All In ~Minsung FF~

By TaehyunsTripod

231K 8K 3.9K

~ In which two criminals meet at a jewelry store during a heist ~ ~☆~☆~☆~ "I'm on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
WTH 👁👄👁
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Bonus - Christmas Special🎄
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 ☕📖
Chapter 40 ☕📖
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Thank You!
50k Special 🥳🥳
100K Kids!!!
All In: Side Hustle
Thank you Thank you 💜💜
Discord Server ✨

Chapter 37

2.5K 108 28
By TaehyunsTripod

Leaving the house was a disaster.

As soon as we got back from the heist, Jeongin ran to us and asked a billion questions.

Are we ok?
Is anyone hurt?
Did the police see us?
Did another group come in?
What did we get?
Which store did we go to again?
You said you'd be home in one hour, it's been 10 minutes over an hour!

I'm not sure if this was because he's always cautious when we go out, or because of last night's events.

I told him everything last night was not as much of a problem that Chan made it, but maybe that didn't get through to him.

Either way, after we stored the clothes away, I told Jeongin that I was going out. He knew why and where I was going, and easily agreed to cover for me.

As I was leaving Seungmin wanted to show me a part in one of our articles for approval. But one part turned into two, and three, and the whole week's worth of our page.

I thought Jeongin was in charge of the article, why do I have to look it over?

Eventually, Seungmin tired himself out and decided to go to bed. With Chan already laying down too, I snuck out the front door and hopped into my car.

Finally at the park, I shuffle towards the oak tree to see a black jacketed figure sitting at the base.

As soon as I step close, Minho looks up to me with a smile.

"Hi, sorry I'm late. My team kep-"

I'm cut off by his lips on mine, followed by his hand reaching for the side of my face. I even caught myself off guard by kissing back right away.

After an extended moment, he pulls back with a wide smile, keeping his hand on my cheek.

"I've been waiting to do that since you left the party."

"That was yesterday."

"Oh yeah, it was." He says nonchalantly.

He sits back down, grabbing my hand in the process to pull me with him.

I sit next to him under the tree, staring at the grass out of surprise. Once I'm settled, he reaches over to lay his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

We're so close, there isn't even any room in between us.

Somehow, surprising myself, I relax my muscles and lean my head on Minho's shoulder. He looks over to me and I see a small smile spread across his face as he leans his head gently onto mine.

Am I supposed to feel uneasy when I'm so close to someone like him? Someone I don't know?

Instead I feel ... safe. Safer than I feel at home. Actually, I feel ... at home.

This is odd. Chan always says how interacting with someone other than our group is dangerous. But if that's true, why do I feel more at ease in Minho's arms than I do in my own bed?

I'm not sure how long I was staring off into space for, but after a while, Minho shook my shoulder to bring me back.

"Are you ok, kitten?"

"I'm fine. I.. was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Just .. you didn't answer my question earlier."

At this, Minho lifts his head and moves his hand to my back. I sit up and look straight at him.

I didn't really expect him to give me a 100% certain answer, especially not when we were at the shop earlier. But I need some type of clarification.

He doesn't respond right away, he just stares back at me.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know. I've never done this before. All of this is new to me, and I don't know where to go next." I said quietly.

He tilts his head to the side a bit and moves his hand from my back to the side of my face, gently caressing my cheek with his thumb.

After a few seconds, he inhales and exhales, letting a smile spread across his face.

"Then we'll go slow. That way you have time to figure out what we are, and I have time to savor our time together."

Before I say anything, he pulls me closer so I fall onto his chest. Soon I'm wrapped in his embrace, curled on his lap as he lays his head on mine.

I don't try to move away, instead I move closer and lean against him. The extra body heat is serving really well as a shield from the cooler air.

After this, no other words were said, we just stayed in each other's arms for a while. I didn't have to be back since everyone was asleep, and he didn't have to be back since he's a leader.

While we sit together, I swear I can feel him placing small kisses on the top of my head. I could get used to this.

This one was cute ☺️

I meant to post a chapter to celebrate the new year, but I was celebrating with my family and dealing with the annual anxiety that comes with fireworks. Basically, when everything was done I was too tired and went to bed immediately.


Also, I finished uploading my Soobin FF onto AO3, and am now starting to put 'All In' up too. It's going to take me a bit to have it completely up thought, because I get busy or procrastinate 😁

Here is the first meme of the new year:

Love you guys!❤🖤❤🖤❤

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