13th Doctor OneShots S2

Autorstwa JessicaSongAQ

5.1K 149 183

I don't Own any of the characters that belongs to the BBC Doctor Who. Hey Fam, So because these Oneshots/fic... Więcej

Spyfall Part 1.1
Spyfall Part 1.2
Spyfall Part 2.1
Spyfall Part 2.2
Orphan 55
Nikola Tesla's night of Terror
A dilemma ?
Fugitive of the Judoon
Another nightmare?
Head over Heels.
Can you Hear me?
A Virus!
The Haunting of Villa Diodati!!
11th/Amy/Rory/River and J.
Doctor Who?
Inner feelings!! T|W
The Master!
13th/10th/Rose and J.
Happy Halloween✨🎃
Ascension Of the Cybermen.
The Timeless Children.
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 1)
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 2)
Baby J.
Secrets come out!

Unnamed Title

41 4 21
Autorstwa JessicaSongAQ

"So you happen to have met me in an alternative universe and you happen to believe I'll believe you all?" Atticus was confused.

"You're the one that decided to join us when asked, don't start questioning if travelling to an alternative universe is real when you've been through time and space, you've gone to what? Three alien planets so far. It's a bit late to be doubting some things now, no?" Jessica raised her eyebrows.

It's been over two weeks since Atticus joined them. They've finally told them about how they met an alternative version of them.

"Yeah... but... you said I was a huge fan of some show that happened to be about you lot? How can I believe such things?" They wonder.

"Actually it was basically just Yaz and Mum that was in this show I was not. Neither were you by the way." Jessica says.

"I got that." Atticus rolls her eyes.

Jessica chuckles.

"Ya know that it's not that crazy there are plenty of alternative universes you could be a frog, a lion, even a sandwich in another." Jessica snorts

"Right.." Atticus thinks.

"I don't think it's actually possible to be a sandwich." Comes a voice from behind Jessica

A small chuckle follows behind Jessica. She becomes all too aware of who that laugh belongs to and the voice that soothes her entire existence.

"Hey baby." Jessica turns and smiles at Ituxi.

Ituxi slowly wraps her arms around Jess and kisses her forehead knowing fine well she's not so comfortable with public affection, and she sure as hell knows how awkward a full kiss would be in front of Atticus she suspects they wouldn't be comfortable either. And she's not about to give a show either, So she sticks to kissing the top of Jessica's head.

Jessica wraps her arms around Ituxi's waist. "You're so adorable." She says.

"Nuu!" She Boops her nose "you are." Ituxi smiles warmly into her lover's eyes.

"OH HEY ITUXI!" The Doctor yells from the stairs as she comes into the console room from that direction.

"Oh!" She clasped her hands "We found a time on earth where they've made a GIANT" she uses her hand gestures "CUSTARD CREAM bigger than the Statue of liberty." The Doctor says excitedly. "Well, we haven't found it yet, we're looking."

Ituxi looks at Jessica who is silently giggling she whispers down to her "you didn't?"

Jessica says nothing but the look Ituxi gets says all.

"Baby, tell her." Ituxi's pouts. 

'Nuuu! She deserves this just a little longer please?' Jessica says telepathically.

'And explain to me why she deserves this?' Ituxi replies telepathically.

'Well, she took my Sonic from me.' Jess pouts like a small child just being told no for the first time after asking for extra ice cream.

'Baby? Common. Tell me why?' Ituxi looks into her eyes with that, 'you need to tell me now or I spill' look.

'Okay, okay, I may have added a laser onto my sonic which I used in a time where lessers were not invented causing a destruction of things that apparently was 'witch.' Craft and I was taken to a trial where they determined if I was a witch or not.' She says they're still communicating telepathically.

'And?' Ituxi's replies.

'Witch! They tied me to a three ready to burn my sorry ass alive before Mum helped. She was not pleased so she took my sonic to see what other things I have that could cause issues in the future or past and she is modifying my modifications.' Jessica sighed. 'Like she can't do that I spend hours, days, working at my sonic.'

'Jessica you kinda had that coming, and it's not fair to mislead her into thinking something that she is very excited about.' Ituxi tells her wife.

'Urg. I hate it when you're right.' Jessica groaned inside her head but also outside.

While they spoke telepathically Atticus was invested in watching them. They watched them silently stare at each other as if they were having a conversation, the facial expressions, the way they looked into each other's eyes.

Atticus tilts their head.

"Awk common." Jessica rolled her eyes. "A little longer."

Atticus was confused to say the least. She watched as Ituxi said nothing but Jessica groaned again and threw her hands at her side and turned.

"Fine!" She muttered out.

"Hey, uhh" Jessica found herself stuttering. But Ituxi nudges her.

"Mum?" She says to the Doctor.

The Doctor turns a giant grin from ear to ear. "Yes Sweetie?" She says.

