Por crybabybarbie

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โค๏ธCover by MadPierre_ Malia Ward was never the IT Girl. She was always a reserved, quiet student. Until th... Mรกs



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Por crybabybarbie

+Nunnadet Shit-Asian Doll+


"Alright boys! It's crunch time! Our final game is in a week. We've got a little break. We had a great practice today. Go freshen up, get some rest. Make sure you're energized for the drive home tomorrow!"

Coach pep talks the guys as they end their practice. Namjoon feels like he just did an hour shift but his energy level is still high. The way he slept like a baby the night before might explain it.

You'd have thought Malia was having sex for years the way she handled him last night. She woke up horny and the first thing she did was wake him up. She was barely up herself which led to sleepy sex that drew the quietest moans from their mouths.

Namjoon liked that even though they're shaky sometimes, Malia never loses her comfort around him.

He can't wait to get back to the hotel to see her. The dancers convinced their coaches to let them stay another day. With the argument that 'it made sense since the team they were dancing for wasn't going back yet.' Camryn and Taija headed the debate with Malia backing with strong head nods until their coaches agreed.

"Joon, we got invited to a campus party. You coming?" Tyrell asks as they walk out of the gymnasium.

"They let them throw parties?"

"At the end of their sports seasons, yeah. Win or lose, they rage."

"I'll go. I gotta stop to see Lia first, though. Her and the girls having a pizza party like they in elementary school or something." Namjoon jokes and Tyrell smacks his teeth.

"What? And they didn't invite us? That's crazy."

"Malia said Camryn told them not to. I don't know what that's about." He shrugs and Tyrell pulls out his phone.

"Me either, but I bet I find out." Tyrell texts all of the girls in one group chat.

"If Malia tell you before she tell me, Imma know something."

Ty laughs as he starts getting replies. All of them telling him to mind his business in various different ways. Namjoon shakes his knowing that that was going to be one of the possible replies.

When they get back to the hotel, they shower and Namjoon goes to Malia's room. He slides the key card in and walks inside. She pokes her head out of the bathroom and looks at him.

He kisses her cheeks as she goes back to wrapping her hair up.

"How was practice?" She asks him as he stands behind her against the wall.

"Good. Coach was on our ass but it was expected given who we're playing against." Namjoon answers as he watches her. He looks at her attire at the same time she takes in his.

"Why are you dressed like you're going somewhere?"

"I am. We got invited to a party on campus."

Malia narrows her eyes.

"It's not like that. It's just a party, I promise. I'm not gonna fuck with anybody else, Malia. Relax."

"You always telling me to relax right after you do some bullshit." She looks him up and down. He smacks his teeth and puts his hands in his pants as he leans against the wall.

"I didn't do anything. I've been up under you for the last 16 hours. Then I went straight to practice. When did I have time to do bullshit?" He tilts his head looking at her. She looks at him through the mirror.

He looks completely serious and fed up with the conversation. Truthfully, he is. But he knows that he has to reassure her and that's the only reason he's still participating. He didn't do anything wrong and wants her to know that.

"Who's throwing the party?" She asks as she ties her scarf.

"Their basketball team. They're cool, Lia. We're just going to see what it's like. If there's weird shit going on, we probably won't stay for long."


Namjoon narrows an eye at her. That's it? No more than that? Last time she didn't put up a fight, she ended up in Xavier's face.

"Okay what?"

"Okay, nothing. What you mean?" She turns to look at him. "You said you're going to the party, I said okay." She says casually.

"You're staying here, right?" He asks and she gives him a 'duh' look.

"Where else imma go dressed like this?" She gestures to her body and Namjoon looks at her black Tweety Bird pants and his yellow shirt. It has the school name on the front and and his last name on the back like a jersey.

"I don't know. Y'all better stay here though." He walks out of the bathroom and she follows him.

"And if we don't? I'm grown."

He smacks her thigh and she hisses at the sting. She smacks him in his arm and he's unphased. He's used to the soreness. He spent two weeks straight in the gym every single night for hours on end.

"You're not grown. And even if you were. I still don't care. You heard what I said."

"Whatever." She puts black socks on and her Nike slides. "What time the party supposed to be over?"

"Uhh. I don't know. I didn't ask but we can't stay too late, anyway. We leave tomorrow. It's eight right now. We'll probably be back at like 11, 11:30 at the latest if they're cool."

"Mhm." She crosses her arms looking him up and down. "Don't talk to nobody I wouldn't like." She says and he laughs when she smiles.

"You don't like anybody."

She pulls him to her and he licks his lips to kiss all over her face and neck. She giggles and tries to push him off.

"I ain't pull you over here for all that." She laughs as he squeezes her in his arms. She smiles through his kisses until he reaches her lips again. She has to force herself to stop laughing to kiss him back.

