Kidnapped by Kingpin

By MrsSueNovels

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#1 in self healing 6/7/2023 - 6/9/2023, 6/1/2023 - 06/03/2023, 2/2/2023 and 2/7/2023 Priscilla POV: I finally... More

The Kidnapping
Meet God
Bestie Patrol
Playing Nice
The Moment of Truth
A Life Saving Deal
Welcome to the Unknown
Wrap Me Up
Reality Bites
Prep Work
Date Night
A Rat
Kingpins Goddess
Movie Night
The Plan
Shoot me
Choices Made
Bright Light
Who's Saving Who


69 6 0
By MrsSueNovels


"Well, I am not sure, but the house has two sets of them. So when they get through this one, the second set will go into place."


"So let me get this straight."

I leaned against the desk with my arms crossed.

"You had this here this entire time, and you didn't think about using it when they kidnapped me?"


Now I'm getting shit from her. I sat down and looked at her.

"To be honest, I didn't think of it. I wish I had because then maybe you wouldn't have fallen in love with the Kingpin."


I crossed my arms at him.

"I don't regret falling for him, dad. He is very sweet and treats me well."


"I know you don't. It's why I agreed to help Ryder with this."

I pulled up my work on the serum I created to save her with on a tablet. Then I handed it to her.

"Here. This is everything I researched when I created the serum to save you with. This should tell you what you are in for."


I sat on my bed and pulled some of his shirt towards my nose to smell him again, except his smell has faded. I lost track of how long we have been down here for. Those damn alarms keep going off. I've read my dad's research a million times. He used a huge mixture of mutants, witches, and anything that had a special ability to save me. So, who knows what all I can do.


I grabbed a plate of breakfast for Priscilla. She hasn't been eating recently. It's almost like she is depressed or sick. I walk into her room and set the plate down on her nightstand, and sat down next to her.

"How are you holding up, hun?"


"Okay, I guess."

I really want to go back to him, to be in his arms again. I miss him so much. I wrapped my arms around myself to comfort myself.


My poor daughter. She is hurting pretty bad.

"Priscilla, it's only been a few months since we been down here, and it's been all over the news about the Kingpin and Riccardo having a death match going on. I'm sure it will be over soon."


Oh, my god.

"Did you say a couple of months?"


"Yeah, why?"

Oh, she got of bed on that one.


I paced because I can't believe I didn't pay attention. That son of a bitch knocked me up. I turned to face my dad.

"I think I'm pregnant."


She just now realized that.

"Honey, I know."

I also know you are about to leave to go tell him.


"You know, and you didn't think of telling me?"

What the hell is he up to now?


"You can call me selfish, but I knew the second you realize you were, you would leave here to go tell him."


I jumped into my father's arms. He knows me so well.

"I love you, dad."


I wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you too."


I pulled away and grabbed my plate.

"I need help to locate Kyle. He is Ryder's house doctor. He can confirm I'm pregnant and take me to Ryder."


"I think I can help with that."

I head out to the main area and sat down in front of the computer.

"The one thing I didn't tell Ryder is how I also do IT work for the government. So I can locate anyone."


My father has so many secrets it's not even funny.

"Dad, why did you never tell me?"


"Because I had to protect you from terrorist who kept coming after me. The less you knew, the better off you were."

There are too many Kyle on this list.

"Do you know Kyle's last name?"


I sat down next to him to look at the screen.

"I don't, but I know what he looks like."


Now that could work. I just need to pull up their driver's licenses for her to flip through.

"Here is their driver's license. Flip through these until you find him."


I pulled up to the house, and I didn't see Samuel. He told me to be here.


I gave the guys a day off today because the second we broke through the steel door, a second one came down. I could see Aaliyah looking for me. I walked up behind her to whisper into her ear.

"Looking for someone."


I turned my head towards his words, and he pulled me into a kiss. Is it terrible of me to be with the enemy? Probably, but he isn't just anyone. He's Sammie.


"Dad, I found him."

I wrote the address down and went to go change.


I walked over to the screen, and he is like thirty minutes from here.

"Honey, how are you going to get there?"


I opened my door up as I pack a bag because I was not leaving his clothes behind.

"Are Riccardo's men still outside?"


I pulled the surveillance up.

"They are, but how are you going to get past them?"


I smiled as I came out of my room with my backpack on.

"Because dad, I have one thing they don't have."

I flipped my hand up to turn the light on.

"I can control my abilities now. They won't know what hit them."