Jessica huffs and looks up at Ituxi. But Ituxi gives her a look so she turns back to the Doctor.

"There is no giant Custard cream. Not that I know of anyways. I'm sorry. I lied." Jessica looks down at the floor.

There was a silence that filled the Tardis console with an Eerie feel to it.

Atticus watches, they look at the Doctor then to Jessica confused, uncertain of what's to come next. A little scared to say the least.

Ituxi gulps and looks at Jessica then the Doctor, she tries to figure out the meaning of the Doctor's look.

Is she sad? Angry? Mad? Upset? Annoyed? She couldn't figure it out.

The Doctor slowly walked up to Jessica. She said nothing. She passed Jessica her sonic and just held it out to her.

Jessica's eyes slowly tilt up to the Doctor she was sure she was about to get yelled at? Maybe?

She squints her eyes at her. "I don't understand." She asks the Doctor "are you not going to yell at me?" Jessica has a thing about yelling. As much as she does it herself she really does hate being yelled at.

In Fact it's part of her Trauma that she doesn't necessarily talk about. But the Doctor knows this.

"No." The Doctor says.

"Why? I lied." Jessica gulps. "I made you believe something that's not real."

The Doctor "I've fixed the Laser you have to command it to work instead of it accidentally going off it's voice activated so be careful." The Doctor turns. And walks back to the console.

She says no more. She pulls a leaver. And hits some buttons.

"But..." Jessica was confused and scared.

"I'm sorry." She walks over to the Doctor. "I'm sorry I thought you were being unreasonable. I mean it was not my fault I let it go off or that I got caught with it or nearly burned alive..." she gulps. "Well I guess it was exactly my own fault I'm so sorry."

"Mum?" The Doctor didn't reply, she didn't reply to anyone.

"Pa?" Jessica tries. And nothing.

"Dad?" Again nothing.

She sighs.

"This way." The Doctor finally spoke.

She led them through the halls of the Tardis.

Down right, walk straight down then turn left, another right and another left, down three other hallways that look like they're the splitting image as the others, two hallways with weird colours forming every other second. Down a very wonky looking set of stairs through to your right and through a double set of doors that everyone could have sworn looked like a custard cream.

"Through those doors." The Doctor said.

No one wanted to go first. So the Doctor looks at Jessica who turns her head still ashamed. She looks at Ituxi and not a word back.

Atticus was next, they turned and backed away. Uncertain of what's to come.

"Jess?" The Doctor walked to her. "Common you first." She motioned to the door.

"Fine, fine but If you're about to feed me to sharks I do not surrender." She gulped at the thought.

"And why would I do such a thing?" The Doctor nudged her daughter. "You know if I wanted to I'd not have any witnesses around." She smiled.

Something about that made Jessica uncomfortable. "Right... okay. I guess so." She says as she turns towards the door. She makes her way through.

A gasp escapes Jessica's lips as she walks through the doors..."WOW."

The Doctor looked at Ituxi and gestured for her next. She goes through. "OH.. MY.. GOD."

Atticus didn't wait for the Doctor to motion at them before going through, their curiosity got the better of them.

Before meeting the Doctor they'd never have just gone through but their confidence was going up. They were not so afraid to follow their gut and heart. "WOW OKAY THAT IS COOL."

Through the doors was in fact a giant custard cream triple the size of the statue of Liberty.

"I don't understand..." Jessica mumbled out. But it was heard clearly by the Doctor.

"I knew you were lying. I knew it was because of the sonic issue. And though I do not agree with you lying to me and that will stop all privileges to the game room for at least two months. You're right. You didn't mean for the laser to go off, you didn't attend for yourself to be captured. Or to be burned alive nearly, and when you told me about the custard cream I had to make my own. But I soon realised you were having me on." She looks at her daughter.

"Wait what? No gaming for two months? but..." Jess was interrupted.

"You lied. You're grounded from it." The Doctor said smiling.

"You can't ground me." Jess pouts.

"Oh yes I can. You're still my daughter and you're living under my roof." The Doctor stands tall and mighty "Don't make it longer." She says.

"Fine." Jess laughed. "I am sorry though." She looks at the Doctor with those eyes, oh those puppy dog looking eyes the Doctor cannot resist she sees her little Jessy within them eyes.

She hugs her daughter tightly "I know." She did know, she knew it was a joke and not for any harm, a revenge joke at the least. But she didn't hold it against Jessica.

"So uhhh? Is this thing edible?" Jessica wondered.

"I suppose you could go see? You could chip a tooth though." The Doctor chuckled.

"Haha, very funny." Jessica said.

"Actually that kinda is." Ituxi bursts into laughter at her wife's face.

"Hey!" Jess stomped her foot and crossed her arms looking like a small child about to take a tantrum.

"How rude!" Jessica sarcastically said before laughing.

"Is it though?" Atticus asks. "I mean is it edible?"