"I love you." He tells her, making direct eye contact. His hand rub her skin as she's held against his body.

"I love you too." She pecks his lips. "Now get off me so I can go eat my pizza." She tries to detach herself from him and he grips tighter.

"Gimme a kiss."

"I just gave you one."

"I want another one."

She smacks her teeth but gives him his kiss before he lets go of her. They exit the room together holding hands. Namjoon walks her to Taija and Kaia's room. They groan playfully when they see him.

"Hello to y'all too." He walks by and goes to a pizza box.

"Uh uuhhnnn. Nobody said you could eat up all our food." Kaia says dramatically and he chuckles.

"I'm not taking it all." He says as he grabs a napkin and two slices. He takes a bite and walks to the door. On the way out, he gives Malia a kiss.

"I'll see you later, baby." He tells her.

"See you later." She closes the door and all her teammates look at her. "What?"

They all start scolding her at once.

"Why you bring him down here?"
"You know damn well he eat up every piece of food in his vicinity."
"Now we two pieces short because of that friendly ass giant."

Malia laughs as she grabs a paper plate and her slices of pizza. She plops onto Kaia's bed and chews her food. The other girls get their food and pile into the beds as well.

"So are y'all officially together now? Because this gray area is killing me. I feel like I'm watching a telenovela or something." Camryn says. The girls laughs and Malia shrugs.

"I don't know. Not like, officially, but I don't want him to go anywhere. We're kind of in a weird space. But it isn't completely bad, you know?"

Taija understands to an extent, Camryn and Kaia do not.

"How not? Niggas be playin and then could easily use the excuse of ' but we're not together'." Kaia mocks and Taija snorts.

"And trust me, they will use it." She mumbles under breath.

"That's exactly the thing. We're not together, he can technically do what he wants and so can I. At least this way, when he slips up, I don't have to get hurt by it. He's not my man."

Taija hums and nods in approval. Camryn thinks about her words and Kaia smacks her teeth.

"Girl, hell naw. If y'all were together, he wouldn't be doing the shit at all. He could never use that excuse. It wouldn't exist. You'd have him to yourself."

Cam shakes her head as she swallows her juice. "There's no guaranteeing that, though. All solidifying the relationship does is make sure it hurts if he does fuck up. Because then he owed you the loyalty and trust that he broke."

"Right." Malia agrees. She isn't really sure how to feel about anything. She wants Namjoon to be hers but the thought of him doing something while they're together is tugging in her mind.

She doesn't know what she would do. She can't think of would happen in that scenario, she doesn't want to either.

Soft knocking is heard on the door and Taija gets up to answer it. Coach Netta and looks at all of them. "Now why y'all in here leaving them cheerleaders by themselves? I know y'all like to keep to y'all selves but this is supposed to be bonding for everybody. We're one school. We gotta act like it. Bring your pizza and come on to the big room." She says.

The girls hold in their disgruntled nature out of respect for Coach and gather things up. They all walk down in their pajamas and enter the room together.

The cheerleaders look at them as they come in, seeing the food in their hands. They sit at a table separate from them and continue to eat and talk amongst themselves.

"Y'all always doing something without everybody else. Nobody told us about pizza." Destiny talks to them from their table.

"Take the hint." Kaia says, chewing her food.

"I know y'all coach just gave y'all the talk about being one team. It wouldn't have been hard for y'all to invite us." Chloe leans back against her chair.

"For what? So y'all can nitpick and start drama like y'all always do? I don't think so." Malia speaks up and Camryn adds to it.

"That and I don't like y'all anyway." She admits. Taija snorts and Malia stops chewing for a second at her bold statement.

"Girl, whatever. You only got animosity because I was fucking your man over the summer." Destiny says.

Malia's eyes snap to Camryn. She doesn't even look surprised, just annoyed and upset. She assumes this is why she didn't want the guys invited. She hasn't been feeling sick, she's pissed.

"That's why they're all mad." Chloe laughs.

Malia is tired of their mess. Both of them, she's sick of it. 

"All you ever did was suck Joon off and Destiny, I've never heard anybody talk about you. Whatever they did with y'all couldn't have been that special if they didn't care to give it up. With you begging and all. Get over yourself."

"That's funny coming from somebody who got fucked for a bet. Your so-called man was just texting Destiny a week before we left campus." Chloe rebuttals.

All of the dancers give her looks of confusion, not knowing what she's talking about and assuming that she's on bullshit. Destiny snickers under her breath.

Malia doesn't know if she's lying or not. Namjoon told her that Destiny did text him but that it was a while ago. The whole bet situation is null and void to her. If Namjoon did it for a bet, he wouldn't still be in her face.

