Transmigration: Face slap th...

By Chil_lexx

330K 8.7K 660

What do you do when you find out your Aunt is your father's mistress? Your lovely sweet cousin is actually yo... More

Author's note
Arc 1
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.2
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.3
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.5
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.6
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.8
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.10
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.11
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.12
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.13
Arc 2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.3
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.4
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.6
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.8
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10
Arc 3
Coffee to go - 3.2
Coffee to go - 3.3
Coffee to go - 3.4
Coffee to go- 3.5
Coffee to go- 3.6
Coffee to go- 3.7
Coffee to go- 3.8
Coffee to go- 3.9
Coffee to go- 3.10
Coffee to go- 3.11
Coffee to go- 3.12
Coffee to go- 3.13
Coffee to go- 3.14
Coffee to go- 3.15
Coffee to go- 3.16
Coffee to go- 3.17
Coffee to go- 3.18
Coffee to go- 3.19
Coffee to go- 3.20
Arc 4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.6
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.10
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.12
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.14
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.20
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.23
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.24
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.25
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.26
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37
Arc 5
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3
Dun Dun Dun

Coffee to go- 3.21

464 8 1
By Chil_lexx

Thank you, lovelies!!!♡ for your patience!♡♡



Part four (4): You Who Still Blooms in my Heart

Warning contains mature themes mentions of suicide.

I neither condone or condemn suicide but if you are thinking of it, please breathe and ask for help.

Viewers' discretion is advised.

"You Who Still Blooms in my Heart -"

<<<The actually events that happened>>

The crowd scattered cowering for cover as they screamed terrified. Carter embraced his bleeding, "Someone call an ambulance!-" he shrieked mortified, "Please wake up! Stay with me, please! You can't leave me like this, Emerson! Please wake up..." Cheng Bi Yu lets out a barely audible moan. Carter leans his ear closer."My baby..." her breathing was shallow.

"Your phone quick!-" she snatched Teddy's mobile. Priyanka panicked her, trembling hands dialed 211 her frantic voice alarmed the operator who could hear loud muffles in the background, "211. What's your emergency?-"

Priyanka rushed in one breath, "My friend has been shot!" the operator types on her keyboard, "Your name?"
"Priyanka!.." she deadpanned.

"Okay, Priyanka, could you tell me where you are? There's a lot of background noises, so you'll have to speak up,"

"At the courthouse down at Park Avenue
!.." the operator paused, surprised, "Where the high profiled trials just wrapped up?.." The coincidence sparked interest. She shook her head, scolding under her breath she lifts her mic,"Ae.. that's not important right now..." Priyanka's breathing became harsh, "..There's something else. She's six weeks pregnant..." the operator straightened she questions, "Where was she shot?-"

"In her stomach..." she glanced over to Cheng Bi Yu, "Okay Priyanka, you did well. I'm sending an ambulance your way..." Priyanka hung up, tossing the mobile to Teddy she rushed over to Cheng Bi Yu.

The operator pressed her line, "We have a #361 shooting at the courthouse down Park Avenue wounded is a six weeks pregnant woman, status unknown.."

"Hey! Drop your weapon! Drop it right now!-" Court officers wrestled with the hooded perpetrator three misfires goes off aiming at the ceiling the apprehended the gun throwing the perpetrator to the floor they tussle for a bit before pinning her down the hood is ripped off revealing a disheveled and disgruntled female lead she hissed turning her unscrupulous gaze in Cheng Bi Yu's direction, "You deserve to die Emerson! If I can't win, you don't deserve happiness!-" He roughly pulled her up, pushing her out the courthouse.

The ambulance arrived in less than three minutes Cheng Bi Yu was put on a stretcher and wheeled out to the ambulance Carter sticks behind then his gaze focused on his woman they lifted her up into the ambulance, "Come with us-" one of the paramedics says strapping Cheng Bi Yu in Carter hops on the ambulance takes off the whole ride he holds her hand Cheng Bi Yu lightly squeezed with the little strength she had left.

The ambulance pulls up to the hospital entrance the door is swiftly pushed open not wasting time they lowered Cheng Bi Yu wheeling her into the hall nurses on the floor rushed over, "Victim is a six weeks pregnant woman shot in the abdomen she's losing too much blood-" the head nurse instructs, "Prep for surgery Dr. Gu will operate -"

Cheng Bi Yu lightly squeezed his hand, and her breathing becomes labored as she tried desperately to breathe in the oxygen mask her eyelids became heavy, and they slowly closed, "Come on Emerson! Stay with me -" he caressed her face with his blooded hand.

They wheeled the unconscious Cheng Bi Yu into the operating room quickly but carefully placed her on the operating table.

