Chapter 7: I Hope You Know I Don't Want You

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* Jenna's POV*

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I found out I was pregnant and since I told Belle. I'm going to a doctors appointment today to see the gender.I walked towards the mirror to check out my baby bump.

It got pretty big since last week. I checked the time and it was 10 until 4 so , I headed downstairs." hey babe , let's go we're going to be late" aww. I smiled at how much he is going to love these babies.

I was getting ready to go down the porch steps but , Caleb picked me up bridal style and put me in the car.Im so glad he did because my feet are starting to swell up.

Because I'm a werewolf I only have 4 months of pregnancy.Yea , pretty weird.

~ Doctors Office ~

Im so nervous right now I can't wait to see the gender of my little twins. " hey, are you okay?" Caleb asked me I just nodded. He grabbed my hand in his " everything is going to be alright. You know I love you and these babies will always love you" he told me " thanks baby" I pecked his lips and waited for the doctor.

Just then the doctor approached us. " hi Jenna , please follow me" we got up and followed the doctor.I layed down on the bed and lifted my shirt up a little bit. When that cold jell touched my stomach. That shit was cold. I looked over to the screen and I saw my baby's there. It's was amazing.

" So , you know how we said you were having twins" oh god what if something happened. I just nodded my head " well , you are having 4 children" omg I'm so happy. " REALLY OH MY GOSH THANKYOU!!" I yelled in excitement.

Caleb ran over to me and hugged me. " baby were having 4 children" I looked at him and he was crying. I started crying too." I know" I replied. This was an emotional moment.

I took the tears off my face and looked at the doctor. " Can we know the gender?" she nodded " you are having 2 boys and 2 girls" I smiled so big.

* Belle' POV*

" hello?" I asked threw the phone " hey it's Jenn we are having 2 girls and 2 boys" she told me "omg aww I'm so happy for you" I told her " thanks , well ill talk to you later I have to talk to the doctor" " okay bye"

I went downstairs because I was hungry. " hey" Cayton said. I just ignored it and walked to the kitchen. " you know what you said is a lie. I love you I don't like Lana" he said " Ohh well I think it's the truth" I said " I love you what are you talking about. You want me and I want you" he said.

" I hope you know I don't want you" I told him. I grabbed my food and sat down.

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