My second go at life // Orste...

By PirateQueen14

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I thought finally I might have some kind of connection with her, so why did she do that? Why do I need to die... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chpater 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 2

864 37 6
By PirateQueen14

We tried out doing magic some more and we found out that the wind magic carries vibrations to my ears, but it's limited to how much I can make of it. If I can maintain it, I will be able to hear things around me all day long only thing is that people just have to be close to me and stay in the same area my wind magic is in.

"Ceres, this time focus, it's like practising combos in fighter games." Rudeus informed me.

"Fonus!" I exclaimed as I sat on the floor.

I have been getting a little better at speaking, but even when I say a word right it's very muffled or I slur the words, but at least people will be able to understand me somewhat.

"Concentrate, picture it over and over in your head then actually do it." Rudeus instructed me and I did it.

I made so much wind it smashed against the wall in front of me sending me back to the wall behind me. Rudeus landed on his back on the floor, he was making water magic at the window and he then got covered in water.

He seemed to try again. "Is this all my mp?" His arm fell shocking me and I started to cry loudly.

"Ma!" I yelled and she came running.

Zenith was concerned when she found us and checked on me first, but I pointed at Rudeus.

"Don't worry, he's just sleeping." She reassured me as she got Lilia to come in and clean up the water, she then panicked. "I mean." Zenith tried to sign to me what she said.

"Ai har." I let out, she was a little confused.

I pointed at my ear to do the sign for hear to show I heard her speak. Zenith had started to teach me sign language when she first figured out I was practically deaf.

The sign language they use is different from our last world, but it's similar in that you do use just both or one of your hands for the signs.

Her eyes widened then she immediately started to cry concerning me, I did my best to calm her down. "I'm so glad, you can hear." She hugged me tightly. "I hope you will be able to hear many things. I always wanted you to hear me say this, I love you."

I started to cry with her making Lilia laugh. "I'm glad Ceres is more like how a child should be compared to her brother." Lilia gave him a creeped-out stare as he was sleeping on a blanket.

"What happened to Rudeus?" Zenith asked me.

"Wee." I tried to say wet.

"I see." She hummed.

"Na wee!" I gave up on trying to speak.

"Your wee?" She asked me.

"Noa." I shook my head frantically, and I accidentally used a very deep tone.

When Rudeus woke up, he was silently crying in Zenith's arm while I was in her other arm. 'Damn it, I'm too old to look like I wet myself! Damn it! Damn it!' I heard him think and I patted his back.

'Can you take the blame?' He asked me.

"Nok." I rejected.

"That's yes in Japanese, thank you." He hugged me, and I tried to yell at him that it wasn't making Lilia and Zenith laugh as I messed up every word.

After that, we kept a bucket in the room, and the window open so I could use my wind magic without making the room a deadly bouncy castle that I heard are awesome.

We kept practising and slowly our mp seemed to have gone up after a whole year.

Rudeus learned sign language with me since I'm still deaf most of the time. I will practice even after I can manage to maintain wind magic constantly around me and that will take a long time to figure out. The wind outside just kidnaps my magic all the time, so I need some other way to communicate with others still.

'Man, this is hard.' I heard Rudeus think as I was showing him some signs, I then stopped unsure if he wants to continue. 'It will be a good skill to have!' He panicked.

I grinned at him and Zenith looking between us while smiling. She has noticed we communicate in some way, she just calls it sibling love.

I call it telepathy. As we learned sign language, I was reading the book Zenith brought to learn it from. I noticed the other two were talking to Paul, but they didn't seem to happy concerning me so I made some wind magic to hear.

"And now she magically goes deaf again? She's faking it, isn't she?" Paul laughed.

I didn't want to hear anymore. "I sori." I apologised and he paused seeing my expression.

Zenith and Rudeus then punched Paul in the gut, and he was dying on the floor. "Ignore him. He's what you call stupid." Rudeus informed me as he held me by my shoulders.

"Hey! I thought she just wanted my attention!" Paul yelled.

"Ban bat I caot ear?" I asked and groaned at my pronunciation.

"No, it's not bad that you can't hear! We are glad you can! He's just jealous you're so close to Rudeus, he wanted you to be a daddy's girl." Zenith grinned as Paul was blushing from embarrassment.

I hopped down from my seat and went and hugged him. "Louve boo." I grinned at him and he hugged me tightly.

"To cute!" He exclaimed.

I did use my wind magic more when I was around him to find he gave me compliments all the time even if I can't hear them and that really warmed my heart.