Carter was blocked by one of the medical staff as he attempted to follow Cheng Bi Yu in, "I'm sorry sir you can't go in there-" Carter shook his head, "I have to be in there! I have to be with her!-" the nurse's lips thinned as she looked ahead sympathetically at the rattled man, "I understand, sir, but you have to let the doctors do their job -"

Carter stepped back, and he frustratedly sighed, tugging his ear from his scalp, "Fine!-" he reluctantly agreed he cuts left, watching the surgery from the one way mirror.

They hooked her up to the various machines. They cut off her pants and the lower half of her shirt, "Heart rate at sixty-" the nurse informed monitoring the patients heart rate on the machine Dr. Gu medical surgeon enters getting right into it, "Scalpel-" he neatly cuts her open, removing the dead fetus and placing it on the tray.

Carter covers his mouth trying to hold back his pained muffles as tears fell from his eyes his assistant nurse's eyes widened alarmed, "Patients heart rate at thirty-" the doctor paused, "We're losing her crank up the volume!-" she turns cracks the volume on the machine she brings defibrillator to her chest she eyes the machine, "Heart rate at twenty! We're losing her! Come on -" she electrocuted her two more times, "Come on one-two! Come on one-two three!-"

Cheng Bi Yu completely flat lines everyone present in the operating room sighed lowering their heads, "We failed this one -" Dr. Gu slips off his cap. Carter grips the wooden guard rail at the window he breaks down in a fit of tears, and the nurse pulls the white sheet over her body.

Dr. Gu embarrassed and disappointed with himself gave Carter a sympathetic look before brushing past him he lowered his gaze "..I'm sorry-" he apologized for his failure and incompetence.

The fresh face nurse who had talked him down earlier gave a bitter smile she bowed, lowering her gaze ashamed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Young, but you'll have to sign so the body can be released to the morgue. You can collect her from there. Again, I'm very sorry for your loss -" she hands him the slept numb Carter hurriedly signed he walks out in the waiting area.

Spotting him Priyanka rushed forth, "Where is she?!-" Carter silent brushed past her walking over he slumps down his eyes held endless emptiness, "Where is she?-" Priyanka asked again seeing the grief stricken look in his eyes Priyanka collapsed to her knees, "No!-" she exclaimed covering her mouth, "It can't be! She can't. No! No! No!-" she frantically shook her head, her voice painfully cracked. Priyanka clutched her chest grief emitted from her heart.

Priyanka supported his bawling girlfriend. Carter just stared into space he was numb. Everything that happened didn't feel real. It couldn't. Less than twenty-four hours his whole world shattered before him, he had lost his dearest person and his precious child.

CBC News live:

"-I'm your new anchor, Rachel Chin. We report some breaking news: "Brazen shooting at courthouse early this afternoon, leaving one dead and two injured-"

VNL magazine:

'Court Under Fire!-'

"- Eastern court sent into chaos this afternoon after alleged missing person Emily in the Priyanka Chopra trial opened fire on her twin sister and two others -"

MxSA news blog:

"Missing twin reeks havoc!-"
Click link:

"-Priyanka Chopra framed?!-"
Click link:

Asia Times Magazine headline:

"-Crazy twin shoots sister!-"

<<At Eve&Ray morgue>>

The mortician comes out the the hall with his clipboard, "The autopsy is complete the body's yours-" he holds up a clear plastic bag,"..I thought you might want to have this-" Carter grasped the bag he choked looking at Cheng Bi Yu's engagement ring something he'd given her before her untimely death.


Eight months later.

Carter's in his cafe, sitting at one of the tables when he glanced a familiar short red head breezing past, he abruptly stands running outside chasing after the person, "Emerson! You-" he grabs her hand whipping her around there stood before him those green eyes but it wasn't the green eyes he laid awake longing for he released the mistaken woman's hand he steps back awkwardly clearing his throat.

"I apologize I've mistaken you for someone else-" the fresh faced woman gave a toothy smile, "I'm sorry to hear that I'm never one to usually get mistaken-" she flirts twirling her hair around her finger, "...The name's Eugene and congratulations you've just caught my interest. Buy me coffee?-"

Carter narrows his eyes, "I'm sorry I don't drink coffee let's not meet again-" he b-lines back to his coffee sitting back down at his table he lowers his neck he exhaled rubbing the back of his neck, "What was I thinking? I must be going crazy!-"

Eugene stood awkwardly in her spot, "Ouch! He's so harsh!-" she grins, "But he's very good looking!-" the excited youth grips her motorcycle helmet, walking ahead, "Awe! When in Rome -" she recites.


Two years later.

Carter drives towards the cemetery, 《Demons》by Imagine Dragons blasted through the stereo Carter parks he stops the engine unblocking he outstretched his palm getting the bouquet of fresh roses from the passenger seat he gets out.

