Just Ask Me To

By Harperaus

5.6K 75 17

Louis has a brain wave but needs the other boys to agree. He hasn't seen any of them for years... he hasn't e... More

I Let


167 2 0
By Harperaus

As much as Louis was hurting he knew he'd do anything for the man sitting in front of him so he pushed away the urge to beg him for another chance and instead took his hand and smiled as he asked. 'Friends?'


Harry squeezed his hand and was about to say something else as the door to the sun room crashed open. The two of them looked up to see a giggling Liam and Niall stumble into the room shushing each other as Liam pushed Niall against the wall and kissed him.

Harry and Louis looked at each other in shock and then smiled. Louis started laughing and said loudly, 'Do you think we should tell them we're here or just let them go?'

Liam and Niall jumped away from each other both turning a shade of red.

'We were, we were, umm we were just err...' Stuttered Liam.

Harry laughed. 'We can see what you were just doing mate. Good to see you both happy and enjoying your time together.'

Niall grinned at them. 'And what's going on with you two in here?'

Louis looked at Harry and smiled fondly. 'I just made a new old friend.'

'I'm glad you guys talked it out.'

Harry stood up and walked towards the two men by the door. 'So am I. Come on lets go get you some breakfast.'

Liam looked to where Louis was still sitting. 'Make me a coffee? I'll be in, in a few minutes.' He wanted to touch base with Louis and make sure he was ok. Harry and Niall left the room to organise coffee and breakfast for them. Liam walked over and sat in the chair that Harry had just left.

Louis patted Liam on the leg. 'So what's going on there?'

Liam smiled. 'I'm honestly not sure but we're having fun and it feels right. Maybe we're both in a better place to make things work this time... or maybe it's just for now and either way I think I'm ok with it. How about you?'

Louis took a breath and let it out again. 'Harry and I spoke about everything and I think he kind of understands a bit better now why I did what I did. He's still hurt and it might take him a long time to really forgive me but he wants to be friends and I'd do anything for that man so if he wants to be friends, we'll be friends.'

'Wont that be hard for you though, being friends with the man you're still in love with?'

Louis tried to hide the tears in his eyes but he knew Liam could see them. 'It's going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done but if being his friend is the only way I can have him in my life then I'll do it.'

'I understand mate, I really do. If it's ever getting too much I'm always here for you.'

Louis and Liam stood up and embraced each other, then they moved out of the sun room and went to meet the other boys in the kitchen. When they got there Harry, Niall and Zayn were sitting around the kitchen table eating breakfast and talking about the songs they were to record that day.

Zayn sat quietly eating his breakfast chatting occasionally but mostly he just observed the rest of the band. After some time he started to chuckle to himself.

Louis looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. 'You alright mate?'

'I'm great Lou, just feels like old times. Lucky I'm not precious about being the fifth wheel.'

Harry frowned at Zayn. 'What do you mean by that? You're never the fifth wheel, we're all friends.'

Zayn smiled. 'We're definitely all friends but I'm definitely the fifth wheel.' He nodded his head towards Liam and Niall. 'Those two are obviously smooching on each other again and I'm sure it won't be long before you and Louis sort your shit out and realise you're still in love with each other.'

Louis snapped at Zayn. 'We have sorted things out Zayn, we're friends. That's it, just friends.'

'Ok mate, whatever you say.' Zayn said with a smirk.

Louis couldn't help but notice the look of hurt that passed over Harry's face when he had told Zayn that they were just friends. What did it mean? It was Harry that wanted to be friends. Given the choice Louis would take Harry into his arms and never let him go again. The only thing stopping him was knowing that Harry didn't want that. Harry needed to heal from Louis and move on without him. Friendship would have to be enough... unless that look meant something. Louis internally groaned, Harry couldn't give him any hope because if he did Louis would snatch it up with both hands.

Hi all, thanks to those people who are reading along x

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