By FannyJosefina

253K 13.4K 2.8K

The sight shocks her. It shocks her more than someone should shock a girl from a small conservative village... More

1; Sailing through storms
2; Deep in the forest
3; Down the hill
4; Into the palace
5; Home to the temple
6; Over the river
7; Inside the bathhouse
8; Down by the altar
9; In my nightmares
10; Beneath the statue
11; Painfully different
12; Butterflies
13; Athena
14; Push and pull
15; halfway mark
16; How does it keep getting better
17; West of the mountain
18; Crash and cry
19; Little febuary
20; Tall and short
21; Violence and hatred
22; Outsider
23; Returning home
24; Over the sun, under the rain
25; Ultimatum
26; Summer nightmares
27; A brave promise
28; Matrimonium
29; My first and last
31; Cold silence
32; Crossing the river, again
33; Prisoner
34; Escape route
35; Summer tide
36; Restricted or held
37; A final dream

30; Lazy tears

4.4K 277 40
By FannyJosefina

"This marriage, so many things about this marriage"


⚠️ mentions of death, censored swearing ⚠️

"You can't make such cuts to my budget! The instructions are clear!"

Thea barely contains her anger. For everything that she has worked for, for everything she has done, this is what she gets? Honestly, what was she expecting after getting married?

A long, nice honeymoon. A vacation somewhere further along the island, away from the city. A break for the first tine in her life. She wanted to lay down on the beach, watch the clouds float by on the endless clear blue sky. She wanted her two wives, (wives!) next to her, both as beautiful as the sun and moon. She wanted laughter, an easy feeling. Waking up as late as she sees fit and going to sleep even later. Eating whatever and not training unless she wants to. Playing games and making jokes, having fun.

But it never matters how much you work, it never pays off. For years and years Thea has done nothing but work, she has done both her own job and the queens job since she became a leader. Before then, she studied and trained even harder to reach the said position. But Thea had expected the position to be less infuriating. It was supposed to be an honor to be leader, not a burden the size of a mountain. Ariadne doesn't have it this bad, neither do any of the other leaders. It's all just because she is such a pushover. Such a people pleaser.

The queen asks her to handle some tasks, she does. The queen doesn't do some tasks, she does them. The queen forgets to do all of her tasks for a month, she has already done them before the month even started. At this point, Thea is queen, just without the title. She handles all of her paperwork like a secretary, she goes everywhere that the queen needed to go and receives no appreciation or acknowledgement for it. After Ariadne found out she was furious, but thankfully she knows to hold her tongue in front of the queen. It's not like they can go against her...

Ariadne has helped her with all the work ever since Irene returned and they got married, just like she promised she would. With the two of them, the work is much lesser, but that doesn't erase the past. All those years of constant suffering and dragging herself out of bed during the ungodly hours of the night every single day, all those years still need to be healed. Not to mention, that just because Ariadne is helping her doesn't mean it's easy. They both have their leader duties, on top of sharing the queens duties and they even had to plan their own wedding. While the wedding is over and the island is saved, the people and especially the queen don't seem as appreciative of that as Thea had secretly hoped them to be.

And now she's here, in front of the arrogant queen who keeps trying to make abrupt decisions to benefit her and her only.

"You steal from the people and you steal from the temples! Just because you need more money doesn't mean you can take it from us!"

The queen laughs. Like actually laughs. Thea feels so angry she might just burst at her. She has learned from an early age to hold her tongue. People can be mean and aggravating and cruel and they awaken emotions, but those emotions are better kept on the inside. People like the queen are powerful, they can do whatever they want and they influence your life. If Thea had shouted at everyone that wronged her in the past she wouldn't be here today. But that seems to have slipped her mind at the moment, as the queen grows more and more reckless by the day.

At first she wasn't doing some of her work, then she just started directly transferring her work to Thea and now she even demands more money for her parties and elaborate things, thinking that she deserves all that. It's ridiculous! Who lazes around, acting all high and mighty, and then expects people to appreciate her for it? Thea is starting to get sick of her arrogance and incapability. The lineage to the throne needs to change.

"You forget yourself Thea! I am still your superior and therefore you will hold your tongue when asked to!"

A bright idea comes to Thea. If she is already doing all the queens work anyway, why doesn't she become queen...? A laugh leaves he mouth. Everyone else in the meeting room is sitting awkwardly, watching the two leaders fight. Thea stands up abruptly, her chair squeaking against the marble floor.

"I have had enough of you. Either you change your ways now, or face the f*cking consequences"

She grits out, looking straight into the queens eyes, which is something she is not really supposed to do. Thea storms out of the room, leaving everyone else in shock, mouths open.

A beautiful sunset shines in the background.

Irene looks at it with wide, open eyes. She loves the way the pinks and the oranges blend together. The sky is alight, a flame that burns ever so beautiful and eventually fades into the blues and purples of night. Around her, small bugs and white specs of dust float around in the air. A very soft wind, the first of the day, ruffles her hair and white dress. It's a warm breeze, but despite that it feels rather cool and calming after a hot day. Since the sun is setting, Irene can finally breathe out and let herself spend some time outside.

