "Careful. Small sips." He instructed as everyone made themselves comfortable.

The first sip was agonizing, Jack began caughing harshly and hovering a hand over his throat. At first Bunny thought it was too hot until realizing that North had said the boy's throat had been severely damaged.

After the excruciating coughs subsided, a small whimper escaped his lips. His throat burned so badly on the inside, now more than before. Just moving his head sent jolts of pain as the skin and muscles pulled.

He handed the pooka his tea, no longer willing to have any. Bunny's ears drooped, he felt bad for his friend and deeply wished to make his pain go away, but he couldn't. "Its okay, we'll try again another time." Bunny offered a small reasuring smile to Jack's apologetic look.

Then, his look turned more questioning. "Beings like us don't have to sleep or eat as often as humans do, though we do need to." Jack understood what Bunny meant by that.

Even if he opted to not eat or drink anything, he wouldn't go hungry as fast as a human would. Jack sucked in a deep slow breath as a yeti entered the room, an urgent look on his face.

North's expression grew cold and menacing. "Pitch's ice has melted." Jack's face lost all color.


Hey Snowflakes,

3 updates in one day, crazy I know. Today just seemed to drag on for me and it hasn't been a very good day for me either, so I decided to pass my time writing and updating.

I wasn't expecting to update this many times today but here we are. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you all have a good day/night.

*Jack Frost*

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