Chapter 15 : You Were Supposed To Be My Perfect Guy

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I haven't talked to Reed in a while , I wonder where he's at? We've been together for a couple weeks now and everytime he moves in for a kiss Cayton is always there to stop it.

Although Cayton has been trying to make me forgive him for the last time I caught him doing the nasty with the slut.

" C'mon forgive me please! "

Can Cayton ever stop!?

" no "

" please "

" no "

" please!? "

" ugh fine! Just shush! And don't mess it up "

" yesss! I promise I won't ! "

" mhmm that's what you said last time "

" this time I'm for real "

" okay. Now get out "

I know , I know your probably thinking why. I accepted him because I had a gutt feeling that I had to and because he was getting really annoying.

I'm really really tired. All I have been doing this week is studying! I should probably go to sleep. I put myself on my bed and closed my eyes to a world of dreams.

~ 3 Hours Later ~

" open the door!! "

Ugh I hate being woken up like this! I got up and opened the door to a very impatient Reed. "Hey" I said with a smile on my face. " You accepted Cayton! " he yelled

"Woah! Calm down. And yes I did , he was getting really annoying and I had a gutt feeling " I explained.

" Why!? He is going to mess everything up! "

" Calm down! He isn't going to mess anything up! "

" Yes he is! I'm not going to be your boyfriend if your friends with him! Sorry , but it's over. "

" No he isn't! Shut up! You were supposed to be my perfect guy! Not break up with me because I'm friends with somebody you don't like! "

At the sound of me yelling Cayton burst threw the door. " what's going on ? "

He asked. I didn't answer I just ran out the room and out the house. I ran to my spot and started yelling.

You Rejected Me So, Fuck OffWhere stories live. Discover now