The shadow Hunter

By Cinnamon_girl12

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A girl who goes by many names, has many things to hide and Alena Rose was always hiding. The red room taught... More

Part 1: Alena Rose-Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Part 2- Clara Stark-Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Part 3- The shadow hunter- Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
chapter 52
part 4- Dama vie chernom-chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55

Chapter 36

10 3 0
By Cinnamon_girl12

I woke up early the next morning and was surprised to see Peter already awake. "Good morning." I said, quickly getting out of bed and grabbing clothes to get dressed. "Do you want me to make breakfast?" I shouted through the closed door of the bathroom as i pulled on my clothes. "yeah, if you'd like, that would be great." He replied, nodding, with a smile. We made our way down stairs to the kitchen. I started to pull ingredients out of the fridge and cupboards. I started to pour flour, milk and eggs in a bowl. "What are you making?" Peter asked with curiosity as he leant against the counter, passing me things every now and then. "Pancakes." I told him. "I love pancakes." He exclaimed. "My mum used to make them for me every year on my birthday for breakfast." I said and was suddenly hit with a longing. "I haven't had them in ages." I muttered. Whilst we took turns pouring the batter onto a pan and flipping them halfway through, me and Peter made small talk, but it all felt awkward. I hated it.

"Clara?" He asked. "Yes?" I replied, having a feeling i knew what was coming. "Erm, last night when-" The elevator doors opened and Happy came rushing in. I was glad for the interruption. "Clara, your awake, great." He looked over to Peter. "Oh and Peter's here, that's good, Peter's involved too." He processed for a second and then furrowed his brows. "Why is Peter here?" He asked, his eyes flitting between our faces. The pancake in front of me started to bubble and  I flipped it quickly.  "Breakfast." I said swiftly, pointing a the pan. "Ye, we were just...breakfast." Peter muttered nervously and rushed.  Happy mulled over and then raised his eyebrows, shook his head and carried on. "Peter you need to go home and pack, Clara you need to pack too." He explained. "Why? what's happening?" I asked urgently. "I'll explain everything on the plane." Happy replied. "Plane?" Peter questioned. Happy nodded, his phone binged and he checked it quickly, looking very busy. "Yes, your going to Berlin." Berlin? That's where Steve, Sam and Bucky were being held. "Forget about breakfast, although it does smell really good." Happy added, staring at the pancakes with greedy eyes. "We don't have much time, go and pack now, i'd pack for a week just to be safe." Peter started to rush towards the elevator before stopping and turning back. "Hang on, what do i tell Aunt May?" Peter asked. "Tell her you are going on another trip with Tony as part of the Stark internship." Happy said. He tapped his keycard so Peter could leave and as the doors closed, he called after him, "And bring your suit!" 

I ran upstairs, confused but also weirdly exhilarated about what was happening. I borrowed a suitcase from Tony's room, i had never had a use for one so i didn't own my own. I grabbed random clothes from my closet and chucked them inside. Downstairs i could hear Happy having a hurried conversation on the phone. I quickly went to Tony's lab and collected my suit and folded it into my case. I had left my activator on my bedside the night before because, although i wore it most of the time, it was uncomfortable to sleep with. I strapped it on my upper arm and carried my case downstairs to where Happy was waiting. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and so we jumped into the elevator. We went all the way down to the garage and opened the doors to the Ferrari, not the car Happy usually drove. "We have no time to waste." Happy explained as if he read my mind. We drove to Peter's and pulled up outside. He was already waiting on the curb with a suitcase and jumped in next to me. "Are we going to the airport?" Peter asked. "Yes." He replied plainly. "Shit." I muttered under my breath. "Happy, i don't have a passport!" I exclaimed. "That won't be a problem." He told me. I furrowed my brows but when we arrived at the airport, it made sense. Happy walked us straight onto the runway and to a small private Jet with 'Stark Industries' painted on the tail. 

Inside the plane, were large comfy seats set in pairs. Staff were on board with glasses of champagne. I reached for the glass but Happy took it from me. "Don't you dare." Happy said. "Why not?" I questioned. "You need to be alert." He told me, taking a gulp of the liquid. Mine and Peter's cases were placed in the holders above and then we strapped ourselves in to the seats for take off. Peter took out his phone and took pictures out of the window as we flew up into the sky. "It's my first time going to Germany!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Ok, enough of that, i need to explain to you what's happening." Happy said, leaning forward in his chair. Me and Peter payed attention and listened. "Rogers, Wilson and Barnes were arrested yesterday but last night they escaped." Happy started. "Secretary Ross has given Tony 36 hours to bring them in. There's a point where we are expecting Steve to show up and Tony will try to convince Rogers and the other two to hand themselves in, but things could get messy. We needed back up and that's where you two come in." Me and Peter looked at each other and then looked away, the eye contact awkward. "We have Romanoff, Rhodes and T'Challa on our side. We also have Vision but he is still back at the compound." I furrowed my brows. "Wait, back step. T'Challa? As in T'Challa of Wakanda?" I questioned. "Ye, he has this like cat costume he puts on, it's made of Vibranium or something. But he's an asset." Happy explained. "Bad news is, Rogers has roped Barton in and has collected Wanda from the compound." If this turned nasty, which it probably would, would i have to fight against Wanda, one of my best friends?