She is still practicing her language skills. It's not nearly as good as it should be. Irene knows that she has to be patient. She always has to be patient. Change is slow and change comes with both positives and negatives. She never believed that a simple marriage and finding her brother would solve all of her problems. Of course she didn't. Some people still stare at her with angry expressions, some people still look annoyed when she doesn't understand or can't speak. But what does it matter? Patience is everything, and change takes time.

She also knows that Isaac is trying his best to get more social and fit in back in the men's city, and that it's hard for him too. But he has Anaxagoras on his side, a man that is crazy in love with him. Their relationship is quite passionate, young and filled with ups and downs. But for Irene, Thea and Ariadne it's all about taking it slow. They might have gotten married already but that was all for the island. They have kissed once or twice, but Thea still lives apart from her and Ariadne and they haven't really discussed anything about their new relationship. It's only been two weeks after all. Things are, as always, complicated.

Irene is probably the one who suffers the most from these complications. She doesn't have a job to distract her, all she does is study and hang around the temple grounds. Now, when it's evening, it's peaceful enough for her to go outside. She doesn't really like people that much, not anymore. What they did to her still haunts her memories sometimes. Throwing her to the floor, pressing her against the wall, choking her, glaring at her. Some things take time to heal, even if she's ready forgive them for it. That's why Irene is here, in one of the smaller gardens of the temple, instead of hanging around the pools and cafeteria where everyone else is.

When the sun has finally set, and the orange hue disappears from the sky, Irene feels a chill. At some point it's best to retreat inside, to the warm covers of her bed. There she can wait for Ariadne, sometimes for hours, sometimes for mere minutes. Waiting in the darkness, surrounded by a soft wind from the balcony and under the smooth covers of the leaders blankets. Until those beautiful eyes look into hers. Irene smiles at the thought and stands up. She decides to head back.

Several voices and sounds start to fill the air. There they are, the temple girls. Irene sees them play around the pool. Some are playing innocent, staring up with their big doe eyes from inside the pool. Others are seated above, willingly letting themselves be lured into their innocent charms. Irene is still fairly uncomfortable by the sensual atmosphere. But she is getting used to it, slowly. She was doing better before though. Before everything happened. Now she can only awkwardly stare from afar, walk quicker past them, and hope that nobody notices her.

The pool area is the biggest outdoor area of the temple. Surrounded by marble walls and floors, and big round pools connected to each other, bridges built above them. Flowers in pink and purple and red shades hang by the walls and around the pools. There are seating areas here and there, velvet cushions on them to create a more homey atmosphere. Torches are lit around to replace the sun, and the soft orange light illuminates their laughing and smirking faces. Each one of them has a sweet voice, even if some might have deeper timbres. It's like music, just listening to them talk. That used to be Irene's favorite part about them, listening to them talk before going to bed in one of the common rooms. Like a soft lullaby.

"Oh hey"

Irene looks to the side, and then down at the hand softly holding her wrist. She smiles, although it almost looks like a grimace. Two girls stand in front of her, one a brunette with curly hair tied together with a red ribbon. The other one, a slightly taller one that is holding her wrist, with short black hair. They look at her with the same expression the girls here used to have when looking at her. Some sort of curious form of lust. Attracted to her different appearance and different personality. Attracted to the buzz around her, the attention that other people bring to her by talking and talking and spreading rumors.

They look at her like they used to. Before everything happened. Now people are maybe a bit more distant from her. Not mean, not anymore. Just distant, careful. Awkward, perhaps. Irene doesn't know which one she prefers. At least now, they seem to leave her alone and give her the space that she needed from the begging. But their awkward behavior also reminds her of what they did, and it reminds her that she is different from them. That there are things between them that can never truly disappear,

The brown haired girl hisses something to her friend.

"She's- ... remember-... don't-"

Irene can't catch what they are saying. But when the brunette has finished talking, her friend immediately let's go of Irene arm. But not in a polite way. In a way that makes Irene's stomach churn. Like her skin is on fire, and the taller girl burns if she touches it. Irene practically startles at how quickly the girl lets go. Then, there is an expression on both of their faces that the shorter can't understand, can't read. Something between distaste and disappointment, or maybe awkwardness.

"I forgot you were.... married... sorry"

The way she spits out the words, it makes Irene lower her gaze and take a step back. Not wanting to escalate the situation, and not really knowing what is going on, Irene only gives a small bow and awkward smile before leaving the situation. She leaves the two frowning girls and the rest of the temple women outside, not looking back even once. Whatever that interaction was, she doesn't like it. Hands shaking, the lingering grip still present on her skin. Irene frowns as she heads inside, ignoring anyone she meets in the hallways.

Inside it's much darker. They haven't lit the torches by the walls yet. It's also colder. The houses here, built out of stone and marble, are meant to be cold to keep them hidden from the burning warmth. But during the night Irene finds it cold and nothing else. She keeps waking forwards, not thinking of stopping until she is in hers and Ariadne's bedroom, until she hears voices from the cafeteria.

"How dare you?!"