The cemetery was well lighted at night like a park would Carter make his way through the open steel gates walking on the path to Cheng Bi Yu's grave. He unbottoned his jacket's one button he then leans forward carefully resting the bouquet before her headstone, "Your favorite-" he bitterly smiled as the cold breeze blew past him, "...This is the last time I'll be visiting. I've decided to end it all tonight. I can no longer pretend to be okay. I want to be with you, Emerson, even in death -" he kissed his four closed together fingers than rested it against her headstone, "...In the end, we'll finally be together -"

Carter parks his car a top the bridge he lights a cigarette puffing short breaths he discards the half done cigarette through the window, "It's time-" he looks up at the picture of Cheng Bi Yu paste on his rear view mirror, "See you soon my love-"

Carter slammed down on his brakes ignoring the warning signs he knocks them over the car lunged head first into the ocean Carter closed his eyes as the car completely submerged with water it was faint but he could've sworn he heard his name.

Eugene, who arrives at the scene, shouts, looking over a trained diver she dives in without hesitation.The numbness started to kick in, and he no longer held his breath. His side door is pulled open and he pulled out Eugene grabs his face pulling him in for a kiss Carter's eyes slightly opens though his vision was barely he knew this was his angel Eugene lifted them to the surface moving beside her motorcycle.

"Carter! Come on, mister! Don't go out on me!-" Carter remains unresponsive Eugene compressed his chest performing CPR, "One-two!-" she pushed against his chest, "Come on one-two!-" she kisses him pumping harder Carter made one big gasps coughing out the water that got trapped in his lungs.

Eugene sighs, relieved, "Thank god-" Carter saw a blurry image of the woman he longed day and night for Eugene collapsed beside him harshly breathing.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Carter squints his eyelid his forehead creases the youth slowly, opens his eyes from the medicinal smell and white walled environment, and he can tell he was in the hospital he was attached to a total of four IV's.

Carter turns to the person by his bed, "You again?-" he rudely shows his displeasure at the individual Eugene faintly smiled the spantanious woman croaked up her brow, "You know usually people thank the person who save their lives-" Carter exhaled, "You shouldn't have saved me! Why must you meddle with my life!-"

Eugene steps back, appalled, "Hey! I'm the reason you still have a life! How can you speak so rudely to me?! I won't take this!-" Eugene storms out Celine, who had just arrived, poked Willis, "Hey! Don't you think she looks exactly like Emerson?-" she points towards the raging Eugene who storms through the door.

"Freaky -" Willis exclaimed, feeling a shiver run down his spine, "Do you think she's a ghost?-" Celine pinched her superstitious husband, "Don't be ridiculous! Ghosts aren't real!-"

Carter switched on the hospital television. Celine barged in fuming, "What the hell were you thinking?! You gave us all a fright!-" Carter turns the volume up, and everyone glued their eyes to the screen.

DSW News live:

"-As always I'm your news anchor Dylan Smuk." The Swedish news anchor adjusts his tie, "- In international news Fugitive Esther Foo captured at Spain airport in Madrid earlier today. It's alleged that the suspect involved in drug smuggling went by three different alliances whilst evading capture-"

That program was cut midway as the local news appeared.

CBC News live:

"Breaking News! I'm your news anchor Zeng Bo-ra-" she flips her script clearing her through she stares directly into the camera, "-Convicted murderer commits suicide in lockup two years after killing her sister in cold blood and injuring two others-"

Celine clutched her fist, "..That evil woman after all she's done, she took a cowards end before playing for all her crimes. If she can't be punished in this life, I sincerely hope she rots in hell!-"


A year later, in Paris.

Carter once again sat in a cafe by the banks spotting a familiar figure he rushed out chasing after her snatching her wrist Eugene grins, "We need to stop running into each other like this-" Carter retracts his hand resting them in his coat pockets he awkwardly cleared his throat, "Thank you-" Eugene creased her brows, "I'm confused. What are you thanking me for again?-"

Carter leans straightening his shoulders, "...Thank you for saving my life." His lips thinned, "I was a jerk. That day when you found me, I thought I wanted to die, but I was thinking selfishly. Emerson wouldn't want me to die she'd want me to live." His eyes warmed as he stared into her's, "So I thank you -"

Eugene brightly smiles her eyes sparkled, and she adjusts her Grace Kelly inspired hat, "Then would you be okay treating your savior to lunch? I know a new restaurant just a couple blocks east -" she eagerly awaited his answer.

Carter nods. Eugene excitedly squeals, and she boldly hooks their arm together, "Let's be on our way then -


Twenty-three years later.

Eugene clears her throat, "It's time-" she bit her tongue sliding over the divorce papers Carter looks up at her uncertain, "-Are you sure this is what you want?-" he neutrally gazed upon his wife of over two decades Carter straightened his youthful looks have long been gone since his early forties but kept a regal elegance reaching the pinnacle of fifty his current age fifty-three,

Eugene remained peerless, not a wrinkle to her youthful, glowing aging skin she practiced, keeping her hair short just the way Carter preferred
during the duration of their two decades marriage.