"This is exactly why I didn't want to come down here. You bitches always starting some shit. Y'all bragging about tryna fuck the same dudes. That's nasty. Nobody cares but you gonna watch your fucking mouth talking to her like you're crazy." Taija stands up, ready to fight after the words that came out of Chloe's mouth.

Regardless of if they're true or not, she's not going to let anybody talk to her friends any kind of way.

"How are we starting stuff?" Destiny asks. "We're just telling y'all what your man won't. I bet Midas still didn't tell ole girl how he was in my face."

Camryn snaps and lunges for the girl. She pulls her out of the chair and onto the ground, punching her as she does it. She has a knee in her chest, pinning her to the floor as she hits her. Destiny tries to get up while swinging back and Cam drops her knee into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her.

That starts more commotion as Malia moves to pull Camryn off of her. She isn't on the dance team through a scholarship but a fight could still potentially get her removed or unable to participate for some time in the following year.

Camryn drags Destiny across the floor by her shirt as her friends try to pull her off.

"Cam, let her go."

"Fuck that." Camryn breaks free and punches Destiny right in her face.

Chloe tries to grab Malia while she's not paying attention and Kaia pushes her back. The girl falls backward into the chair, causing her to fall through the plastic as it collapses.

Destiny swings up at Camryn as she's being punched onto the ground. Malia and Taija pull their friend off and get her away from the fight. She yells at Destiny as she's led to the elevator.

"Bitch, I'll fuckin kill you!!"

"And Chloe, you pussy as fuck for that shit!" Kaia shouts to the girl.

"Fuck you, bitch! Malia, I'd check your man if I was you! You never know what shit he out here giving you." She yells as the girls get in the elevator.

"Imma punch this stupid bitch in his mouth." Camryn pulls her phone out and calls Midas. "I swear to god. I tried to calm down and him slide. But now imma fucking kill him."  It rings and rings but he doesn't answer. She calls him back to back as they go to Malia's room.

Their coaches are definitely going to want to know what happened. The fight didn't go on for very long but Camryn got a lot of punches in. Her knuckles are swollen and Destiny's nose was bleeding.

As they sit there, Malia thinks about Chloe's words. While she could very well be saying things just to say them, Malia still has to question Namjoon, for her own sanity. She texts his phone and sees that it delivers but gets no response.

She looks up from her phone and blinks. She knows he's at a party but could he at least text her back. Now isn't a good time to leave her to overthink things.

"Did any of the guys post anything in the last hour?" She asks out loud. All of the girls check social media.

"Ty posted a video on his Instagram story." Kaia says. They gather around her phone as she plays it.

Malia watches and sees Namjoon holding up a red cup as he smiles at the camera. He's smiling pretty damn hard for his dimples to be that visible in the dimly lit room.

"Oh hell no." Taija says all of a sudden. "Click back real quick. Cause I know this nigga don't have a bitch in his lap like I won't pull up."

Sure enough, it looks as if Tyrell has a girl's leg hanging over his as he sits on a couch. Malia looks at Taija, wondering when she and Tyrell started talking.

She wonders if she's been so caught up in her own thing that she missed it. Or if they've really just never said anything and kept it low.

"Uh uhn. Don't even worry about it." Kaia tells them. "They have to come back, anyway. There's no need to start fights in public like that. They can call the cops on us from there. Just wait it out."

Although they're not in total agreement on not going, they do agree that they could be arrested for fighting on campus property. So they sit in the room and wait.

15 minutes later and both of their coaches are the door, ready to get the full story of what happened with the cheerleaders.

At 11:15, after a very long and reprimanding conversation with their coaches, the girls call it a night. The disperse to their rooms and Camryn thanks Coach Netta a bunch of times.

She is technically, under school rule, supposed to be suspended for 90 days into the next season due to fighting. But her and Coach had a very hefty conversation. Camryn cannot have anymore infractions at all or Coach Netta will be forced to tell to the school about it. As long as she stays in the clear, she won't say anything.

Both coaches can now understand the reasoning behind their hesitation to be around the other team. They have full understanding of the situation and will speak to the cheerleaders' coaches about it as well.

It's decided that instead of leaving in the morning, they'll make the two and a half hour drive that night. The girls pack their things without saying much and board their bus. Malia puts her phone on Do Not Disturb and puts her headphones in.

She listens to music for the entire trip, not bothering to take the headphones out when they arrive back on campus. She gets to her dorm, dumps her clothes into the hamper and lays in bed.

Before she goes to sleep, she sends Namjoon a lengthy text. She reads it over twice before locking her phone and putting it on the charger.

By the time Namjoon reads it, her mind will be made up.

+Whew.... I love me some Camryn

+So Malia knows about the STI and Destiny messaging Joon situation now. He didn't want her to find out either one of them but now she knows about both

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