"Yes. And no." The Doctor said.

"The giant one is not. However I have many little ones if you all want some." The Doctor smiled warmly.

"Yes please?" Ituxi said.

And with that the Doctor took them down some stairs to a table filled with so many custard creams, original ones, chocolate ones,(and don't get confused with Bourbons) orange chocolate ones, cheesecake flavours. And many other types of custard creams.

Atticus smiled warmly at everyone. "Hey?" They say. "I loved spending time with you all. And you've helped me a lot Doctor. With my image of myself. But I really do miss my family." They were watching how Jessica and the Doctor were and it made her miss home.

"I'd love to return. But don't forget me yea?" They bite their lip anxiously.

"We'd never dream of it. You have my number, you need me just to give us a buzz yeah? And we can take you home shortly, is that okay?" The Doctor hugs Atticus.

"Yes. Thank you." They hug the Doctor back.

"It was a pleasure having you here. You're always welcome to join us." The Doctor adds.

"Yeah. It's great having you around." Jessica adds in. Ituix nods in agreement.

"Thank you all." Atticus smiles warmly. Feeling a little overwhelmed with their words but very grateful and blessed to know they're always welcome. And they sure do wish to come back.

"Thank you." They smile.

Jessica turns to her wife.
"Hey baby?" She whispers.

"Yes?" Ituxi's giggles.

"Come with me?" Jessica heads towards the door. "We'll be back shortly." She tells The Doctor.

The Doctor nods and Ituxi follows her wife.

They head towards Jessica's room.

"Hurry that ass up." Jess jokes.

"Sure!" Ituxi smirks, picking Jessica up.

"Hey, put me down." Jessica giggles.

"Fine. Very well." Ituxi let Jessica go without any other warning really. She falls onto her butt. Thankfully Ituxi's dropped her on their bed.

Jessica just smirks up at her wife. "I've missed you." She looks over to the door. "Do you mind?" It was left open.

"Oh not at all." Ituxi's laughs, closing the door, "I've missed you more baby."

Jessica gets up off the bed and hugs her wife before kissing her softly and deeply. A small moan escapes both hers and Ituxis. Lips.

They don't part until they need air. At this point Jessica is laid back on her back on the bed as Ituxi is struggling to take her own jacket off. Jessica just giggles admiring her wife.

"I could help you know?" But as Jessica says, Ituxi throws her jacket onto the floor.

"No need." She chuckled.

She leaned over Jessica and kissed her softly. "I love you."

"And I love you." Jessica kisses back.

At this point Jess and Ituxi were having their private moment.

Atticus and the Doctor were chatting away eating custard creams; they didn't have a clue what Jess and Ituxi were up to. The Doctor doesn't wish to think of such things so she just thinks they're watching a movie. It's a better thought. And to her knowledge that's exactly what was happening.

"Where is Yaz again?" Attuics asks. "I'd like to say goodbye before I go."

"She's visiting Ryan today." The Doctor munches down on a red velvet flavoured custard cream.

Atticus and the Doctor chat and eat for at least another half hour before they go back to the console room.

Jessica and Ituxi are still having their private moment in their room the Tardis thankfully moved them further away from ears reach.

When they're done they snuggle up together.

"Mhm." Jessica hums as she plays with Ituxi's hair.

"I love you." Ituxi softly says.

"I love you too bubbsy." Jess smiles warmly before her stomach growls.

"Of course." Ituxi's giggles. "Hm. I'll go make us something to eat. You pick what to watch, the rest of today we snuggle up and watch nothing but crappy tv eating junk food. How does that sound?" She asks her wife.

"Oh yes please." Jess was happy, she smiled and gets herself into some shorts and an oversized tee.

Ituxi did the same, they were wearing matching Stitch shorts, Ituxi with Jessica's Stitch tee shirt and Jess with Ituxi's Angel tee.

Ituxi fixes them up some lunch before setting to the console to let the Doctor know Jess and hers plan. The Doctor didn't mind.

Ituxi's is back in no time snuggling into her wife as they watch Eastenders while eating pizza, and a bowl of popcorn is beside the bed and some Lindor chocolates with a bottle of Pepsi each, Ituxi's being Pepsi max. And Jessica's Pepsi max raspberry. Her favourite.

They stayed like that the rest of the day, of course getting up for the bathroom, more food and some more private moments between them.

They were undisturbed the entire rest of the day.

When they finally both put their heads down to sleep they slept the best they have in months. In each other's arms, safe and sound.


Happy New year everyone.

Just a quick update,
I'm working on updates for all my fics, first update is here.
I won't be starting writing J into the recent episodes until I'm done here.

I'm unsure when the next update will be.

Hope everyone is well and safe, hope everyone had a good Christmas and a good start too 2022. May this year be filled will happiness, blessings and fulfilment to all. 🥺🥺

P.s I've no idea what to title this any suggestions?

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