"So where's this point?" I asked. "The Berlin airport." Happy said. "Oh, so we are just flying straight there?" He nodded. He glanced around, checking for staff. "There's something else." He muttered conspicuously, his eyes falling directly on me. I furrowed my brows as his face became very serious. "Before we left, i got a call from Tony." That's who he had been talking to. "Early this morning, some SHIELD files were leaked. They don't know by who but they think it could have perhaps been Steve." Happy looked at me. "Including, the files they had about you and the red room." My face became serious as the corner of my mouth turned down and my eyes darkened. "I'm sorry, but everything about you, your whole past has been revealed to the public, including the government, which is why it's a good job your on a plane to Berlin and not in the USA." Everything. My whole life. The death of my mum, my time in the red room, the people I had killed. Everything I had ever done. "I'm sorry." Happy said again. "It's fine." I said quickly. I then sat in silence for a long time. I dozed off at some point and when the turbulence woke me, i had my head rested on Peter's shoulder next to me. I quickly moved away, feeling very embarrassed, as Peter opened his eyes

Finally we touched down in Berlin. "Ok, you two have a pretty quick turn around. They should be over there in a few minutes. so just wait with me until Tony gives you the call." He prepped. Peter rushed off to quickly put on his suit and i made sure my activator was in position. Peter came back in his suit with his mask in his hand. "Ok this way." Happy escorted us off the plane and it was driven back into the plane storage building. "Now Peter, you have an important job." Peter listened more eagerly. "When Tony calls for you, use your web things to steal Cap's shield, we need to immediately eliminate his advantages." Peter nodded excitedly.  The airport must have been evacuated because it was completely empty. "Put these in." Happy muttered to us, handing us both an earpiece. I took mine and placed it in my ear. "Oh and by the way, Clara, Tony said no gun or knife business from you. We don't need any deaths in this situation and it wouldn't bode well with the US government especially considering everything's out now." Of course he was talking about the files and what he meant was, 'Don't shoot anyone because that's another thing the government will lock you up for.' 

"Am i allowed to do anything to them?" I asked sarcastically. "You can punch and, or kick them." He replied. "And your shield, we don't know how far the others are willing to go so be ready to use it." Happy stopped us in our tracks when just ahead of us, in the middle of the runway area, Steve ran out towards a helicopter. As he reached it, the electronic whirring sound i associated with Tony could be heard from above. Steve looked up as Tony gracefully swooped down, his mask crawling back from his face. I noticed a bruise above his eye and thought it must be from the explosion. He was followed by Rhodes, landing beside him but keeping his mask assembled. They kept a couple meters between themselves as they spoke. We watched from a distance, hidden behind a pillar so we couldn't be seen as we caught most of their words. "It's so weird how you bump into people you know at an airport." Tony remarked sarcastically. Steve shook his head and spoke. "That doctor, the phyciatrist. He's behind all of this Tony." It could have been steve who leaked the files, or it could have been this doctor he spoke of but i wouldn't put it past him to lie. Before Tony could reply, a cat like figure, jumped down from somewhere and landed in front of them. T'Challa. "Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago." Tony spoke. "Can you help me out?" He asked with a satire manner because he already knew the answer. "You're after the wrong guy." Steve replied simply. "Your judgement is askew." Tony shot back quickly. 

