Chapter 10 : Don't Talk To Me , You Screwed It Up!

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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated lately. I've just been so caught up with school and I had to go with my little cousin to his Valentines Day party. Ughhhh. This weak was just so stressful. I haven't gotten sleep at all. Well yea, any ways I'm sorry.


* Belle's POV *

Me and Cayton have been acting like the best friends of 2013 lately. But , not mates I've been telling him for us to just be friends. I'm actually surprised he has excepted that.

I'm in my room right now watching ' Fasion Police '. How much I love this show! " Blueberry " Cayton calls " what Cake!? " If your wondering why we are calling eachother food names is because we named eachother that. His favorite junk food is Cake and my favorite fruit are Blueberrys.

" where are you!?" he asked " in my room!?" We are yelling at eachother because he is downstairs and I'm up here. My door busted open and in came Cake.

"hey Blueberry we have school tomorrow. We are out of break" I grunted " ugghh I hate school! Wanna skip , Cake" I said to him

" As much as I would love too , I need to see my friends" he said " hmmm sure you probably just wanna see your whore" he scolded at how I said that.

" I don't fuck with her anymore she has STDS and I can't deal with that, and you said it yourself she is a whore!" he yelled. "okay, okay fine you didn't have to yell"

~ School During Class~

" Mr. Campbell can I go to the restroom" he nodded. I got up and got out the room. I heard moaning coming from the janitors closet. I don't know why , but I followed the noise.

Right there infront of me Cayton was having sex with Lana. Lana was just smirking at me. Then Cayton turned around and saw me. He quickly got up and put on his clothes he opened the door to talk to me , but I ran. I ran home.

" Blueberry wait let me explain!" I just ran to my room and laid on my bed. Then the door busted open and in came in Cayotn. " c'mon let me explain" he said " no get out!" I said "please" he whined " get out!" I saw his eyes turn pitch black , but I didn't care.

" I trusted you , but you still chose the whore I don't want you here!" I yelled " Don't talk to me, you screwed it up!" I yelled at him. Everything happened so quick , but I felt it......... He slapped me.

I fell to the floor so hard. I started crying because it hurt so much and I know his Wolf took over . Once he saw me crying his eyes softened. " blue I'm sorry I didn't mean to , my wolf took over"

" get out !" and with that he left. I need my big bro I haven't seen him lately.

I went to his room and knocked on the door. " oh my god sis what happened " he said hugging me. " Cayton" I whispered. I just then realized there was a girl in my brothers room.

" oh I forgot to tell you this is my mate , Journey" I ran to her and hugged her " oh my gosh Hi! I'm Matts sister Belle" I said.She hugged me back " hi Belle , I'm Journey" she giggled. " well , I'll leave you two alone" and I walked out.

Everyone is out of school right now so im going to call Jenna.

Later Jenna came knocking on my door. " explain " she said looking at my cheek. After I finished telling her she was mad. " CAYTON!" she yelled.Before I could stop her she was already downstairs yelling for Cayton.

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