One night, I was with Rudeus on his bed reading the magic book. I used wind magic then I heard something I didn't want to. "Dear I can't anymore!" I started to wave away the wind trying to make myself deaf again.

'Our magic growing is a mystery along with our parent's sexual drive. They do it every night.' Rudeus informed me.

'Let me be ignorant.' I demanded.

'Okay, anyway, there's supposed to be a cap on magic power even if you work at it, but then it could increase as we grow up or maybe using magic at an early age dramatically increases our maximum.' Rudeus thought and I looked off to the side when I felt a heavy vibration to see he must have rolled off his bed smashing onto the floor.

The next day, we were practising and he was smirking, his face looked so weird. 'I shouldn't discount the possibility that we are unique!' I heard him think.

Yeah, unique once again, I'm disabled once again.

'Whoops, that's no good, cool it.' Rudeus calmed himself down.

'You're back!' I celebrated.

"Hey, I'm not turning into a villain." He sighed. "Anyway, for now, we should just train as much as we can while we are still growing, but how do I make these fly? Why did you go flying that time?"

'I just thought of a really powerful fart.' I explained. "So yoo."

"I'm going with that you meant yo instead of you." He stood next to me as we both used the window to try and learn how to make the magic fly.

I did it making me fly back again. "How?!" Rudeus yelled.

'I've been practising on moving the wind magic.' I explained as he helped me up. 'I want to hear everything without wanting to kill my ears after. I want peace, not murder.'

"You can do it." He reassured me. "Now, it's my go!"

"Targ!" I pointed at Paul's head.

"Got it!" Rudeus aimed his hand at Paul who was training while a bunch of women were making sounds I can't hear.

A water ball actually hit him, and I pulled Rudeus back with me before Paul looked over. I landed on my back while he landed on his butt and he repeated the spell and it went into the bucket making him cheer. "I finally cracked how this incantation works!"

"Woho!" I exclaimed.

I watched as he shaped his hand into a gun and started to shoot smaller balls of water. I put my hands below me on the ground and made wind from both making me fly across the room.

I hit into the blankets and cheered. "I flaw!" I exclaimed.

"I get it this spell goes create, set size, set firing speed, activate." Rudeus informed me. "What about you?"

"Fart power!" I explained.

"Seriously? Those are the first words you say correctly." He sighed while I laughed.

We carried on until we perfected the spells. I found out I can control the movement of my wind magic even after I made it, so I can keep it around us for longer like I had been wanting to do. I have to be gentle and slow with it and normal wind just makes it fly off, so I will still be deaf outside.

Having so much wind around me made my hearing perfect, so I was able to speak words with no mistakes just still a little slurred, but if I just focus and go slowly I can say them all perfectly, but I don't have time for that.

"We got more magic power now, so it's time we tried intermediate magic, it could help you hear even further." Rudeus excitedly went over to the book and picked it up.

I stood up and pulled on his arm, so I can get a look to. He lifted some of the pages on the side of the book where my spell is, so he could still see his and I can read mine. "Let's do it together!" He grinned.

I nodded, and I practised the spell name a couple of times then I said the incarnation all in my head while he said it all out loud. "Supple spirit of water and princess of streams that flow through the earth, sweep away all things with your hidden inner might."

"Splash flow, Strong wind." We both said them at the same time.

I noticed fog coming up around us and then a crazy amount of water appeared. My wind added to it making it go flying outside with the front wall.

I couldn't hear anything meaning all my wind is gone, and I held onto Rudeus tightly who was in shock.

We both fell to our knees, and I was staring out of our new big window then I felt a poke making me flinch and I looked to see Zenith. "You okay?" She signed to me.

I gave her a shaky thumbs up, and I glared at my hand for betraying me.

She patted my head and Rudeus's, she then noticed the book and picked it up while grinning scaring me a little.

She seemed to be asking us something since she looks to be expecting an answer. 'Scary, what's that look? Maybe kids who use magic are dangerous and get sent off to an inquisition.' I heard Rudeus think.

'I don't want to be sent away again!' I yelled and held onto him tightly while hiding behind him.

'You won't burn her or me! And no truck either!' Rudeus covered me.

I just hid my face until I heard him talk to me. 'We are fine, I suggest you make some wind magic.' He reassured me.

I slowly looked up to see his smile, and I used my wind magic to hear mum screaming making me think it was sex time again, but no it was about us. "Our boy and girl are geniuses!" She exclaimed.

"Hang on, this is an intermediate spell." Paul spoke up as he was looking at the book.

I saw Lilia cleaning...half of the room is dead, so I don't think that will help much. "Let's hire a magic tutor right now!" Zenith shook Paul.