"Your old war buddy killed innocent people." But surely he couldn't have. HYDRA was destroyed, it didn't exist anymore and so James couldn't be under there control anymore and I couldn't think of another reason he would do this. It wasn't like I knew him well, or at all, but I could just tell the type of person he was. "And there are five more super soldiers just like him." Steve spoke. "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony, i can't." Behind Steve, stepped out Natasha, her head of flaming hair, braided, wearing her black suit and her holsters full of weapons. "Steve. You know what's about to happen." She muttered to him. "Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" She questioned him. Steve looked at her over his shoulder and then back to Tony who looked bored. "Alright." He uttered. "I've run out of patience." He remarked. He brought his hands beside his mouth and yelled. "Underoos!" I furrowed my brows. "Quick that's you!" Happy hissed. I ran forward, Peter beside me, tapping my activator, the black and gold material growing over my body as we reached the others. "Great, you brought the teenagers." I heard Steve mutter.  Peter shot his web at Cap's hand who looked down at them with confusion and frustration. When i looked up, Peter was crouched on top the helicopter with Steve's shield in his hand. Everyone turned to him with astonishment. "Nice job kid!" Tony said, giving him a thumbs up. "Thanks Mr Stark!" Peter replied. He straightened up, "Well i mean maybe i could have stuck the landing better-" Tony pressed his lips together. "Ye, we don't really need to start a conversation." Peter shrunk back slightly, "Oh ok." He said quietly. He nervously turned to Steve. "Cap-captain. Nice to meet you again." He said, doing a small salute. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Ye we will talk about it later." Tony cut over him, trying to shut him up. "You've been busy, getting a whole team together." Steve uttered. "And you've been a complete idiot." Tony snapped back at him. "Involving Clint, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't want to leave, a safe place for her!" He put air quotation marks around the word, 'rescuing'. "I'm trying to keep..." Tony's voice became loud and angry and he quickly stopped himself, calming his voice again. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the avengers apart." He spoke. "What about you Tony?" Steve questioned. "You say I'm being irresponsible but look at you. You brought two kids, one of them being your own daughter to something which we both know will end badly." He retaliated. "I thought you were a better father than that."  To my surprise I locked my jaw and saw Tony do the same thing.  Tony had been a bad father but he was still my dad after all. Steve hadn't seen what we had been through, hadn't felt what I felt when I woke up in hospital and he was right beside me. 

"They don't understand this!" Steve spoke. I scoffed but kept quiet. "They understand a whole lot more than you give them credit for." Tony backed us. There was an icy atmosphere between the two. "Your scared of me tearing the avengers apart? You already did that when you signed." Tony's face became angry and dark like a bull in a fight. "Alright, i'm done." He muttered. "Your going to turn Barnes over and then your coming with us! Now! Because it's us!" Turning Bucky over was the best thing we could do to stop anyone else getting hurt. Even if he didn't do it, It would be sorted out. Steve looked around at us all and then held his trapped hands up. Over our heads flew an arrow, freeing Steve from Peter's webs. We all turned behind us and spotted Wanda and Clint positioned on a roof.

"Guys something-" Peter called from the top of the helicopter before grunting and falling on to the roof of the van next to it. I spotted a small bug like thing on the floor. A man appeared, seemingly growing from the floor, holding Cap's shield. He was dressed in a silver, black and red suit and wore an oddly shaped helmet with a visor and antenna. "what the hell was that?"  Rhodes asked over the earpiece. "I believe this belongs to you, Captain America." The man said in a proud voice, handing the shield back to Steve. "Oh great." Tony muttered. After a few seconds, which i assume he spent referring to F.R.I.D.A.Y's  locating feature, he spoke. "Alright. There is two on the parking deck, one of them is Maximoff, i'm gonna grab her." He shot upwards in the air and flew towards the deck. "Rhodey, you wanna take Cap?" Rhodes followed suit and hovered in the air. "Got two in the terminal. Wilson and Barnes." He reported. T'Challa rushed off in that direction, "Barnes is mine!" He practically growled. Steve threw his shield at Rhodes, knocking him. "where do you want us?" I asked through my earpiece. "Go after Barnes and Wilson. Peter, we need them webbed up first." I looked over at Peter who had since jumped to the ground, and nodded at him. We started to run towards the terminal, catching up to T'Challa. Cap got to him first, jumping on him and hitting him with his shield. T'Challa rolled out from under him, claws shooting out from his gloves and scraping the floor. They must have been made from Vibranium. "Move Captain, i won't ask a second time." He spoke calmly. He launched himself at Steve whilst me and Peter pelted around them, heading for Bucky and Sam. "Romanoff, you deal with the new guy." Tony said over the earpiece, i suppose he was speaking about the bug guy. "On it." She replied. Peter grabbed me around the waist suddenly and swung us up to the side of terminal. Inside i could see the figures of Sam and Bucky running. As Peter swung closer to the glass of the terminal, i kicked my legs out, smashing the wall into thousands of shards of glass. 

