The shadow Hunter

By Cinnamon_girl12

1.4K 115 23

A girl who goes by many names, has many things to hide and Alena Rose was always hiding. The red room taught... More

Part 1: Alena Rose-Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Part 2- Clara Stark-Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Part 3- The shadow hunter- Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
chapter 52
part 4- Dama vie chernom-chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55

Chapter 34

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By Cinnamon_girl12

Wanda, Nat, Steve and Sam arrived back at the avengers compound the next day. Tony and Steve had been right about governments wanting to get involved. Secretary Ross was holding a meeting with the avengers at the compound. Tony had left for the meeting and i was sitting in my room on the phone to Peter. "Tony says i have to lay low for a while." I told him. "What because of Sokovia?" Peter asked. "This incident has brought up a lot of speculation about the safety of Wanda and there are a shit ton of conspiracies about me so people don't think i'm safe either." I explained. "But you'll be ok right?" he asked. "Ye, i'll be fine. I'm just worried about Wanda." I said. "Tony's at this stupid meeting now." I continued. "With secretary Ross?" Peter asked. "Yep. Tony thinks there going to want to keep control of the avengers now." I sighed. "Really? That's stupid." Peter said. "I know. That means the government will have to deploy them in an emergency, it will slow them down but dad seems to think it will end up with less people dead." 

"And i doubt you'll be allowed on your little friendly neighborhood Spiderman errands." I said. "Really? You think so?" Peter asked with disappointment. "I mean i don't know, but if Tony is right and they do put the avengers under government control, you are an avengers ally and i doubt they will want you going around with no control." I pondered. "And what about you?" He asked. "What about me?" I questioned. "Well what will you do?" I thought about the question. "Well i don't really do what you do, i guess i'm technically an ally too." I said. "Maybe you will become an actual avenger. You turned it down last time but Mr Stark still made you a suit and now your like freelance." I laughed at the idea of me being a freelance superhero. "Were you offered to be an avenger?" I asked. "After Sokovia, Mr Stark said i had to prove myself before he could promote me." Downstairs i heard the elevator doors open. "Sorry Peter i have to go, i think Tony's home. Bye." I said. "Ok, bye, talk to you later." I hung up and left my bedroom. When i entered downstairs, Tony was sprawled on the sofa, looking exhausted. "How did it go?" I asked. He looked over at me and sighed. "They're putting in place an order, the Sokovia Accords they are calling it." I crossed my arms over my chest and furrowed my brows. "They are a set of legal documents that will regulate the activities of the avengers and any genetically or technically enhanced being." 

"What so we won't be able to do anything with out permission?" I asked and Tony nodded. "117 countries are signing it and we are going to a conference in Vienna this weekend to sign too." Tony sighed and stood up, walking to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of scotch. "I've read over the documents and all in all, i see no problem. Sure we will have less control but it will mean a lot less deaths." He took a sip from his drinks. "Then why do you seem put out?" I asked. If he saw no problem with it then why was he so annoyed. "Rogers and Sam refuse to sign. They don't see the benefit of being under government control, they think it will only make it worse.  Wanda and Vision are on the fence." He groaned. "What about Nat?" I asked. "Surprisingly she is all up for signing." That was a surprise. I didn't expect she would willingly sign for something like this- to be under someone's control. "So Me, Nat and Rhodey are signing on everyone's behalf. If we sign or not we will have the same out come but Steve is too proud to sign." He downed the rest of his drink and placed the glass on the counter. "When are you going to Vienna?" I asked. "Two days." He stated. "Happy isn't coming back from his break until Monday so you will have to stay at the compound." I frowned. "Why can't i stay here? I'm 17, it's only for three days." I questioned. "You know why." Tony said, his eyes piercing through me. 

Tony dropped me off at the compound, picking up Rhodes and Nat on the way to the airport. I stayed in the same room i had last time, next to Wanda. She was still a mess. I tried to convince her we weren't blaming her but she still blamed herself. On the day of the meeting, the rest of us(Me, Sam, Steve, Wanda and Vision) congregated in front of the tv to watch the televised meeting. Sam and Steve sat in a silent grudge. The news reporter stood in front of the UN building with a microphone in her hand. "The King of Wakanda, T'Chaka and his Son, T'Challa are here in Vienna to oversee the signing of the Accords after 11 Wakandan relief workers were killed in the attack." Beside me i saw Wanda flinch and look down into her lap. "I have confirmation that the accords are now being signed." The women reported before the cameras switched to another inside the building. Rows of countries representatives sat in the room, Nat, Rhodes and Tony sat at the fronts. Pens were poised in their hands as they scribbled their signatures. Camera's snapped in the background and then everyone stood up and started to disperse having signed.

 The cameras came back to the women stood outside. "Well, there you have it. The Sokovia Accords have been signed by 177 countries and by the avengers organization." Steve shook his head and stood up, starting to walk away. "From now on, the government defense team will have complete control over-" A shattering bang cut off her words. The footage cut and the screen became fuzzy. "What just happened?" I asked with a slight panic. Steve turned around and started to walk back. The tv cut back to the two anchors in the studio. "Sorry guys but we believe something had happened down in Vienna so we are going to have to go to a short break whilst we check everyone is ok." They said, looking confused whilst shuffling papers. An advert for cereal replaced the studio.