"Wait, but we haven't taught them how to re-" He tried to retort.

"I'm sure they will grow up to be amazing mages!" Zenith squealed.

"" I hugged her waist and Zenith squealed as she allowed me the time to say that perfectly. "Mabic, I wab ta learn!" I rushed the last part because of my excitement.

"She wants to learn! Ceres is getting better at talking to!" Zenith lifted me up by my waist and then hugged me making me a little cautious, but I relaxed into the hug and it felt nice.

When I get excited my words get much more slurred, but I nailed the first sentence.

"Wait a minute! We promised that if it were a boy, he would be a swordsman and she's my little girl! She's deaf!" Paul retorted.

"But they both can do intermediate magic at their age! And she has her brother!" Zenith argued.

"A promise is a promise." He crossed his arms.

"Magic!" I yelled. "Wanl!....plwese."

"See she wants to learn, and you break your promises all the time!" Zenith reminded him.

"This has nothing to do with me?" Paul retorted.

"Mazic." I grinned.

"Why not teach him magic in the morning and swordsmanship in the afternoon?" Lilia asked. "And Ceres seems happy enough with just magic, it could help her be more independent."

"It's not good to fight in front of the baby, dear?" Zenith spoke sweetly as I was trapped between her's and Paul's hug confusing me.

'Is this a normal people thing?' I asked Rudeus since they made up way to quickly there.

'No.' He answered.

We both sighed. "Hey, they did that weird communication thing again!" Paul yelled.

"It's like they are connected." Zenith grinned and we both were a little surprised. That would make sense since we both died in the same incident and can talk to each other like this.

Very soon after, our magic tutor was coming to meet us, it was surprising how quick they were. I was running around the garden, but mostly rolling like a Pokemon as Rudeus was by the door.

'You don't like the outside, do you?' I asked him and he flinched.

'I did shut myself in.' He explained.

'I've never been out of our house. I love it, so you will be fine if you're with me, I can fart us out of anywhere!' I punched the air.

'Thanks, but stop calling your magic farts.' He sighed as I laughed.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder making me freak out and roll away since I felt no vibrations from whatever that was.

Rudeus stopped me from hitting the house, and I turned to see a blue-haired lady. 'ITS A HOT GIRL, NOT AN OLD DUDE!!' Rudeus's mind yelled.

'She looks 10.' I stared at him.

Rudeus called for our parents and they were surprised to see her too, Paul picked up Rudeus while Zenith picked me up.

The lady looked at me curiously as I made some wind magic so I could hear her. "My name is Roxy Migurdia, pleased to meet you." She greeted us.

"Ceres!" I exclaimed, and she gave me a confused look since I slurred my name, I practised for a whole goddamn hour.

'Her bush probably hasn't grown in yet.' Rudeus commented.

"Push?" I asked, and he shushed me confusing the others.

'I will give you some of my beautiful knowledge she has the traits, loli, scornful gaze, unsociable, they all equal perfection.' He taught me.

"Lolly? Lady taste good?" I asked.

'Yes, I want to marry her.' He informed me.

"You're the, um...home tutor?" Paul asked.

"You're awfully, well..." Zenith added.

"She's tiny!" Rudeus exclaimed.

"You're a fine one to talk!" Roxy huffed.

'Maybe she's sensitive about it? I didn't mean her chest, though.' He thought.

"Blue." I added. "Candy."

'She is.' Rudeus confirmed.

"I like you." Roxy admitted while smiling at me.

"Why smile?" I leaned away a little scared and Rudeus reached over and patted my head reassuring me she means no harm.

"So, where are the students I will be teaching?" Roxy asked.

"They are right here!" Zenith held me up and poked Rudeus's cheek.

She sighed. "You do see them sometimes. Idiot parents who think their kid has talent just because they're an early bloomer." Roxy started to rub our railing.

'We can hear you, Roxy!' Rudeus yelled in his mind.

"Excuse me?" Zenith asked with a scary smile making me freeze. "Not you, my dear."

"Sorry! I mean I doubt that these children could comprehend the theory of magic." Roxy explained.

"Don't worry, our little Rudy and Ceres are amazing!" Zenith declared making her sigh again.

"I understand, I will do what I can." Roxy nodded, and she started to go towards the front garden.

"Are we doing this outside?" Rudeus asked worriedly.

She said something, but she was to far away for me to hear. Zenith put me down, and Paul then put down Rudeus. "Hand." I demanded and Rudeus was confused.

I took his hand in mine. "I'm with you." I reassured him and pulled him along.

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