We jumped through and landed on our feet. "Nice." Peter breathed. Sam and Bucky were already advancing on us. Peter kicked Sam, sending him skidding across the shards of glass whilst I caught Bucky's fist in my hand as he threw a punch. "Woah he really does have a metal arm." Peter murmured in awe. I glanced quickly to my side and saw Sam getting to his feet. "Peter!" I yelled. He turned around but too late. Sam swooped down and took him in his arms. Whilst i was momentarily distracted, Bucky tried punching me with his other hand. I punched him right in the face before his fist reached mine. He stumbled back, slightly in shock. This time i had been the one to make his nose bleed. "Come on you could at least remember me, James" I taunted. "You did give me this scar after all." I said, motioning to the small but visible scar on the bridge of my nose. Something registered on his face as he furrowed his brows.

 I heard Peter yelp triumphantly as he freed him self from Sam and swung along the terminal. Bucky stormed towards me again. He threw another punch but i was quick to draw my shield. He grunted with frustration and confusion as his fist hit something like a stone wall. He punched again and again as i concentrated on controlling it and urging it forward. I pushed him away with it and he stumbled to the ground like he really had been hit with a stone wall. "I've had practice since the last time you tried that." I smirked. Again his face registered something, like he was remembering just a glimpse. 

Behind Bucky, i could see Tony flying through the air and small planes being hit by small missiles. Suddenly, something caught my eye, mounted on the wall beside me. I narrowed my eyes at the security camera, the red light flashing, and my lips parted. I quickly looked down at my forearm, pressing a few buttons on my control screen. My mask which i had been stupid and completely forgotten about, spread across my face. I gave a quick glance back at the camera but looked back just in time to see Bucky charging forward. I kicked him hard in the stomach and he kicked back, bruising my leg slightly. "Are the security cameras cut?" I asked. "No, why?" Tony asked. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure we will deal with it later." I muttered.  We continued to fight, both getting in some pretty good shots, and slowly backing up against the glass wall still intact. Sam flew over us, closely followed by Peter swinging. He shot a web at the pack powering his wings and they started to malfunction. He crashed through the glass and fell to the floor below. I blocked another punch from Bucky and then i was swiftly, swept off my feet by Peter. Bucky spun around and Peter swung forward, crashing in to him and sending him through the glass. Peter safely landed us on the ground a few meters from them. 

He shot a web at Bucky, trapping his metal arm to the ground and then two webs at Sam, both trapping his body to the ground beside Bucky. "Those wings carbon fiber?" Peter asked. "Is this stuff coming out of you?" Sam asked, looking at his torso and trying to pull himself free. "I would explain the rigidity- flexibility ratio, which, gotta say is awesome." Peter replied. Sam narrowed his eyes at him. "I don't know if you have ever been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking." He remarked. "Right, sorry my bad." He replied. I glimpsed Sam, moving his finger slightly and then i heard a whirring beside us. I looked to my left and was faced with Redwing, Sam's weird robotic companion. "Clara!" Peter exclaimed next to me. He grabbed hold of me and swung us up onto a higher level. "That was close." He muttered. But Redwing caught us off guard this time, shot after us and knocked us through the glass behind us. 

We fell a few meters and then landed on the hard ground of the runway. Peter groaned as he got up, i jumped up and bent my limbs slightly, making sure nothing was broken. I was all good except for a bloody cheek and probably a bruise on my back. "Are you ok?" Peter asked as he brushed himself down. "I'm fine. You?" He nodded. I could see Cap and T'Challa still fighting across the runway. Clint was aiming arrows at Tony who was whizzing around. Rhodes Flew fast towards Steve, and he would have knocked him down if he hadn't been quick with his shield. The bug man rushed up to him. "Cap heads up!" He placed something in his hand and spoke to him in a hushed voice that i couldn't hear. "Wilson and Barnes are secured in the terminal." Peter said over the earpiece. "Good job guys." Tony replied. I furrowed my brows as the bug guy threw something in the air and Steve followed suit by throwing something else. Suddenly, the small object grew to be a full size van hurtling through the air. Nat and T'Challa dove out of the way just in time but Rhodes cursed loudly over the earpiece as the van slammed into him and burst into flames. "Clara!" Peter shouted as the van coated in flames skidded towards us. Swiftly, Peter shot a web at a pillar and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me from the path of the van. We landed a few meters away on our feet and Peter breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" Peter shot questions at me. "I'm fine." I replied. 