Esther steps back she anxiously gripped the pen during their last meeting she she rehearsed and hoped she'll hold back the hysterics but suddenly her throat felt uncomfortable and she found it hard to breath her face slightly flushed,"People must think I'm a fool for living behind another woman's shadow for twenty-three years-" Eugene clutched her chest as her eyes moistened her voice cracks, "But I didn't care because I loved you still love you but there's such one can take. Do you know how it feels never measuring up to someone!-"

"Eugene-" Carter interrupts her speech Eugene sniffled she outstretched her palm, "Let me finish-" Carter eased back remaining respectively remaining silent, "Do you know how it feels when you're in your husband's embrace and he's always thinking of his first love?! Do you know how it feels?!-"

Eugene grabbed her short locks, "Every time you look at my face I'm transparent because you only she her," she tugged tighter at her locks, "I've kept my hair short for twenty-three years because you preferred it like this! I did everything to please you, but there's no way I could compare to your devastating love-"

She released her locks, "..I think there was a time you actually started to love me but not as a life partner no like her. But you know what? I'm grateful for all the times we've spotted together, but I stuck my head too high in the clouds, and now the fogs faded from the windshield -"

Stern Eugene straightened stepping forward she outstretched her palm with her initialed pen, "Sign, so we both can finally be honest with ourselves, to ourselves-" Carter grasped the pen his eyes scanned the document he exhaled signing with his excellent penmanship.

Carter hands his wife the document. Eugene quickly slips it into the folder she gave him a bitter smile, "Goodbye, my impossible love -" she wheels her suitcase out of their home.

Six months later, Carter was diagnosed with cancer the same year Young family's old matriarch and Jeju Island's Mayor Christopher died of a heart attack at the age of eighty-nine.

Followed his diagnosis was a string of appointments to the hospital and Chemotherapy treatments in two years Carter had fully recovered and considered cured but four years later it came back and this time wasted no time eating away at his organs a tumor took half his brain while two evolved rapidly in his intestines.

Carter confined to his hospital bed for two months now slowly opens his eyes he slightly eased up his oxygen mask,"Emerson?-" he managed to breath out Eugene gently squeezed his palm she shook her head giving her bedridden ex-husband a warm smile, "-It's me Eugene. You still remember me, right?-" his brain tumor caused him to become senile.

Carter remained silent, turning away, "You don't then let me enlighten you again. I'm Eugene, your ex-wife..." Carter snaps his neck he squeezed down on her palm. Eugene beams hopeful, "You remember now, don't you?-" he nods, "Eugene? Why are you here?-" he took deep breaths between each word.

"I'm here to send you off-" Eugene looked down at her ex husband a bittersweet smile plastered on her lips she warmly grips his hand assuringly, "-But don't worry when you get there I'm sure you'll find your happiness-" Carter's heart rate lowers he closed his heavy eyelids.

Eugene leaned over planting a ghost kiss on his forehead a stray tear fell from her eyes sliding down his forehead, "..I really hope you find your peace-" pulling back she wipes under her eye she ran out alerting the nurses.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Carter opens his eyes feeling refreshed as if he had aged five years backwards he glances over to the door he gawks in disbelief as he spots Cheng Bi Yu she gives a beaming smile her voice was all cheery, "-Someone's finally awake-" she leans against the door post, "You're finally here I was getting quite lonely up here without you-"

A small head peeked out from behind her dress the youth was shy at first before jumping out that ball of curly ginger red hair and beautiful, big glowing glass green eyes caught his attention, "Baba!-" he excitedly exclaimed smiling widely his fat cheeks sinked revealing the two small cute puncture holes on either side of his face.

Carter jolts up quickly, standing to his feet as he walked over to them he emitted a white light, which reversed his aging process back to his twenty's. He scoops his unborn son in his strong arms, "And what's your name, my little munchkin?-"

"Bun Bun -" Carter turns to Cheng Bi Yu, who sprung her shoulder, "What? The kid wanted to be named after his favorite food-" she pinches little Bun Bun cheek, "How could I say no to such a face?-" Carter snatched her by waist capturing her lips embarrassed little Bun Bun covers his eyes his cheeks blazed red as he peeked throughout a deliberate hole in his clasped hands.

Cheng Bi Yu pulls back, "We should probably get going. I'm not the only one waiting for you, you know-" Cheng Bi Yu turns pointing directly at the three figure emitting white light similar to Carter's his breath got stuck in his throat as he looks at his waving parents and the cheerful Christopher.

Cheng Bi Yu grins, "Come we don't want to keep them waiting after all you have a lot to catch up on-" she grasped his hand leading him through the door the wild wind blew through her hair the red door closed behind them fading into nothingness.

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