Irene stops for a moment as the voice is both familiar and aggressive. Then, slowly, she takes a step forwards. A step turns into two, and soon she is standing around the corner. She doesn't want to listen in, it's not polite to eavesdrop, but who cares? Ariadne wouldn't care anyway. And there she is. Irene's wife. One of them.

She looks like she always does. Golden hair, that shines under the soft candle light. A long white gown with a few touches of gold here and there, and a small simple golden tiara in her hair, barely visible. Beautiful green eyes, that look a little different this time. They are angry, practically aflame. She is towering over someone, but Irene can't see who it is. She is very curious, but despite trying to look from a better angle she can't see, and so she gives up on that part.

"You... and that's why...."

Irene can't hear what the other woman is saying. Not this time. She thinks that the voice is somewhat familiar, like she has heard it before. But on the same time it's so quiet and distant that she can't figure out who it could belong to. The cafeteria lighting is also so bad now in the late evening that Irene can barely see her wife, let alone someone that is hidden behind the leaders back. Fearing to be exposed, Irene decides that she has heard enough.

"The girls don't question my authority! This marriage changes nothing and you...."

Irene is too far away to hear anything anymore, and she tries her best not to translate what they are saying in her head. But she can't help it. She's already so good at the language that it has spread to her brain, and now she translates everything automatically. The word "marriage" has become a word that appears time and time again, for these two past weeks she has heard it a lot. And despite the fact that Irene tries not to think about it, the questions keep popping up. Who is Ariadne talking to, why is she acting so defensive and why is she so angry? Maybe most importantly of all, what has this marriage changed between them, between everyone, and why does it seem to be on everyones mind?

Maybe it does bother her that she is left outside on some things. Maybe it does.

Irene curled up under the covers a whole hour ago. Her mind has since stopped racing, and her heart stopped beating like crazy. Instead she feels more at ease. It's pitch black outside, and cloud free. The stars are shining beautifully. Irene has stared at them for the past few minutes, hiding under the covers and gazing out over the balcony.

The door to Ariadne's office is open, one which the leader always closes behind her when she comes. It's a new routine that Irene has gotten used to. She goes to bed when the sun has set, and she waits for Ariadne patiently in the dark and quiet bedroom. By the time her wife gets there, it's already completely dark, near midnight, and the door to their bedroom is finally closed for the night. The only thing missing is Thea.

Irene heart hurts a little at that. They haven't spoken about their relationship, and their marriage is practically forced. But Thea is still apart of it. She is still her wife too. And Irene isn't dumb, despite the fact that she doesn't always understand the language or how things work around here, she does know why Thea doesn't sleep here. Both because she's a leader of a different temple, and because she's way too busy. Like Ariadne, but even worse. They have barely seen each other after their wedding day. Irene doesn't know what she can do to help, so she uselessly lays waiting for better days, for things to change.

Finally, familiar green eyes are standing by the door. Irene breathes out and leaves the realm of her mind. Slowly she floats back to reality and looks at the tired figure of Ariadne. If anything, Ariadne has only seemed more tired after their wedding. Irene thinks it could be because of her extra work that she promised to help Thea with, or it could be because of their marriage itself. Something to do with the argument. The questioning of her authority. The glares that Irene got at the pools today. Something about that, definitely.

But whatever it is, Irene doesn't know for sure. She can only take pity on the taller. Ariadne smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Hey, beautiful"

She has the same sweet voice as everyone else. A soft lullaby. Irene smiles. The leaders soft voice continues to echo in the big and open bedchamber.

"Sorry for making you wait so long"

She speaks while getting redressed for bed. Irene shamelessly watches, not out of attraction, but deep in thought. She wishes she could carry their burdens, but acknowledges that she has carried her own burdens for far enough time.

"The one who suffers from the wait is you, not me"

Irene speaks in vague sentences and broken words, but it makes sense. Ariadne somehow understands, and her smile falters. Irene stares at her bravely, a gaze that is sharp and reprimanding yet soft and understanding at the same time. Something with concern, but also blame. She wants Ariadne to take control over whatever is happening, she wants her to include her too, to help her understand. She doesn't like it when Ariadne tries to pretend that everything is okay. She doesn't like it when the bad things are swept under a rug. And she doesn't like it when her... wives? Girlfriends? Crushes? are suffering and working themselves to death like she once did.

Irene sighs. Allows Ariadne to lay down next to her before speaking again. Her voice might not be soft as theirs, but it's calming. Melodic.

"I worked like you-"

She can't build perfect sentences yet, but she works with what she has.

"I worked like Thea-"

Ariadne looks at her curiously, but doesn't say anything. Irene hasn't really opened up about her past or where she's from yet, but Ariadne takes what she can get. Simple words are enough. Hearing her speak is enough.

"One day, doctor came to town. Doctor said that I would die, with next wave of plague"

Irene looks at Ariadne with serious eyes.

"Weak people die in my home, because of plague. And I work too hard, so I would die. Working too hard is weakness"

Irene takes Ariadne's hand.

"There might not be plague here, but working too hard brings weakness to your and to Thea. Things are too unstable. You can't be weak. Please solve it"

Ariadne thinks that she needs to talk to Thea before things escalate. Especially after the conversation she just had with the queen.


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