I spotted Wanda and Clint running out from behind debris and soon Steve and the bug guy joined them. "There's our ride!" Steve yelled, pointing towards a truck. "Come on!" He yelled to Bucky and Sam who must have got free. The rest of us started to charge towards them but we needn't had worried. We blocked our eyes from the bright light of the mind stone as Vision slowly grounded himself, blasting the ground in front of the 6, stopping them from going any further. "Captain Rogers! I know what you believe your doing is right." He spoke. "But for the collective good, you must surrender now." The 6 of us joined Vision. Peter grabbed me again and swung us into line next to the others. We stood in a line opposite theirs, feeling like two seperate enmities when we were supposed to be part of the same. Peter crouched next to me, facing Sam and i faced Wanda. I kept my eyes on her as she did with me, our faces unreadable. "What do we do Cap?" Sam asked. Steve stepped forward, cracking his neck to the side. "We fight." The 6 of them started to approach us, slowly at first. "Well this is going to end well." Nat muttered sarcastically. The 6 of us, with Vision floating above us, strode towards them as they picked up speed. "Their not stopping." Peter uttered with a slight nervousness. "Neither are we." Tony said. Rhodes and Tony set off and the rest of us broke into a run. The red vapors started to pour from Wanda's fingers as she flew forward, landing right in front of me. 

Beside us, the others were already fighting, blasts went off, people groaned as they got hit. Me and Wanda faced each other with clenched teeth. She ran at me so reluctantly i ran at her. She jumped and attempted to kick me, a move i had once taught her. I dodged it and pulled her leg thrusting her body to the ground. She hurried up, her face growing red with anger. "I don't want to fight you Wanda." I told her truthfully. "Neither do i, but i'm doing what i have to." She snarled back. More vapors trickled from her hands and i remarked them. "You know that doesn't work on me." I reminded her. She cocked her head to the side. "No, but this will." She said. Her eyeline flicked upwards and she raised her hands, power pouring from them. I spun around as two cars crashed out of the parking levels. They flew towards me at a high speed and just as they would have hit me and injured me greatly, I pulled my hands up, pulling with them my shield. The glass-like energy surrounded me, protecting me from the cars. But they were too large an object to bounce off like a bullet would have. They leant on my shield and i tried with great effort to push them off. I groaned and grunted as i mustered the energy to urge the shield forward and push the cars away. One mistake and they would crush me. "Come on." I muttered to myself. I gritted my teeth and screwed up my face with effort and then with an almighty surge of energy, i threw both of them off me. The glass from the windows shattered and the metal crunched as the smashed to the ground. I grunted and breathed heavily and turned back to Wanda with anger surging through my veins. She looked at me with shock and i wondered if she was shocked she had done that to me or shocked i had gotten away unscathed. If only Pietro could see us now, fighting. He would hate this. She didn't try anything like that again. She was surprisingly useless towards me now because her advantage didn't work on a shield. So instead she charged towards the next person, Nat, who was fighting Clint. She caught her ankle with in her red vapors and threw her against a storage box. 

Across the runway, i could see Peter fighting with Cap. He flung his shield at Peter who dodged it by an inch. "You know that does not obey the laws of physics at all." I heard him remark. I couldn't help but laugh. Trust Peter to get all sciency during a fight. Shooting two webs at both of his legs, he swept Cap to the floor.  He regained his footing though, and as Peter shot at the shield, attempting to pull it from his grasp, Steve yanked it forward and Peter with it. His face came slamming into the Vibranium and he grunted as he hit the floor. I shot towards them. I ran past Bucky and T'Challa who had each other at the throat. Peter pushed himself up quickly but as i reached the pair, Steve flung his shield at the passenger boarding bridge behind him. The legs holding it up teetered and it started to fall towards Peter. I inhaled sharply but luckily, Peter caught it impressively. Cap caught his shield again. "Hey!" I yelled at him. He turned towards me and threw his shield again. The liquid-glass with a slight golden hue formed in front of me at the command of my hands and the vibranium shield bounced off back into Steve's hands. "Don't you remember?" I laughed. "My shield is more impressive than yours." 

Peter grunted under the weight of the bridge he held up. "Hold on Peter." I called to him. "Ok!" He called back weakly. Steve pressed his lips together in frustration as he ran towards me. I punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach. He was hurt but not badly considering he was a super soldier after all. "Why are you doing this Clara? Because of your dad?" He asked as i dodged his punch. "Because your being selfish." I told him, sweeping his legs underneath him and holding him to the ground. "I'm doing what's right." He said, pushing me over so he held me down now. "What you think is right is just going to end up with more people hurt and killed." I retaliated. "Trust me, Steve. I've spent most of my life being the one creating those casualties and you don't want to turn in to someone like me." I told him, kneeing him in the stomach and forcing him against the ground again. "Stay the hero, don't turn into the villain." I said. He stopped struggling and looked up at me. "Do you think he did it? Do you think Bucky did it?" He asked. I furrowed my brows. "You knew Bucky at HYDRA but he isn't under their control anymore, he isn't the winter soldier anymore, he isn't who he was when you met him." He uttered.