In this moment, right here, I'm glad I let her learn what she can do.

"And what about Ryder? He is going to be pissed that you went back before he came to collect you."


No, he will not be pissed. He is going to be in god mode.

"I'm praying about what he said to me the night we met with you. He meant it."


"What did he say to you?"


I walked over to the door and turned towards dad.

"That with me it's different. I'm worthy of carrying his child because he loves me, and I'm going to make him confess it to me."


Now that's my daughter.

"You will only have a few minutes before they realize you are coming out. So be prepared for anything."


"No one is laying a finger on me or my child, dad. You just be ready for when we come to get you out of here, and no matter what, you stay in here with the door locked."

I gave my father one last hug.


"I love you, Priscilla."

I gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"I would say you have about a month before they will get through the front door."


"Got it. Let's hope it doesn't take me that long to get to Ryder."

I stood at the door and took a deep breath. Then I single my dad to open the door.


I hit the button to open the door for her. Once she walked through it, I closed the door. Lord help her because she is going to need it. I sat down and flipped the surveillance on to watch what happens.


I crept out from behind the rug, and then the lights turned on. I flipped my hand up to kill the lights. You could say, I had a lot of fun practicing what I can do and reading what abilities I could do. I crept quietly to the front door, making sure I didn't see anyone, and I continue to take the lights out. I have to take them by surprise.


I was deepening our kiss when I heard a noise from the house. I pulled away and the steel door is opening. Oh, my god. It's her.

"Stay here Snooki. I have to go take care of some business real quick."


Wait... What business?

I looked towards the house, and Ryder's Prissy was heading this way. Oh no.


What the hell is Aaliyah doing sucking face with that creep?

Well, she going for a ride. I lift one hand with my bright light to blind them. Then I used my other hand and sent Aaliyah flying over to the woods.


What the fuck?

Oh, Ryder has some god damn explaining to do with his Prissy throwing my ass into a damn tree.

And what is up with the damn light coming out of her hands?

Where the fuck is my phone?


Jesus... Where the hell is this sun blinding light coming from?



Yeah, this is totally fun. I took this guy and toss him into a tree. Then I ran towards his car, but I saw a cell phone on the ground. That could come in handy. I picked it up and shut it off to keep them from tracking me. Now I need keys. I looked up at him and flipped him upside down. Then I gave him a little shake. Come on. Give me those keys.



What the hell is she doing?

"Put me down."

Then my keys and wallet fell out of my pants.


I caught his keys and brought them over to me.


Then I put him back into the tree and ran to his car. I got in and took off to head to Kyle.


It's nine at night and someone is at my damn door. It better not be Shooter calling me to Ryder again. I got up and opened the door.



Yep, he remembers me. I moved him inside his house and closed his door. Then I locked it.

"I need your help, Kyle."


"How the hell did you find me?"

And I don't remember her being able to move things like she just moved me.


I looked out the window to make sure they did not follow me. I mean, I left the vehicle behind at the grocery store and walked the rest of the way here. So I think I'm good.

"My father found you."

I turned to face him.

"I need you to confirm that I'm pregnant, and then you are taking me to Ryder."


Oh shit. Ryder knocked her up. I should have known he would do this because he never plays the pull out game. He always makes them have an abortion. I think I will let him tell her that because I am not going up against her powers.

"Okay. First off, where you followed?"


"I'm pretty sure those who could follow me are still stuck in the trees I put them in, and one might be still be seeing sparkling stars."

So, I'm pretty sure I am good with just that.

"Plus, I left the car at the grocery store and walked the rest of the way here."


"You put them into a tree?"

Oh, Ryder is just going to love this shit. She's going to be his secret weapon. You watch.

"Come on. Let's get some blood drawn to confirm he knocked you up."


I just love his reaction to how I escaped. So funny. I followed him until we got to this lab looking room.


"Have a seat and roll up your sleeve. A blood test is the most accurate test."

I grabbed the items I need and walked over to her. I tied her arm off and looked for a vein. Then I inserted the needle to pull blood out.


Oh, I think I need to look the other way on this because I'm getting nauseated with the blood. Then I felt the back of my throat drop. Oh, this is not good.


I looked up at her and she was changing colors fast. It's time to move faster because she is about to lose her cookies. I pulled on the tie to unlock it. I grabbed cotton swab and pulled the needle out. I put a bandaid on her and then handed her a throw up pan.

"It will take about ten minutes for the test results. Just try to calm your nausea down."

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