You Rejected Me So, Fuck Off

By Stephhh29x

414K 8.4K 1.5K

Annabelle is the weak link of the pack. Not to mention she is harassed every single day by her pack members.B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 : You'll regret rejecting me
Chapter 2: You'll Regret Rejecting Me Part 2
Chapter 3: You Just Can't Keep Your Eyes Off Me Can You
Chapter 5: Keep Your Hands To Yourself
Chapter 6: I Guess You Changed
Authors Note
Chapter 7: I Hope You Know I Don't Want You
Authors Note
Chapter 8 : I'll Call You , The Littles
Chapter 9 : I'll Give You One Chance So, Dont Screw It Up
Chapter 10 : Don't Talk To Me , You Screwed It Up!
Chapter 10 : Don't Talk To Me , You Screwed It Up! Part 2
Chapter 11 :You Rejected Me! Leave Me Alone
Authors Note
Chapter 12 : Alpha Cayton Is Kinda Mental
Chapter 13 : Why Did You Mark Me!
Chapter 14 : Best Date Ever!
Chapter 15 : You Were Supposed To Be My Perfect Guy
Authors Note:
Chapter 16 : I choose......
Chapter 17 : I choose You

Chapter 4: Don't Think That Everything Is Peaches And Cream Between Us

21.1K 462 58
By Stephhh29x

* Belle's POV*

I walked away but I felt strong hand wrap around my waist. " I will have you" Cayton whispered to me. " no you won't so keep dreaming" I said.

I tried walking away but his grip on me just tightened.He started kissing and sucking my neck. I could tell my wolf was liking it because she was purring.

I was giving in but , I couldn't ." let me go" I told him. " no babe come on I love you" he whispered. I made him let go of me " don't think that everything is peaches and cream between us" and with that said I walked away.

* Caytons POV*

Why did I have to reject her. God she is making me regret everything I said. Even hitting her was stupid. I need to call Lana. I need her righ now

* Lana's POV*

Cayton called me so I'm going over. When I got there I went up to Cayton's room.

* Belle's POV*

Matt told me to go get Cayton and they need to put a pack meeting together. I went up to his room and I barged in without knocking. " Cayton Matt said you need to ...... OMG IM SO SORRY I SHOULD LEAVE " I said while covering my eyes with my hand." what did Matt say" asked Cayton "he said you should start a pack meeting" I said looking everywhere except for them.

" Your brother doesn't own my mate so bye bitch" Lana said " I know he just wants Cayton to call one" I said back clearly annoyed " no so bye you little whore me and my mate are enjoying our time" if she says Cayton is her mate one more time I'm going to kill her.

" He was just saying.god don't blame him" I told her " okay see ya slut me and my mate ......." before she could finish the sentence I lunged at her. I puncher in the face numerous of times I'm pretty sure I broke her nose and gave her a black and a busted lip.

I pushed her against the wall " HE IS NOT YOUR MATE HE IS MY MATE SO SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled " AS MUCH AS I HATE TO SAY IT HE IS STILL MY MATE SO SHUT UP" it was then that I realized I was choking her when Cayton pushed me off her.

Matt cam and took me out the room.


Sory it's kinda short.

Love , Stephanie

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