"I know that." I told him. Steve's face relaxed. "Then why are you trying to hand him in?" He asked. I gripped his shoulder harder. "It's not about him. It's about stopping all of you from breaking the avengers apart. Stopping you lot from creating more damage." I snarled. Steve wrestled from under my grip and had me under his now. He punched me sharply in the stomach and i groaned as a blinding pain overcame me, my vision blurring as if I might pass out. I felt the skin on the side of my stomach tear and bruise, blood seeping from the wound. I think i may have heard something crack. Steve stood up and looked back at me. "Your fighting on the wrong side, Clara." He told me. "No you are! Your fighting on the side who betrays people!" I yelled after him. Steve and Clint, two people who had trusted me in Sokovia, now fighting me. Wanda, someone who i actually trusted, who i loved like a sister, throwing cars at me. "What do you mean?" Steve asked with Confusion. I breathed heavily and pushed my self from the ground, clutching my side. "The files. Did you leak the files Steve?" I asked accusatory. He furrowed his brows. "What files?" He asked. "My files!" I yelled with anger. "The files about me at the red room!" I lowered my voice again, "Because everyone knows now. Everyone knows what i've done, who i was. Hell, I don't even know if i'll be allowed back in America." I said, laughing almost sadistically. "Because you should know," my laughter halting. "If you did it, you've made an enemy." I said darkly. Steve looked down at the ground then back at me. "Clara i'm sorry, but it wasn't me who leaked the files." He insisted before running towards more action. I watched him leave not knowing if i could believe him.

Peter grunted my name behind me and i suddenly remembered he was there. "Shit. Sorry Peter." I said, rushing towards him. "It's ok." He insisted. "Ok, reach your hand towards me and i'll pull you out." I explained. Peter adjusted his stance and quickly reached his hand out to mine. I grabbed on to it and pulled him out from under the weight of the bridge as it crashed to the ground. Both of us fell to the ground and panted. "Thanks." He said, jumping up and extending a hand to me. I took it and he pulled me from the ground. My breathing was labored and i was almost certain Steve had cracked a rib. I clutched at my side and keeled over slightly. "Clara, are you ok?" Peter asked urgently, placing his hand on my back. i nodded and straightened up again. "I think Steve cracked my rib." I explained. "You need to get to a hospital!" He said. I shook my head, "Not right now, we still have a fight to win." I said. I watched as one of Clint's arrows sailed through the air towards Tony. It exploded but he managed to dodge it. As me and Peter jogged back to everyone, every breath a struggle, i saw something small fly through the air. The  both of us staggered back as the miniature bug man grew to be twice as tall as the building beside him. In one car sized hand, he caught Rhodes. "Holy shit!" Peter exclaimed. "Ok, tiny dude is big now, he's big now." Rhodes chattered over the radio. Sam shouted from the air, "Way to go tic tac!"

Tony lowered in front of the huge man. "Give me back my Rhodey!" He said as he faced Sam. They both charged towards each other, clashing in the middle and tumbling in mid air. The bug dude, who was now more like the size of 6 elephants stacked on top of one another, flung Rhodes from his hand. Peter charged forward. "I've got him!" He shot a web at Rhodes as he soured through the air. He dragged Peter along until Peter's feet hit a small plane. Rhodes was flung like a slingshot in the opposite direction and he blasted off in the sky again, Peter swinging behind him. I ran fast as a huge storage box came flying my way. Vision broke it in half before it could hit T'Challa. Next, the bug man broke off the wing of an airplane and thrust it at Tony who was still fighting Sam. Tony dashed away from it and it crashed to the ground in a cloud of thick black smoke and flames. "Ok, anyone on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose, i'm open to suggestions." Tony said over the earpiece. "Well if you'd let me use my gun." I muttered. "You have no idea how much i wish i could let you." Tony replied. 

Redwing made a beeline for Tony but Rhodes, with Peter still attached, started to shoot from the launchers in his armor. As they passed the big guy, Peter let go of Rhodes and shot a web at his bus sized arm, swinging around it again and again and eventually launching at his face. I leant against a truck, clutching my side in pain. "Clara, are you ok?" Nat called to me as she bolted towards me. I nodded. "Steve punched me in the stomach, i think he cracked a rib." Her jaw locked with anger. "I'll be fine. I've had cracked ribs before and still managed to fight." I told her. She turned around, spotting Bucky and Steve making a dash for it near the parking levels. "Go!" I told her and she gave me one more look before rushing off after them. I stumbled forward as Wanda lifted the truck i was leaning against and threw it towards Rhodes and Peter. Even though it hurt, i darted towards her. I jumped to the ground, skidding across and knocking her legs from under her, causing her to lose her control on the truck which crashed to the ground. I jumped up and so did she. We circled each other as our eyes grew unfriendly. "I thought you said you didn't want to fight me." She stated. "That was before you threw two cars at me." I told her. 