"I don't know." Steve uttered. Sam grabbed the remote and hurriedly searched for another news channel. "There was an explosion." Wanda muttered under her breath. Panic filled me as i grabbed for my phone. As i found my dad's contact on my phone, Sam found another channel which was showing live footage of the UN building in Vienna, half destroyed. Sirens wailed and people screamed on the tv whilst my phone rang in my ear. "Come on, pick up." I muttered to my self. At the bottom of the tv flashed a headline. 'Explosion goes off at UN building after Sokovia Accords are signed.' The phone went to voicemail and so i tried again but again it went to voicemail. He had to be ok, he had to. He couldn't be dead, not now that we were starting to get along.

 Finally, on the 4th call, he picked up. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you ok? What happened?" I asked quickly. He groaned, "Yep i'm ok. There was an explosion but me, Rhodes and Nat are all out." As if to prove his point, on the screen flashed up footage of them being helped out the building. "Are any of you hurt?" I asked. "No, but we are getting check ups from the medics, you don't have to worry." He explained. "I'm coming to Vienna." I told him. "No way." Tony answered immediately. "Why not?" I questioned. "Because it's too dangerous until they find out who set of the bomb." He told me. "you were just in a bombing of course I'm coming." I insisted. "I said i'm fine, there is no need to put yourself in danger." He said. "Yes but you always say your fine, always trying to be strong about it." 

"Well i guess i'm where you get that from." Tony muttered. I rolled my eyes. "Just stay with Steve at the compound and everything will be fine." He told me. "Come on Tony." I uttered with frustration. "Oh so were back to Tony now that your not getting your way." He remarked. I groaned with annoyance. "Stay." He said before hanging up. "Well they are all fine." I told the others. They were all still watching the tv. "We have conformation that the body of King T'Chaka has been found in the building." The screen panned onto his Son sitting silently in an ambulance, getting checked over. "We are still waiting on CCTV footage of the suspect but it should be with us shortly." The 5 of us sat in shock as the news played in the background for a while. 

An hour later CCTV footage was confirmed. "The Feds have managed to secure this picture from CCTV footage 10 minutes before the bomb went off." On the screen popped up an image of a man. I recognized his shaggy, shoulder length hair and although his face didn't look blank like it had before, it still looked the same. "James?" I muttered as i approached the tv. "Bucky." Steve had muttered at the same time. "The man has been identified as James Barnes." We turned to each other suddenly. "You know him?" Steve asked me. "I knew him at HYDRA, they used to get him to fight me to train my shield." I explained. "It was like they controlled him, they used to say these words to him in Russian. But one time i asked him his name and he couldn't remember but the next time i saw him, he remembered. He told me his name was James but some people call him Bucky." I retold the story of those events. "He was talking about you?" I questioned. Steve stayed quiet and crossed his arms. "I knew him a while ago." He said vaguely. "Hang on, that's the man you used to talk about, the man who they made you fight- the one who broke your nose?" Wanda asked, suddenly intrigued. I nodded. Steve looked over at Sam and they gave each other a look. "I need to go to Vienna." He said, walking off to his room. Sam followed him and me, Wanda and Vision were left looking very confused.

 My phone started to ring, it was Nat. "Has Steve seen the news?" She asked when i picked up. "Yes, he just saw it now, he says he's coming to Vienna." I muttered back. "I thought as much. Don't tell him i called. I've got to go." She hung up and Sam and Steve reentered with a small bag each. "Why do you have to go?" Wanda asked Steve. "I have something i need to sort out." He replied, vague again. They left quickly and jumped into one of the cars. My phone rang again in my pocket, it was Peter this time. "I've seen the news, is everything ok?" He asked. "yes, Tony, Nat and Rhodes are fine." I told him. "Ok that's good news." He sighed with relief. "When are you going back to Stark towers?" He asked me. "Tomorrow. I'll call you soon and you can come over maybe." I suggested. "Ye sure, just say when. Bye." 

I was confused. I had hoped James had managed to escape when Ultron invaded the base. But if he escaped and was no longer under the control of HYDRA, then why had he set off the bomb. Surely it couldn't have been him. Under all the brainwashing, he didn't seem like the type of person to do that. But maybe he was still being brainwashed. Why had Steve rushed off to Vienna? What did he mean when he said he knew Bucky? I went to my room and pulled up google on my phone. I typed James Barnes into the search bar and was immediately met with loads of links to pages about WW2. I clicked on the first link. 'James Buchanan Barnes was a soldier in WW2. He was a close friend of Steve Rogers, Captain America. During 1944, he was captured by Nazi's and experimented on however soon his friend Captain America came to the rescue. Unfortunately, James died during a mission on the 9th of January 1945.' My lips parted. He had been friends with Steve. But this website said he died, so how was he alive now?

Seeing and hearing about James again messed with me. It brought back memories of HYDRA. Bad and good. I tried not to think about it, but it was hard. I also wondered what would happen if they found him. If only Tony would let me come to Vienna. I felt so useless and out of touch here. 

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