Chapter 3: You Just Can't Keep Your Eyes Off Me Can You

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* Cayton's POV*

I got up as I heard a knock on my door. " what do you want Caleb?" He just looked at me " I found my mate and its Jenna your mates best friend but , I rejected her " I looked at him shocked " well , my dear brother prepare yourself because I know Belle and she probably dressed her up very sexy because that's what Belle did to me" he looked like he wish he never did reject her.

* Belle's POV*

We headed towards the kitchen and once we got there trust me everybody was staring at us.Caleb's jaw dropped when he saw Jenna. Jenna and me smiled at each other because the plan was working.

"BIG BRO LETS GO" I yelled to Matt. 5 minutes later he came running down the stairs. He looked at Jenna and said " woah you look sexy. Jen" we heard a growl and we turned around and saw Caleb looking at Matt with so much anger.

" hey! You rejected her remember so she doesn't belong to you any longer!" I yelled . Caleb was about to attack me when Matt , Jenna , and Cayton got infront of me trying to protect me.I looked shocked when I heard Cayton growl . I turned around and yelled " lets go!" To my brother and Jenna.

~ school~

* Jenna's POV*

Well , so far the plan was working. When ever boys would flirt with me and ask me if I had a mate I would say no. Caleb was looking at me the entire time.

~ lunch ~

* Jenna's POV*

I walked into lunch like the proud girl I am. But , what I saw made me want to break into tears. Caleb was holding Ava's hand and when he saw me he smiled and sucked her face off.

May I tell you Ava is school slut number 2. I felt pain when I saw them kiss but , I acted like I didn't care. Then Caleb cleared his throat catching everyone's attention.

" I want everybody to know who my mate is " I looked at him shocked and then he said " Her name is Ava Delorentez" my heart dropped and I felt so much pain. I couldn't handle it I ran out side and shifted in to my brown wolf.

I ran as fast as I could. I finally decided to stop and I didn't know where I as at. Suddenly a loud growl appeared In the woods. I looked around scared. I turned and I saw a big black wolf pounce on me. I winced in pain as it bit my leg.

* Caleb's POV*

Oh shit Jenna's hurt. I called Matt , Belle , and Cayton to me. They all came running. " JENNA, SHE IS BEING ATTACKED BY A WOLF SHE RAN" I heard a loud growl come from Belle and she ran out side with Matt and Cayton following her.

* Belle's POV*

I new exactly where she was. I once went there when I was little and I got attacked by a wolf causing a war. Thats why I was bullied so much.

Finally I saw her brown wolf under a huge black wolf. The black wolf was about to bite her neck but I pounced at him. I rolled him over so I was ontop of him and I started clawing at his face and finally is bit into his neck and it snapped.

I ran up to Jenna " are you okay. Oh my god he bit your foot" she just shifted and passed out. " Caleb give me your shirt now before I force you" he made no hesitation he pulled of his shirt and walked over to me and Jenna.

He looked at her naked body with so much lust and love in his eyes. " hey Caleb her face it up there not down there" I snapped. He just nodded and put the shirt over her body.

He carried her the entire walk home while planting kisses on her neck and face. We called the pack doctor to come and look if she is okay. " well , she is fine she just past out from the lack of blood" we all nodded. I decided to leave when I saw Caleb holding Jenna's hand and sitting on the chair next to the bed.

I left and walked downstairs ad saw Caytonstaring at me and it got kind annoying. " You just can't keep your eyes off me can you" I asked him not even bothering to look at him. " we'll I'm sorry you just so sexy" I turned around " you know you rejected me right?" I asked him. It's abvious that he knows he did. " yes I did but , can we move on and be mates"

Hmmmm I said acting like i was thinking when I new the answer. " how about no" and I walked out

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