She pushed her arms towards me, vapors surrounding me but nothing happening. "It still doesn't work on me!" I reminded her. She frowned and pulls her arms away. "No, i just wanted to see if i had got strong enough to fight through your shield." She spoke. Her face relaxed and she shrugged. "I guess i have no choice but to do this again." She said. I was prepared this time and jumped over the crate she threw my way. I was thankful for the launch soles Tony had put in my boots to help me jump higher. I turned to my right and my eyes opened wide as another passenger boarding bridge, bigger than the cars flew my way. I held it off with my shield but it was much heavier than the two cars had been and as much strength as the shield gave me, it wasn't enough. I shook my head in disbelief as my arms shook under the weight of the box and the energy surging through me. "Wanda, we should be fighting together not each other!" I said between grunts. "That's your fault for choosing the wrong side." She said back. I shook my head, "Wanda i'm fighting for all of us, to keep us together and to keep others safe. I thought that's what you wanted." I tried to push the storage box away but it was too heavy. "I do want that, but you Stark's are going to destroy us all." She shouted. "Us Stark's?" I questioned. "I thought you were different, but i never realized how much like your father you are, always fighting for the wrong thing." Wanda spat. The words cutting through me like a knife. "And i thought you were my friend." I uttered as the weight of the storage box started to win over my shield. Wanda stood open mouthed, not knowing how to defend herself. "At HYDRA we were there for each other." I exclaimed. "Don't you think if he could see us now, he would hate it, he would hate this!" My words almost caught in my throat and Wanda looked away. 

I tried one final time, with every ounce of energy to push the box off me, falling to my knees. The thing started to crush me when suddenly i felt a relief as the weight was removed. I watched in shock as it floated, captivated by red vapors. I looked over to her as she carefully placed it on the ground. She couldn't quite meet my eye at first but eventually looked over to me, with out saying a word. She dashed off towards Vision.  I caught my breath and looked over to my right. Peter was swinging around the bug man and slowly wounding his legs together. "Have you ever seen that really old film called the empire strikes back?" Peter asked over the earpiece. "How old is he again?" Rhodes asked. "Well you know that part, when they are on the snow planet, with the walkey thingy!" He yelled between grunts of effort. "Maybe the kids on to something." Tony said. I had never seen that film so had no idea what was going on. "Tony go high!" Rhodes instructed. Peter finished binding the guys legs together and both Rhodes and Tony flew at full speed towards is head, barging into him and knocking him to the ground with an almighty crash. "That was awesome!" Peter exclaimed before he crashed into a stack of crates. The bug man shrunk back to normal size and groaned.  

I jogged towards Peter who was sprawled on the floor. "Peter? Are you ok?" I asked him, crouching beside him and turning him over so i could see his face. "Ye, i'm fine." He groaned, trying to get up but groaning again and collapsing onto his back. We both clamped our hands over our ears as a loud engine grumbled above us. A jet with Bucky and Steve inside shot over us. "Fuck!" I muttered. Rhodes and Tony attempted to fly after them but they were closely followed by Sam. I looked around us. Vision was holding Wanda who looked drained. Peter was exhausted, i was in pain. It felt like none of us had won. "Vision i got a bandit on my trail." Rhodes spoke over the radio. I heard loud bangs and looked up to see Sam shoot at Rhodes. "Vision!" Rhodes said again. Finally he looked up from Wanda. "Do you copy? Target is gaining, turn him into a glider." The power of the mind stone shot from Visions head towards Sam. Suddenly, Sam ducked at the last minute and Tony yelled as it hit Rhodes. He started to fall quickly, hurtling towards the ground, black smoke billowing from his armor. "Rhodey!" Tony shouted after him. "Tony i'm flying a dead stick." He explained urgently. I stood up panicked. He couldn't stop the impact, but Tony increased speed trying to reach him before the ground did....but he was too late. I flinched as i heard Rhodes smack the ground just outside the airport. Rhodes wasn't responding. "Vision, go see what's happening, if Rhodes is ok." I called across the runway. Vision nodded and flew off. A minute later Vision spoke over the earpiece. "He's alive. Medical is on there way. Along with Secretary Ross." I reached my hand out to Peter and he grasped it, getting to his feet.

