Chapter 8 : I'll Call You , The Littles

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~ 3 Months Later~

* Belle's POV *

So the last 3 months have been ...... Great actually. I haven't talked to Cayton and Caleb and me seem to start a besties forever relationship.

As for Jenna she is due any day this month. I'm so excited to see the babies. We still haven't been told their names. But , Jenna is telling us today!

I heard a lite knock on my door and I ran to open it. It was Jenna. YES I NEED TO KNOW THOSE BABY NAMES! " hey so , I have the names" she said as calmly as can be. I looked at her telling her to keep going.

" well , for the boys ........." but , she didn't get to say the name because ..... I honestly don't know why. I waited for her to say something. " OH MY GOSH I THINK MY WATER JUST BROKE!" she yelled " WHAT!?" I jumped of the bed and ran downstairs to get Caleb. "CALEB HER WATER JUST BROKE" I told him. He just stood there shocked. " ARE YOU SERIOUSLY JUST STANDING THERE DO SOMETHING!" I yelled at him. He didn't even say anything he just ran up stairs to Jenna.

Seconds later I saw him carrying Jenna bridal style down the stairs. He ran outside and put her in his car.

* Jenna's POV *

Oh my gosh I'm going into labor. I'm so scared. Not only because I'm about to give birth , but because Caleb was driving 100 miles per hour.

Not even a single word was said during the entire ride.It was really awkward. But , what can you say when your about to give birth.


* Caleb' POV *

I feel really bad for not saying a word to Jenna on the ride here. I was reading her mind and I really felt like a douche. I walked up to the counter and told the woman that Jenna was in labor.

* Jenna's POV *

C'mon suck it up and talk to me! I'm the one having 4 children and not to mention their your children. ' I know these are my children and you will have only my children ' he said threw the mind link.

' can we not fight I just want you to talk to me'

' I'm sorry about not talking to you on the ride here '

' don't be , I'm sorry for saying that '

He just looked at me and pecked my lips. " you shouldn't be sorry for anything. Its my fault" he said before I could even say something I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. " We need to get her to a room now!" the doctor yelled.

The doctor took me to a room and did what doctors do." well it looks like these babies want to see thier parents now because they are coming" I was shocked.

" okay you" she pointed at Caleb " come hold her hand it's gonna hurt her" he said " okay Jenna on the count of three push" " ready 123"

* Belle's POV *

I drove to the Hospitol and I waited infront of thier room. I heard Jenna's screams and cries. Finally I heard baby's crying. I started tearing up. My little god babies are here in the world.

The doctor came out of the room and motioned me to go in. There I saw the most wonderful sight ever. Caleb holding two girls and Jenna holding two boys. I started crying tears of joy. "Hey Belle wanna know thier names?" asked Jenna I nodded I can't wait to know them! " like I said earlier the boys names are Alec and Justin and the girls names are Rosalie and Leah" she said happily.

" which is which " I asked. " Justin has green eyes and Alec has brown ones" " Leah has brown wavy hair and Rosalie has brown straight hair" she said.

I carried all four of my god babies at separate times and put them in thier cribs. I smiled they were so cute! " I'll call you , The Littles" I laughed.

Just then Cayton walked in the room. He walked over to the babies and smiled. " are these my god children. " he asked and Caleb nodded.

Today was the best day ever! Well , besides me looking at Cayton. " wait he is thier god father?" I asked. Caleb nodded " sorry he is your mate and it's supposed to go like that" Caleb said. I grunted but , it's whatever now.

* Jenna's POV *

Giving birth hurt like a bitch. I was squeezing Caleb's hand so hard he winced in pain. But , it was all worth it I have my 4 beautiful babies in the world now.

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