Clint rushed to Wanda, the bug dude was still flat on his back and then Nat and T'Challa came rushing out from behind a collapsed wall. "Romanoff betrayed us! She helped them escape!" He announced into the earpiece as he rushed towards us. I looked over to Nat who looked unbothered by this accusation. She muttered to me, "I did what i had to. They weren't going to stop and it was only going to tear us apart more." I mulled over her words and knowing Nat, she had a good reason, one that I would trust blindly. We all looked up as the blades of a helicopter beat above us. The wind wiped my hair in all directions as it came to land. The door flung open and medics rushed out on to the scene. Secretary Ross stepped out from the helicopter and down the steps followed by men dressed in police like attire. "There they are! Round them up!" He instructed. Clint, Wanda and the bug man looked for a place to escape but they already knew there wasn't one. They were cuffed and taken a hold off by the police. "Over here! She's hurt!" Peter yelled, waving at the medics. Two of them rushed up to me whilst the others went in Rhodes direction. 

"I'm fine, really, i think i might have a cracked rib, that's all." I explained as the medics approached me. I tapped my activator and my suit disappeared. One medic lifted my shirt slightly, revealing the wound. There was a huge bruise across my side and a large cut with in it. It was surrounded with dried blood but fresh blood still oozed from the weepy wound. "That looks nasty, it probably is a cracked rib." She reviewed. The man beside her passed her a medical bag. She started to pull out ointments, antiseptics and bandages and got to work with the wound. "Where's Rogers and Barnes!?" Ross bellowed with anger. T'Challa and Nat both went to speak but i quickly spoke over them. "They got away." I explained simply, not letting T'Challa or Nat out her. T'Challa glared at me but surprisingly didn't contradict me like I expected. Ross looked at me with curiosity. "Clara Stark? Didn't expect to see you here." He remarked. "Well my dad needed help, so he called." I replied. "What use would you have?" He questioned. "Well i was pretty helpful in Sokovia and at the Coulson's mall attack." I shot back with annoyance. Peter's eyes widened. "Clara." He muttered through gritted teeth. "Coulson's mall? Of course, it is you isn't it. The mysterious shadow hunter!" Peter looked at me alarmed. "The security cameras saw me, everyone was going to find out anyway." Besides, everyone knew, or would soon know about the red room so i saw no point in pretending i wasn't the shadow hunter anymore. 

I winced slightly as the medic dripped ointment on my wound after cleaning it with antiseptic wipes. "Sorry, it will sting a bit." She apologized. Next she dressed it and stuck a large sticky dressing pad over the top of it. Finally she bound it with a bandage around my waist. "That should heal it but it will take roughly a month. The bruise won't clear up for a while and it will probably scar." She explained, assessing the dressing. "You should probably go to a hospital when you can but clean the wound and change the dressing every two days." She instructed. I nodded, "Don't worry i know what to do, this has happened before." I explained. Another helicopter arrived as Tony, Vision, Sam and Rhodes (on a stretcher) came back. "Wilson!" Ross shouted and his colleagues immediately cuffed him. The four of them were taken into the first helicopter, whilst Rhodes was taken into the second. Tony looked unsure, his body weight leaning towards Rhodes in the helicopter then towards me and Peter. "Tony, I'll go with him." Nat said, striding forward. "I know what you have to do, but be careful." She muttered as she passed him. T'Challa, glared at her as she walked away, un handcuffed. The two helicopters flew off, leaving us in the wreckage of the fight. "T'Challa, Vision, thank you for your help." Tony said, shaking their hands. "No, problem. I should be heading back to Wakanda now." T'Challa stated. "I'm sorry Barnes and Rogers got away." Tony muttered. T'Challa seemed weirdly unbothered.

"They will get what's coming for them." He replied calmly like always. "Mr Stark, i will be returning to the compound." Vision spoke. The pair left and me, Peter and Tony were left standing. "Thank you for your help, you two did a wonderful job." Tony spoke graciously. He turned to Peter. "Are you hurt in anyway?" He asked. Peter shook his head. "Maybe a bruise or two, but i'm good." He replied cheerfully. Tony nodded, turning to me for my answer. "Some bruises, cracked rib, nothing to bad." I replied nonchalantly. Tony furrowed his brows in concern, "Cracked rib?" He questioned. I lifted my shirt slightly to show the bandaged wound. "Curtesy of Captain America." I said. Tony shook his head, "That son of a bitch." He muttered. "You should be getting back to your Aunt May now, before she gets mad at me for keeping you from your homework." he said, turning to Peter again. Peter looked disappointed. "I'll take you back to Happy and the plane." We walked to the plane storage and found Happy drinking champagne on the jet. I hadn't had time to think about where he had gone during the fight but obviously he was on stand by. I expected to get on the plane too but Tony pulled me back. "You can't go home yet, it isn't safe for you. You will stay with me, i have one more job to get done." 

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